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God bless you We lost a great man 🖤

God bless you
We lost a great man 🖤

جمال الطبیعة فی الحدیقة “جهان نما” بشیرازمظهر حقیقی للربیع تعتبر  #حديقة "جهان نما" من أقدم الحدائق الساحرة في مدينة  #ش...

جمال الطبیعة فی الحدیقة “جهان نما” بشیراز
مظهر حقیقی للربیع
تعتبر #حديقة "جهان نما" من أقدم الحدائق الساحرة في مدينة #شيراز حيث يمكن لأي سائح ان يقضي ساعات من الهدوء في ثناياها.
وتقع حديقة "جهان نما" في شارع "دروازه قرآن" أو "بوابة القران" بمدينة شيراز التاريخية بمحافظة فارس جنوب ايران وهي حديقة رائعة بغاية اللطف والجمال قل نظيره تثير إعجاب السائحين وتتحوّل ساعاتهم الجميلة الى ذكريات حلوة باقية طيلة الحياة.



انظم الینا و زیارة شیراز 😍
حزم حقائبک و الاستعداد 🧳👀
لدینا عروس جیدة🥳🥳🥳


حديقة نزريعود تاريخ حديقة نزار إلى العصر الصفوي. يوجد صرح تقريبًا أمام المدخل الواقع في الحديقة وهو في الواقع جناح به زخ...

حديقة نزر
يعود تاريخ حديقة نزار إلى العصر الصفوي. يوجد صرح تقريبًا أمام المدخل الواقع في الحديقة وهو في الواقع جناح به زخارف رائعة لأعمال البلاط وأعمال الطوب الجميلة. تقع الحديقة على الجانب الآخر من قلعة كريم خان وهي المكان الذي قابل فيه الدبلوماسيين من دول أخرى. هذه الحديقة كانت أكبر في الماضي ؛ ومع ذلك ، فهي كبيرة بما يكفي للمتحف الكبير.
تحت تأثير الفنون الأوروبية في إيران ، تم تسمية الجناح باسم # Kolah-e Farangi (القبعة الأجنبية) وهو الاسم المستخدم أيضًا في الآثار والمباني المتشابهة. أضاف الشكل المثمّن للنصب التذكاري مع زخارفه الجميلة بشكل غير عادي إلى جمال هذا الجاذبية وخاصة البلاط المزخرف بزخارف نباتية وطيور وزهور مصورة على أسطحها. لقد تغيرت وظيفة هذه الحديقة منذ عام 1943 عندما تم استخدامها كمتحف (متحف بارس) لحفظ العناصر الرائعة التي يتم عرضها داخل الصناديق الزجاجية للمتحف. يمكنك رؤية الزخارف الجدارية مع مزيج من الألوان الذهبية والأحمر الداكن. يمكنك رؤية شاهد قبر كريم خان وسيفه ولوحة تعود إلى عصره وسلالة زند

Nazar Garden dates back to the . There is an edifice almost in front of the entrance in garden which is in fact a with wonderful decorations of and beautiful . The garden is located across from and it has been the place where he met the diplomats from other countries. This garden was larger in past; however, it is big enough for the significant .
Under the influence of European arts in , the pavilion was named -e_Farangi (foreign hat) which is also the name used for similar monuments and edifices. The octagonal shape of the monument with its extraordinarily beautiful decorations has added to the beauty of this attraction especially its tiles with floral motifs and birds and flowers depicted on their surfaces. The function of this garden has changed since 1943 when it was used as a museum (Pars Museum) keeping exquisite items which are on display inside the glass boxes of the museum. You can see the decorations of frescoes with mixtures of gold and dark red colors. You can see the , his sword and a painting which dates back to his time and .

@ Pars Museum

حديقة دلجوشا هي واحدة من الحدائق التاريخية في  #شيراز ، بالقرب من قبر السعدي. ويعود تاريخه إلى ما قبل الإسلام في عهد الس...

