You can avoid alcohol, drugs, sugar, salt, wheat,
dairy and carbohydrates your whole entire life,
You can exercise, meditate
and focus half your day on your health...
But if you are swallowing your dreams,
your ambitions, your regrets, your fears,
your desires and your bitterness on a daily basis,
you will suffer my friend.
For nothing,
rots the flesh more,
than the negative emotions,
we ram down our own throats,
on a daily basis.
Food for thought.
Say your truths,
live your own way,
be yourself,
accept who you are,
accept who others are too,
share your dreams,
honour your desires,
chase your ambitions,
or don’t.
Perhaps your ambition is quite simply to be peaceful.
Whatever it is you choose to do,
give yourself peace.
It’s the most healing and rejuvenating path of them all.
Donna Ashworth
From ‘The Right Words’
Art by Duy Huynh