Animal Kingdom Safari Ride
Port Orleans French Quarter lobby
Check out the lobby at Port Orleans French Quarter!
The beach is one of my happy places. I could sit for hours watching and listening to the waves.
Where is your happy place?
#beach #sand #oceanviews #takethetrip #traveladvisor #seetheworld #travelmation
I love all there is to see and do @atlantisbahamas ! Including the very cool huge manta ray in one of their enormous aquariums!
Have you ever been to Atlantis Bahamas? We loved it so much we plan to go back!
#atlantisbahamas #bahamas #mantaray #familyvacation #tropicalvacation #travelagent #travelplanner #travelmation
Why do I love Disney Parks so much?
This. This is why. Pure, genuine joy.
She may not remember this moment as the parade was starting, but I do. ❤️
#disneyparks #disneyland #disneyworld #disneytravelagent #disneytravelplanner #makingdreamscometrue #disneyvacation #familyvacation #disneyfamily #disneyparade #travelmation