I have some FANTASTIC NEWS!! 😃👏👏🎉
In July of 2024, I am leading ANOTHER EF Tour!!🎊
This time, we are going back to Ireland and Scotland, but we will spend two days in LONDON, and a full day in PARIS, as well!! 😮
We will visit the following Ireland cities: Dublin, Belfast, and Derry! (We didn't see Derry on our trip this summer!) In Scotland, we will make stops at Caimryan (where we will arrive via FERRY from Belfast!! SOOO COOL!), Alloway, and Edinburgh! In London, our tour will take us to Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Piccadilly Circus, Westminster Abbey, and more! At the last of the tour, we will travel by train from London to Paris! In Paris, we will experience the Louvre, and visit the Eiffel Tower, among other sites!!
I can NOT wait!!!!! 😃😃😃
This trip is open to ANY student who meets the following criteria:
Must be enrolled in high school by July of 2024
Must be in good disciplinary standing at school
Must have passing grades
Parents and students are invited to attend the informational meeting in my room, #215, on Woodward Middle School's South Campus, Thursday, Sept. 15th, at 6:00 PM. 🗓⏰
I will have all the information available at that time. FYI - Parents, grandparents, and college-aged students are welcome to join the trip as well!
SOOOOO EXCITED!!! Hope to see YOU there!!! 👀