
TripIt Travel Experts
Ever since we opened our doors in 2022 our main goal was to help travelers discover the innumerable wonders our planet has in store for us.

The agents at TripIt will guide you through the process.

🌴🌊 Is this paradise? We think so! 🌞 September is calling, and it's the perfect time to dive into the Maldives for a once...

🌴🌊 Is this paradise? We think so! 🌞 September is calling, and it's the perfect time to dive into the Maldives for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 🐠✨ Snorkel with vibrant marine life, scuba dive through breathtaking coral reefs, or simply soak up the sun on white-sand beaches. 🏖️

Don’t let summer slip away without an adventure. Whether you’re a pro diver or a first-time snorkeler, the Maldives is your playground! 🌊🐠

Book your autumn underwater escape now and experience the beauty beneath the waves! 🌞✨

Dnes tu máme deň žien a preto sme sa rozhodli že potešíme niekoho z Vás pobytom na Maledivách 🩷SK: SÚŤAŽ 🔊Prekvapte darč...

Dnes tu máme deň žien a preto sme sa rozhodli že potešíme niekoho z Vás pobytom na Maledivách 🩷

Prekvapte darčekom svoju polovičku pobytom na lokálnom ostrove na Maledivách😍
Vyhrajte romantickú dovolenku pre svoju partnerku.
Ako sa zapojit?->
Sledujte náš profil .withus
Dajte like na fotku👍🏼
Napíšte nám do komentáru, prečo si zaslúžite vyhrať práve Vy.

Cena zahrña:
-7 dní a 6 nocí v Guesthouse na lokálnom ostrove na Maledivách s raňajkami
-Romantickú večeru pri sviečkach na pláži
-Welcome drink

Ubytovanie je určené pre dve osoby. Pobyt za jednu
osobu je hradený Vami a druhý je predmetom súťaže.

Víťaza vyhlásime v nedeľu 10.3.2024.

Pre viac informácií nás kontaktujte cez správu alebo email.

Surprise your other half with a gift for Women’s Day by staying in the Maldives😍
Win a romantic holiday for your partner or your friend.
How to participate?->
Follow our profile .withus
Give a like on our picture 👍🏼
Tell us in the comments why you deserve to win.

Prize includes:
-7 days and 6 nights in a Guesthouse on a local island in the Maldives with breakfast
-Romantic candlelit dinner on the beach
-Welcome drink

Accommodation is for two persons. Stay for one person is paid by you and the other is subject of the competition.

The winner will be announced on Sunday 10.3.2024.

For more information contact us via message or email.

Lets get lost in the Maldives together🩵•••

Lets get lost in the Maldives together🩵

SK: SÚŤAŽ🔊💖 Prekvapte svojho Valentína pobytom na Maledivách.💑Darujte svojej polovičke nezabudnuteľný valentínsky zážito...

💖 Prekvapte svojho Valentína pobytom na Maledivách.💑

Darujte svojej polovičke nezabudnuteľný valentínsky zážitok. Vyhrajte romantickú dovolenku pre svojho partnera.

Ako sa zapojiť?->


Sledujte nás na .withus
Dajte like na fotku❤️
Označte svojho Valentína a povedzte nám, prečo si zaslúži tento pobyt 💌
Zdieľaj tento príspevok do svojho príbehu✨

🏝️ Cena zahŕňa:

✨ 7 dní a 6 nocí v Guesthouse na lokálnom ostrove na Maledivách s raňajkami
🍽️ Romantickú večeru pri sviečkach na pláži
🥂 Welcome drink
🌅 Nezabudnuteľné okamihy

Ubytovanie je určené pre dve osoby. Pobyt za jednu osobu je hradený Vami a druhý je predmetom súťaže.

Víťaza vyhlásime vo štvrtok 25.1.2024 prostredníctvom Instagram Livestreamu. Pre viac informácií nás kontaktujte cez správu alebo email.

