Agua Salada BCS

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  • Agua Salada BCS

Agua Salada BCS Baja California Sur Tours & Concierge, located in La Ventana We connect our clients with local businesses to plan unique, specialized trips.

Agua Salada was founded in 2022 in an effort to meet the needs of the rapidly growing tourism in Baja Sur. Our mission is to provide Baja Sur visitors with an extensive concierge service, ensuring that all of their needs and dreams are met. You can connect with us online or in person. Stop by our office to start planning your next adventure!

Who doesn’t love baby dolphins? 🥹🥹[ESPAÑOL en los comentarios]Here in the diverse waters of Baja California Sur, we’re l...

Who doesn’t love baby dolphins? 🥹🥹

[ESPAÑOL en los comentarios]

Here in the diverse waters of Baja California Sur, we’re lucky enough to share the ocean with incredible marine life, including playful pods of dolphins!

But these aren’t just any dolphins – La Ventana is a breeding ground, meaning you might even spot some adorable calves, or baby dolphins, swimming alongside their moms!

Here are some fascinating facts about baby dolphins:

🐬 Strong bonds: Calves stay with their mothers for 5-10 years, learning vital survival skills like hunting and navigation.

🐬 Communication experts: Their mothers teach them how to communicate with their pod through clicks and whistles to talk to each other, (as well as other non-verbal cues) forming a unique language within their pod!

🐬 Born explorers: Unlike confined tanks, baby dolphins naturally travel thousands of kilometers with their pod, learning about their vast ocean home.

Why do dolphins deserve to be wild and free?

These amazing animals are incredibly intelligent 🧠 and social.

Their natural habitat allows them to explore, socialize, and form lifelong bonds with their families.

Confining them to tanks denies them this freedom and the ability to express their natural behaviors.

Not to mention the horrors and trauma mothers and calfs suffer during their capture.

At Agua Salada, we believe they should be wild and free. We hope for the time when we truly empty the tanks.

Want to learn more about seeing dolphins ethically?

Do your research.

Find tour operators that put the animal’s welfare first. A good sign to look out for is for them to first assess their behavior before an interaction (whether from above or below).

Another good sign is to have a guide present to be able to provide information about the species, as well as leaving them alone in case they don’t want to interact.

Send us a DM with 🐬 and we’ll share information about our upcoming tours & how to book your spot to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat!


5 sea turtles of the Sea of Cortez ⬇️[ESPAÑOL en los comentarios]Mexico is home to 7 of the 8 species of sea turtles in ...

5 sea turtles of the Sea of Cortez ⬇️

[ESPAÑOL en los comentarios]

Mexico is home to 7 of the 8 species of sea turtles in the world.

Did you know the Sea of Cortez in Baja California Sur is a haven for 5 of these incredible species?

• Leatherback (Dermochelys Coriacea): The largest sea turtle species, growing up to 7 feet long! Their leathery shell is unique among turtles.

• Pacific Green (Chelonia Mydas Agassizii): Named for their greenish-black shells, these turtles can graze on seagrass for hours.

• Loggerhead (Caretta Caretta): Loggerheads get their name from their large heads. They have powerful jaws that help them crush crabs and shellfish.

• Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys Olivacea): The smallest species in Mexico, olive ridleys are known for their mass nesting events, where thousands of females come ashore at once to lay their eggs.

• Hawksbill (Eretmochelys Imbricata): Hawksbill turtles have a distinctive pointed beak they use to pry sponges and other invertebrates from coral reefs.

Sadly, all species in Mexico are endangered.

Agua Salada is committed to protecting these magnificent creatures.

To join us on a tour to learn more about sea turtles and their vital role in the Sea of Cortez ecosystem 👇🏽

Book your tour today and explore the wonders of the Sea of Cortez with Agua Salada!

5 Magical Oases in Baja California Sur 🏜️[ESPAÑOL en los comentarios]Did you know that Baja California Sur has around 17...

5 Magical Oases in Baja California Sur 🏜️

[ESPAÑOL en los comentarios]

Did you know that Baja California Sur has around 171 oases? From small hidden springs to extensive ecosystems full of life! It is a particularly special fact considering the small land mass of the state and its desert landscape.

These desert paradises, fed by hidden springs, offer a refreshing escape from the arid landscape.

