My1dollarbusiness Have Fun and Save Vacations

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My1dollarbusiness Have Fun and Save Vacations WORK FROM HOME...We are a global program (operating in over 30 countries… and growing!) with a mission of helping 1,000,000 reach financial freedom.

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This is one of the most powerful discussions I've ever listened to outside of my church. Democrats hate America and this...

This is one of the most powerful discussions I've ever listened to outside of my church. Democrats hate America and this discussion between two men, one white, one black, shows how, and why, they are destroying America. Listen and learn why this present evil society must be beaten back, though it is better that it be totally defeated, or else all life will be extinguished. It's just a matter of time, and time is running out.

Tucker Carlson Network

This is great. We saved $2,100 per year on Auto Insurance, plus we save on Travel, Shopping and more. And we get paid every week because we share the savings with others. Thank you SHG!"

We've recorded today's live blitz call presentation just for you! 🎥Here’s how you can maximize your impact:Step 1: Ensur...

We've recorded today's live blitz call presentation just for you! 🎥

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SHG Official 200% Commission Blitz Video good today and tomorrow Saturday and Sunday! Watch & SHARE! This amazing 200% promotion ends Midnight Central time ...

Planned Parenthood aborts more than 392,000 innocent babies each year. In fact, it’s responsible for about 40% of all abortions in the United States. And it takes more than $1.9 million of our tax dollars every day. It has been caught selling the body parts of aborted babies. Its diabolical . . .

YES! You Too Can Save up to $5,000 to $10,000+ per year with Members-Only SHG Discounts!Save Big on Travel, Hotels & Vac...

YES! You Too Can Save up to $5,000 to $10,000+ per year with Members-Only SHG Discounts!

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in a
taken over

We have all read that the future will result in city against city, neighbor against neighbor etc. There are many books and youtubers predicting civil war. Will all of this result in the Blue versus the Grey? That is doubtful.

More likely it will be varied all across the US. It will be anarchy; with different attempts by governments to control the anarchy. There may even be government forces bringing about anarchy for their own benefit. What CAN be predicted with 100% certainty is that Gangs will roam wild in any area in which there is a vacuum of law enforcement or citizen enforcement of the laws.

No matter where you are, in any serious partial or complete collapse, or grid-down event, there's going to be gangs. Rural, urban or suburban; wealthy or middle class or poor; Christians or whatever; ALL will be impacted by gangs. Indeed, over time, gangs are likely to consolidate and grow/larger stronger. They are also likely to roam far from their original "home turf" in pursuit of (other people's) resources.

Indeed -- one could posit that the criminal theft rings now organized in urban areas to take advantage of slack prosecution practices...will be the obvious candidates to metastaze and grow into larger regional threats. Society is giving them a de facto head start in their criminal enterprises.
It really doesn't matter how well-armed YOU are, personally. I guarantee there'll be a gang that comes along with the weapons and/or tactics that can/will eliminate your presence from the equation, then take what they want.

So, people must to be willing to "give up" a little privacy and probably autonomy in the event, in order to gain the protections of a larger community.

But, let's spin it another way -- if the citizenry and LE forces of an area (hamlet, town, village, whatever) aren't willing to come to the common defense of citizens when they are threatened by looters, raiders, marauders or just plain vultures...then that community will be carved up, any opposition eliminated in detail, house by house.

Once any effective opposition is eliminated, the vultures will settle in for a while and live off of (other people's) "fat of the land," until the resources are depleted and they feel like moving on to another location to murder and loot. You know -- that whole "plague of locusts" thing.


Reasons Why  Everyone should build an ongoing residual income ... just in case ...See the excerpt below of yet one more ...

