🇲🇽 Their official name is not Mexico, but Mexican United States.
🇲🇽 Even though it was created in 1821 it took 147 years to become official 1968.
🇲🇽 Home to the largest pyramid, Did you think Egypt's pyramids were unbeatable? The Great Pyramid of Cholula measures 450 meters by 450 meters, rising 55 meters above the plain where construction began around the year 300 BC.
🇲🇽 Spanish-speaking country with the most inhabitants, logic would say that Spain is where Spanish is spoken the most. But with more than 120 million inhabitants, Mexico surpasses any other country.
🇲🇽 There are 68 recognized languages. One of the most unknown curiosities of Mexico is that there are 68 native languages and 364 recognized linguistic variants in the country besides Spanish. Surprisingly, Mexico doesn't have any official language.
🇲🇽 Largest exporter of beer in the world, the Corona brand is the most well-known in other countries.
🇲🇽 Coca Cola is the favorite refreshing carbonated drink, Mexico is the country with the highest consumption of Coca Cola on the whole planet. Nothing good
🇲🇽 Chocolate was a Mexican discovery. We have to thank the Olmec, Aztec, Toltec and Mayan civilizations!
🇲🇽The largest university in the world is Mexican.
UNAM has over 360,000 students enrolled. With those numbers, it's the largest in the world. It was founded in 1551, also winning the record for being the oldest college in North America.
🇲🇽"In its form Mexico is a country like no other in the world: With its two peninsulas and its two gulfs it swings on both sides of the Tropico de Cáncer.
To the north it unfolds deserts and drought, to the south it is wrapped in forests and humidity.
🇲🇽 Mexico is like an enormous wrinkled paper, full of mountain ranges, mountains, plateaus, volcanoes and plains, where all climates exist and one tenth of the plants and animals on the planet are concentrated."
We are lucky to live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world 🌍