Harvest Journey Kameoka

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Harvest Journey Kameoka Enjoying the taste of freshly harvested foods, inner travel and arts & crafts in Kameoka, Kyoto!

\ Introducing new seasons from Kameoka! /二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)とは、「太陰太陽暦」において春夏秋冬を24の季節に区分したもの。季節を象徴する名前には、それぞれに意味が込められており、旬を迎え...

\ Introducing new seasons from Kameoka! /




The 24 solar terms divide the lunar calendar into 24 seasons. Each name that symbolizes a season has a meaning and there are also foods that are in season.

It's feeling a little warmer, but starting today, the 20th, we enter the coldest period of the year, known as "Daikan."

The period from Shokan (Little Cold) to Daikan (Great Cold), which we introduced last time, is called Kanchu, and it is said that if you use "Kan no Mizu(water)" pumped up during this period, fermentation will proceed slowly, resulting in the production of high-quality sake, soy sauce, and miso, all of which are essential to Japanese cuisine. The combination of yellowtail Daikon radish (Buri-Daikon) and hot sake(Atsukan) is also something you can only enjoy during this season!

#寒の水 #寒仕込み


#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山

/本日は応援いただきありがとうございました!Thank you for your support today!\本日は、亀岡NAWASHIRO基金主催の「共感大賞」にてHarvest Journey Kameoka実行委員会の取り組みをプレ...

Thank you for your support today!

本日は、亀岡NAWASHIRO基金主催の「共感大賞」にてHarvest Journey Kameoka実行委員会の取り組みをプレゼンテーションさせていただきました。10分という限られた時間内にすべての取り組みを伝えきることの難しさを感じながらも、受賞された市民団体の活動からたくさんのことを学ばせていただきました。

私たちの取り組みに投票くださったみなさんもありがとうございます!残念ながら受賞は叶いませんでしたが、今年も をはじめ、さまざまな機会でより良い未来につながる取り組みを進めていきたいと思いますので、ぜひご参加いただけたら嬉しいです!

●Harvest Journey Kameoka 実行委員会とは

・オーガニックファーム×料理人によるFarm to Tableプログラム
・その他、カスタムメイドツアーの企画 等

Today, we presented the efforts of the Harvest Journey Kameoka at the "Empathy Award" sponsored by the Kameoka NAWASHIRO Foundation. Although it was difficult to fully convey all of our efforts in the limited time of 10 minutes, we learned a lot from the activities of the award-winning citizen groups.

Thank you to everyone who voted for our efforts! Unfortunately, we were not able to win, but we would like to continue our efforts to create a better future through various opportunities, including the this year, so we hope you will join us!

●About Harvest Journey Kameoka
We established our team in 2022, bringing together craftspeople with workshops and fields in Kameoka City, as well as monks of temples, farm inns, farmer and restaurants, to promote the attractions of the region through a local community tourism.

●What we can do
・Planning tours with accommodation around Satoyama (Japanese / English)
・Farm to Table program with organic farm and chef
・Wellness tourism that combines craftsmanship, zazen, and sutra copying
・Other custom-made tour plans, etc.


#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


昨日は、保津浜テラス  にてHarvest Journey Kameokaの新年会でした。かたもとオーガニックファーム  の野菜と地域で採れた猪肉のぼたん鍋、京料理松正 .kyoto によるお出汁でおいしくいただきました。私たちは度々持ち寄...

昨日は、保津浜テラス にてHarvest Journey Kameokaの新年会でした。

かたもとオーガニックファーム の野菜と地域で採れた猪肉のぼたん鍋、京料理松正 .kyoto によるお出汁でおいしくいただきました。

私たちは度々持ち寄りパーティーを開催するのですが、青虫のついた新鮮なお野菜やお子さんがつくっただし巻き玉子、地域のお店で買ったお惣菜やお酒などが並び、豊かな食卓が完成します。うつわやグラスもそれぞれの作家によってつくられたもの。こうしてつくられる食の風景を今年のHARVRST GALA 2025でも伝えていけたら嬉しいです!


Yesterday was New Year’s party at Hozuhama Terrace for Harvest Journey Kameoka.