Reasons Why Everyone should build an ongoing residual income ... just in case ...
See the excerpt below of yet one more recent example reported in the news of reasons why everyone should build ongoing residual income … just in case of... a hurricane, a flood, a tornado, any natural disaster, happenings in Iraq, or any other unstable oil-producing country, regulatory situations, changes in politics, policies, laws, regulations, technology, unusual cost increases, corporate fraud in high places, changing times, or a myriad of other reasons. The list is endless.
While nothing in life is guaranteed, it is my personal and professional opinion that for myself, and MY family, being an Independent Insureme Reps is the best, most foolproof, crash-proof, disaster-proof, safest, simplest, and most rewarding thing I've ever done. Any it's the absolute best career in which I have ever engaged, for a myriad of reasons. It's my best choice after 40 years in business, which includes the military, owning several businesses, and investments. Insureme is exactly the right company, and the right product, at exactly the right time, and it's fun and simple.
The second foolproof, crash-proof, and simplest thing I have done is to save money and made money on things that I buy and on travel. Do you like to travel? Do you like to save money on items you buy everyday?
Do you like to travel?
If you stay in hotels or go on vacations, rent a car, take a cruise, or go to an amusement park, you are most likely overpaying.
Stop paying retail and get exclusive, members-only deals on over 1 Million Hotel Rooms and Tens of Thousands of Condo Vacations.
Join SavingsHighway Global and access our exclusive hotel and condo vacation deals.
* Save up to 20% to 75% on over 1 Million Hotel Rooms in 141 Countries.
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All one needs to do is to quite naturally, and very simply, tell their own story to several people every day, use a resource tool or two, and say, "Why don't you lower your mandatory insurance cost and see what it does for you?" or ask them if they like to travel It's a very simple and most rewarding business that is working extremely well for thousands around the US.
Anyone who tries Insureme normally saves $600 To $700 on their mandatory insurance cost. The more people whom you tell about it, the more will lower their insurance cost, and the more who lower their insurance cost, the more will buy, and who will tell others... who will tell others... who will tell others... and the beat goes on, and on, and on!! The Insureme story is rapidly moving all over the US, at the speed of the internet!! And you either are, or you can be, in on the beginning of it!!
It's much better in my opinion than being in on Henry T. Ford's launch of the Model T Ford automobile back in 1908. We don't have to build cars, and a network of roads, highways, interstates, gas refineries, gas stations and car repair and maintenance facilities, and thousands of parts for construction and maintenance!! Even with these huge obstacles and challenges, within 25 years, 90% of the US adult population was driving and using automobiles, whereas 20 years before the advent of Henry Ford's Model T and his revolutionary Production Line, 100% of the US population had no automobiles, and either walked, or used horseback, and horse-drawn buggies and wagons for most of their transportation needs. That was a part of the Industrial Revolution which began about 1750. We are, or can and should all be, part of the huge and exploding "Insureme Revolution."
If you want to know the multiple good reasons to become a part of "The Insureme Revolution" or become part of the “Travel Revolution” read some comments from people who tried it:
"I have been in the P&C world for 15 years. I wish I had this opportunity when I started." - Chris R.
"In my first week, I took action by following instructions on the website. I obtained my declaration pages from my current insurance brokers. Of course, they knew why I was asking. The next day I received a phone call from SME with a quote to cover my home, auto, two rental properties, and adding an umbrella policy with a well-known insurer. My savings are approximately $900 per year. I am also earning about $120 per year in referral fees on my own policy!" - Bill R.
"Insureme encompasses the information age model with a necessary product, a legally legitimate business structure, and established system to develop a mutually-profitable relationship." - Haddie J.
"As a new agent, I was curious to see how much I would save shopping through INSURE. I was thrilled when my quote was $1,000 less expensive annually than my current coverage. But it gets better. I receive a referral fee on my policy!" - Frank P.
