Awakening the Divine; Sacred Journeys in Egypt

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Awakening the Divine; Sacred Journeys in Egypt our next tour to Egypt Oct 18th-31st Is Egypt calling you?

our next tour to Egypt is March 12-25th 2016
For more information/brochure email [email protected] blessed be to your path

To Wadjet, great one of Lower Egypt, I offer my praise.Wadjet who wears the Red Crown, mighty in ancient Memphis,compani...

To Wadjet, great one of Lower Egypt, I offer my praise.
Wadjet who wears the Red Crown, mighty in ancient Memphis,
companion of Nekhbet with whom you ward the two lands,
yours is the delta, the many fingers of the Nile,
the dark and fertile soil; O Wadjet who is green,
who is of the flourishing lands, I call to you.
O Wadjet, mighty one who is the uraeus,
O cobra risen on your tail, guardian of kings,
O Eye of Ra, fierce in justice, fierce in vengeance,
easer of birth pains, protector of children,
O Wadjet, I praise your glory and your strength.
Defender of the right and the good, I pray to you;
punisher of the wicked and the foul, I pray to you;
avenger of the grieving and the wronged, I pray to you.
Wadjet, goddess fair and good, I honor you.

~Hymn to Wadjet, by God's of Sand and Water
Excited to share that next Sunday Feb 23rd, I will be teaching a 3 hour workshop in exploring the mystic wisdom of the ancient serpent energies, their spirit medicine, their archetypes, their symbolic language, their healing abilities, their power to awaken new levels within, that can increase self-love, self acceptance, self awareness, initiate boundaries, strengthen the spine and central channel. You’ll learn 4 practices you can deepen into and cultivate to empower you in the year of the Yin Wood Snake.

Comment 🐍 and I'll DM you info

Te last 4 photos in the slides, taken in 2009, when I adopted my first snake, Sneeker. When I brought her to my house, I sat with her doing a Wadjet meditation...she moved from my lap, nuzzled the back of my neck and then weaved her way through my braid, out the top of my crown and eventually rested on my brow.
I called out to my brother to come down and see it, and he took the photos. She stayed in my hair for several hours.
It was one of the most amazing initiations with the serpent medicine, and she continued to engage with my in my practice til she passed. I was gifted another albino corn snake days after she died 🤯 and he is still living happily here with me.

🔥📸 at Saqqara by

𓋹To the Goddess of Love, the Lady of the Two Lands,Giving praise to Hathor, who lives in Thebes.Kiss the earth for her i...

𓋹To the Goddess of Love, the Lady of the Two Lands,
Giving praise to Hathor, who lives in Thebes.
Kiss the earth for her in all her forms.
May I pray to her for the greatness of her name,
for the strength of her striking power.
Love of her is in the hearts of the people.
Her beauty is with the gods.
The Ennead shall go to her
bowing down for the greatness of her eminence.

It was on the day that I saw her beauty
—my mind was spending the day in celebration thereof —
that I beheld the Lady of the Two Lands in a dream and she placed joy in my heart.
Then I was revitalized with her food;
without that one would say,
“If only that I had food, if only that we had food!”
He who is wise will honor her at the seasonal festival.
That which gives teaching to the people
might be regarded to be pure food.
Near the servant in the Place of Truth, Ipui the Justified, says:
In order to solve the problem of rivalry and coveting her,
the wonders of Hathor, which she did,
should be related to the ones who don’t know it, and the ones who do know it.
A generation should tell a next generation how beautiful she truly is,
especially when she sets her face to the sky.
One is bathed and inebriated by the vision of her.

Her father, Amun, shall listen to all her petitions peacefully and patiently
when he rises, carrying her beauty.
He made lapis lazuli for her hair, and gold for her limbs.
The Two Banks of Horus were made for her
that the mother goddess may prepare the fertile land to its limits,
because love of her is so great
Her brow shall bind with the beauty of his beloved face.