💖 Surprise Your Valentine with a Maldives Getaway for Two! 💑

This Valentine’s Day, give the gift of a dream escape to the Maldives—just for your special someone! Win a romantic vacation for your partner and only pay for your stay. Here’s how to enter:

🏝️ Prize includes:

✨ 7 days and 6 nights in a guesthouse on a local island in the Maldives
🍽️ Romantic candlelit dinner on the beach
🥂 Welcome drink

🌅 Unforgettable moments in paradise


Follow us on .withus
Like this post ❤️
Tag your Valentine and tell us why they deserve this dream escape 💌
Share our post in your story🥰

The winner will enjoy the romantic getaway, and you only have to cover your own stay. It’s the perfect way to create unforgettable memories together!

Winner will be announced on Thursday the 25th of January via Instagram Livestream. For more details, contact us via DM or send us an email.

Západy slnka z nášho ostrova😍🧡•••

Západy slnka z nášho ostrova😍🧡

SK: Veľa krát sa stretávame s otázkami, či sú Maldivy vhodné aj pre menšie deti či už v súvislosti s jedlom alebo všeobe...

SK: Veľa krát sa stretávame s otázkami, či sú Maldivy vhodné aj pre menšie deti či už v súvislosti s jedlom alebo všeobecne. Odpoveď je jednoznačne ÁNO! Mali sme už aj detičky vo veku 3 rokov, ktoré boli schopné absolvovať všetky výlety ( dokonca aj plávanie so žralokmi 🙊) a s jedlom taktiež nebol žiadny problém😊

EN: Many times we get the questions about whether the Maldives is also suitable for small children, these questions are usually in connection with food or trips. The answer YES! We already had children at the age of 3 who were able to do all the trips (even swimming with sharks 🙊) and there was no problem with food at all 😊

SK: Boli ste niekedy svedkom takzvaného „svietiaceho planktónu“? Niektoré organizmy na súši aj na mori môžu produkovať s...

SK: Boli ste niekedy svedkom takzvaného „svietiaceho planktónu“? Niektoré organizmy na súši aj na mori môžu produkovať svetlo prostredníctvom chemických reakcií prebiehajúcich v ich telách známych ako bioluminiscencia. Bioluminiscencia je výsledkom chemickej reakcie produkujúcej svetlo. Určité typy chemikálií, pri ich zmiešaní, vytvárajú energiu, ktorá vytvára svetlo, ktoré následne spôsobuje žiaru.

Na ďalšom obrázku uvidíte, aký úžasný výhľad mali naši hostia včera večer pri večeri😍🌌

EN: Have you ever witnessed the so called “sea of stars”? Certain creatures both on land and sea can produce light through chemical reactions taking place within their bodies known as Bioluminescence. The bioluminescence results from a light-producing chemical reaction also called chemiluminescence. Certain types of chemicals when mixed together produce energy which ‘excites’ other particles on vibration and generate light which causes the glow.

Swipe to see what a spectacular dinner view our guests had last night😍🌌

📍Rasdhoo - Madivaru Kro guest house Price INCLUDES:✅accomodation with breakfast✅transfer from the airport to the island ...

📍Rasdhoo - Madivaru Kro guest house

✅accomodation with breakfast
✅transfer from the airport to the island and back
✅all local taxes
✅ service tax

❌flight tickets

*price applies for bookings made for at least for 2 people

For more informations or other booking variatons send us a DM💌😊

Are you in interested in an April runaway to the Maldives? 👉In the price is included: all inclusive accomodation and ret...

Are you in interested in an April runaway to the Maldives?
👉In the price is included: all inclusive accomodation and return flight tickets for 2 people 👈
DM us for more info📩

SK: Náš lokálny ostrov Rasdhoo je jednou z najobľúbenejších destinácií pre milovníkov potápania na Maldivách. V závislos...

SK: Náš lokálny ostrov Rasdhoo je jednou z najobľúbenejších destinácií pre milovníkov potápania na Maldivách. V závislosti od prúdu a ročného obdobia môžete na útese vidieť obrovské húfy útesových rýb, tuniakov, húfy barakúd a pod. Rasdhoo je známe taktiež svojimi biotopmi čiernych a bielych útesových žralokov.

