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Wizz Air has arrived in Sarajevo and is launching Stockholm - Sarajevo flights!Wizz Air je stigao u Sarajevo i pokreće l...

Wizz Air has arrived in Sarajevo and is launching Stockholm - Sarajevo flights!
Wizz Air je stigao u Sarajevo i pokreće letove Stockholm - Sarajevo!


Wizz Air has started flights between Dortmund - Sarajevo and Memmingen - Sarajevo. Wizz Air will be starting flights between Sarajevo and 8 other destinations like Paris Beauvais, Copenhagen, London-Luton, and the most recently added destination, Stockholm-Skavsta!

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Wizz Air započeo je letove između Dortmunda - Sarajevo i Memmingena - Sarajeva. Wizz Air započinje letove između Sarajeva i 8 drugih destinacija poput Paris Beauvaisa, Kopenhagena, Londona-Lutona i najnovije dodane destinacije, Stockholm-Skavsta!

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FlyBosnia is launching 5 routes to Sarajevo.FlyBosnia lansira 5 linija za Sarajevo.-------------------------------------...

FlyBosnia is launching 5 routes to Sarajevo.
FlyBosnia lansira 5 linija za Sarajevo.
FlyBosnia is launching 5 routes to Sarajevo, those are Bahrain, Doha, Jeddah, Qassim, Kuwait and Riyadh. FlyBosnia has flown all these routes before, except for Doha.

Flights between Doha and Sarajevo will start on May 10 and flights between Kuwait and Sarajevo will begin on June 04. All other flights will start on May 17. Flights will be operated on the FlyBosnia Airbus A320.

FlyBosnia's website currently only has flights between Kuwait and Sarajevo. We will update you as soon as any other destinations get added to the website.
FlyBosnia lansira 5 linija za Sarajevo, a to su Bahrein, Doha, Jeddah, Qassim, Kuvajt i Rijad. FlyBosnia je i ranije letjela svim ovim rutama, osim Dohe.

Letovi između Dohe i Sarajeva započet će 10. maja, a letovi između Kuvajta i Sarajeva započet će 4. juna. Svi ostali letovi počinju 17. maja. Letovi će se obavljati avionom FlyBosnia Airbus A320.

Web stranica FlyBosnia trenutno ima samo letove između Kuvajta i Sarajeva. Ažurirat ćemo vas čim se bilo koja druga destinacija doda na web stranicu.

Wizz Air launching 5th route to Banja LukaWizz Air lansira 5. liniju do Banja Luke--------------------------------------...

Wizz Air launching 5th route to Banja Luka
Wizz Air lansira 5. liniju do Banja Luke


Wizz Air is launching their 5th route to Banja Luka which is Stockholm Skavsta. Flights between the two cities will begin on June 6th and will operate twice a week, on Thursdays and Saturdays with the Airbus A320 aircraft.

Air Serbia and Ryanair already operate at Banja Luka so they will be competing directly with Wizz Air.


Wizz Air lansira svoju petu liniju do Banja Luke, a to je Stockholmska Skavsta. Letovi između dva grada započet će 6. juna i obavljat će se dva p**a tjedno/sedmično, četvrtkom i subotom zrakoplovom Airbus A320.

Air Serbia i Ryanair već posluju u Banjaluci, pa će se nadmetati direktno sa Wizz Airom.

ENG: Wizz Air will be starting flights to Banja Luka from 4 different destinations! Those are Basel/Mulhouse, Dortmund, ...

ENG: Wizz Air will be starting flights to Banja Luka from 4 different destinations! Those are Basel/Mulhouse, Dortmund, Eindhoven, and Malmo and they will all start in the beginning of June. These flights will happen two times a week and will be operated on an Airbus A320.

Currently, Ryanair and Air Serbia operate at Banja Luka. Freebird Airlines operates at Banja Luka but only for seasonal charters to Antalya. Banja Luka will be Wizz Air's third airport to operate at in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The largest airport is currently Tuzla woth 15 destinations and second largest hub will be Sarajevo with currently 9 destinations but hopefully more in the future!


BOS: Wizz Air započinje letove za Banja Luku iz 4 različite destinacije! To su Basel / Mulhouse, Dortmund, Eindhoven i Malmo i svi će početi početkom juna. Ovi letovi odvijat će se dva p**a tjedno, a obavljat će se zrakoplovom Airbus A320.

