Living life on the edge: YOLO, but my wallet says broke.
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#Travel #Wanderlust #Adventure #TravelGram #instatravel
Adventures await, and the journey begins here at the airport. ✈️🌍 #AirportDiaries #Wanderlust #TravelMode #JetSetGo #ontheway
Back from vacation and my mood’s like: ‘Take me back to the land of no responsibilities and endless sunsets!’ ☀️🌴 #VacationDepression #WanderlustWithdrawals
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Loved having this conversation with @thick_nthrifty about her ingenuity and how she made a virtual thrift store on #instagram This convo is so good subscribe to the Brokegirlsdreamtoo podcast on #spotify & #apple to listen to the full episode #business #startup #brokegirls #womeninbusiness #dreams #bossup #herbusiness #girlbosstribe #successfulwoman #empowerher #girlgang #womenwhohustle #buildinganempire #thebossbabesociete
Great business start up advice from @maspazcounseling about how to get affordable office space when you are first starting out in your business. Tip: Ask Landlords in your community who might be open to create a sublet situation for you. Broke Girls Biz Advice 😊#womeninbusiness #blackentrepreneurs #womenbuildingempires #womencelebratingwomen #womenceomindset #womenmakeamericagreat #womennetworking #motivatedwomen #investinwomen #girlbossesunite #ambitiousbabe #brokegirls
I have stopped restarted soo many times. Each time is a lesson on how I can improve in my business or my career so I just want to send some encouragement and tell people to just take that first step and start. You got this!#business #startup #brokegirls #womeninbusiness #dreams #bossup #herbusiness #girlbosstribe #successfulwoman #empowerher #girlgang #womenwhohustle #buildinganempire #thebossbabesociete #femalehustler#girlsbuildingempires #sheboss #goalchaser #ambitiouswomen #bossgirl #belief #believeinyourself #women #womenpower #womenentrepreneurs #women #womensupportingwomen #womenempoweringwomen
Vera Wang didn't design her first dress until she was 40.Keep trying!!!There is no specific age when you can become successful. Follow for more info inspiration 😊#goalchaser #ambitiouswomen #bossgirl #belief #believeinyourself
New! Auto-Post Carousels on PLANOLYVery quick #tutorial on how to use @canva in @planoly. I love both these tools soo much and when I learned they were integrated I was so excited. Sorry for how fast I am talking and the typos on captions but you get it 😂 anyways anytime you are going to create in #planoly remember you can now access your Canva designs. So helpful and savings me space! Let me know what you think. Share your feedback in the comments 😍#instagramtips #instagram #planoly #canva #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #tips
Come with my to find a new foundation. What do you think?🥴😩😊 #womeninbusiness #blackentrepreneurs #womencelebratingwomen #womenceomindset #womenmakeamericagreat #womennetworking #motivatedwomen #investinwomen #girlbossesunite #ambitiousbabe
This past weekend my anxiety got the best of me so I went to the beach and really focused on my self confidence and how I handle making mistakes.I also read this really great book by @nichomihiggins_lmft called Powerful Perspectives it is really helping me get to a place to understand self mastery.The video is playing a quote from a Zoe Saldana interview, not a fan but I like the quote.I know who I am. I love who I am. I like what I do, and I like how I do it. I like my mistakes and I like the pace at which I learn from my mistakes. I don't want to be anybody else but me, and by knowing this, I want to continue figuring out who the f*ck I am." #business #startup #brokegirls #womeninbusiness #dreams #bossup #herbusiness #girlbosstribe #successfulwoman #empowerher #girlgang #womenwhohustle #buildinganempire #thebossbabesociete #femalehustler
Interview with Natarielle The Book Doctor. She shared some gems on how to start in the self publishing game. Loved all the great information she she shared about marketing your book.
Click link in the bio to grab your copy of Broke Girls Dream Too Biz Guide. On sale now for $10.
#business #startup #brokegirls #womeninbusiness #dreams #bossup #herbusiness #girlbosstribe #successfulwoman #empowerher #girlgang #womenwhohustle #buildinganempire #thebossbabesociete #femalehustler#girlsbuildingempires #sheboss #goalchaser #ambitiouswomen #bossgirl #belief #believeinyourself #women #womenpower #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness
Did you know?Viola Davis received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress. She was 43 years old.So Don’t QUIT keep working on those dreams it is never too late to start. Join my free Dream Big Session #clicklinkinbio #businesscoach #coach #lifecoach #womeninbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #vison #manifestation #visionboard #goals #dream #womeninbusiness #women