We enjoyed a delicious hotpot of locally caught wild boar meat and vegetables from Katamoto Organic Farm , with dashi broth from Kyoto cuisine restaurant Matsusyo .kyoto .

We sometimes have potluck parties where the table is full of fresh vegetables with caterpillars in them, rolled omelets made by the craftsman’s kids, side dishes from local shop, and local sake. The dishes and glasses were also made by individual craftsmen. We hope to be able to share the food landscape that has been created in this way at this year’s HARVEST GALA 2025!

From April this year, EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan will finally be held. If you have this opportunity, please come and visit Kameoka as well.


#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


/Happy New Year 2025新年あけましておめでとうございます。We look forward to seeing you all this year!\新年、あけましておめでとうございます。二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)とは、...

Happy New Year 2025
We look forward to seeing you all this year!





Happy New Year to all of you!

The 24 solar terms(Niju Shi Sekki) divide the lunar calendar into 24 seasons. Each name that symbolizes a season has a meaning and there are also foods that are appropriate for that season.

The new year has arrived, and from today we are entering the period of "Sho-kan(小寒)," when the coldest time of the year is at its harshest. On January 7th, people eat seven-herb porridge to ward off evil spirits and pray for good health. Also, on the 11th, at Kagami-biraki, the kagami mochi offered to the New Year's god is broken and eaten by adding it to Ozoni or Oshiruko.

The harsh winter makes us look forward to the arrival of spring even more. We hope to be able to connect with many people through our community events and tours this year as well! We look forward to seeing you all this year!


#ハーベストジャーニー亀岡� #ハーベストガーラ

#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


/本年もたくさんの出会いをありがとうございました!We are grateful for all the encounters of 2024!\2024年も残すところあと一日となりました。みなさんにとってはどんな一年でしたでしょうか。今年...

We are grateful for all the encounters of 2024!


今年も をはじめ、さまざまなイベントやツアーを通じて世代や国籍の異なるたくさんの方々とお会いすることができ、私たちも楽しい一年を過ごさせていただきました。来年の「HARVEST GALA 2025」もどうぞお楽しみに。


There is only one day left this year.
What kind of year was it for you?

Looking back on this year, I had the opportunity to meet many people of different generations and nationalities through various events and tours, including , and we had a wonderful year.

Next year, we are planning to hold ‘’HARVEST GALA 2025, an annual harvest festival that enriches you and the city’’ as well. Please look forward it.

We wish you a happy new year!

#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山
#ハーベストジャーニー亀岡� #ハーベストガーラ


\ Introducing new seasons from Kameoka! /二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)とは、「太陰太陽暦」において春夏秋冬を24の季節に区分したもの。季節を象徴する名前には、それぞれに意味が込められており、旬を迎え...

\ Introducing new seasons from Kameoka! /




The 24 solar terms divide the lunar calendar into 24 seasons. Each name that symbolizes a season has a meaning and there are also foods that are in season.

The end of the year is fast approaching, and the footsteps of the New Year are approaching day by day. In the Northern Hemisphere, today is known as "冬至 (Toji, winter solstice)," the longest night and shortest day. Speaking of Toji, we think of Yuzu bath and pumpkin. It is our custom to add fragrant Yuzu to our bath to improve blood circulation and also help prevent colds. It is also customary to eat pumpkin, which can be preserved at this time of year, in order to obtain vitamins.

What kind of year has 2024 been for you? As this year comes to an end, we feel a little sad, but we are also looking forward to the new year! If you are planning to visit Kyoto next year, we would be delighted if you would consider experiencing farm to table, arts & crafts and inner travel in Kameoka, taking a tour, or staying at a farm stay!



#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


\ Introducing new seasons from Kameoka! /二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)とは、「太陰太陽暦」において春夏秋冬を24の季節に区分したもの。季節を象徴する名前には、それぞれに意味が込められており、旬を迎え...

\ Introducing new seasons from Kameoka! /


もうしばらく紅葉を楽しめそうですが、本日7日から暦のうえでは “雪が盛んに降りだす頃” を表す「大雪(たいせつ)」です。新しい年を迎える準備をはじめる「正月事始め」もこの時期から行われます。


The 24 solar terms divide the lunar calendar into 24 seasons. Each name that symbolizes a season has a meaning and there are also foods that are in season.

