To Wadjet, great one of Lower Egypt, I offer my praise.
Wadjet who wears the Red Crown, mighty in ancient Memphis,
companion of Nekhbet with whom you ward the two lands,
yours is the delta, the many fingers of the Nile,
the dark and fertile soil; O Wadjet who is green,
who is of the flourishing lands, I call to you.
O Wadjet, mighty one who is the uraeus,
O cobra risen on your tail, guardian of kings,
O Eye of Ra, fierce in justice, fierce in vengeance,
easer of birth pains, protector of children,
O Wadjet, I praise your glory and your strength.
Defender of the right and the good, I pray to you;
punisher of the wicked and the foul, I pray to you;
avenger of the grieving and the wronged, I pray to you.
Wadjet, goddess fair and good, I honor you.
~Hymn to Wadjet, by God's of Sand and Water
Excited to share that next Sunday Feb 23rd, I will be teaching a 3 hour workshop in exploring the mystic wisdom of the ancient serpent energies, their spirit medicine, their archetypes, their symbolic language, their healing abilities, their power to awaken new levels within, that can increase self-love, self acceptance, self awareness, initiate boundaries, strengthen the spine and central channel. You’ll learn 4 practices you can deepen into and cultivate to empower you in the year of the Yin Wood Snake.
Comment 🐍 and I'll DM you info
Te last 4 photos in the slides, taken in 2009, when I adopted my first snake, Sneeker. When I brought her to my house, I sat with her doing a Wadjet meditation...she moved from my lap, nuzzled the back of my neck and then weaved her way through my braid, out the top of my crown and eventually rested on my brow.
I called out to my brother to come down and see it, and he took the photos. She stayed in my hair for several hours.
It was one of the most amazing initiations with the serpent medicine, and she continued to engage with my in my practice til she passed. I was gifted another albino corn snake days after she died 🤯 and he is still living happily here with me.
🔥📸 at Saqqara by