I make miniature animals of all sorts, but my focus is unique, life-like, miniature dragons. I have a lifetime of experience with sewing, as well as with all other sorts of artwork and crafts. Dragons and other animals can be purchased from my Etsy shop here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/katrinasminiatures
I also have a Zazzle shop to sell photos of my dragons and other artwork here: http://www.zazzl
My miniature and microminiature dragons are not at all suitable for small children. For young children, I make child-safe, big, plush dragons. My husband and I are working on creating a world for my dragons, so there is a running work-in-progress of stories here: http://dragonsofcwmjones.blogspot.com/
I sew the plush dragons mostly by machine, but the smaller ones are all hand-sewn. Below is a basic description of how I make them:
All of my dragons are my own, unique design, and I sew, turn, stuff, and embellish each one by hand. Each one can take several hours, due to the intricate handsewing involved. The process of involves several steps:
1. Tracing the pattern onto ultrasuede and cutting out the pieces.
2. Handsewing all the pieces together. As they are so small, there is nearly no seam allowance, each stitch is only 1mm or shorter in length, and each stitch must be made one at a time. Simply sewing the seam with the spikes on a dragon's back takes up to half an hour.
3. Using hemostats to turn the completed dragon skin right side out.
4. Making a wire skeleton, inserting it into the dragon's body, then stuffing around it to fill out the 'skin'.
5. Cutting out, sewing, and attaching coverings for the feet.
6. Sewing in eyes, sewing eyelids on, and sewing on a mouth.
7. Making a wire skeleton for the wings, using it as a pattern to cut the wings out of ultrasuede, sewing the ultrasuede onto the wires, then inserting part of the wing 'bone' into the dragon body and sewing the wings to the body.
7. (optional) Embellish the dragon with some fabric paint.
8. (usually done) Select a hand-crafted paper-mache egg, which I've usually made ahead of time, and paint it to match the dragon.