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Amore Baby LA Equipping nannies + parents for bringing up baby using well-tested principles from professional nannies. We have you covered!

At Amore Baby LA, we are professionals with over 15 years of combined experience. We strongly believe everyone can experience a structured home life that nurtures and inspires every child. Think of us as your advisers when it comes to parenting + nanny related questions from interview pep-talks (nannies), creating sleep schedules for infants, reviews on baby products to household management. If in

terested in further inquiries for services, please contact us [email protected].

***** DISCLAIMER: All advice given is strictly based upon our experience as professionals and what we have considered to be successful. Our services in no way override or discredit any legal and medical orders. ****

How to Ace an Interview We know the interview process can be long, tiring and disheartening at times for both sides. We ...

How to Ace an Interview

We know the interview process can be long, tiring and disheartening at times for both sides. We have so been there at Amore Baby! We felt it was necessary to get to the nitty gritty on how to score a top-notch nanny AND how to score a top-notch family. Here’s what we have gathered on how to ace an interview:

Parents ask….
- about their past jobs, why they left, and anything particular about what they liked about their past experiences.
- Favorite classes in college if applicable, current hobbies, activities and family life (note: it is illegal to ask marital status).
- Ask if they’ve ever dealt with an emergency or accident while at work and how they handled it, how to perform infant CPR and confirm they’re certified.
- Discuss any parenting philosophies you relate with or favor. Are you more educational focused or prefer they have more free time? Do you have a specific routine or schedule you want your nanny to follow or are you looking to your nanny for guidance?
- Are they a “career” nanny? How long do they plan to be a nanny? Do they have any other jobs or commitments?
- If you choose to have “nanny cams”, you legally must inform the nanny if they’re being recorded with audio. A top-notch nanny will not bat an eye!

Parents, nannies understand there’s a high level of competition when it comes to getting a really great job, like you are offering. It’s really important to consider your personal family standards and morals when hiring someone to work in your house. As nannies, this is a very intimate job – it’s no corporate position!

Nannies ask….

- Meaningful questions to get an idea about their parenting style, is there a book they read and connected with? (Pro-tip: you should read it ASAP). In the past, we have brought our favorite parenting books to our interviews as a “gift” to the family and have highlighted our favorite quotes and topics beforehand.
- About any other responsibilities while at work that they’d need help with (laundry, mail, trash, dishes, etc).
- What types of systems have been adopted in the house as a way of communication (Is there a log? Is it by email? Leave notes? In the meantime, consider what are ways you can improve this BY the trial date!)
- About an emergency plan if there was to be a natural disaster and ask where medical supplies are in the house (think no electricity/you cannot drive or the parents are out of town, etc).
- Explain a scenario to the parents about how you would handle a situation (even if they don’t ask this, have a scenario in mind and bring it up on your own).
- Clearly state your philosophy.

Other tips…
Nannies - be an initiator and self-starter. If you notice the family may need some organizational help, come to the trail prepared above and beyond. Are they in need of a log? Come with a log to your trial! Diaper bin full? Empty it. Under the sink is unorganized? Organize it! This will definitely stand out to your future employer and show the many great qualities about you. Come with a list of locations in your city of age-appropriate activities to organize for your charge! Interact with the children if they’re present at the interview. Ask to see the children’s rooms, consider if you like how the house is organized. Are you familiar with the products and systems they use? Let them know. A professional nanny should take the interview process very seriously and assume any sign of unprofessionalism will be evaluated (Physical appearance is a big deal! Nannies should be showered, well-kept, properly dressed, no perfume).

If you are working through an agency, they most likely ask you not to discuss any salary pay or benefits during the first interview and both parties should respect this. It’s best to either save these for later or have an agency be the negotiator. Topics to discuss after the initial hire: hourly or salary pay, overtime, insurance coverage, travel rates, gas compensation, how the employee will be taxed, paid time off, sick and vacation days, the nanny obtaining a credit card and a medical release for each child (3 copies: carry one in the nanny’s wallet, diaper bag and at the house).

Most of all, BOTH SIDES NEED TO BE PATIENT! If there are too many red flags, kindly and respectfully move on. This could be very painful at times but it is SO worth it to find a family who loves and adores you as their nanny. There’s one out there just for you, we promise – we have both found “our” families and the grueling months of unemployment have paid off in every way. Unfamiliar with any topics discussed? Hiring or interviewing soon? Let us know and we have a pep talk waiting for you!