"We are saving about $1,500 a year on our home and auto insurance, but we have much better coverage on personal property and coverage D and E. And, as a realtor, I look forward to helping my clients save money by using INSUREME'S easy plug-n-play system!" - Deborah G.
See those who truly jump in and seriously participate in the Insureme Revolution become Healthy, Rich and Free!! ... While those who hesitate and hold back will get left behind, saying, "I could have... If only I would have..." That's what happens to the Procrastinators of Life who wait until it's just too late. We're heading for the future, and the future is now. Make the Choice now to
Join The Insureme Revolution!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN NOW
People fall into one of three groups:
(1) Those who make things happen,
(2) Those who watch things happen, and
(3) Those who wonder what happened."
Everyone has a Choice, and everyone does choose into which group they fall. The last two groups are the ones headed down dead end's, in a rut, on an endless treadmill, treading water until one day they can no longer walk, run, or continue treading water, and when that happens, they will quietly "sink below the waves" of the "Sea of Life," with their songs unsung, and their music unplayed. And many of those who are in the last two groups inevitably live lives of quiet desperation. This is very sad, isn't it? Especially when everyone has a choice. But you can choose, and offer a choice to others. That is really good news, isn't it? So, what will you choose? What will you do? It's totally up to you. CLICK THE LINK to make a choice ----
Choose to be a part of "Group 1." That is my recommendation to each of you, and to everyone. Be a Line Crosser, and cross over to the other side. Make things happen!!... for yourself, and for your family, and your heirs. Say, "If it going to be, it's up to me!! ... and Indeed It Is!! It's all up to you. In the final analysis, it's all up to you!! Win, Lose, or Draw... It your Choice, and its your Call... So Choose Well my friends … Choose Well. Come Cross The Line, and join US!!
As Dr. Phil says: "How is what you are doing working for you?" And how long will it work?... As long as you can tread water ... and no longer.
Now see the excerpt below of the sad plight of gas station owners all across America, and across the entire World. Just one small slice of "How it is!!" Things and times always change, creating opportunities for many, and disasters for those who do not change. There are hundreds of other examples that may be cited, but this makes the point clearly.
Yes...Everyone should build an Ongoing Residual Income... just in case... One that grows every month, and multiplies every year, without employees, overhead, or liability!! Doing that creates real security and peace of mind for you and your family.
If this strikes a chord and makes sense to you, give Tanya and Dennis Rhea a click or make the move and join –
In order for things to change, you've got to change. You can make excuses, or make money, but you cannot make both.
This is intended to be a Wake up Call to all those Americans who are in denial of these facts. It is because of this denial, and refusal to face reality, that 95% of all Americans who reach the age of 65, or should, are either dead, broke, or still working, regardless of their intelligence, education, training, or experience. Think about that... and do something about it!!
We... you and I, can be real Life Enrichers. We have good gifts to offer...The Gifts of Good Health, and Prosperity. Are you going to share and tell what you know and have, and thereby Enrich The Lives of Others, or are you going to commit The Sin of the Desert, and tell no one? Life is full of Choices. As for me and my house, we have Chosen to tell everyone.
Mixed in with the dreamers and procrastinators are the hard-eyed hull thumpers, those couples who have tired of dreaming and have said to each other, "Now is the time to do something. We're not getting any younger, prices aren't getting lower, and the interest rates are probably going to stay high or get higher. Let's do it now (start living)!" These are the lucky ones. These are the people who recognize that God or Mother Nature or the Fickle Finger of Fate doesn't issue non-cancel-able contracts guaranteeing a long life or everlasting heath and vitality. These are the wise few who have faced up to the unpleasant truth that "someday" may never come and that the future. . .their future. . .may be distressingly and frighteningly short.
The rest of the crowd or world is made up of the dreamers who will never quite work up the courage to make the move and will spend the rest of their lives saying, "If only. . ." and, "We shoulda. . .
If this strikes a chord, and makes sense to you, and you are looking for a better life for you and your family, or residual income, or both, give us a click and see.
It’s four minutes that can change your life...