EN: Our local island Rasdhoo is one of the most popular destinations for diving in Maldives. Depending on the current and time of the year, on the reef you can see huge schools of reef fish, batfish, tuna, parrot fish; there are Napoleon fish and schools of barracudas. Rasdhoo is famous for its habitats of black and white tip reef sharks.

Early afternoon view in Rasdhoo 😍 •••

Early afternoon view in Rasdhoo 😍

SK: Poď a zaži s nami Maldivy tak trochu inak ‼️Veľmi často sa stretávame s názorom, že si ľudia Maldivy spájajú len s l...

SK: Poď a zaži s nami Maldivy tak trochu inak ‼️Veľmi často sa stretávame s názorom, že si ľudia Maldivy spájajú len s luxusným a predraženým rezortom a domčekmi na vode. Opak je však pravdou! S nami zažiješ Maldivy na lokálnom ostrove kde sa ponoríme do kultúry miestnych ľudí, ukážeme si nádherné miesta ktoré Maldivy ponúkajú a to všetko aj bez drahých rezortov a za výhodnú cenu😍🌴ak sa chceš dozvedieť viac napíš nám správu💌
EN: Come and experience the Maldives with us a little differently ‼️Very often we come across the opinion that people only associate the Maldives with luxurious and overpriced resorts and houses on the water. However, the opposite is true! With us you will experience the Maldives on a local island where we will immerse yourself in the culture of the local people, we will show you the beautiful places that the Maldives has to offer and all this without expensive resorts and for affodable price😍🌴if you are interested in more details send us a DM💌

We love Maldives💙 •••

We love Maldives💙

🇸🇰:Tri mýty o žralokoch🦈1. Žraloky sú krvilační predátori:Názor, že žraloky sú chladnokrvnými zabijakmi, je mylný. Ako k...

🇸🇰:Tri mýty o žralokoch🦈

1. Žraloky sú krvilační predátori:
Názor, že žraloky sú chladnokrvnými zabijakmi, je mylný. Ako každé zviera, aj žraloky sa živia rôznymi organizmami – ako sú napríklad tulene, ryby a niekedy aj iné žraloky – aby prežili. Nie všetky žraloky však jedia veľké cicavce alebo ryby. Niektorí z nich sa živia drobným planktónom a krilom.

2. Žraloky priťahuje ľudská krv:
Toto je mýtus, ktorý je nám zobrazovaný najmä vo filmoch. Ľudská krv žraloky nepriťahuje. Žraloka priťahuje skôr krvácajúca ryba alebo tuleň. Väčšina „útokov“ na ľudí sú nehody spôsobené slabou viditeľnosťou vody. To je dôvod, prečo je oveľa viac uhryznutí ako smrteľných prípadov.

3. Žraloky nemajú žiadne hrozby:
Bohužiaľ, ľudia sú najväčšou hrozbou žralokov. Podľa Discovery sa každý rok uloví a zabije 73 miliónov žralokov, na to aby sa ich plutvy použili v kulinárskych jedlách, ako je polievka zo žraločích plutiev.

🇬🇧:Three false notions about sharks🦈

1. Sharks are bloodthirsty predators
The notion that sharks are cold-hearted killers is misguided. Like any animal, sharks prey on various organisms – like sea lions, fish and sometimes other sharks – to survive. However, not all sharks eat large mammals or fish. Some of them are feeding on a tiny plankton and krill.

2. Sharks are attracted to human blood
This is a myth that is being shown to us in the movies. Sharks are not attracted to human blood. A shark is more likely to be attracted to a bleeding fish or sea lion than a human being with a cut in the ocean. Most “attacks” on humans are mistakes due to poor water visibility or are inquisitive bites. This is why there are so many more bites than fatalities.

3. Sharks have no threats
Unfortunately, human beings are the shark’s biggest threat. According to Discovery, an estimated 73 million sharks are caught and killed every year for their fins to be used in culinary dishes like shark fin soup.

📍Thoddoo Sunsky Inn guest house Price INCLUDES:✅accomodation with breakfast, lunch and dinner✅transfer from the airport ...