~Hymn to Hathor, Translated by K. Szpakowska
This prayer is from the Stela of Ipui (Ipuy), dated to the 18th Dynasty of Egypt (circa 1500 BCE).
1. Rendition of Hathor by Robyn Chance
2. Hathor holding Pharoahs hand, Kom Ombo
3. Hathor in her role as Lady of the West, supporting with love, Ra
4. A.i.generated Hathor
5. Freedom is love ... free p@lestine

Sekhmet-Bastet, She Who has Power over the host of beings,Sekhmet the Daughter of the Great God Ra,the Brilliant One,the...

Sekhmet-Bastet, She Who has Power over the host of beings,
Sekhmet the Daughter of the Great God Ra,
the Brilliant One,
the Powerful One,
the Fierce One,
the Shining One,
the Appeased Lady of Offerings,
the Lady of Transformations on the forehead of Ra Who begot Her,
the Only Uraeus of many faces Who overthrows or Who gives Life to him who is under Her dominion,
Her Divine Emissaries act in accordance with what She says.

~HYMN TO THE GODDESS SEKHMET-BASTET from the Temple of the Hathor at Dendera.
🔥 📹 📸 Vias tagged.
Photo of me in slide 3 by Jeremy Cortez from my album, Elements.
Free P@lestine 🍉

The Shadow body. The Khaibit. The Sheut. One of the 9 bodies of the Ancient Egyptian understanding of the dimensionality...

The Shadow body. The Khaibit. The Sheut. One of the 9 bodies of the Ancient Egyptian understanding of the dimensionality of this human and soul experience.
The shadow body in Chinese Energetic Medicine is a valued tool in helping a patient heal.
The ancient Egyptians valued the Shadow body as a vital source of how to navigate the 3 realms, ultimately assisting in the souls evolution into higher states of radiance.

I am so honoured to share a free 1 hour class on this subject with a powerful transformation practice, this coming Monday Feb 10th, 9am PST/12 ET/6pm CET, with the amazing Sisterhood Acadamy, hosted by my dear friend and sister .

The 2 final slides here show the incredible free classes that have already taken place in the last few weeks, and the 2 upcoming ones this coming week, which are the last in this series. they are all accessible to you as they were all recorded. Valuable practices for navigating the shadow, and ones you can return to time and again to help you.

the shadow of our collective human distortions are more visible than ever, and this is the moment that it is important we do not fall into any deep states of fear or apathy and instead lean into our transformative regenerative nature so we can focus on solutions, clarity of action, highly regarding human rights and the value of this precious life we are all given, and living upward in consciousness.
The shadow is always a teacher.

Go to and sign up for free to the Sisterhood Academy. I will also post the links in my stories.
See you there

Photo of me by the incredible at Kilcooly Abby a few weeks ago. Dress by Renaissance collection

𓂀🐍𓂀 Blessings on this New Moon commencing the 13 moon cycle of the lunar year, with the energies of the Yin Wood Snake.T...

𓂀🐍𓂀 Blessings on this New Moon commencing the 13 moon cycle of the lunar year, with the energies of the Yin Wood Snake.

The lesson brought forth from this animals wisdom and medicine is to be real with oneself.

A snake grows by shedding it's skin.
There is always a sacrifice, be it an old outdated thought pattern or an unhealthy relationship. Something must always change for growth. Just like our body's cells renew themselves and shed the old.

Shedding the illusions that come to light.
Snake medicine is clarifying. It is precise.
It knows where to strike.
This is the great Awakener, Wadjet.

In Ancient Egypt, there are many snake Neters. I mentioned 3 in my last post that I work closely with in my personal practice.

🐍Wadjet, The Green One, one of the most ancient of the Neteru, is the active force of life itself. The writhing energy of the Sekhem, the strengthener of the Djed Pillar.

🐍Meretseger - She who Loves Silence.
Protector of the beloved deceased, she is a Goddess of both punishment and mercy.

🐍Renenutet- The Nourishing Snake, embodies the power of fertility, the land, abundance and protection.

The Uraeus, the serpent who sits on the brow, is the raised and refined energies of the life force, and is the clarifying protective force that strikes.