It looks like we'll be able to enjoy the autumn leaves for a while yet, but today, the 7th, marks the start of "大雪(heavy snow /taisetsu)," or the period when snow starts to fall heavily, according to the calendar. It is also the time when people start preparing for the New Year.

December has arrived in the blink of an eye. What kind of year has 2024 been for you? The wind is getting even colder, so please take care of yourself while enjoying a hot pot full of vegetables.



#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


/本日は世界土壌デー!Happy World Soil Day!\本日12月5日は「世界土壌デー」です。2013年に国際連合食糧農業機関会議(FAO)で採択され、国連総会にて承認されました。限りある土壌資源についての意識を高め、健康な土壌の...

Happy World Soil Day!


Harvest Journey Kameokaのメンバー、かたもとオーガニックファーム では、河川敷で刈り取った草や森の落ち葉など自然の力を最大限に活かした野菜づくりを行なっています。


また、京料理松正 .kyoto ではかたもとオーガニックファームの野菜を使ったお料理も提供しています。豊かな土壌がおいしい食材を生み出し、丹精込めてつくられた食材ひとつひとつを料理人の技を通じていただく。亀岡で土とひとつなぎにある食文化・Farm to Tableの魅力を体験していただけたら嬉しいです。

Today, December 5th is “World Soil Day”. It was adopted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2013 and approved by the United Nations General Assembly. The aim is to raise awareness of limited soil resources and promote the sustainability of healthy soils.

At Katamoto Organic Farm , a member of Harvest Journey Kameoka, he grows vegetables that make the most of the power of nature, such as grass cut from riverbeds and fallen leaves from the forest. Every Saturday from 8:00am, he holds a “Harvest vegetables experience (reservations required)” where you can harvest as much as you need for your table, so if you are interested, please contact him via DM 🥕

In addition, Kyoto Restaurant Matsusyo .kyoto serves dishes made with vegetables from Katamoto Organic Farm. The fertile soil nurtures delicious ingredients, which Masayoshi Ozasa(chef) carefully prepare one by one. We hope you will experience the charm of Farm to Table, a food culture that is connected to the soil of Kameoka.



#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


\Thank you for coming to Kameoka! /先週はニュージーランド🇳🇿からすてきなお二人が  での吹きガラス体験に来てくださいました。青と茶色の2色を使い、ドット柄の一輪挿しとスパイラル柄のカップをつくられていまし...

\Thank you for coming to Kameoka! /

先週はニュージーランド🇳🇿からすてきなお二人が での吹きガラス体験に来てくださいました。青と茶色の2色を使い、ドット柄の一輪挿しとスパイラル柄のカップをつくられていました。



We had a great time with guests from New Zealand at last week! They made dot-patterned flower vase and a spiral-patterned cup were made in two colors, blue and brown which are very beautiful.

We received photos from the day and a heart-warming review, so we would like to introduce it to you.

Thank you again for coming to Kameoka! We are also looking forward to seeing you again in the future!

Thank you again for a lovely experience!
Hamish and I have received our glasses and we are so happy with the result. They are amazing!

We can't express enough what a fun, interactive learning experience it was and we look forward to stopping by for another glass blowing experience in the future.

Anna, thank you so much for translating and for your time.

Daisuke & Junko and Anna, we wish you the best with your businesses. Anna we will seek out your B&B to stay at in the future.

Hamish and Rochelle

昨年から検索でHarvest Journey Kameoka を見つけてくださる方が少しずつ増え、通訳付きでの体験をご提供しています。ご関心のある方はぜひ、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Since last year, people finding Harvest Journey Kameoka through search has increased little by little, and we now offer craft experiences with interpretation. If you are interested in, please feel free to contact us.


#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市
#ハーベストジャーニー亀岡� #ハーベストガーラ


/🍂HARVEST GALA 2024ご参加ありがとうございましたThank you so much fo joining us!\昨日をもちましてHARVEST GALA 2024 -「あなた」と「まち」を豊かにする年に一度の収穫祭 - ...

Thank you so much fo joining us!