حديقة دلجوشا

هي واحدة من الحدائق التاريخية في #شيراز ، بالقرب من قبر السعدي. ويعود تاريخه إلى ما قبل الإسلام في عهد الساسانية
تم تجديد الحديقة خلال فترة حكم أسرة القاجار ، وتمتاز بمظهرها الجميل في الربيع بسبب أشجار اليوسفي المزهرة.
تم تحديث الكثير من الحديقة بشكل غير حساس مع رصف خرساني وقنوات مائية مطلية باللون الأزرق. تصطف بعض مناحي أشجار السرو.
المشي يؤدي إلى جناح يقف في وسط الحديقة يعود تاريخه إلى الأرض وعصور قاجار. يحتوي المبنى على شرفة تدعمها دعامات متجانسة. واجهاتهم مغطاة بالبلاط المزجج وقوالب الجص والأبواب أمثلة رائعة على أعمال التطعيم والمرايا. هناك بعض اللوحات الجميلة على الخشب مع تصاميم الزهور والشجيرات والطيور.

Delgosha Garden is one of the historical gardens in , near Tomb of Sa'adi. It dates back to the pre-Islamic_era of the .
Renovated during the , the garden takes on a more beautiful appearance in spring because of blooming tangerine trees.
much of the has been insensitively modernized with concrete paving and blue painted water channels. Some of the walks are lined with trees.
The walk leads to a standing in the center of the garden dating from the land and Qajar eras. The building has a verandah supported by two monolithic pillars. their facade is covered with glazed and plaster moldings and the doors are fine examples of inlay and mirror work. there are some lovely paintings on wood with flower, shrub and bird designs.


@ Delgosha Garden باغ دلگشا

 #حديقة عفيف آباد هي حديقة جميلة وجميلة ببراعة في حي   #شيراز الثري. تحتوي هذه الحديقة الضخمة على جناح في الوسط تم تحويل...

#حديقة عفيف آباد

هي حديقة جميلة وجميلة ببراعة في حي #شيراز الثري. تحتوي هذه الحديقة الضخمة على جناح في الوسط تم تحويله إلى متحف عسكري. تعتبر النقوش الجدارية من عصر القاجار وتصور عناصر ملوك أو جنود الأخمينيين والساسانيين لإظهار أن السلطة الحاكمة لملوك القاجار يتم التحقق منها من قبل الإيرانيين وفي الواقع بالدم والوراثة. يوجد جناح في وسط الحديقة يحمل جميع الأشياء المستخدمة في الحروب منذ العصور القديمة وحتى الوقت الحاضر بما في ذلك الأسلحة الباردة مثل سيوف الملوك والأسلحة الدافئة مثل البنادق والمدفعية الثقيلة. يمثل الطابق الثاني غرفًا مختلفة وطريقة استخدامها في الماضي مؤثثة بأثاث أجنبي وعصري من فرنسا. الكل في الكل ، هذا المتحف وخاصة الحديقة مثال آخر على حديقة فارسية كاملة وتستحق زيارة لمدة ساعتين.

Afif-Abad Garden is a brilliantly nice and beautiful garden in an affluent district of . This huge garden has a at the center which has been converted to army museum. The wall reliefs are of Qajar era and depict the elements of Achaemenid and kings or soldiers to show that the ruling power of Qajar kings is validated by Iranians and in fact, by blood and heredity. There is a pavilion in the center of the garden which holds all objects used in wars since old times up to the present including cold arms like swords of the kings and warm arms like guns and heavy artillery. The second floor represent different rooms and the way they were used in the past that is furnished with foreign and fashionable furniture from France. All in all, this museum and especially the garden is another example of a complete Persian garden and it is worth a two-hour visit.


@ Afif-Abad Garden

حديقة ارم #تعد شيراز من اقدم المناطق التاريخية وأحد أهم الأنشطة التي يمكن ممارستها في شيراز هي حديقة ارم التي تضم أكثر م...