But we cannot leave out Apep - the serpent of chaos, of destruction and of ultimate evil that we must slay and overcome, actually on a daily basis.
This is the aspect that exists in humans as the corrupted ego, the false illusion of self, the spiritual bypasser, and it comes in forms from mild to menace.
It distorts the virtues and is an ultimate trickster.
The ancient Egyptians saw this as the serpent who collapses Ma'at, and thus must be slayed every single day.

Snakes many meanings touch on some of the deepest mysteries in life.

In a snake year, it is wise to
stay humble, grounded, respectful.

Take time regularly to sit in silence.

Allow integration.

Stay close to the earth.

Listen to your intuition.

Shed to release without attachment.

Honour your sensual/sexual self.

Photos of me taken by

Facing the rising Serpent. In the last breath of the year of the dragon, we contemplate all that has been restructured a...

Facing the rising Serpent.
In the last breath of the year of the dragon, we contemplate all that has been restructured and the lessons which have ripened and revealed so much, as we simultaneously vision for the rising year of the Snake, which births with this upcoming Aquarius new moon.

Anubis, Anpu, is the warrior who became the High Priest, the Shaman and Guide of the Duat.
In his mythology, he suffered in an immensely tough childhood, that later rebirthed within him his noble compassion, resilient nature, and ultimate clarity. In this beautiful piece of art, he holds Wadjet, the serpent Goddess, known as the divine awakener.
The Clarifying force.

I have worked closely with Wadjet, Renenutet and Meretseger for the last 2 decades and the Serpent is the medicine that is most close to my heart, and a medicine of the most powerful and transformative when wielded.
Conversely can wreak havoc.
This is deeply cultivated personal medicine that I am excited to share with you all as we embark into this new chapter under the careful guidance and energetic influences of the Yin Wood Snake 🐍
Dua Wadjet
Dua Renenutet
Dua Meretseger

Contemplate in these final moments of the dragon year all that you have learned, and lay on the alter of rebirth that which you are willing to shed so you may rebirth with conscious grace and surrender.


🔥art by Dark Natasha

We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" ~Martin Luther King Jr Bee...

We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice"
~Martin Luther King Jr
Been Sitting here for some time with my cup of tea in the blazing light of Ra the morning sun of a new day, feeling the warmth and generosity of this great Star who is deified throughout human history as a reflection of the great Light of the Divine Mind, and of our own soul that mirrors it... Reflecting on the words by the great MLK, one of the avatars throughout history who took human consciousness and heart to great heights of expansion....reflecting on the resilience of the human spirit, the ceasefire in Paestine (step 1 of many til it is Free) ... the Great good that guides many, the restoration of Ma'at, and kindness inherent in our virtuous state that we are all born with.

May the virtues within rise in power more than ever in these changing and challenging times to guide us in doing the right thing, upholding Ma'at (justice, truth, balance, righteousness) and truly caring for one another.

Human rights also means equal rights.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" -MLK

Sending so much love in to the web of our human-heart connectedness
May Ma'at be restored
May Ma'at reign supreme

With human, the return begins, the liberation of Consciousness from formal or corporeal contingencies, and the movement ...

With human, the return begins, the liberation of Consciousness from formal or corporeal contingencies, and the movement back towards conscious incorporeal Being, which is immortality.
With the human being, nature enters into the phase of material disaggregation.
For you as an individual, there is that which precedes you individually and that which precedes you in general evolution, because beyond and greater than you are, the immortal Consciousnesses of the Saints and Masters.

Through Consciousness, the universe is but one single thing, all interdependent, with all.