Next week is Nanny Appreciation Week! Nannies and babysitters have been a mother's right hand for many decades now. As n...

Next week is Nanny Appreciation Week! Nannies and babysitters have been a mother's right hand for many decades now. As nannies we put on many hats throughout our day and know our help is invaluable. One fantastic thing about being a professional nanny is truly feeling appreciated + valued for our hard work. If you're looking for ideas on ways to appreciate your nanny, here is an Amore Baby approved article!

Finding the perfect gift for your favorite babysitter or nanny is no easy task. It has to be personal, original, and reflective of just how much she means to you. We've come up with 17 thoughtful gift ideas that do just that — and nothing comes in


Happy first day back to school to all my moms, dads, and nannies that have school aged children!

Children will always exceed the limitations society puts on them if you give them the proper wings to fly. This is such ...

Children will always exceed the limitations society puts on them if you give them the proper wings to fly. This is such an amazing--heart warming article!

"We live for moments such as these."

7 Ways You’re Making It Harder On Yourself1. Complying with tantrums. When our charge is amidst one of those oh-so-award...

7 Ways You’re Making It Harder On Yourself

1. Complying with tantrums. When our charge is amidst one of those oh-so-award-worthy tantrums, you will not find us crouched beside them, panicked or even trying to understand what they're screaming. We might just even be walking away and calmly saying, “I don’t understand that voice. I need you talk in your regular voice so I understand you.” Soon after, our charge is pulling himself or herself together and explaining what they want or need in their regular voice. It’s important not to label their screaming or whining and ask them to speak in their “regular” voice (labeling their whiney voice will potentially encourage the negative behavior). The moment you give into their screaming, you are immediately under their control.
2. Asking them if it’s okay. Contrary to popular belief, toddlers for the most part like guidance. “Do you want to put your pants on?” is not a sentence that comes from our professional nanny mouths! Instead, we give them two options that are totally fine with us, “Which leg first? Right, or left? You choose!” We’ve now given our toddler a job, a job they can do and a job we want them to do in the long run. We’re still completely in charge as well.
3. Electronic toys and television. We KNOW this is easier said than done! But, it’s just another thing to remember, another thing to fix, and studies show they do not further any language or cognitive skills in young children. clearly states, “Television and electronic media are inappropriate for children from birth to 24 months, under any circumstances.” The well-respected NAEYC’s stance is, “there is little research to suggest that infants and toddlers learn from watching videos. If infants are distressed, they need the comfort of a caring adult, not an electronic toy.” Last but not least, our last source is the American Academy of Pediatrics and their stance unsurprisingly coincides with the rest, “Pediatricians should urge parents to avoid television viewing for children under the age of 2 years.” Another great thing to consider is the fact young children do not get the concept of amount and time, when their show is over and it’s time for the TV to go off…you probably are dealing with a meltdown soon thereafter!
4. Toys and books in the car. Teaching your child to be content and to relax in the car is invaluable. Talk to your child, ask them what they see or hear outside, make up games or listen to music! Again, eliminating items for YOU to remember makes it easier on YOU in the end. The truth is, you won’t always remember to charge the iPad, which will lead to….you guessed it, a tantrum. Plus, who wants to listen to a crying toddler in traffic over a dropped toy or book? A baby does not allows need to be entertained.
5. Unscheduled baby. Predictability gives your child a sense of security and it’s proven that children thrive on routine. Not implementing a realistic routine in your baby’s daily life will only cause confusion and stress to the baby over uncertainty as they are learning trust (versus mistrust). Furthermore, you are ensuring your infant is eating and drinking enough, having proper physical and cognitive development and is not sleep deprived.
6. Complications and Clutter. Simplicity and elimination are our favorite words when running our ships. Who wouldn’t be up for less fuss and more fun? Start small, log your accomplishments, donate old toys, for that matter, cycle out your child’s toys, and start to re-think about how to make it easier on yourself!
7. Becoming a personal chef. Complying to your toddler’s needy food requests is unconventional and unrealistic. Instead, be confident and reinstate that what you make is what they will eat! Don’t replace the “problem” food with another one.

We are your number one advocates when it comes to making it easier on yourself! You are not alone in this journey + we’re here to help. Feeling overwhelmed to make your first step? Message us for a pep-talk!


