Pines of Pal est ine. In the Scottish Highlands, Scots pines are generally seen as a positive sign of ecological restoration and renewal; a thing to be celebrated.
Trees have long been used by humans in different ways, for different purposes, different narratives.
Is there a chance that we here are also erasing the human links and memory linked with living and working in the land? How are we using trees and nature for our own ends, our own narratives? What are the drawbacks?
But I like the thought that pine needle tea is made, regardless, wherever they grow. 🌿
Posted @withregram • @olive.odyssey The pine trees of Palestine include 4 species: Aleppo Pine (indigenous), Stone Pine, canary Pine, and Brutia Pine. While the native Aleppo Pine has grown here for millennia, the other varieties were planted in mass planting programs.
#trees #pines #scotspine #giuthas #rewilding #repeopling #cairngorms #cairngormsnationalpark #scottishhighlands
It's that time of year! @eileenbudd who is a wonderful storyteller popped up the hill to see the herd, give her a follow!
Posted @withregram • @eileenbudd One of our lesser known native species, brought back to Scotland by Swedish Sami Reindeer Herder, Mikel Utsi.
You can visit the herd by contacting @cairngormreindeer and visiting their website.
And I believe @strathspeystorywalks used to work there, which is pretty cool! I bet you’ve got lots of stories about them, Sarah 🥰✨🦌♥️
#reindeer #cairngorms #sami #deer #folklore #truestories #hiddenhistory #scottishwildlife #scottishmountains
🐝 Got bees nesting in the birdbox! I've tried to ID them and am not very confident - they are possibly tree bumblebees which seems to match their orange top halves, dark back halves and slightly white bum. But I am very willing to be corrected by people who know!
I sat watching them after work and learnt:
- a group seem to buzz around the entrance a lot
- they seem to fly in figure eights
- they might have 'routes' to and from the box, judging how I kept getting thumped by them on their return journeys - or they have poor eyesight 😅 (I stood to the side after that)
- they weren't really bothered by me being right there
- they fight intruders (another, bigger type of bee)
- maybe the queen is a different colour? See last pic in comments.
I would like to learn more about bees.
Healing Arts Scotland - week in August!
Can the arts heal?
This August, I am thrilled to be part of Healing Arts Scotland, the first ever countrywide Healing Arts Week, happening all across the country 19-23 August, led by Scottish Ballet and the Jameel Arts & Health Lab in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).
HAS is a week-long celebration of arts and health events, highlighting the joy they bring to those who take part, and their importance to the nation’s physical, mental and social health.
I will be running a special Storywalk - Untold Tales of Land and People - ‘restorying’ the land and restoring ourselves through connection to places and each other. In highlighting injustice within the landscape, and creating space for forgotten or silenced voices, stories are a way to help healing in its broadest sense.
👉 Book here!
The Healing Arts Scotland opening celebration will take place outside the Scottish Parliament at 4pm on Monday 19 August as part of Edinburgh International Festival and the Festival of Politics, and features over 250 performers and participants from across Scotland.
👉 Find out more on the Healing Arts Scotland website:
#HealingArtsWeek #HealingArtsScotland #storytelling #edinburghfestival