Here are a few, starting with the closest to La Ventana:

1. EL SARGENTO HOT SPRINGS 15 minute drive from La Ventana
* Natural geothermal pools to relax and soak in
* A picturesque place to watch the moonrise
* Camping is allowed

2. SOL DE MAYO 2 hour drive from La Ventana
* Oasis with a freshwater spring and a swimming pool
* Ideal for bird watching, hiking, and enjoying the scenery
* Camping is allowed

3. SANTA RITA HOT SPRINGS 2.5 hour drive from La Ventana
* Thermal pools with different temperatures and healing properties
* Surrounded by a virgin natural environment
* Camping is allowed with prior authorization

4. LA PURÍSIMA 3 hour drive from La Ventana
* Oasis with an extensive palm grove and a river that runs through it
* Famous for its date production and arts & crafts
* Camping is allowed in designated areas

5. SAN IGNACIO 8 hour drive from La Ventana
* Oasis with an 18th-century mission and an important wetland
* Ideal place for whale watching (in season)
* Camping is allowed in rural areas

The date palm, grapevine, and olive trees were not introduced to our ecosystem until the arrival of the Spanish missionaries in the late 17th century. Now, these plants are part of many of our oases.

Have you visited any of these magical oases?


Forget everything you think you know about whale watching!

[ESPAÑOL en los comentarios]

In Baja California Sur, Mexico, gray whales come so close, you'll feel the spray on your face.

Did you know these gentle giants travel a whopping 20,000 km to reach these warm lagoons? Talk about dedication! And while we could share all their fun facts (ahem, Pink Floyd), their playful curiosity towards boats is legendary.
Sometimes, these social butterflies even team up for mating, with three whales working together for success!

Witnessing their awe-inspiring migration is an unforgettable experience.

Join Agua Salada tours for a front-row seat to nature's majesty. ➡️ []

📷: Josh Withers, Dan Meyers
🎥: .chidak
Edit: .photo

Forget everything you think you know about whale watching![ESPAÑOL hasta abajo]In Baja California Sur, Mexico, gray whal...

Forget everything you think you know about whale watching!

[ESPAÑOL hasta abajo]

In Baja California Sur, Mexico, gray whales come so close, you'll feel the spray on your face.

Did you know these gentle giants travel a whopping 20,000 km to reach our warm lagoons? Talk about dedication! And while we could share all their fun facts (ahem, Pink Floyd), their playful curiosity towards boats is legendary.
Sometimes, these social butterflies even team up for mating, with three whales working together for success!

Witnessing their awe-inspiring migration is an unforgettable experience.

Join Agua Salada tours for a front-row seat to nature's majesty. ➡️ []

📷: Josh Withers, Dan Meyers
🎥: .chidak
Edit: .photo

¡Olvida todo lo que crees saber sobre avistamiento de ballenas!

En Baja California Sur, México, las ballenas grises se acercan tanto que sentirás el rocío en tu cara.

¿Sabías que estos gigantes recorren la sorprendente distancia de 20,000 km para llegar a nuestras lagunas cálidas? ¡Eso sí que es dedicación! Y aunque podríamos compartir todos sus datos curiosos (ejem, Pink Floyd), su curiosidad juguetona por las pangas es legendaria. ¡A veces, estos seres sociales incluso se unen para aparearse, con tres ballenas trabajando juntas sin miedo al éxito!

Ser testigo de su increíble migración es una experiencia inolvidable.

Únete a los tours de Agua Salada para tener un asiento de primera fila a la majestuosidad de la naturaleza. ➡️ []

📷: Josh Withers, Dan Meyers
🎥: .chidak
Edit: Sáasil Photo

Want to try something different this week? Introducing an exciting experience by Casa xolo experience  and Agua Salada B...

Want to try something different this week?

Introducing an exciting experience by Casa xolo experience and Agua Salada BCS! Join us on *February 1st* as we explore the food and culture scene of La Paz ✌️

What you need to know:
• Casa Xolo and Agua Salada put together this unique and vibrant experience for YOU to discover La Paz. We are Xolo Salado
• Departing La Ventana. Transportation is included to La Paz and back
• 5 food tastings, Snacks, 1 alcoholic drink, Beer tasting, Coffee tasting, Traditional liqueur tasting
• Explore La Paz’s vibrant art scene, visiting murals and meeting local artists
• it’s a walking tour!
• gift by Xolo Salado 😜

What are you waiting for? Save your spot by making a deposit directly through our website

How to have the best gray whale experience:[ESPAÑOL en los comentarios]It's gray whale season here in Baja California Su...

How to have the best gray whale experience:

[ESPAÑOL en los comentarios]

It's gray whale season here in Baja California Sur, and we're so excited!