Yet this is not difficult to understand. You have two eyes which look together at a single object. This jewealization of a single observation gives depth perception, that is the difference between distances to your psychological consciousness. Most birds have their eyes opposed.
Difference of distance does not exist for them, and by this fact, their perception is piercing.The object is neither far nor near, and the complex of the cerebral intelligence does not arise to impede them; the object which they see is neither large nor small,
it is.
But you will ask, how can the bird see an object with one eye, while the opposite eye is seeing something else?
Choice intervenes in this case?
How do you select the one you want to hear?
Ten thousand consciousnesses is are at play at the same time.
Nevertheless, there is only one Consciousness.
Ten thousand sounds at the time, strike your ear, and you hear only the one that you focus upon, even when it is the weakest.
Enumerated, force and quantity concern.Only your artificial being, your transitory instrument, your cerebral individuality.
Only the unity of your lifeThe unity of your consciousness has a value.
This is what constitutes your selective Will and permits the concentration of your intelligence, the synthesis, for it is this synthesis, which is in the origin and which fractions itself into the ten thousand parts of the aspects of the residual universe.
~R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz
Praying with the light of the full moon setting this morning as the sun was rising, for humans to remember that this web we weave is truly ALL connected 🌀

List ye, O man, while I tell the secret, reveal unto thee the secret of old.Deep in Earth's heart lies the flower, the s...

List ye, O man, while I tell the secret,
reveal unto thee the secret of old.

Deep in Earth's heart lies the flower,
the source of the Spirit
that binds all in its form.
or know ye that the Earth is living in body
as thou art alive in thine own formed form.

The Flower of Life is as thine own place of Spirit
and streams through the Earth
as thine flows through thy form;
giving of life to the Earth and its children,
renewing the Spirit from form unto form.

This is the Spirit that is form of thy body,
shaping and moulding into its form.

~Excerpt from Tablet XIII:
The Keys of Life and Death,
Emerald Tablets of Thoth

Just a few spaces remain for this spring's 'Awakening the Oracle Within' Sacred Initiation journey in beloved Kemet. Im joined by the wonderful magical Oracle sisters: @ .reads and ...


For those interested in exploring and embodying the magic and mystery of the sacred number 7,
A 7-week course exploring the Sevenfold Path, starts Jan 14th, with ...

Link in bio for all the details 🌟

1. Thoth, via Pinterest. Please tag for credit
2. A.I.
3. Image of Flower of Life from the magnificent and enigmatic Osirion temple, Abydos

I have no limitations. Unlimited power is mine within that which is universal.~Walter RussellTodays New Moon in Capricor...

I have no limitations.
Unlimited power is mine within that which is universal.
~Walter Russell

Todays New Moon in Capricorn is the 2nd new moon in December. 2 new moons in one calendar month are called Black Moons.
On the next new moon in Aqaurius in January, will commence the year of the Wood Snake. So that means this next moon phase is the last one for Wood Dragon year...heads up that the last month of the 13 month lunar cycle tends to bring forth all the pieces of the last years cycle for closure and resolve. 13 is a transformer.
Also, themes from Dragon year can be amplified in the final month... take a look at my post pinned on my page about Dragon year for a refresher and see where you may need to give some attention to so you can slide in into snake year with a brand new skin.

🔥 Art "The Black Poet", touched by the - Original piece by Jean-Léon Gérôme in 1888.

There is an interesting link between the birth of the sun following the Winter Solstice and the virgin in the form of th...

There is an interesting link between the birth of the sun following the Winter Solstice and the virgin in the form of the constellation of Virgo. On this date, some have suggested, when these allegorical tales were constructed, the constellation of Virgo could be seen rising above the eastern horizon at around midnight on the 24th of December (Morning of the 25th of December), giving birth to the sun after the winter solstice. The sun rising on the east, just beneath Virgo, was said to be born of a virgin.

Thus, from the Virgin was born the Sun of god.

Moreover, Isis was described as the ‘Great Virgin,’ whose mythos probably contributed to the creation of the Virgin Mary of the Christian religion. There is little doubt regarding this fact, as Isis was not only represented as the virgin and the ‘Queen of Heaven’, but also as the mother of the son of the sun god Osiris. The three of them constituted one of the most ancient trinities, symbolized later by the Pythagorean triangle, in which the hypotenuse (long side) symbolic of the divine child was calculated as equal in length to the combination of the two shorter sides, which represented the divine or archetypal parents.
~excerpt Michael A. Sherlock,
Jesus Christ; The Sun of God and The Great Virgin
Nollaig Shona Daoibh☀️
Go dtreoraí an tsíocháin thú.
Síocháin don Mheánoirthear agus saoirse do Palaistíne 🙏
le grá agus beannachtaí
~Dee 💚

Ra rises. He goes out into the world, a passion, a fire burning up night, making day. His light ennobled the face of hea...