Rejecting the Democrats’ Reckless Tax-and-Spending SpreeOn Friday, Democrats in the House of Representatives passed part...

Rejecting the Democrats’ Reckless Tax-and-Spending Spree

On Friday, Democrats in the House of Representatives passed partisan reckless tax-and-spending spree filled with tax increases, Green New Deal provisions, handouts to the wealthiest Americans, and liberal wish-list items.

With inflation at its highest point in 31 years, a reckless tax-and-spending spree is the last thing we need right now. West Virginians are concerned because thanks to inflation, they are paying higher prices for many things they can’t do without. This is especially concerning as we head into the holiday season. Yet, even with these red flags, the Biden administration and my Democrat colleagues want to spend even more on liberal policy wish-list items that are unaffordable.

Despite President Biden’s claims that the bill wouldn’t cost a penny, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office confirmed last week that the bill will add more than $300 billion more to the deficit, on top of its already astronomical trillion-dollar tax hike—the largest tax increases in decades. This won’t help our economy. It will devastate our economy.


Many things will change in life, however, the ultimate power to make things happen is in your hand.FIVE MAJOR DONT's FOR...

Many things will change in life, however, the ultimate power to make things happen is in your hand.


No. #1. DON'T ever count yourself out in life, the world can't make it without you.

No. #2. DON'T ever put yourself down in life, rather, lift yourself up higher.

No. #3. DON'T ever underestimate yourself in life, your true values has no limits.

No. #4. DON'T ever overly state yourself in life, others can see your worth.

No. #5. DON'T ever say No to yourself in life, rather, search for the Yes.

Most of all, remember, all things are possible when you act on your belief. Learn this principle painting your portrait of life then, start living it.

I Believe You Can...! The Forever Income Retirement Plan

Our business provides the most common-sense solution to the retirement dilemma that faces millions of Americans today. Click below to watch our:

Many things will change in life, however, the ultimate power to make things happen is in your hand.FIVE MAJOR DONT's FOR...

Many things will change in life, however, the ultimate power to make things happen is in your hand.


No. #1. DON'T ever count yourself out in life, the world can't make it without you.

No. #2. DON'T ever put yourself down in life, rather, lift yourself up higher.

No. #3. DON'T ever underestimate yourself in life, your true values have no limits.

No. #4. DON'T ever overly state yourself in life, others can see your worth.

No. #5. DON'T ever say No to yourself in life, rather, search for the Yes.

Most of all, remember, all things are possible when you act on your belief. Learn this principle by painting your portrait of life then, start living it.

I Believe You Can...! The Forever Income Retirement Plan

Our business provides the most common-sense solution to the retirement dilemma that faces millions of Americans today. Click below to watch our:

HEADS UP. The Long anticipated NATIONAL VACCINE MANDATE was just released by the Biden Administration via OSHA this morn...

HEADS UP. The Long anticipated NATIONAL VACCINE MANDATE was just released by the Biden Administration via OSHA this morning. This mandate includes some VERY HEAVY FINES for "Willful" Non-Compliance.

Full Details are posted here

AVOW is more than a simple forum for preparedness, it's a whole community dedicated to preparedness and spiritual insights. You'll find a wide variety of topics being discussed, including camping, home canning, financial preparedness, words of our living prophet, spiritual insights, and much, much m...


If you get something like this turn in over to your sheriff or police department,

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Hi, this is Dennis, Connie, and Kenneth Rhea

I hope you're having a great day. I just have to tell you, I love this! And I believe this will interest you also... It's Your Travel Business for the Price of a Pizza! When I saw this, I checked it out thoroughly and it's the real deal. $1,500 Condo Vacations for $200. No timeshare presentations. Save up to 75% on over 1 Million Hotel Rooms Worldwide! WOW! 100% Absolutely Real! Save a ton of money and receive extra too! Don't miss out on this... Take these 3 Easy Success Steps: Success Step 1. Watch a Cool 1 Minute Commercial here >>> Success Step 2. Don't miss this recorded presentation - it's Awesome! Watch it for free here >>> Success Step 3. If you love it like me and thousands of others, and I believe you will, then join our team here... >>> PS: We're going straight to the top with this... And it's Worldwide! Thousands are joining fast! They pay by check, direct deposit and BitCoin 2 times per month! And the parent company has been around 14 years with an A rating. We love it! They also have 24-hour chat on the website to help you out anytime! Very impressed! JOIN HERE >>> PS: After you join or if you have questions, please contact me so I can help you get started. Call 405 493 4584 ask for Dennis or Kenneth Rhea THIS IS FUN! Making money while you are traveling is fun.