Here's a list in order to have the best experience possible during your gray whale expedition in Baja California Sur:

🌊 Bring warm and waterproof clothes. It can get quite cold on the lagoons of the Paicific, especially on a boat on the water. Layers like jackets, coats, windbreakers, and hats will save you from being uncomfortable and allow you to focus solely on the gray whales.
🌊 Bring a waterproof bag and/or cellphone case. Things get wet on boats, so keep that in mind when bringing your belongings that you don't want wet. The gray whales also sometimes get fairly close (like in one of our photos) and can splash you and whoever is closest to you. We like to think getting splashed by a whale is good luck though 😉.
🌊 Bring your reusable bottle of water. While your tour organizer will most likely have some lunch and water for you, a day on the boat in the sun can leave you quite thirsty. We recomment you bring your reusable bottle of water to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.
🌊 Make sure you book your tour early in the morning. We always make sure we're one of the first boats out on the lagoon to ensure you have the best possible experience. Less boats out on the water means more gray whales for you, and less overstimulation for them.
🌊 Remember that these are wild animals in their natural habitat. The gray whales in our mexican lagoons are famous for seeking human interaction; but sometimes you may just see them from afar, which is just as exciting. How many people get to say they saw a gray whale in their natural habitat?! Only those that come for this experience 😉
🌊 HAVE FUN! Remebember to have fun during your expedition! We're all very lucky to be able to be in the presence of majestic wild animals.

Cuando es la temporada de las ballenas grises?Estas criaturas antiguas y magníficas vienen a nuestras lagunas costeras e...

Cuando es la temporada de las ballenas grises?

Estas criaturas antiguas y magníficas vienen a nuestras lagunas costeras en Baja California Sur de Enero a Marzo.

Las ballenas grises migran desde los Mares de Beaufort, Chukotka y Bering, y el Golfo de Alaska hasta nuestras lagunas mexicanas en la costa del Pacífico de Baja California Sur.

Vienen aquí únicamente a reproducirse y a dar luz.

Es el único lugar en el mundo en donde ellos buscan la interacción humana.

Quieres descubrir si eres lo suficientemente afortunado como para ser escogido por una ballena gris? Reserva tu lugar en uno de nuetros viajes de un día a Puerto Chale, o una expedición multi-día a las diferentes lagunas para tu oportunidad de ver ballenas grises todos los días por 5 días!

📞 +52 612 868 5148

Dato curioso de la ballena gris:
Aunque tengan una de las migraciones más largas (20,000 km) y viajan desde aguas heladas para llegar hasta acá, por haber nacido en nuestras lagunas, estas ballenas son ballenas mexicanas 😉

When is the grey whale season?

These magnificent and ancient creatures come to our coastal lagoons in Baja California Sur starting in January through March.

The grey whales migrate from the Beaufort, Chukotka, and Bering Seas, and from the Gulf of Alaska all the way down to our Mexican lagoons along the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur.

They come here solely to mate and to birth their calves.

It’s the only place in the world where grey whales seek out human interaction.

Want to find out if you’re lucky enough to be chosen by a grey whale? Book your spot on a day trip to Puerto Chale or a multi-day expedition to different lagoons for your chance to see grey whales everyday for 5 days!

📞 +52 612 868 5148

Grey whale fun fact:
Even though they have one of longest migrations (20,000 km), and they travel from icy waters to get here, because they are born in our lagoons, these whales are Mexican whales 😉

Cómo y cuándo ver a las ballenas grises:Quieres tener una experiencia inolvidable con ballenas grises?Ya se acerca la te...

Cómo y cuándo ver a las ballenas grises:

Quieres tener una experiencia inolvidable con ballenas grises?

Ya se acerca la temporada en la que estas hermosas criaturas llegan a nuestras lagunas mexicanas!

Las podrás ver de Enero a Marzo.

Nosotros ofrecemos expediciones de un día y también expediciones personalizadas de 5 días, con hospedaje y transporte incluidos!

Quieres descubrir que se siente que una ballena gris se te acerque por curiosidad?

Puedes hacerlo reservando con nosotros en o personaliza tu expedición para ti y tu grupo de familia y amigos mandándonos un correo a [email protected]

¡¡Gracias!!  Muchas Gracias a toda la comunidad por ser partícipe de este Año Piloto en el festival de “Dia de los Mu***...