New post is coming tomorrow! We are very excited to discuss some of our favorite hot topics about common social norms th...

New post is coming tomorrow! We are very excited to discuss some of our favorite hot topics about common social norms that we think you could re-think. Keep your eyes peeled!

Bringing Up A Verbal Baby-This isn’t a post on what to do and not do with your baby regarding communication. You can eas...

Bringing Up A Verbal Baby-

This isn’t a post on what to do and not do with your baby regarding communication. You can easily “Google” many other sites that will tell you the importance of this and that. We understand that advice and input comes at new parents from every direction! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out- our natural instinct, especially as females and mothers, is to “baby talk” when speaking to your child. In the psychology world, this is called “Infant Directed Speech” (IDS). The best part about this is it’s NATURAL for us. There’s a reason we want to talk like that to these sweet little humans we are supposed to nurture. It’s suggested that around 7-months-old to stop IDS. Speak to your infant as you a friend. In all our experience, we can say we’ve been able to nanny some very verbal and smart toddlers because of this. Call things what they are, “Say Goodnight” instead of “Nigh, nigh”, “Water cup” instead of “Wawa cup”, etc. This obviously isn’t implying that your child needs perfect pronunciation but it’s certainly implying they’ll learn correct pronunciation from you. We also encourage to correct incorrect grammar by repeating it back to them correctly for example, “She wored/weared the striped dress earlier.” – child. You would simply say, “Alice wore her striped dress earlier.” It’s important to not acknowledge their mistakes and move on. Speak to your child like an adult. It’s easier said than done. Speak slow, speak easy. Imagine it being how you would want someone to speak a foreign language to you. Using correct grammar and language is giving your children the tools to success, and here at Amore Baby LA, we are all about giving children the tools to become strong, independent, and mindful human beings.

Bringing Up A Foodie BabyIn our experience as nannies, introducing pureed foods to our infant charges have been some of ...

Bringing Up A Foodie Baby

In our experience as nannies, introducing pureed foods to our infant charges have been some of the sweetest memories of our careers. At first, there may be more green beans that end up on their chin than in their mouth, but it’s still all smiles! As the child grows, they develop opinions and preferences about food and, unfortunately, toddlerhood is where many eating troubles begin. Combined we have been through this process 16 times! Here’s what we’ve learned about bringing up a foodie baby:

- Packaged and jarred "to-go" foods WILL become a preference. Be very careful with your use. We understand these come at a convenience and should be kept in the diaper bag for emergency situations.
- Encourage your child to have a “no thank you” bite if something on their plate doesn’t appeal to them. Ask them if they’d like to touch, lick, or bite each thing! Don’t give up if the first attempt is unsuccessful.
- Serving green smoothies in the morning or at snack is an excellent way to provide nutrition through their “picky” phase.
- Talk about nutrition and hydration openly with your tot. Books we love to help foster this conversation are Little Pea by Amy Krause Rosenthal and Charlie and Lola’s I Will Never Ever Eat a Tomato by Lauren Child. Help them understand their bodies and everyone needs sleep, food, water and sunshine to grow and be strong.
- If your toddler is suddenly bored with a food they’ve loved, don’t fret. Switch it up with seasonings and dips (fresh or dried herbs, citrus juice, sautee/roast with coconut oil or olive oil, miso, parmesan, tamari sauce, hummus, tahini, etc)!
- Invite them to help you cook dinner. Turn on music and make it enjoyable! Let go of it being all “perfect”, cooking with a toddler will never be perfect and be okay with that. Give them specific jobs whether its mixing, pouring, stirring or measuring – age appropriate, of course. You’re forming memories. We have some very fond memories of cooking with our parents at young ages ourselves. Use this time to show them taking care of ourselves takes time, or talk to them about the different utensils and kitchen techniques you may use. Don’t be afraid! Your toddler will be so happy to be spending time with you. You can even try having them serve themselves.
- Take your child to the farmers market. Give them the responsibility of picking their own vegetables or fruit. This is also a perfect time to show them how money and trading works, too!
- Keep in mind, your child will eat what YOU serve them. In the words of Super Nanny Jo Frost, “Parents create picky eaters because they're afraid their kid will starve to unless they give them only what they ask for.” (Toddler Rules, Frost, pg. 102). We will leave it at that!
- It’s important meal times do not become a power struggle. Don’t get frustrated. If they won’t eat, explain that is what you made for dinner and the next time they’ll be eating is in the morning for breakfast. Speak confidently and move on. NO negotiating, you will turn into their personal chef.
- We are huge advocates for “One family, One meal”. As your toddler grows, keep in mind that it IS possible for them to eat what you eat! We highly encourage this transition.
- Remember throughout all your hard work, you’re instilling a love and preference for healthy eating in your child’s life. What a gift!