昨日をもちましてHARVEST GALA 2024 -「あなた」と「まち」を豊かにする年に一度の収穫祭 - が終了いたしました。最終日のスペシャルランチは冬の訪れを感じる一日となりましたが、今年もたくさんのご参加をありがとうございました。



HARVEST GALA 2024 - an annual harvest festival that enriches "you" and “Kameoka” - ended yesterday. The special lunch on the final day was a day that made us feel the arrival of winter, and we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who participated all programs this year.

We hope you enjoyed interacting with the craftsmen, artisans and farmer through the workshop tour, craft experience, and vegetable harvesting. Thanks to all of you, all our members had a great time!

We are looking forward to seeing you all again next year.

#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


/📢HARVEST GALA SPECIAL LUNCHご予約は本日まで!Programs available for booking until today\HARVEST GALA 最終日は、みんなでかたもとオーガニックファームに大集合...

Programs available for booking until today

HARVEST GALA 最終日は、みんなでかたもとオーガニックファームに大集合!約2ヘクタールの畑を巡りながら、循環型の野菜づくりを学びましょう。ランチは、見晴らしのいい場所で京料理松正による揚げたての天ぷらとごはんをいただきます。







On the last day of HARVEST GALA, everyone will gather at Katamoto Organic Farm! Let’s learn about sustainable farming while touring about 2 hectares of his fields. For lunch, enjoy freshly fried tempura and rice by Kyoto cuisine Matsusyo in a place with a great view.





What does “nature” sound like? Let’s try making the sounds of wood and bamboo!

This is a workshop which you can make fun musical instruments using offcuts from the workshop, natural materials, and specialized parts and tools. Let’s all play the instruments we made and enjoy a small concert in the field together!

Time: 14:00-16:00 (meeting time: 13:50)
Venue: Katamoto Organic Farm
Instructor: Matsunaga String Instrument Workshop, Nagaoka Meichiku Co., Ltd.
Parking: Available
Capacity: 40 people Participation
Fee: 1,500 yen
*Please choose on the day whether you would like your instrument made of bamboo or wood.


#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


\ Introducing new seasons from Kameoka! /二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)とは、「太陰太陽暦」において春夏秋冬を24の季節に区分したもの。季節を象徴する名前には、それぞれに意味が込められており、旬を迎え...

\ Introducing new seasons from Kameoka! /


山々が美しく色づいてきましたが、本日22日から暦のうえでは “雪が降りはじめる頃” を表す「小雪(しょうせつ)」です。11月23日は新穀の収穫を感謝するお祭り「新嘗祭(にいなめさい)」が行われ、この年に収穫された穀物を食べる日。地域の恵に感謝する意味も込めてHARVEST GALAをこの時期に開催しています。


The 24 solar terms divide the lunar calendar into 24 seasons. Each name that symbolizes a season has a meaning and there are also foods that are in season.

The mountains are turning beautiful colors, and today, the 22nd, marks the beginning of "Shosetsu" (light snow) according to the calendar, which means "when snow starts to fall."

November 23rd is Niiname-sai, a festival where people eat the rice harvested that year and give thanks for the new harvest. To express gratitude for the blessings of the local community, we hold "HARVEST GALA" every year at this time.

We are finally starting to feel the signs of winter, but it will be cold this weekend, so please dress warmly if you are join in the programs on the 23rd and 24th.


HARVEST GALA 2024 - 「あなた」と「まち」を豊かにする収穫祭 vol.3 -
harvest festival that enriches "you" and “Kameoka” vol.3


●開催期間 Date of event
Thursday, November 21st to Sunday, November 24th, 2024

●会場 Venue
亀岡市内のお店・工房・お寺・畑 等
Restaurant, workshop, temple, farm, etc. in Kameoka city



#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


/📢ご予約は本日(21日)21:00まで!11/22 オープニングイベント Harvest Table vol.3かめおかを味わう かめおかを話すおいしいテーブルPrograms available for booking until 9p...

11/22 オープニングイベント Harvest Table vol.3
かめおかを味わう かめおかを話すおいしいテーブル
Programs available for booking until 9pm today

Harvest Table(ハーベスト テーブル)は「味わう」「話す」「体験する」を通して、亀岡ならではの旬のものづくりを五感で楽しむイベントです。vol.3は、HARVEST GALA 2024 オープニングイベントとして​保津浜TERRACE にて11/22(金)18:00〜開催します!