Muchas Gracias a toda la comunidad por ser partícipe de este Año Piloto en el festival de “Dia de los Mu***os Pata Salada” El Sargento y su anexo La Ventana.
Nos encontramos en profundo agradecimiento con toda la comunidad por interesarse y unirse en este proyecto que tiene como objetivo recuperar, fomentar y enaltecer nuestras tradiciones, el cual definitivamente no hubiera sido posible sin su participación y apoyo.
Reiteramos nuestro sincero agradecimiento a todos los que voluntariamente fueron patrocinadores en especie y económicamente en este proyecto y así mismo a quienes formaron parte de la organización, participación y aportación de su valiosa energía, tiempo y creatividad.
A continuación, les compartiremos datos de las aportaciones que se realizaron:
Recaudamos un total de donaciones $11,700 pesos y $50 USD … de los cuales se utilizaron la cantidad de $7633.00 pesos, en gastos de decoración Premios a los concursos, y elementos del altar. En la utilería para recorrido y los dulces entregados a los niños.
El día del evento gracias a quienes donaron pan, chocolate y agua recaudamos también la cantidad de $2740.00.

Se entregó a la Señora Justina Domínguez como Donativo y apoyo a la Fundación Azul Cerralvo. La cantidad final de $7447.00 pesos y $50 USD al final del evento, con el fin de apoyar directamente a niños y las personas más necesitadas de nuestras localidades.

Con toda la emocion les damos las gracias por participar en el primer Festival de día de mu***os "PataSalada" y les hacemos la cordial invitación en continuar apoyando a La Fundación Azul Cerralvo.

Nos vemos el próximo año con un evento más grande, más divertido y con mucha más tradición. Pronto estaremos organizando un comité para hacer posible nuestro siguiente festival, ¡Espera noticias!


Let's make our community shine again! We are SO proud to present our monthly La Ventana Clean-Ups. LA WINDEX Y EL SARGEN...

Let's make our community shine again! We are SO proud to present our monthly La Ventana Clean-Ups.

LA WINDEX Y EL SARGENTO FABULOSO is the name of our collective, and we will be meeting today at 4 PM at Guayaba Tostada (in front of the new La Ventana colourful sign) to break down into groups and clean our precious beaches.

Read the blog for more info about the group :)
NMB No Más Basura. Lightsup Mexico Te M'ao Expeditions Agua Salada BCS Art Cart

A blog post about our monthly clean-ups in La Ventana & El Sargento.

Here it is! You can now book a shuttle to and from the Cabo airport 🛻 Send us a message with your flight info,  # of pas...

Here it is! You can now book a shuttle to and from the Cabo airport 🛻 Send us a message with your flight info, # of passengers and their names!

¡Aquí lo tienes! Ahora puedes reservar un servicio de traslado desde y hacia el aeropuerto de Cabo 🛻 ¡Envíanos un mensaje con la información de tu vuelo, # de pasajeros y sus nombres!

We LOVE sunrises! 🌅 Tag  with your sunrise photos and we will share them 🙌AMAMOS los amaneceres 🌅 Taguea  con tu foto de...

We LOVE sunrises! 🌅
Tag with your sunrise photos and we will share them 🙌

AMAMOS los amaneceres 🌅
Taguea con tu foto de amanecer para que las compartimos 🙌

My favourite time of the day   Mi momento favorito del día

My favourite time of the day

Mi momento favorito del día

Just like the pelican, let’s spread our wings, embrace the unknown, and soar to new heights 🚀 🌟

Just like the pelican, let’s spread our wings, embrace the unknown, and soar to new heights 🚀 🌟

July photo dump // Fotos de Julio 🌸 🌵

July photo dump // Fotos de Julio 🌸 🌵

Flowers of the desert 🌵 🌸 Flores del desierto 🌺

Flowers of the desert 🌵 🌸

Flores del desierto 🌺

Are you coming to Baja this winter and you would like to experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure? Join us on our 5-day...

Are you coming to Baja this winter and you would like to experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure?

Join us on our 5-day Gray Whale Road trip in February or March 2024! We will be driving 800 km to the lagoon of Ojo de Liebre and make many breathtaking stops along the way.

More info on our website:
or send us an email with any questions you may have: [email protected]
¿Vienes a Baja este invierno y te gustaría vivir una aventura única?

¡Únate a nosotros en un viaje de 5 días para ir a ver la ballena gris en febrero o marzo de 2024! Manejaremos 800 km hasta la laguna de Ojo de Liebre y haremos muchas paradas impresionantes en el camino (San Carlos, Bahia de Concepcion, Rosarito, Oasis de San Ignacio, etc)

Más info en nuestra pagina web:
o envíanos un email con cualquier pregunta que tengas: [email protected]

On behalf of our amazing community, we would like to wish you a happy summer solstice!!! We spent the morning paddle boa...

