There are lots of ways to handle laundry on the road. You can pay a fortune to have your hotel wash your clothes. You can drop them off at a full-service laundromat and pick them up later. You can take the time to find and use a self-service laundromat. Or you can wash your clothes yourself in your room. I generally do a little of each of these options. But on a recent monthlong trip to Portugal and Germany, I decided to just do all my laundry in the sink, and I washed my clothes just three times. (BTW, I never wash sweaters and pants in Europe and probably wear the rest of my clothes twice as long as most travelers do before washing…and I get away with it.)
If washing in your hotel room, keep in mind that it’s probably “not allowed.” Considering what we pay for a night’s lodging, I can justify the deceit — as long as it’s done very thoughtfully and stealthily. I interpret “not allowed” as “don’t drip on the carpet or furniture and don’t hang it out so the world can see.” (I wring wet clothes very tight and then snap them in the bathroom until they stop spritzing the air.) Keep a low profile! I use the shampoo from my room for laundry soap. (This is the only time I use a hotel’s products, as I just bring my own soap and shampoo from home.)
I do laundry in the sink to avoid the $50 expense of having the hotel do it for me and to save the time it would take to go to the laundromat. And I do it for the workout…I consider it exercise. I slam through this chore in less than half an hour.
Do you have a laundry-on-the-road strategy?