حديقة ارم #
تعد شيراز من اقدم المناطق التاريخية وأحد أهم الأنشطة التي يمكن ممارستها في شيراز
هي حديقة ارم التي تضم أكثر من 45 نوع من أنواع النباتات والعديد من الأصناف التي يتم زراعتها يتم تحديدها ووضع علامات عليها وفقًا لذلك.فأن الحديقه لديها مساحة واسعة مخصصة لأشجار الفاكهة بما في ذلك الرمان والبرتقال الحامض ، البرسيمون ، الزيتون ، والجوز. في جزء حديقة الصخرة ، يتم عرض مجموعة واسعة من النباتات شبه الاستوائية الجميلة.
في وسط الحديقة ، يوجد جناح قديم ، وهو أحد أفضل أمثلة الحدائق الايرانيه يعتبر هذا الجناح بمثابة تحفة من عصر الغجر فيما يتعلق بهندسته المعمارية ، والرسم ، والبلاط ، والزخارف ، والطباعة الحجرية حيث غطت أعمدة المبنى ألواح المتجانسة التي يبلغ ارتفاعها أكثر من مترين والتي نحتت عليها قصائد الشخصيات الأدبية الإيرانية الشهيرة حافظ وسعدي وشريدة شيرازي.

Visiting the historic Eram Garden is one of the top things to do in .
The bears a favorable environment for over 45 species and many cultivars to be grown identified and labeled accordingly. It has a vast area allocated to fruit trees including pomegranates, sour oranges, persimmons, olives, and walnuts. In the rock garden part, a wide range of beautiful sub-tropical plants are on display.
In the center of the garden, there is an old , and it is one of the best examples of . This pavilion is regarded as a masterpiece of era with respect to its architecture, painting, tiling, chiseling, lithography, and tori. The columns of the building are covered by monolithic Gandomak slabs of more than two meters high on which poems by famous Iranian literary figures Hafez, Saadi, and Shourideh Shirazi are carved.


  Vakil Mosque is a beautiful mosque built in mid-18th century by  , the founder of  . The entrance gates as well as the...

Vakil Mosque is a beautiful mosque built in mid-18th century by , the founder of . The entrance gates as well as the interior of the mosque are decorated with colored tiles in beautiful floral patterns. The Mosque covers an area of 8,660 square meters. It has only two iwans instead of the usual four, on the northern and southern sides of a large open court. The iwans and court are decorated with typical Shirazi haft rangi (seven colors) tiles, a characteristic feature of the art and industry of during the latter half of the 18th century. The night prayer hall ( ), with an area of approximately 2,700 square meters, contains 48 monolithic pillars carved in spirals, each with a capital of acanthus leaves. The Minbar in this hall is cut from a solid piece of green marble with a flight of 14 steps and is considered to be one of the master pieces of the . The exuberant floral decorative tiles largely date from the .


   Shapouri House or Shapouri Pavilion and Garden is an early 20th-century Persian building and garden in the city of  ....

Shapouri House or Shapouri Pavilion and Garden is an early 20th-century Persian building and garden in the city of .
This garden is located in old central region of Shiraz, known as was registered as a national building in 2000. Shapouri mansion was designed and built between 1930 and 1935. This building is unique and very innovative. The garden belongs to the early in , c. 1925. The %Iranian garden tradition of symmetric design is respected, but the plantation does not follow this principle. This garden now is working as one the best traditional restaurant in Shiraz.


 Khājū Kermāni was a well-known 14th-century   from the city of   (located in the south of  ), who left his hometown to ...

Khājū Kermāni was a well-known 14th-century from the city of (located in the south of ), who left his hometown to travel to cities of the Islamic world and finally settled in . It is said that he kept the company of many notable figures in Shiraz such as .
Khwaju Kermani whose full name is Abu’l-ʿAṭā Kamāl-al-Din Maḥmud b. ʿAli b. Maḥmud Morshedi (1280–1352), was a famous and from Iran.
visiting the tomb of Khaju Kermani which is built on the foothills of the Sabuy mountain located in the northern edge of Shiraz is really recommended specially at night which fascinating.
🍀Nearby sites
Tomb of Khaju Kermani is exactly beside the Quran gate.
Tomb of Khaju Kermani to Jahan Nama Garden. 10 min.Walk.
Tomb of Khaju Kermani to Eram Garden.1o Car.
Tomb of Khaju Kermani to Shiraz Airport. 25 min by car.
Tomb of Khaju Kermani to Persepolis. 50 min by Car.

