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Bhagirathi Karki runs a small eatery near Shivapuri National Park. She is pleasantly surprised by the increased footfall in her shop lately.

“I am earning in two weeks what I used to make in about a month earlier,” Karki said. “Ever since the pandemic eased and restrictions were lifted, my business has picked up.”

Her new customers are those who come for hiking in the morning hours in the national park.

Shivapuri National Park, located in the northern rim of Kathmandu, has emerged as a popular hiking destination for Kathmandu residents of late.

As the pandemic-induced curbs led to closure of public places, including gyms, those trying to stay fit found solace in trails around Kathmandu Valley. Hiking became a new fad for not just fitness enthusiasts but also those who sought some time in peace or those who wanted to spend time with friends and families outdoors.

Antim Rokaya and Preeti Kafle, both in their mid-20s, say the city’s hubbub, claustrophobic clutter, and need for fresh air drove them into taking up hiking.

“I find hiking a better way to spend our free time,” said Kafle. “There is no escaping the urban landscape in Kathmandu except when you hit a trail.”

In the last two years, popular hiking trails—Shivapuri National Park, Amitabha Monastery, Kakani, Phulchowki, Nagarkot, Sundarijal, Champadevi, and Chisapani, among others—in and around the Valley have seen an increase in the footfall of hikers making their way into the wild.

Most of the Covid restrictions have now been lifted but the threat of another wave of the pandemic lingers in the air with various states in the neighbouring India reporting a new surge in cases.

“In such a scenario, it would be unwise to resume physical contact with people. It feels uncomfortable,” said Rokaya. “So the only other option to be out in the open is to go on a hike.”

Kathmandu, the capital and most populated city of the country, offers the best amenities—be it cinemas, pubs, bars, or gymnasiums, apart from schools and colleges. But the city is one of the most polluted in the world, with experts on many occasions warning against jogging within the city area in the morning.

Experts say the air quality around the trails covered with greenery is far better than in the city area.

Archana Shrestha, a schoolteacher and a regular hiker, says she used to go hiking in the Shivapuri National Park area and along the Sundarijal trail earlier too. But she turned into a regular hiker after the pandemic.

Shivapuri National Park covers an area of 118 square kilometres, and over the years it has become a major hiking destination for locals and tourists alike.

“I go on a hike to get away from the city’s noise. Hiking is an escape for me,” said the 24-year-old. “Two years ago, I would not come across a single person on the Shivapuri hiking trail but these days I encounter dozens.”

According to data from the Shivapuri National Park, nearly 2,000 tourists visit the park during weekends. “Most of them come to hike. The number of hikers has gone up in the last few years,” said Manjit Bista, a ranger at the park.

An activity of moderate difficulty, hiking is making such tremendous strides that just about everyone seems to be climbing the small trails around the Valley.

Romkanta Pokhrel, in his late 40s, says he has covered almost all the hiking trails in and around Kathmandu Valley.

“Since the pandemic, several people in my circle have approached me asking about hiking trails,” Pokhrel, a PhD scholar and a teacher, told the Post. “Hiking is a good fitness activity but it’s equally good for the mind as well. Hiking takes us closer to nature.”

Nepal has always been famous for trekking activities. Thousands of tourists visit the country every year for mountain treks, with the most popular being the Annapurna Base Camp. Such mountain treks, however, last weeks and need good preparation.

But hiking is about walking up small trails for a couple of hours, hikers say.

According to Prakash KC, a physical trainer and nutrition consultant, hiking is good for health in many ways, especially for people who don’t want to lift heavy weights or who do not like gym workouts.

“Walking for a couple of hours boosts stamina and conditions the muscles,” said KC.

Doctors, however, say while hiking may have its own health benefits, one needs to pay attention to certain aspects of it before undertaking the activity and that people should not just hit the trails because everyone is doing so.

According to Dr Rakesh Shrestha, a physiotherapist at the Annapurna Neuro Hospital, people with medical conditions should consult their physicians before going on a hike.

“Since it involves walking up the trails, some might suffer from altitude sickness or have difficulty in breathing,” said Shrestha. “If a person has no health issues and the body can adapt quickly to the new environment, one can go for it because it can bring tremendous health benefits.”

He said that he has encountered some incidents where people have collapsed while hiking. “There are pros and cons to everything,” he added.

While the health aspect as suggested by doctors is one issue about hiking, the increased footfall around the Valley’s trails has created yet another problem.

Pokhrel, the avid hiker, says during his recent hike to the Amitabh Monastery trail, northwest of Swayambhu, he was shocked to see the garbage strewn around the trail.

Officials at the Shivapuri National Park also say with the increase in the number of hikers, the trails are getting littered with plastic bottles and food wrappers.

“Although we have very strict rules about waste disposal inside the park area with penalties in place for irresponsible hikers, we still come across plastic bottles, wrappers, masks and waste paper littered inside the park,” said Bista, the park ranger.

Laxman Poudel, chief conservation officer at the park, said irresponsible garbage disposal inside the national park is also putting the wildlife in danger.

“A few months ago, I found beer bottles, tin cans, cigarette butts and plastic waste in the national park. If the animals in the conservation area consume such waste, it could be lethal for them,” said Poudel.