Trenutno Ryanair i Air Serbia posluju u Banja Luci. Freebird Airlines posluje u Banja Luci, ali samo za sezonski najam do Antalije. Banja Luka će biti treći aerodrom Wizz Aira koji će raditi u Bosni i Hercegovini. Najveći aerodrom je trenutno Tuzla sa 15 odredišta, a drugo najveće čvorište će biti Sarajevo sa trenutno 9 destinacija, ali nadamo se da će ih biti više u budućnosti!

ENG: AirArabia is launching flights between Abu Dhabi and Sarajevo. Flights will begin on June 21, 2021 with three weekl...

ENG: AirArabia is launching flights between Abu Dhabi and Sarajevo. Flights will begin on June 21, 2021 with three weekly flights on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. AirArabia will use their Airbus A320 for this route.

This is AirArabia's second route to/from Sarajevo. The first route AirArabia had to/from Sarajevo was Sharjah. AirArabia Abu Dhabi was formed by AirArabia and Etihad Airways.


BOS: AirArabia pokreće letove između Abu Dhabija i Sarajeva. Letovi će započeti 21. juna 2021. godine sa tri nedeljna leta utorkom, petkom i subotom. AirArabia će za ovu rutu koristiti svoj Airbus A320.

Ovo je druga linija AirArabije do / iz Sarajeva. Prva ruta koju je AirArabia morala odvesti do / iz Sarajeva bila je Sharjah. AirArabia Abu Dhabi osnovali su AirArabia i Etihad Airways.

ENG: Huge news for Sarajevo! The first ever scheduled commercial flight between Bosnia and US will start in May! Eastern...

ENG: Huge news for Sarajevo! The first ever scheduled commercial flight between Bosnia and US will start in May! Eastern Airlines is launching a non-stop service between Sarajevo and Chicago. It starts on May 28, 2021 and will end on September 03. The flight will be operated on a Boeing 767-200ER and will occur on Fridays to Sarajevo and then the plane will wait overnight and come back on Saturday to Chicago.

Now you may be thinking, who is Eastern Airlines? Didn't they go bankrupt? Eastern Airlines was brought back in 2007 by Ed Wegel the founder and CEO. Eastern Airlines was primarily focusing on flying Latin Americans to the US. The even stranger thing is that this is the Eastern's first route out of Chicago.

Tickets are quite expensive.
A roundtrip ticket costs $1800-$2000 USD or around $3000-$3,300 KM.


BOS: Ogromne vijesti za Sarajevo! Prvi ikad zakazan komercijalni let između Bosne i SAD-a započet će u maju! Eastern Airlines pokreće non-stop liniju između Sarajeva i Chicaga. Počinje 28. maja 2021. i završava 03. septembra. Let će se obavljati avionom Boeing 767-200ER, a odvijat će se petkom do Sarajeva, a zatim će avion pričekati preko noći i vratiti se u subotu u Chicago.

Sad možda razmišljate, ko je Eastern Airlines? Nisu li bankrotirali? Eastern Airlines je 2007. godine osnovao Ed Wegel, osnivač i izvršni direktor. Eastern Airlines se prvenstveno fokusirao na letenje Latinoamerikanaca u SAD. Još je čudnija stvar što je ovo prva ruta Istočnjaka iz Chicaga.

Ulaznice su prilično skupe.
Povratna karta košta 1800–2000 USD ili oko 3000–3.300 KM.

ENG: AirArabia is resuming their flights 2 months earlier from July 05, 2021 to May 07, 2021 due to increased demand. Th...

ENG: AirArabia is resuming their flights 2 months earlier from July 05, 2021 to May 07, 2021 due to increased demand. The airline will be flying between Sharjah and Sarajevo with their Airbus A320. The flights will operate three times weekly on Tuesday's, Friday's, and Saturday's until July 05, 2021 which then the flight will be daily all the way until September 05, 2021.

Sharjah is one of the seven member states in the United Arab Emirates. It is the 3rd most populous state with about 1.2 million people. The second being Abu Dhabi with around 1.8 million people and Dubai the most populous state with approximately 3.3 million people.


BOS: AirArabia nastavlja sa letovima dva mjeseca ranije, od 5. jula 2021. do 07. maja 2021. zbog povećane potražnje. Zrakoplovna kompanija letjet će između Šardže i Sarajeva svojim Airbusom A320 će letjeti tri p**a sedmično utorakom, petkom i subotom do 5. jula 2021. godine. Od 5. jula let će biti svakodnevni sve do 5. septembra 2021. godine.