📍Thoddoo Sunsky Inn guest house

✅accomodation with breakfast, lunch and dinner
✅transfer from the airport to the island and back
✅all local taxes
✅service tax

❌flight tickets

*price applies for bookings made for at least for 2 people

For more informations or other booking variatons send us a DM💌😊

SÚŤAŽ📢Zapojte sa do súťaže a vyhrajte tropickú dovolenku snov pre dve osoby na Maledivách🏝 v hodnote 810 EUR🤩. V cene je...


Zapojte sa do súťaže a vyhrajte tropickú dovolenku snov pre dve osoby na Maledivách🏝 v hodnote 810 EUR🤩. V cene je zahrnutých 10 nocí + raňajky pre dve osoby.

Podmienky sú nasledovné:‼️
-označte do komentára osobu, s ktorou by ste chceli stráviť nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku na Maledivách
-dajte follow na profil Trip It]
-zapojiť sa môžete aj s viacerými komentármi, vždy s inou osobou

Súťaž prebieha do 30.11.2022🗓


Join the giveaway and win a tropical dream vacation for two people in the Maldives🏝 worth 810EUR🤩. The price includes 10 nights + breakfast for two people.

The conditions:‼️
- tag in the comment the person with whom you would like to spend an unforgettable holiday in the Maldives
-give a follow to the Trip It] instagram profile
-you can join with several comments, always with a different person

The competition runs until 30.11.2022🗓

Seeing Dolphins when you come to the Maldives is always a really nice treat but imagine being in the water with them and...

Seeing Dolphins when you come to the Maldives is always a really nice treat but imagine being in the water with them and actually getting to see them up close!😍

Did you know that Mexico doesn’t have an official language? While most Mexicans speak Spanish, there are 68 recognized l...

Did you know that Mexico doesn’t have an official language? While most Mexicans speak Spanish, there are 68 recognized languages in the country, mostly indigenous. Four of these are language isolates, or languages that don’t relate to any other language.

Manta rays visit different atolls from time to time, depending on ocean currents, the movement of planktons (which manta...

Manta rays visit different atolls from time to time, depending on ocean currents, the movement of planktons (which mantas often feed on) and also the presence of cleaning stations. If you would like to experience and see these beautiful creatures, youre in the right place here as its one of the most popular activities that you can do with us in Maldives😍

October-December Offer🤩📍Rasdhoo BrickWood guest house Price includes:-accomodation-all meals-all local taxes-transfer fr...

October-December Offer🤩

📍Rasdhoo BrickWood guest house
Price includes:
-all meals
-all local taxes
-transfer from the airport
-service tax

*price applies for bookings made for at least for 2 people

For more informations or other booking variatons send us a DM💌😊

One of the most enjoyable activities that you can do with us during your stay in Maledives is kayaking🛶💦 all the guests ...

One of the most enjoyable activities that you can do with us during your stay in Maledives is kayaking🛶💦 all the guests have been enjoying these special moments while sailing throught the crystal clear water with the most beautiful views😍would you try it?

Do you like spontanous vacations?🌴💦☀️ We have a budget-friendly solution for you! NOW FROM 890 EUR 🤑Maldives for the BES...

Do you like spontanous vacations?🌴💦☀️ We have a budget-friendly solution for you! NOW FROM 890 EUR 🤑

Maldives for the BEST PRICE on the market💲
❗Currently without any entry requirements❗

✅accomodation with breakfast, lunch and dinner
✅transfer from the airport to the island and back
✅all local taxes

❌flight tickets

💌More info in email: [email protected] or in message on Instagram:

Somewhere between living and dreaming, there's the Maldives!😍 •••

Somewhere between living and dreaming, there's the Maldives!😍

Tanzania is home not just to wildebeest, but a whole load of other incredible animals. Many people travel from all over ...

Tanzania is home not just to wildebeest, but a whole load of other incredible animals. Many people travel from all over the world to see these “safari” animals in their natural habitat😍🦒🐘 would you be down for a tour as well?



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