Lazing just a kilometre and a half off the rugged Turkish coast, Samos is quietly making itself known as the finest Greek island many people have never heard of. Its cosmopolitan capital, Vathy, where buzzy grill houses and pizza joints line the perimeter of the main central square, stands in stark contrast to its sleepy flagstone fishing villages, where lithe cats twist their bodies around sun-bleached taverna chairs and octopuses are strung out on lines to dry.
The island’s hotel game is set to level up in 2022, with boho-luxe brand Casa Cook opening its latest outpost on Samos in May. With architecture inspired by the traditional buildings found in Samian villages, the (admittedly less family-friendly) adults-only property will be built around a ‘plateia’ designed to replicate a main village square, with multiple swimming pools forming the focal point of each small ‘neighbourhood’.