Peaky Blinders is a fantastic show, in part because it doesn't claim to portray itself as being an accurate portrayal of history: rather, it borrows certain names and events from the past without trying to pass them off as being factual. But one consequence of this is that viewers may assume that, because Tommy Shelby is fictional, so too are the other main gang leaders Alfie Solomons and Charles Sabini - whereas they were in fact real 1920s London gangsters. Find out more on the link below!
👉 https://historiclondontours.com/tales-of-london/f/londons-peaky-blinders-the-sabini-gang
Whenever I watch an historical drama series, I find myself constantly Googling to check whether the events portrayed are historically accurate (which is why I have never seen The Tudors, and just one of many reasons why ...