That's a wrap for our 2024 Maine Women's Retreat! We had an INCREDIBLE weekend with the most amazing women all the way from places like Arizona and Oregon join us for connection, unplugging, and soul love. We did yoga nidra under a shooting star filled sky, we had deep belly laughs as we played charades on the beach and sang songs out of tune, we talked about confidence and resilience, and made commitments about self-care and love going into this next year, we deeply connected with each other on the life events we are experiencing, we went hiking in the Maine mountains, we swam and did Aquafit in Alford Lake, we meditated, we ate great food, we left our cell phones behind, and we just lived. We just lived and were. We were present. It truly was a life-changing, amazing experience for all of us, retreat hosts included, and we leave this weekend with so much love in our hearts for the incredible women we had be a part of this very, very special retreat. We take with us the gift of remembering that being yourself is exactly who you're supposed to be and is always enough. We take with us the gift of lifelong connection to each other. As we plan for 2025 retreats, we hope you'll consider joining us next time around as we continue to build this amazing Purpose&Pine community, one retreat at a time, one woman at a time, together. 💕💕 Sarah Javins Kristen McCrae McMullan