Šardža je jedna od sedam država članica u Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata. Treća je po broju stanovnika država sa oko 1,2 miliona ljudi. Drugi su Abu Dabi sa oko 1,8 miliona ljudi i najmnogoljudnija država Dubai sa oko 3,3 miliona ljudi.

ENG: FLYBOSNIA's A320 has touched down at Sarajevo. The plane was from Onur Air and they changed the livery to the FlyBo...

ENG: FLYBOSNIA's A320 has touched down at Sarajevo. The plane was from Onur Air and they changed the livery to the FlyBosnia one. Currently, FlyBosnia's website is under construction but now that the A320 has landed, it seems that they are starting operations very soon.

FLYBOSNIA has had a very rough start since the pandemic. When the pandemic came, FlyBosnia's passenger rate dropped dramatically. FlyBosnia lost their two planes and they had to put a stop in their operations.

Photo credit to .


BOS: FlyBosnia A320 je sletio u Sarajevu. Avion je dolazio iz Onur Air-a i promijenili su boju za FlyBosnia. Trenutno je web stranica FlyBosnia u izradi, ali sada kada je A320 sletio, čini se da vrlo brzo počinju s radom.

FlyBosnia je vrlo teško započela od pandemije. Kada je nastupila pandemija, stopa putnika FlyBosnije dramatično je pala. FlyBosnia je izgubila svoja dva aviona i morali su zaustaviti svoje operacije.

Photo iz .

ENG: 4 days ago (March 31, 2021) VistaJet operated a direct flight from San Antonio, Texas in the US to Sarajevo Interna...

ENG: 4 days ago (March 31, 2021) VistaJet operated a direct flight from San Antonio, Texas in the US to Sarajevo International Aiport. The flight was operated by VistaJet Malta with their Bombardier Global 6000.

The day after the same plane operated the flight Sarajevo to Nassau, Bahamas.


BOS: Prije 4 dana (31. marta 2021.) VistaJet je upravljao direktnim letom iz San Antonija u Teksasu u SAD-u do međunarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo. Let je obavljao VistaJet Malta sa svojim Bombardier Global 6000.

Dan nakon što je isti avion upravljao letom Sarajevo za Nassau, Bahami.

ENG: Sarajevo International Airport is now serving antigen and PCR COVID-19 tests. For the antigen test it takes 15-20 m...

ENG: Sarajevo International Airport is now serving antigen and PCR COVID-19 tests. For the antigen test it takes 15-20 minutes to get the result and for the PCR tests it takes 30 minutes. Eurofarm Centar Poliklinika will be operating the tests at the airport.

PCR tests cost 100 KM, while antigen tests cost 45 KM.


BOS: Međunarodni aerodrom Sarajevo sada služi za testiranje antigena i PCR COVID-19. Za test antigena potrebno je 15-20 minuta da bi se dobio rezultat, a za PCR testove potrebno je 30 minuta. Poliklinika Eurofarm obavljat će testove na aerodromu.

PCR testovi koštaju 100 KM, dok antigeni koštaju 45 KM.


ENG: Alaska Airlines has officially joined the oneworld Alliance alliance! This will allow huge connections to the west coast. Delta being one of the largest airlines in the US is American Airlines' competitor and because of this American Airlines decided to partner with Alaska Airlines so that they can compete with Delta out of their hub in Seattle.

None of the oneworld members currently fly to Bosnia and the alliance that is most present at Sarajevo Airport is currently Star Alliance with Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines, Austrian Airlines and SWISS Airlines all operating there.


BOS: Alaska Airlines službeno se pridružila savezu oneworld Alliance! To će omogućiti ogromne veze sa zapadnom obalom. Delta, koja je jedna od najvećih aviokompanija u SAD-u, konkurent je American Airlinesu i zbog toga je American Airlines odlučila na partnerstvo s Alaska Airlinesom kako bi mogli konkurirati Delti iz svog čvorišta u Seattlu.

Nitko od članova oneworlda trenutno ne leti u Bosnu, a partnerstvo koja je najprisutnije na sarajevskom aerodromu trenutno je Star Alliance sa Lufthanzom, Turkish Airlinesom, Austrian Airlinesom i SWISS Airlinesom.

ENG: Today, the French airline La Compagnie Boutique Airline flew from Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan to Sarajevo to bring the F...

