I wish you heal from what you don't tell anyone, from those pains you endure in silence, from the tears that stream down your face before you sleep.
I wish you heal from your fears, fears and insecurities. Of the uncertainties that life gave you one day and that you face every day when you get out of bed and move on.
I wish you to heal, from those wounds, wounds and disappointments, that you silenced, about which you never complained, but that you still feel deeply within yourself.
I wish you heal from the past that is still with you in the emotional scars you carry without complaining.
May you heal from the apologies that were never given to you, from the appreciation that you did not receive, from the thanks that was not given to you, of the fair recognition that was not offered to you, from all the times that you deserved to receive the best and it did not come to you.
I wish you heal from the pains you swallowed, silenced, and threw inside.
I wish you recover from all the times you said you were "okay" when actually you weren't. Sometimes you swallow your crying, anger, sadness, disappointment and smile, so the world doesn't see your pain, or so your smile can make someone happy.
I wish you heal from the sacrifices you had to make, from the indifference you received, from the burdens you endured.
May you heal from the moments when you felt alone and believed that no one saw your wounds or recognized your actions. Believe, life sees, life corresponds, life healthy.
Healing can be slow, quiet, sometimes difficult, and it cannot be achieved alone. But it does happen! Healing is a process. Just as many cause you wounds that you endure silently, others help heal your wounds without you realizing.
I wish you heal: from everything you say, from everything you don't say and from everything that torments you. And that's the way it is!! I decree you are healthy 🌺
David Crawford