On behalf of our amazing community, we would like to wish you a happy summer solstice!!!

We spent the morning paddle boarding and enjoying each other, on the calm summer waters of the bay of .

Tell us in the comments 👇how you plan to celebrate the longest day of the year.
En nombre de nuestra increíble comunidad, ¡nos gustaría desearles un feliz solsticio de verano!

Pasamos la mañana haciendo paddle board y disfrutando, sobre las tranquilas aguas veraniegas de la bahía de .

Cuéntanos en los comentarios 👇 cómo planeas celebrar el día más largo del año.

Ladies!! Have you heard of our DAY RETREAT? This expedition was created by two Sea Sisters, for our fellow mermaids 🧜‍♀️...

Ladies!! Have you heard of our DAY RETREAT? This expedition was created by two Sea Sisters, for our fellow mermaids 🧜‍♀️.

Spend a full day with your girls on a deserted island. Pamper yourself with . Snorkel the reef with . Eat a fresh and delicious ceviche with a glass of white wine. More activities and surprises included ! Swipe to read the details 🌊🤿

This retreat is perfect for a birthday celebration, a bachelorette party, or a good excuse to spend a day feeling good.

ENG BELOWHoy es el Día Mundial de los Océanos 🌊Esta semana los niños han estado aprendiendo y participando en diversas a...


Hoy es el Día Mundial de los Océanos 🌊

Esta semana los niños han estado aprendiendo y participando en diversas actividades relacionadas con el agua en el pueblo; honrándolo y protegiéndolo. Una de las actividades es un concurso de dibujo, que se traducirá en un paseo por la bahía para los ganadores. Estén atentos para saber quién ganó, y la mejor de las suertes para los participantes.

En nombre de Baja Underwater Expeditions, Baja Wild Encounters, Te Ma'o Expeditions, Empty the Tanks - Capitulo México, Manglares Mas Sanos Mas Vivos y Agua Salada BCS, nos gustaría invitarlos a hacer algo útil por nuestra bahía hoy. Gracias a nuestros océanos, podemos respirar, practicar los deportes que amamos y comer. Háganos saber en los comentarios qué hará hoy para ayudar a nuestros océanos. Y si estás en el pueblo, ¡únete a nosotros en la limpieza de un arroyo! Información en las fotos 💙

Feliz día del oceano

Today is World Ocean Day 🌊
This week, children have been learning and participating in various activities relating to the water in town; honouring and protecting it. One of the activities is a drawing contest, which will result in an outing in the bay for the winners. Stay tuned to find out who won, and best of luck to the participants.

On behalf of Baja Underwater Expeditions, Baja Wild Encounters, Te Ma’o Expeditions, Empty the Tanks - Capitulo México, Manglares Mas Sanos Mas Vivos, and Agua Salada BCS, we would like to invite you to do something helpful for our bodies of water today. Thanks to our oceans, we can breathe, practice the sports we love, and eat. Let us know in the comments what you will do today to help our oceans. And if you’re in town, please join us on an arroyo clean up! Info in the photos 💙

Happy Ocean Day

Today’s post is about choices.As a business owner, I often question what our priorities are, what they should be, how I ...

Today’s post is about choices.

As a business owner, I often question what our priorities are, what they should be, how I can break the hierarchy pyramid and open a circular & cooperative system.

As a Sea Lady, I often feel grateful and amazed to be surrounded by such immensity and beauty. I’ve had the chance to encounter so many animals in my life. It also makes me wonder what I can do to contribute to the Waters of the planet.

As a human, I’m worried. I’m worried because we are killing our planet knowingly, and we are not changing our ways really. I make choices everyday, but am I considering our oceans and it’s life when I make those choices? Am I giving back to this planet that gives me EVERYTHING? How am I being a support or of help to my community?

Today, and tomorrow, I need to be conscious of my choices. Conscious of their impact. I need to make decisions that are guided by a vision. Because it’s not about me, it’s about us, and them.

Are you visiting   soon? Here’s everything you need to know 👇

Are you visiting soon? Here’s everything you need to know 👇

Planning a visit to La Ventana? Make sure to be aware of these 10 things you need to know before planning your trip!

Join us tomorrow! Únete a la limpieza mañana!!

Join us tomorrow!
Únete a la limpieza mañana!!

Are you visiting La Ventana soon?Read this blog for the La Ventana Must-Dos!

Are you visiting La Ventana soon?
Read this blog for the La Ventana Must-Dos!

These are the must-dos when visiting La Ventana, BCS


Corredor Isla Cerralvo


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