ENG: Today, the French airline La Compagnie Boutique Airline flew from Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan to Sarajevo to bring the French National Football Team to Bosnia for the 2022 World Cup Qualifiers.

La Compagnie currently has two A321's. Before the pandemic, they flew the route Newark - Paris all year round and Newark - Nice seasonally. The airline is quite different compared to others because La Compagnie only has business class in their planes and they are offered at economy class prices.

Photo by approach.sarajevo.

BOS: Danas je Francuska aviokompanija La Compagnie Boutique Airline letjela iz Nur Sultana u Kazahstanu za Sarajevo kako bi dovela Francusku Nogometnu Reprezentaciju u Bosnu na kvalifikacije za Svjetsko prvenstvo 2022. godine.

La Compagnie trenutno ima dva A321. Prije pandemije letjeli su na relaciji Newark - Pariz tokom cijele godine i Newark - Nica sezonski. Aviokompanija se prilično razlikuje u odnosu na druge jer La Compagnie u svojim avionima ima samo biznis klasu, a n**e se po cijenama ekonomske klase.

Photo iz approach.sarajevo.

ENG: AnadoluJet has had their inaugural flight to Sarajevo from Istanbul-Sabiha Gökçen. They have opened two new routes ...

ENG: AnadoluJet has had their inaugural flight to Sarajevo from Istanbul-Sabiha Gökçen. They have opened two new routes to and from Sarajevo which are Bodrum (which begins in June 07, 2021) and Antalya (which begins on May 19, 2021). All flights will be operated on the Boeing 737-800.

AnadoluJet is offering deals for Istanbul - Sarajevo and Sarajevo - Istanbul for only 59 EUR. You can find deals at this link:
BOS: AnadoluJet je imao inauguralni let za Sarajevo iz Istanbula-Sabihe Gökçen. Otvorili su dvije nove rute za i iz Sarajeva, a to su Bodrum (koji započinje 7. juna 2021. godine) i Antalya (koji započinje 19. maja 2021.). Svi letovi će se obavljati avionom Boeing 737-800.

AnadoluJet nudi pon**e za Istanbul - Sarajevo i Sarajevo - Istanbul za samo 59 EUR. Pon**e možete pronaći na ovom linku:

ENG: ISG Travel is launching a one time travel service between Zurich and Mostar. The flights will occur on April 11, 20...

ENG: ISG Travel is launching a one time travel service between Zurich and Mostar. The flights will occur on April 11, 2021 from Zurich to Mostar, then on April 16, 2021 from Mostar to Zurich. There is also an option to fly one-way from Zurich to Mostar.

The flights will be managed by Edelweiss (owned by Swiss International Air Lines and part of Lufthansa Group) and will be operated by an Airbus A320-200.

Price is around 43 CHF, 76 KM, 46 USD roundtrip.
Price is around 26 CHF, 47 KM, 28 USD one-way.
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BOS: ISG Travel pokreće uslugu jednom smjeru putovanja između Zuricha i Mostara. Letovi će se održati 11. aprila 2021. iz Zuricha za Mostar, a zatim 16. aprila 2021. iz Mostara za Zürich. Postoji i mogućnost leta u jednom smjeru od Züricha do Mostara.

Letovima će upravljati Edelweiss (u vlasništvu Swiss International Air Lines-a i dio Lufthansa Grupe), a obavljat će ih Airbus A320-200.

Cijena je oko 43 CHF, 76 KM i 46 USD povratno putovanje.
Cijena je oko 26 CHF, 47 KM, 28 USD jednompravcu.
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ENG: Eurowings is resuming their service between Dusseldorf and Mostar with one weekly flight as of July 04, 2021. The f...

ENG: Eurowings is resuming their service between Dusseldorf and Mostar with one weekly flight as of July 04, 2021. The flights will occur on Sundays and will be operated by an Airbus A319.

Mostar has been the airport hit hardest in Bosnia since the start of the pandemic. The airport had only 1,374 passengers in 2020 compared to 32,866 passengers in 2019.

Price is around 65 EUR, 125 KM, 76 USD one-way.
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BOS: Eurowings nastavlja s linijom između Dizeldorfa i Mostara jednim sedmičnim letom od 4. jula 2021. Letovi će se odvijati nedjeljom, a njima će upravljati Airbus A319.

Mostar je najteže pogođen aerodrom u Bosni od početka pandemije. Aerodrom je imao samo 1.374 putnika u 2020. u odnosu na 32.866 putnika u 2019. godini.