 Sadie’s tomb is in the north-east of  . it is farther from other main attractions of the city of Shiraz and you had bet...

Sadie’s tomb is in the north-east of . it is farther from other main attractions of the city of Shiraz and you had better go there by car. Set in a pleasant garden, the present tomb was built in 1952 and replaces an earlier much simpler construction. Unlike , ’di traveled extensively in Iraq and Syria, where he was even taken prisoner by the Crusaders. The , known also as the tomb of Sa’dy or , is one of the major tourist attractions of Shiraz.
The grave is inside an octagonal edifice on top of which stands an amazing azure blue dome and inside the mausoleum all around the walls are inscribed with verses of Saadi’s poems. Later this building was connected to another tomb of a Shirazi poet, Shurideh Shirazi by a colonnade portico.
Inside the mausoleum yard and in front of the entrance of the tomb lies a beautiful pond. Like hafez tomb,People throw coins into the pond so that their wishes would come true.
A in an underground reached by some steps lead visitors to some water channels that has been in use since the time of Saadi at this place. Today there’s some fish crossing channels and coming to the center where people can see them.
Inside the gorgeous atmosphere of the garden, you can listen to traditional Persian music which is played in the garden and enjoy the relaxing environment of this monument.
🍀Nearby attractions
Tomb of Saadi to Delgosha Garden.5 min.walk.
Tomb of Saadi to Eram Garden.20 min.By Car.
Tomb of Saadi to Hafez Tomb.10 min.By Car.
Tomb of Saadi to Nasir Al_Mulk Mosque.20 min.By Car.
Tomb of Saadi to Persepolis.40 min.By Car.


 Under  , a   was built to honor   at his burial place with eight pillars supporting a roof made of copper. The ceiling ...

Under , a was built to honor at his burial place with eight pillars supporting a roof made of copper. The ceiling of the mausoleum of Hafez is decorated with mosaic works that shines in lively colors. This structure is located in a garden with family tombs on one side and a wall decorated by arches on the other side.
Several rectangular pools have been added amongst the gardens, and well-maintained orange trees, paths, streams, and flower beds create a pleasant environment for the hub of Hafez's tomb and memorial hall.
For , visiting the Hafez tomb is like going to a relative’s tomb. The feelings, of course, are more with respect than grievance. Some bring rosewater to wash the tombstone and put some flowers on the grave. Then, they touch the tombstone with few fingers praying by reciting a chapter of Koran to ask for blessing of his soul. Some proceed to request Hafez to talk to them through his poems and tell them about the state of their lives or give them some wise advice through the words in his poems. Then, they open their eyes and open the book on any page it randomly opens and continue to read it enthusiastically.
🍀Nearby sites
Tomb of Hafez to Jahan Nama Garden. 8 min.Walk.
Tomb of Hafez to Eram Garden.12 Car.
Tomb of Hafez to Vakil Bazaar. 15 Car.
Tomb of Hafez to Nasir Al_Mulk Mosque. Car.
Tomb of Hafez to Shiraz Airport. 23 min by car.
Tomb of Hafez to Persepolis. 54 min by Car.

.                                    🇮🇷                                  🇴🇲                                             ...




As you enter   you will see two rocs(simorq) in both side of the path to pavilion. They are made by carving the dried tr...

As you enter you will see two rocs(simorq) in both side of the path to pavilion. They are made by carving the dried trees. You can see two others around the pavilion. They imply an old mythical story in Iranian books and tells the story of ( )

In classical and modern the is frequently mentioned, in this story; the birds of the world gather to decide who is to be their king, as they have none. The , the wisest of them all, suggests that they should find the legendary , a mythical Persian bird roughly equivalent to the western phoenix. The hoopoe leads the birds, each of whom represent a which prevents man from attaining enlightenment. When the group of thirty birds finally reach the dwelling place of the Simorgh, all they find is a lake in which they see their own reflection. This scene employs a pun on the Persian expression for "thirty birds" (si morgh).
@ Muscat, Oman

 Since 2004 a high quality restoration of the Jahan Nama garden which dates back to   has been underway. This large wall...