当日は、HARVEST GALA企画メンバーによるトーク、交流会( の軽食付)を予定していますので、コミュニティ・ツーリズムに取り組む事業者やつくり手との交流をお楽しみいただけましたら幸いです。






保津浜TERRACE 村田知子
松永弦楽器工房 松永尚悟
かたもとオーガニックファーム 片本満大
Glass Studio Calore 松本大督
京料理松正 小笹正義 .masayoshi
【進行】Fogin 並河杏奈

Harvest Table is an event where you can enjoy Kameoka’s unique seasonal harvest and crafts with all five senses through “tasting,” “talking,” and “experiencing.” Vol.3 will be held on Friday, November 22nd at Hozuhama Terrace as the opening event for HARVEST GALA 2024!

On the day, we are planning a talk by HARVEST GALA planning members and a social gathering (with light meals by ), so we hope you will enjoy interacting with members working on community tourism in Kameoka.

*A bus tour for business operators and collaborators will be held on the same day.

●Date: Friday, November 22nd, 18:00-20:30 (doors open at 17:45)

●Venue: Hozuhama TERRACE (19-2 Miyanomae, Hozu-cho)
*There is no parking at the venue, so please park in a paid parking lot near the station.

●Participation fee (including light meals)
Adults: 3,000 yen
Students: 2,500 yen

●Capacity: 20 people

● Speakers:
Hozuhama Terrace
Matsunaga stringed instrument workshop
Katamoto Organic Farm
Glass Studio Calore
Kyoto cuisine restaurant Matsusho
Moderator: Fogin

#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


/📢HARVEST GALA 2024ご予約が本日までのプログラムをご紹介Programs available for booking until today\Made in Kameokaを親子でめぐるファムトリップFamiliariza...

Programs available for booking until today

Made in Kameokaを親子でめぐるファムトリップ
Familiarization Trip to Made in Kameoka for families





(昼食代込・ のプチお土産付)


*This project is a bus tour for businesses and collaborators.

We toured around Kameoka City with travel agents, media, educational institutions, businesses who are interested in family handcraft experiences and food education projects, and business owners who want to consider collaborative projects and learn about local crafts and arts. We would like to introduce you to the kinds of experiences that are possible in the fields and workshops.

●Date and time
Friday, November 22nd, 9:00-17:00 (Meet at 8:50)

●Meet at JR Kameoka Station North Exit Rotary

●Participation Fee: 5,500 yen
(including lunch and small souvenir by )

●Maximum of 20 people


同日開催!オープニングイベント「Harvest Table vol.3」

※ のケータリング付

Opening event "Harvest Table vol.3" will be held on the same day!

Time: 18:00-20:30 (doors open: 17:45)
Venue: Hozuhama TERRACE (19-2 Miyanomae, Hozu-cho)
Parking: None
Capacity: About 20 people
Participation Fee: General: 3,000 yen
Students: 2,500 yen
*Includes catering from


#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山
#ハーベストジャーニー亀岡� #ハーベストガーラ


/📢HARVEST GALA まであと1日!ご予約が本日までのプログラムをご紹介Programs available for booking until today\01|自分で収穫できる野菜販売会自然栽培で育てた季節の野菜が30種類以上!...

Programs available for booking until today






10:00 / 13:00 / 15:00(所要時間:60分)
長岡銘竹株式会社 亀岡工房(保津町三ノ坪50)

03|The Blue Path × 吹きガラス体験

約1200℃の柔らかいガラスを吹き竿の先に巻き取り、息を吹き込んで膨らましながら、スタッフと一緒にさまざまな道具を使って器を作ります。この日限定の選べる特別な「青色」をご用意。待ち時間には、手描友禅キット「The Blue Path - 青で重ねる伝統 - 」を体験いただきます。

Glass Studio Calore(亀岡市保津町上大年49-1)

01|Harvest vegetables experience at Katamoto organic farm

Over 30 types of seasonal vegetables grown naturally! While walking through the fields, you can choose and harvest your favorite vegetables.

Thursday, November 21st, 10:00-12:00
The meeting place will be sent to you when you register.

02|Kyo-Meichiku original bamboo lantern making experience

Choose your favorite design from 50 sample sketches and create your own original bamboo lantern using white special bamboo from Kyoto’s brand.

