I wanted to create this page as a safe place where I could post real stuff.. You know, the raw unedited parts of life that I wanna shout about but was too “self aware”(more like worried what people would say about me) to do it on my own page..
Life’s hard! Paying bills and working and being a mother…the standards by which one is judged now days is awful….. I say alot of s**t ton cuss words and I am not the perfect mother! I go to Church on some Sundays, but am new in my walk with Christ.
Far too often we get into the habit of only posting the good parts of life! Well, thats what I do anyways! Oh my won an award POST, got a promotion POST, late on my bills to buy groceries HIDE, my 17 year old son threw up in the back yard bc he came home drunk🙄 HIDE..
I dont hide these things bc Im pretending or because I am ashamed. I hide them because Im not proud and it’s not your business… doesnt make me a fake “perfect” mother or pretend perfect person! It makes me an adult, and just because I do things differently than you does not make me any less or more than the next person!
I haven’t been using this page the way I had hoped to! Hell I haven’t used it at all so I wanted to touch down here with this post and say that you dont have to be the perfect Mom, Wife,or friend… You just have to try to be the best version of you for today!
~With Love😘