Since 2004 a high quality restoration of the Jahan Nama garden which dates back to has been underway. This large walled garden has existed since at least the 13th century CE. Much of the present design may be 18th century. In a classic Persian garden arrangement, four broad avenues, bordered with orange trees, and roses converge on an octagonal stone pavilion at the center. This 18th century pavilion contains an internal fountain pool from which, once restoration is complete, water will flow down steep chadars to pools on each side. In the center of one of the four avenues from the central pavilion is a long rill, lined with 64 fountains, which stretches nearly to the garden wall. The number 8 is a theme: 8 cypresses on each of the main paths, 8 sections to the long rill, 8 fountains to each section etc. Some very old cypresses have survived in this beautiful garden. There are large areas of colorful planting in geometric flower beds yellow and purple pansies, red, purple and white stock. A pergola is being developed over one avenue path. Many benches are provided for visitors. In April the air is heavy with the scent of orange blossom. Beyond the dark cypresses lining the arcaded boundary walls are views to the rocky Zagros mountains - a nearby hill is topped by the cupola of a dervish shrine.


@ Muscat, Oman

  ( ) Nazar Garden dates back to the  . There is an edifice almost in front of the entrance in garden which is in fact a...

( )
Nazar Garden dates back to the . There is an edifice almost in front of the entrance in garden which is in fact a with wonderful decorations of and beautiful . The garden is located across from and it has been the place where he met the diplomats from other countries. This garden was larger in past; however, it is big enough for the significant .
Under the influence of European arts in , the pavilion was named -e_Farangi (foreign hat) which is also the name used for similar monuments and edifices. The octagonal shape of the monument with its extraordinarily beautiful decorations has added to the beauty of this attraction especially its tiles with floral motifs and birds and flowers depicted on their surfaces. The function of this garden has changed since 1943 when it was used as a museum (Pars Museum) keeping exquisite items which are on display inside the glass boxes of the museum. You can see the decorations of frescoes with mixtures of gold and dark red colors. You can see the , his sword and a painting which dates back to his time and .
🍀Nearby sites
Pars Museum to Karim Khan Citadel.6 min.walk.
Pars Museum to Vakil Mosque.5 min.walk.
Pars Museum to Nasir Al_Mulk Mosque.20 min.walk.
Pars Museum to Qavam House.25 min walk or 10 min by Car.
Pars Museum to Shahcheragh Holy Shrine.2o min.walk.



  garden Delgosha Garden is one of the   in  , near Tomb of  Sa'adi.  It dates back to the  -Islamic_era of the  . Renov...

Delgosha Garden is one of the in , near Tomb of Sa'adi. It dates back to the -Islamic_era of the .
Renovated during the , the garden takes on a more beautiful appearance in spring because of blooming tangerine trees.
much of the garden has been insensitively modernized with concrete paving and blue painted water channels. Some of the walks are lined with trees.
The walk leads to a standing in the center of the garden dating from the land and Qajar eras. The building has a verandah supported by two monolithic pillars. their facade is covered with glazed and plaster moldings and the doors are fine examples of inlay and . there are some lovely paintings on wood with flower, shrub and bird designs.
🍀Nearby sites
Delgosha Garden to Hafez Tomb.20 walk 10min by car
Delgosha Garden to Quran Gate.10 car.
Delgosha Garden to and the Tomb of Khawju Kermani .10 car.




@ Muscat, Oman

 Afif-Abad Garden is a brilliantly nice and beautiful garden in an affluent district of  . This huge garden has a   at t...

