Connaissez-vous l'histoire d'Alfa Yaya Maudo de Labé, qu'on appelait "le roi" de Labé ?
Né au milieu du 19ème siècle dans le village de Fulamori, en Guinée, l'histoire nous apprend qu'Alpha Yaya fut l'un des plus grands résistants à la colonisation française que l'Afrique ait jamais connu. Pour lui rendre hommage, l'hymne national de la Guinée est une adaptation d'un chant composé en son honneur par un griot vers 1903. Le camp militaire "Alpha yaya Diallo" porte son nom et son nom figurait sur le billet de cinquante francs de la monnaie guinéenne lors de sa création le 1er mars 1960.
Do you know the story of Alfa Yaya Maudo of Labé,? He was known as "the king" of Labé.
Born in the mid-19th century in the village of Fulamori, Guinea, history teaches us that, Alpha Yaya was one of the greatest resisters to French colonization that Africa has ever known. To pay tribute to him, the national hymn of Guinea is an adaptation of a song composed in his honor by a griot around 1903. The military camp "Alpha Yaya Diallo" bears his name and his name was on the fifty franc bank note of the Guinean currency when it was created on March 1, 1960.