This is the officially page of Kuching Old Bazaar with the past and present information about this area. During the 19th century, several waves of Chinese immigrants from Guangdong and Fujian provinces migrated south to settle in Kuching, Sarawak to find work as labourers and trade merchants. The earliest settlement, established along the bank of the Sarawak River, was named by the Chinese communi
ties as “Lao Ba Sa” (Old Bazaar), or “Main Bazaar”, meaning the main market place. In the past, Main Bazaar was the main commercial street where the wealthy businessmen ran their trading businesses. Behind the Main Bazaar, Carpenter Street by contrast was a cultural lane that housed the carpenters, food stalls, temples and various Chinese regional associations. Connecting directly to Carpenter Street is Ewe Hai Street, which was built and named after the name of the prominent local leader, Ong Ewe Hai. There are also several roads dissecting the Main Bazaar and Carpenter Street that have equally colourful histories. Wayang Street (Wayang is Malay for performance) was so-named because of the “Chinese Opera” held there during the annual festival. China Street, Upper China Street and Bishopsgate Street were notorious for their Coolie quarters, gambling dens, o***m houses, brothels, pubs and mobile hawker stalls. All these adjacent streets make up the famous ‘Old Bazaar Commercial Zone’ of today. The Kuching Old Bazaar including Main Bazaar, Carpenter Street, Ewe Hai Street, Wayang Street, Jalan Tun Abg Hj Openg (Old Rock Road), China Street, Upper China Street, Bishopsgate Street, Temple Street and Green Hill.
连接着亚答街的友海街则是以第一任福建大佬甲必丹王友海名字命名的街道。花香街的名字来自马来文“Wayang”(意:戏曲)的音译,因为在花香街上的华人寺庙凤山寺前有一座戏台,时常表演着各种地方戏曲,深受各族人民的欢迎。 此外,在亚答街的中部地段,有一道基督教圣公会园区的后门被称为“主教门”。当时,此门是主教采买日常生活必需品的主要出入口。