Afif-Abad Garden is a brilliantly nice and beautiful garden in an affluent district of . This huge garden has a at the center which has been converted to . The wall reliefs are of and depict the elements of and kings or soldiers to show that the ruling power of Qajar kings is validated by Iranians and in fact, by blood and heredity. There is a pavilion in the center of the garden which holds all objects used in wars since old times up to the present including cold arms like swords of the kings and warm arms like guns and heavy artillery. The second floor represent different rooms and the way they were used in the past that is furnished with foreign and fashionable furniture from France. All in all, this museum and especially the garden is another example of a complete and it is worth a two-hour visit.

🍀Nearby sites
Afif_Abad Garden to Hafez Tomb.16 car.
Afif_Abad Garden to Vakil Mosque.20 car.
Afif_Abad Garden to Nasir Al_Molk Mosque .25 car.


 Visiting the historic Eram Garden is one of the top things to do in  . The   bears a favorable environment for over 45 ...

Visiting the historic Eram Garden is one of the top things to do in .
The bears a favorable environment for over 45 species and many cultivars to be grown identified and labeled accordingly. It has a vast area allocated to fruit trees including pomegranates, sour oranges, persimmons, olives, and walnuts. In the rock garden part, a wide range of beautiful sub-tropical plants are on display.
🌲The beautiful 200-year-old towering trees are globally known as ( ) attract visitors from around the world to the garden.
In the center of the garden, there is an old , and it is one of the best examples of . This pavilion is regarded as a masterpiece of era with respect to its architecture, painting, tiling, chiseling, lithography, and tori. The columns of the building are covered by monolithic Gandomak slabs of more than two meters high on which poems by famous Iranian literary figures Hafez, Saadi, and Shourideh Shirazi are carved.
🍀Nearby sites
Eram Garden to Azadi Park.15 min.walk or 4 min by Car.
Eram Garden to Quran Gate. 15 min.By Car.
Eram Garden to Hafez Tomb. 10 min.By Car.
Eram Garden to Nasir Al_Mulk Mosque. 20 min.By Car.




.  and its effects were an important factor of structural design in  . Textures and shapes were specifically chosen by a...

and its effects were an important factor of structural design in . Textures and shapes were specifically chosen by architects to harness the light.
's dry heat makes shade important in gardens, which would be nearly unusable without it. Trees and trellises largely feature as biotic shade; pavilions and walls are also structurally prominent in blocking the sun.
The heat also makes water important, both in the design and maintenance of the . Irrigation may be required, and may be provided via a form of tunnel called a qanat, that transports water from a local aquifer. Well-like structures then connect to the qanat, enabling the drawing of water. Alternatively, an animal-driven well would draw water to the surface. Such wheel systems also moved water around surface water systems, such as those in the chahar bāgh style. Trees were often planted in a ditch called a juy, which prevented water evaporation and allowed the water quick access to the tree roots.
The Persian style often attempts to integrate indoors with outdoors through the connection of a surrounding garden with an inner courtyard. Designers often place architectural elements such as vaulted arches between the outer and interior areas to open up the divide between them.



.Sunlight and its effects were an important factor of structural design in  . Textures and shapes were specifically chos...

Sunlight and its effects were an important factor of structural design in . Textures and shapes were specifically chosen by architects to harness the light.
's dry heat makes shade important in gardens, which would be nearly unusable without it. Trees and trellises largely feature as biotic shade; pavilions and walls are also structurally prominent in blocking the sun.
The heat also makes water important, both in the design and maintenance of the garden. Irrigation may be required, and may be provided via a form of tunnel called a qanat, that transports water from a local aquifer. Well-like structures then connect to the qanat, enabling the drawing of water. Alternatively, an animal-driven Persian well would draw water to the surface. Such wheel systems also moved water around surface water systems, such as those in the chahar bāgh style. Trees were often planted in a ditch called a juy, which prevented water evaporation and allowed the water quick access to the tree roots.
The style often attempts to integrate indoors with outdoors through the connection of a surrounding garden with an inner courtyard. Designers often place architectural elements such as vaulted arches between the outer and interior areas to open up the divide between them.





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