The American Civil War is not as far removed as it may seem!
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Helen Viola Jackson, the last documented widow of a Civil War soldier, on December 16th, 2020. Ms. Jackson was 101 years old at the time of her passing. She had been a resident of the Webco Manor Nursing Home in Marshfield, Missouri for many years.
Helen Jackson married Private James Bolin, Company F, of the 14th Missouri Cavalry, on September 4th, 1936. He was 93 years old and she was 17. Her father had volunteered her to stop by his house each day and assist him with chores as she headed home from school. Bolin did not believe in accepting charity and, after a period of time, asked Helen for her hand in marriage in order to provide for her future by leaving her his Union pension. She accepted and Bolin recorded the wedding in his personal Bible. Bolin died in June of 1939 and Helen never remarried. She also never applied for the pension.
For more information on how the Sons Of Union Veterans Of The Civil War will be showing their respect for Ms. Helen Jackson, please visit our website at the following link:http://www.suvcw.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/General-Order-No.-9-2020-2021-Passing-of-Civil-War-Widow-Helen-Jackson.pdf
For more information about Ms. Helen Jackson please visit the following link: https://www.cherryblossomfest.com/WordPress/?page_id=2246