Ra rises. He goes out into the world, a passion, a fire burning up night, making day. His light ennobled the face of heaven. He warms the belly of sky. He gladdens Nut, his mother. He walks the upper regions, his heart inflamed with love.

His words are smelted into gold. With a kiss, Ra turns poison into magic.

Ra rules the air and the gods invisible. The book of law lies in his hands. The speech of his lips falls lightly into being. His word enters the world. “Creation,” says he. “Destruction. Power invisible. Glory.

At any moment, you enter heaven by saying, “I am a temple of Ra.” Love is his light; compassion the light of the world. Ra is fire. Joy is the sky. His heart beats with forever. The white clouds of his thoughts pass over the sky and water.
~Ra Rising. Egyptian Book of coming forth by day, translated by Normandi Ellis.
𓇳 The winter solstice, a sacred moment marking the Sun's rebirth, embodies the victory of light over shadow. In ancient Egypt, this season honored the birth of Ra and the birth of Horus, a celebration of cyclical renewal and eternal return. 𓂀
May the Light of Truth shine steadfast through the darkness, guiding us home to the hearts we share.

Comment Ra below if you'd like to receive my Solstice newsletter
Some upcoming announcements:
Sign ups for The Sevenfold Path with myself and are now open, for our 7-week journey Jan14th-Feb 25th of wisdom, healing, and growth as you reconnect with the ancient teachings of the 7 chakras and the Major Arcana of the Tarot.
Registration for Awakening the Oracle Within, Sacred Initiation journey to Holy Egypt, is open through Jan 11th. Link in bio for all the exciting details! This coming Monday, I'll be joined on Instagram live with sister chatting about our magical Oracle journey this coming March 2025.
Images via Pinterest of the Rising Sun at karnak temple on Winter Solstice.
No.3 excerpt from my newsletter
No. 4 A.I. generated

When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men.~Manly P. Hall...

When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men.
~Manly P. Hall
🔥image of Bast in contemplation, A.I. generated


Art thou aware that Egypt is the image of heaven, or rather, that it is the projection below of the order of things abov...

Art thou aware that Egypt is the image of heaven, or rather, that it is the projection below of the order of things above? If the truth must be told, this land is indeed the temple of the world.
~Hermes Trismegistus
Kickstart 2025 with 'The Sevenfold Path':
A a deeply experiential, transformational 7 week immersion with and myself,
Weaving a plethora of wisdom teachings to assist you in tapping into the power of your 7 chakras, their dimensionality through the physical, energetic and spirit realms, within and without, through the lens of multiple mystical traditions.

Jan14th-Feb 25th

We've been brewing this course for several years and soooo excited that now is the time.
See you there!
Link in bio to sign up

⊙ I am Atum rising upI am the only One.I came into existence Kheprer-na in Nun.I am Ra in his rising.In the beginning .....

⊙ I am Atum rising up
I am the only One.
I came into existence Kheprer-na in Nun.
I am Ra in his rising.
In the beginning ...
I am the great God who came into existence
By himself Kheprer r'esef
Nun, that is, who created his name
"Substance, father, if the Gods " as God

~ the Pyramid Texts
The self created God of Light and of Life, symbolized by the hieroglyph of the Sun, a circle with the dot in the center.
Khepri at sunrise, Ra at noon, Atum at sunset.
The triple God.

Atom = neutrons, electrons, protons
The triple God.

Drop the mic 🎤

2nd image of the first ever direct observation of an individual atom,Atom, with an electronic orbital ring using a quantum microscope (via )
Image APS/Alan Stonebraker

O my twice-great master Thoth,the only God who has no equal,who sees and hears whomsoever passes,who knows whomsoever is...

O my twice-great master Thoth,
the only God who has no equal,
who sees and hears whomsoever passes,
who knows whomsoever is drawing near,
with the knowledge of everything that happens!