If there’s an eating topic, we didn’t cover (there’s a lot on this subject) and would like our input or suggestions, comment below or send a message + let’s chat!

Here at Amore Baby, we have both worked with children with physical and mental disabilities. We were so happy to have fo...

Here at Amore Baby, we have both worked with children with physical and mental disabilities. We were so happy to have found this article, as the topic naturally is so close to our hearts. We love this mother’s concerns and talking points! As we all know, being prepared for important conversations before they come up is vital for an effective upbringing. The article speaks about how everyone has physical differences yet, we are more similar than we think. Talking openly with your toddler and all their precious, innocent curiosity will start to bridge the gap as they grow between bullying and gossip. It’s our duty to teach honesty, inclusiveness, having respect for others and appreciation for everyone’s differences. Lastly, we’ll end our comments with this compelling and inspiring quote from the article, “how we treat each other is much more important than how someone looks.” Give this article a read and comment below on how you’ve talked (or plan to!) with your toddler about our differences!

As we enter the playground area, your child immediately points to mine, calling loudly “Mom, look at HER!”

Bringing Up A Thankful Baby - We encourage morality and daily habits be modeled in the first 6 months of a baby’s life. ...

Bringing Up A Thankful Baby -

We encourage morality and daily habits be modeled in the first 6 months of a baby’s life. This is something that is often not considered in infant-hood and perhaps even over-looked until late toddlerhood. As nannies, it's so rewarding to watch your charge thank grocers, mailmen, and baristas! Most of the time, we can say it's not forced because it’s been a daily practice in that child’s life since they were babies. Many may wonder if their child even comprehends the concept of thankfulness towards others...make no quick conclusions – they absolutely do. I would assume many would hope to have a polite and courteous toddler and– news flash, this is not impossible. The key is to start them young. How so? First, be your child’s example! Show them how to properly look an adult in the eyes, ask people their names and introduce themselves. For your young baby, have them practice by saying “thank you” to their crib for such a nice nap, or “thank you” to the kitchen for such a lovely dinner. Be creative, be silly. Make a tune that you sing at the end of meals based on thankfulness. Second, overindulging your baby only makes for award-worthy tantrums in the long run. In today’s society, “no” has almost become a “bad word” in the baby world (whole other blog post) but it’s important for your baby to understand that your family has boundaries (this also coincides with their self-identity). Third, reading books about thankfulness (our all time favorite: The Giving Tree) and debriefing about their day will always be a great conversation starter for toddlers as they begin to fully grasp the concept of gratefulness. As a family, have a running list on the fridge of things you’re thankful for. Soon, your toddler will want to add things to that list in which they’re thankful for. Never discredit their thankfulness. Be SO happy your child is thankful that their truck is orange! Last, we cannot stress how important it is that you incorporate daily chores and occasional volunteering in your child’s life. A one-year-old would be overjoyed to wipe down chairs after dinner! Watch your child's smile as they help alongside you at the soup kitchen. What is your experience with teaching your tots how to be thankful? Where is the area you struggle most? Is this a household priority or something that’s been overlooked?


Welcome to Amore Baby LA! We are so pleased to announce our official page. We are two dedicated professionals that have been in Los Angeles for 2 years, roommates and career nannies - we LOVE what we do. We have both found great passion behind our work to educate and encourage young parents and nannies as they bring up baby.

We are professionals with over 15 years of combined experience. Having studied and worked with many parenting styles and concepts, many people have asked us our opinions and advice over all the years. Finally, we've made ourselves available to you online. We strongly believe everyone can experience a structured home life that nurtures and inspires every child. Think of us as your advisors when it comes to parenting + nanny related questions from interview pep-talks (nannies), creating sleep schedules for infants, reviews on baby products to household management. Amore Baby LA has you covered!

Also, you can follow us on Instagram at !

If interested in further inquiries for services, please contact us at [email protected]

***Disclaimer: All advice given is strictly based upon our experience as professionals and what we have considered to be successful. Our services in no way override or discredit any legal and medical orders.***




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