Cijena je oko 65 EUR, 125 KM, 76 USD jednompravcu.
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ENG: Eurowings is resuming their service between Stuttgart and Sarajevo with bi-weekly flights as of May 01, 2021. The f...

ENG: Eurowings is resuming their service between Stuttgart and Sarajevo with bi-weekly flights as of May 01, 2021. The flights will occur on Tuesdays and Saturdays and will be operated by an Airbus A319.

Flights between Cologne and Sarajevo will also resume, however, Eurowings will start off with one weekly flight from March 30, 2021 to May 01, 2021 (on Saturdays). After May 01, 2021 they will have three weekly flights (on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays). Surprisingly, for the first period of flights, they will be managed by TUI fly with their Boeing 737-800. TUI fly doesn't often fly to Sarajevo, so it will be cool to see some new planes around there!


BOS: Eurowings nastavlja s linijom između Stuttgarta i Sarajeva dvosedmičnim letovima od 1. maja 2021. Letovi će se odvijati utorkom i subotom, a obavljat će ih Airbus A319.

Letovi između Kölna i Sarajeva također će se nastaviti. Međutim, Eurowings će krenuti dvosedmični let od 30. marta 2021. do 01. maja 2021. (subotom). Nakon 01. maja 2021. letovi će biti utorkom, cetvrtkom i subotom). Iznenađujuće je da će u prvom periodu leta njima upravljati TUI fly sa svojim Boeingom 737-800. TUI fly ne leti često za Sarajevo, pa će biti super vidjeti neke nove avione tamo!

ENG: Low-cost airline Air Arabia will be re-launching daily flights between Sarajevo and Sharjah from July 08, 2021 to S...

ENG: Low-cost airline Air Arabia will be re-launching daily flights between Sarajevo and Sharjah from July 08, 2021 to September 09, 2021. These flights will be operated on an Airbus A320.
BOS: Niskotarifna aviokompanija Air Arabia ponovo će pokrenuti dnevne letove između Sarajeva i Šardže od 8. jula 2021. do 9. septembra 2021. Ti letovi će se obavljati Airbusom A320.

ENG: Big news for Sarajevo Airport today! 1. Wizz Air is in talks with Sarajevo Airport for the flight Sarajevo - Prague...

ENG: Big news for Sarajevo Airport today!

1. Wizz Air is in talks with Sarajevo Airport for the flight Sarajevo - Prague. We don't know if this will happen or not however I will keep you updated if the route starts.

2. FlyBosnia is about to take delivery of its first A320 from Onur Air. Including the charter flights to Antalya, Bodrum, Hurghada. The airline will start regular flights to:

1. Amman–Queen Alia - Jordan
2. Manama - Bahrain
3. Doha - Qatar
4. Jeddah - Saudi Arabia
5. Muscat - Oman
6. Riyadh - Saudi Arabia

I am not sure when these flights will start, however I am guessing sometime in the Summer when they get the delivery of their second A320. I will let you know once I get the dates.


BOS: Veliki vijesti za Aerodrom Sarajevo danas!

1. Wizz Air je u razgovorima sa sarajevskim aerodromom za let Sarajevo - Prag. Ne znamo da li će se to dogoditi ili ne, međutim, obavještajem vas ako ruta započne.

2. Flybosnia će uskoro iskoristiti svoj prvi A320 od onurskog zraka. Uključujući čarter letove za Antalya, Bodrum, Hurghada. Aviokompanija će započeti redovne letove za:

1. Amman-Queen Alia - Jordan
2. Manama - Bahrein
3. Doha - Katar
4. Jeddah - Saudijska Arabija
5. Muskat - Oman
6. Rijad - Saudijska Arabija

Nisam siguran kada će se ovi letovi početi, ali pretpostavljam negdje ljeti kada dobiju isporuku svog drugog A320. Obavestit ću vas da jednom dobijem datume.

ENG: Happy Independence Day to Bosnia!BOS: Sretan Dan Nezavisnosti BosneENG: I know everyone is looking for alternatives...

ENG: Happy Independence Day to Bosnia!
BOS: Sretan Dan Nezavisnosti Bosne

ENG: I know everyone is looking for alternatives to Austrian Airlines because they are so expensive. Ryanair is launching biweekly flights between Vienna and Banja Luka as of June 04, 2021. The flights will occur on Mondays and Thursdays. These flights will be operated by a 737-800 and will be managed by Ryanair Buzz, a Polish airline owned by the Ryanair Group.

The Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate has prevented Ryanair from expanding its routes in Serbia. As a consequence, Ryanair moved their planned Frankfurt-Hahn route to Banja Luka. Ryanair is a strong competitor to Air Serbia and it received approval by the German Civil Aviation Agency for this route. Ryanair also needed approval by The Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate. However, instead of approving Ryanair's request, The Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate approved Air Serbia to operate biweekly flights on the same route even though they aren't profitable. That seems like anti-competitor behavior.

Average price is $47.11 USD or $39.08 EUR or $76.40 KM one-way.


ENG: Znam da svi traže alternativu Austrian Airlinesu jer su tako skupe. Ryanair pokreće dvotjedne/dvosedmične letove između Beča i Banja Luke od 4. juna 2021. Letovi će se odvijati ponedjeljkom i četvrtkom. Ovim će letovima upravljati 737-800, a njima će upravljati Ryanair Buzz, poljski avioprijevoznik u vlasništvu Ryanair Grupe.

Srpska direkcija za civilno vazduhoplovstvo sprječila je Ryanair da proširi svoje rute u Srbiji. Kao posljedica toga, Ryanair je svoju planiranu rutu Frankfurt-Hahn premjestio u Banja Luku. Ryanair je snažna konkurencija Air Serbia i za ovu liniju je dobio odobrenje Njemačke agencije za civilno vazduhoplovstvo. Ryanairu je takođe trebalo odobrenje Direkcije za civilno vazduhoplovstvo Srbije. Međutim, umjesto da odobri zahtjev kompanije Ryanair, Direkcija za civilno vazduhoplovstvo Srbije odobrila je kompaniji Air Serbia da obavlja dvotjedne/dvosedmične letove na istoj relaciji, iako oni nisu profitabilni. To se čini kao ponašanje protiv konkurencije.

Prosječna cijena je 47,11 USD ili 39,08 EUR ili 76,40 KM jednom pravcu.

ENG: Freebird Airlines is launching biweekly charter flights between Antalya and Tuzla as of June 08, 2021. The flight w...

ENG: Freebird Airlines is launching biweekly charter flights between Antalya and Tuzla as of June 08, 2021. The flight will be operated on Tuesdays and Fridays on an Airbus A320. These flights are managed by Golden tours which is a travel agency that offers vacation packages to many places including Antalya.
BOS: Freebird Airlines počinje dva p**a sedmično čarter let između Antalije i Tuzle od 8. juna 2021. Let će se obavljati utorkom i petkom. Freebird Airlines će za liniju koristiti Airbus A320. Ovim će letovima upravljati Golden tours, turistička agencija koja ponudi pakete za odmor na mnogim mjestima. Jedan od turistički ponuda je grad Antalija.

ENG: Turkish Airlines will be launching 3 flights weekly between Istanbul and Vancouver as of June 9th, 2021. The flight...

ENG: Turkish Airlines will be launching 3 flights weekly between Istanbul and Vancouver as of June 9th, 2021. The flight will be operated on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Turkish Airlines will use a Boeing 787-9 for the route.

If you are considering flying from Vancouver to Bosnia, going through Istanbul may be the option for you. However, most people traveling to Bosnia from Vancouver prefer to stop in European cities such as Frankfurt or Zurich because the total time flying is 1 hour faster compared to when stopping Istanbul.

Average price is $1130 USD round trip or $1440 CAD or $1820 BAM from Vancouver -> Istanbul -> Sarajevo.
BOS: Turkish Airlines počinje tri p**a sedmicno let između Istanbula i Vancouvera od 9. juna 2021. Let će se obavljati utorkom, četvrtkom i nedjeljom. Turkish Airlines će za liniju koristiti Boeing 787-9.

Ako razmišljate o letu za Bosnu iz Vancouvera, ovo je dobra opcija. Međutim većina ljudi radije zaustavlja u europskim gradovima poput Frankfurta ili Züricha, jer ako idete u Istanbul, preskačete Bosnu i tada morate ići nazad.

Prosječna cijena iznosi 1130 USD za povratni put ili 1440 CAD ili 1820 KM (Vancouver -> Istanbul -> Sarajevo).

Welcome to Flights2BiH! A brand new travel advisor company. Any questions about flying to/from Bosnia or need advice? Me...

Welcome to Flights2BiH! A brand new travel advisor company. Any questions about flying to/from Bosnia or need advice? Message us and we can help you!





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