“Most of the hikers who come here are youths and they usually come in groups. They carry their own food and snacks, and even though they should take their waste back with them, most don’t.”


कहाँ जाने हाइकिङ ? यी हुन् काठमाडौं आसपासका चर्चित रुट
काठमाडौं । सहरको व्यस्त जीवनशैली, दिनभरको दौडधुप र तनाव । शरीर र मन दुवैले ‘रिफ्रेसमेन्ट’ चाहिरहेको हुन्छ । यस्तो अवस्थामा हाइकिङमा निस्किनु राम्रो विकल्प हुन सक्छ ।

नयाँ ठाउँको अवलोकनले मान्छेको मानसिक थकान मेटाउनुका साथै शरीरलाई पनि चुस्त राख्न मद्दत गर्छ । पछिल्लो समय हाइकिङमा निस्किनेहरुको संख्या बढेको छ ।
अहिले जाडोको समय छ । यो मौसममा यसै पनि व्यायाम गर्न जाँगर चल्दैन, जसले शरीर चुस्त हुन पाएको छैन । त्यसैले जाडो मौसममा हाइकिङको महत्व अझ बढ्छ । काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा रहेका केही हाइङि गन्तव्यको यहाँ चर्चा गरिएको छ ।

हाइकिङ दूरी : १६ किलोमिटर

काठमाडौंको बुढानीलकण्ठबाट शिवपुरी पदयात्रा रुटको सुरुवात हुन्छ । बुढानीलकण्ठबाट दुई किलोमिटर दूरीमा रहेको पानीमुहान निकुञ्जको प्रवेशद्वार हो । पश्चिम जंगलको ठाडो बाटो भएर शिवपुरी टुप्पोमा पुग्ने अनि बागद्वार, नागी गुम्बा हुँदै फर्किन सकिन्छ ।

घना जंगल, दायाँ-बायाँ हरिया रुखहरू, बीचमा ढुंगा ओछ्याइएको ठाडो उकालो । ठाडो उकालो यात्रा गर्दै शिवपुरी डाँडामा पुग्दा छुट्टै आनन्द महसुस हुन्छ ।

बागमती, विष्णुमतीका साथै अरू खोलाबाट पानी संकलन गरी काठमाडौं ल्याइएको छ । शिवपुरीमा जैविक विविधता अध्ययन गर्न सकिन्छ । डाँडाबाट उत्तरमा मुस्कुराइरहेका हिमाल देखिन्छन् र काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको मनोरम दृश्य पनि अवलोकन गर्न सकिन्छ ।


हाइकिङ दूरी : १८ किमी
ललितपुरमा पर्ने फूलचोकी काठमाडौं उपत्यकाकै अग्लो डाँडा हो । गोदावरीबाट यहाँको हाइकिङ यात्रा सुरु हुन्छ । त्यहाँबाट फूलचोकी जाने दुई बाटो छन्, नौधाराबाट जंगलको ठाडो बाटो र कुण्डबाट कच्ची मोटर गुड्ने बाटो । फर्किंदा जुन बाटो गएको हो त्यही बाटो नै प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ ।

त्यहाँबाट सगरमाथादेखि अरू दर्जनौं हिमाल देखिन्छ । सूर्योदय र सूर्यास्तको साथै काठमाडौं उपत्यका पनि छर्लङ्ग देखिन्छ । पुस–माघमा त्यहाँ हिउँ पर्छ ।

सूर्योदय, सूर्यास्त र हिमाल हेर्न नगरकोट लोकप्रिय छ । नगरकोटबाट अन्नपूर्ण, गणेश, दोर्जे लाक्पा, लाङटाङदेखि सगरमाथा हिमालसम्म देख्न सकिन्छ ।

तारकेश्वर महादेव

हाइकिङ दूरी : १५ किलोमिटर

तारकेश्वर महादेवको मन्दिर काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको मुख्य सहरबाट नजिकै रहेको धार्मिक तथा पर्यटकीय केन्द्र हो । तारकेश्वर महादेव मन्दिरको हाइकिङ बालाजु बाइपासको तीनपिप्लेबाट सुरु हुन्छ । भुवनेश्वरी मन्दिरबाट पञ्च माने हेर्दै अगाडि बढ्दा तारकेश्वर महादेवको मन्दिर पुगिन्छ । शिवपुरी–नागार्जुन निकुञ्जभित्रको यो मन्दिरबाट हिमशृंखलासँगै काठमाडौं उपत्यका र त्रिशूली बजार देखिन्छ । यो रुटमा गुर्जुभन्ज्याङ हुँदै झोर झरना पुगेपछि हाइकिङ सकिन्छ ।

शिवपुरी–नागार्जुन निकुञ्जभित्रको यो मन्दिरबाट हिमशृंखलासँगै काठमाडौं उपत्यका र त्रिशूली बजार देखिन्छ ।