You have made my heart walk upon your waters,
He who walks on your road will never stumble.

O people living on this Earth, and those yet to be born,
ye who come to this mountain,
ye who see this tomb and pass by it.
Come, I will guide you on the road of life,
you will sail with a favorable wind, without accidents,
and you will arrive at the abode of the city of generations.

The road of the man who obeys Thoth [God] is straight,
happy is he whose heart urges him to follow it!

To walk on the road of God is to be filled with light,
great are the advantages gained by those who
discipline themselves to follow it.

It is a monument raised by them on this Earth,
that those who follow the paths of God,
those who cling to the ways of God,
spend all their lives in joy, gathering riches without equal.

Thoth, the God of knowledge, rewards every act according to its own merit.

As you act, so shall you be treated.
To speak a good word is to build a monument.
Happiness is to be found in observing Ma’at.
The West beyond the horizon is the dwelling place for he who has not transgressed the law,
happy is who reaches there!

Nobody can reach there unless their hearts have conformed exactly to the law.

Down there, there is no distinction between rich and poor,
unless it is in the favor of he who is found to be righteous
when weighted in the scales of justice before the master of eternity.

~ Inscribed on the tomb of Petosiris, the high priest of Thoth at Hermopolis.
Image: Ani and his wife adoring Djheuty/Thoth, Egyptian Book of the Dead, papyrus of Ani

Hail to you, Great God in the east of the sky! I go aboard your Bark, O Ra, I pass by as a divine falcon, I give orders,...

Hail to you, Great God in the east of the sky! I go aboard your Bark, O Ra, I pass by as a divine falcon, I give orders, I smite with my scepter and govern with my staff. I go aboard your Bark, O Ra, in peace. I navigate in peace to the beautiful West, and Atum speaks to me.

~ Chapter 131, Egyptian Book of the dead, translated by Raymond O. Faulkner
A.I. Generated image

As the great mediator, Thoth/Djheuty finds solutions to the problems of the gods. He brings forth from his great wisdom ...

As the great mediator, Thoth/Djheuty finds solutions to the problems of the gods. He brings forth from his great wisdom ways to establish Ma'at- order, balance, harmony.
In many cases, he does so with a twist of humour - think of the dyeing of the vats of beer with pomegranate juice to get Sekhmet drunk.
In Ireland, one of our great superpowers of how as a small tribal indigenous community faced with with the wrath of colonization, genocide, forced famine - it was song, dance, poetry and the art of humour that were intrinsic to our survival by lifting the spirit to find the solutions yo liberate ourselves and lift up the warrior spirit ...and are what we are most well known for today.

How do we move through the chaos in the world and still find laughter, joy, time to dance, sing and write our hearts out to channel the inner world and sadness into art that can uplift another soul?
Every morning my uncle Paddy sends me funny jokes (many inappropriate 🤣) and i get to start my day with a laugh.. see slide 10. No matter what tragic or heartbreaking moment he is dealing with in his own life, even on those days, he still sends me a joke. He still finds a way to smile through it all.
I find this medicine to be vital.
When I first came to Egypt in 2006, I told my then Egyptian fiancé that the Egyptians were very much like the Irish. They loved to joke, laugh, dance, sing, and drink lots of tea! One thing we shared aside from finding beauty in merging our seemingly miles apart spiritual practices (a Muslim man with a Mystic woman!) we would roar laughing more often than not, and as we are still friends to this day, we always bask in the laughs when we hang out.

So my message today is this, find those and keep them close who you can share a belly laugh with, be silly and goofy in the face of the pains of this world, and let that joy medicine of the heart flow out into the collective to uplift the hearts and minds of those who need it most. May they feel a smile upon the wind.🤍🪶🫂
May the medicine of the great mediator Thoth pour forth from the inner world of our collective to help us find the solutions we need to remember we are one race of human souls



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Is Egypt calling you? our next tour to Egypt is April 4th-17th 2019 For more information/brochure email [email protected] blessed be to your path