Walking around the Golan in the winter is a special experience. We don't often get to see so much water pooling, flowing, rushing, and trickling as we do right after the rains.
The land of Israel was blessed in a unique, and maybe unexpected way- our rainfall, which is so crucial for life and survival, is solely based on our prayers. This sounds even more contradictory when the comparison of Israel that is made in the Torah, is Egypt- whose water source is based off of the Nile river all year round. One would think that having a constant water source would be the better blessing, and definitely would be the easier option! But in fact- its the RELATIONSHIP that we're cultivating with God, by having a constant need for connection, conversation, interaction, that is the point of the blessing we were given:
God WANTS to have a relationship with us, he WANTS the discussions, the requests, the thanks, and everything else, so that he can be part of our lives. He's giving us the opportunities to create the connection, the tools to cultivate the relationship, and thankfully- he blessed us this year with an abundance of rain, something we so sorely need.
And I'd like to believe that this year- just like the vast amounts of rain we received, we will also be blessed with peace, quiet and safety from all threats in the near future and for the years to come.