लाकुरी भन्ज्याङ

हाइकिङ दूरी : १५ किलोमिटर

ललितपुरको लाँकुरीभञ्ज्याङ १ हजार ९७७ मिटर उचाइमा छ । लाँकुरीभञ्ज्याङलाई केन्द्रमा पारेर थुप्रै हाइकिङ रुट छन् । तर भक्तपुर सूर्यविनायक–पाइलटबाबा–लाँकुरी भञ्ज्याङ हुँदै लुभु चर्चित रुट हो ।

पाइलटबाबा डाँडाको शिरैशिर भएकाले यो रुटबाट काठमाडौं उपत्यकासँगै विभिन्न हिमशृंखलाको दृश्यावलोकन गर्न सकिन्छ । प्याराग्लाइडिङ गर्न र सूर्योदय हेर्न पनि लाँकुरीभञ्ज्याङ उपयुक्त छ ।


हाइकिङ दूरी : १४ किलोमिटर

एक दिनको बिदामा हाइकिङ जान चाहने तर त्यसका लागि धेरै समय पैदल यात्रामा बिताउन नचाहनेका लागि सुन्दरीजल उपयुक्त गन्तव्य हुन सक्छ । काठमाडौंबाट १४ किलोमिटर उत्तरतर्फ रहेको सुन्दरीजल पुग्न शिवपुरी राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज तथा वन्यजन्तु आरक्षा क्षेत्र हुँदै जानुपर्छ ।

सुन्दरीजलबाट मूलखर्क हुँदै ओख्रेनी जाने र चाँगुनारायणबाट सुन्दरीजल आउने चल्तीको हाइकिङ रुट छ । सुन्दरीजलबाट शिवपुरी वा नगरकोट हाइकिङ पनि गर्न सकिन्छ । मूलखर्कबाट सिन्धुपाल्चोकको चिसापानी हुँदै झुले जाने अर्को हाइकिङ ट्रेल पनि छ । त्यसका लागि एक रात चिसापानीमा बस्नुपर्छ ।

सुन्दरीजल रुटमा यहाँको रमणीय दृश्यका लागि मात्र नभएर नेपालको दोस्रो पुरानो जलविद्युत आयोजनाका लागि पनि लोकप्रिय छ ।


हाइकिङ दूरी : ६ किमी

काठमाडौंको उत्तरी क्षेत्र बुढानीलकण्ठ हुँदै जान सकिने तारेभीर हाइकिङको आकर्षक गन्तव्य हो । साथै गोकर्णस्थित निजामती शहीद स्मृति पार्क नपुग्दै गोकर्णेश्वर महादेव मन्दिरबाट सुन्ताखान गाउँ हुँदै उकालो लाग्दा पनि हुन्छ ।

यहाँबाट देखिने काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको चारैतिरको सुन्दर दृश्यले जो कोहीको मन लोभ्याउँछ । यहाँ सूर्यास्तको दृश्य हेर्न थुप्रै मानिस जाने गर्छन् । तारेभीर चढ्दै गर्दा सल्लाघारीमा चराचुरुङ्गीको चिरबिरले यात्रा रोमाञ्चक बनाउँछ । बीचबीचमा देखिने सहर र प्रकृतिको मज्जा लिंदै यो रुटमा यात्रा गर्न सकिन्छ ।


हाइकिङ दूरी : १२ किमी

चन्द्रागिरि काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको अर्को चर्चित हाइकिङ रुट हो । २ हजार ५०० मिटरको उचाइमा रहेको चन्द्रागिरि डाँडामा भालेश्वर महादेवको मन्दिर छ । यहाँ पुग्न विभिन्न रुट प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ ।

कीर्तिपुर मच्छेगाउँबाट हिंडेर छापडाँडा हुँदै चन्द्रागिरि पुग्दा करिब १२ किलोमिटर दूरी पूरा गर्नुपर्छ । थानकोटबाट पनि चन्द्रागिरि पुग्ने बाटो छ । यसको दूरी एकतर्फी करिब ६ किलोमिटर छ ।

चन्द्रागिरिबाट काठमाडौं उपत्यकाका साथै विभिन्न हिमशृंखलाको अवलोकन गर्न सकिन्छ । बुट्यानसहितको घना जंगल पर्ने भएकाले यो रुटमा चितुवालगायत जंगली जनावरसँग पनि जम्काभेट हुन सक्छ ।

हाइकिङको तयारी गर्दा ध्यान दिनुपर्ने कुरा

हाइकिङ जानुअघि त्यहाँको रुट, जनजीवन, मौसमबारे जानकारी लिनुपर्छ । लौरो, सन ग्लास, क्याप वा ह्याट तथा सन प्रोटेक्सन क्रिम जस्ता सामग्री साथमा लैजान छुट्याउनुपर्छ हुँदैन । त्यस्तै जुत्ता र पोसाक हिंड्न सजिलो हुने किसिमको लगाउनुपर्ने फोटो पत्रकार भरतबन्धु थापा बताउँछन् ।

वर्षायाममा हाइकिङ जाने हो भने रेनकोट र छाता लैजान बिर्सनु हुँदैन । अधिकांश हाइकिङ रुटमा जंगल पर्ने भएकाले हलुका खानेकुरा, फलफूल, प्राथमिक उपचारका सामग्री लिएर जान थापा सुझाउँछन् ।


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