Thursday, November 21st
10:00 / 13:00 / 15:00 (Duration: 60 minutes)
Kameoka Workshop, Nagaoka Meichiku Co., Ltd. (50 Sannotsubo, Hozu-cho)

03|The Blue Path × Glass Blowing Experience

Wrapping soft glass at about 1,200°C around the end of a blowing rod, blow into it to inflate it, and then work together with the staff to create a cup using various tools. We have a special "blue" color available for this day only. While waiting, you can experience the hand-drawn Yuzen kit "The Blue Path - The Tradition Layered in Blue".

Thursday, November 21st
Each person will take turns to experience glassblowing.(about 20 minutes).
Glass Studio Calore (49-1 Kamiōtoshi, Hozu-cho, Kameoka City)

#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


/📢HARVEST GALA 2024 OPENING EVENT11/22 オープニングイベント Harvest Table vol.3かめおかを味わう かめおかを話すおいしいテーブル\Harvest Table(ハーベスト テーブル)は...

11/22 オープニングイベント Harvest Table vol.3
かめおかを味わう かめおかを話すおいしいテーブル

Harvest Table(ハーベスト テーブル)は「味わう」「話す」「体験する」を通して、亀岡ならではの旬のものづくりを五感で楽しむイベントです。vol.3は、HARVEST GALA 2024 オープニングイベントとして​保津浜TERRACE にて11/22(金)18:00〜開催します!

当日は、HARVEST GALA企画メンバーによるトーク、交流会( の軽食付)を予定していますので、コミュニティ・ツーリズムに取り組む事業者やつくり手との交流をお楽しみいただけましたら幸いです。






Harvest Table is an event where you can enjoy Kameoka’s unique seasonal harvest and crafts with all five senses through “tasting,” “talking,” and “experiencing.” Vol.3 will be held on Friday, November 22nd at Hozuhama Terrace as the opening event for HARVEST GALA 2024!

On the day, we are planning a talk by HARVEST GALA planning members and a social gathering (with light meals by ), so we hope you will enjoy interacting with members working on community tourism in Kameoka.

*A bus tour for business operators and collaborators will be held on the same day.

●Date: Friday, November 22nd, 18:00-20:30 (doors open at 17:45)

●Venue: Hozuhama TERRACE (19-2 Miyanomae, Hozu-cho)
*There is no parking at the venue, so please park in a paid parking lot near the station.

●Participation fee (including light meals)
Adults: 3,000 yen
Students: 2,500 yen

●Capacity: 20 people

#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山


/📢 HARVEST GALAプログラム紹介11/24 畑で収穫祭&スペシャルランチイベントHarvest festival & special lunch event in the organic farm\HARVEST GALA 最終...

11/24 畑で収穫祭&スペシャルランチイベント
Harvest festival & special lunch event in the organic farm

HARVEST GALA 最終日は、みんなでかたもとオーガニックファームに大集合!約2ヘクタールの畑を巡りながら、循環型の野菜づくりを学びましょう。ランチは、見晴らしのいい場所で京料理松正による揚げたての天ぷらとごはんをいただきます。







On the last day of HARVEST GALA, everyone will gather at Katamoto Organic Farm! Let's learn about sustainable farming while touring about 2 hectares of his fields. For lunch, enjoy freshly fried tempura and rice by Kyoto cuisine Matsusyo in a place with a great view.





What does "nature" sound like? Let's try making the sounds of wood and bamboo!

This is a workshop which you can make fun musical instruments using offcuts from the workshop, natural materials, and specialized parts and tools. Let's all play the instruments we made and enjoy a small concert in the field together!

Time: 14:00-16:00 (meeting time: 13:50)
Venue: Katamoto Organic Farm
Instructor: Matsunaga String Instrument Workshop, Nagaoka Meichiku Co., Ltd.
Parking: Available
Capacity: 40 people Participation
Fee: 1,500 yen
*Please choose on the day whether you would like your instrument made of bamboo or wood.


#京都 #亀岡 #亀岡市 #田舎 #里山



〒621-0013 京都府亀岡市大井町並河2丁目 737

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00


https://www.harvestjourney.com/, https://www.instagram.com/harvestjourn


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