The use of my images is all about involving and engaging people (and teams) in discussions around issues, possibilities and opporuniies. It is anchored to doing things WITH people rather than TO them.
We can help shift workplace attitude by generating real teamwork and collanoration cross teams in the workplace. But here are some thoughts about people and problems in general:
People resist change and you can expect them to push-back. And people do not like pressure or to feel they are being managed.
You cannot empower someone because it is THEIR choice as to whether they want to act. (You can dis-un-empower them by helping them to remove their perceived roadblocks to action through coaching or something but it is still THEIR choice).
We talk about motivating others, but we can't. It is their choice as to how they react.
We can help change their skills and we can change their environment. We can build trust but we cannot make them trust us.
Yep. All this triggered by one simple image I found online, unattributed. We need to put this into all of our mental workplaces, I think, because it is just a basic human reality: 😃