
Luxxzy Connecting great hotels with wanderlusts in Asia

Longing for a refreshed & rejuvenated vacation? A spa staycation could be a luxury choice, check out these incredible sp...

Longing for a refreshed & rejuvenated vacation? A spa staycation could be a luxury choice, check out these incredible spa hotels and reward yourself and your loved one a stress relieving holiday.

Hong Kong is home to countless spa hotels that you can provide you with that much needed rest and relaxation time. Here are the top 5 hotels in Hong Kong that you want to visit for a quality spa vacation or staycation.

| English version follows⬇️ | 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Top 10 Dreamy Wedding Chapels in Japan (Part 2)日本10大夢幻婚禮教堂👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩(下) [中文版請按下文連結🔗]...

| English version follows⬇️ | 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Top 10 Dreamy Wedding Chapels in Japan (Part 2)
日本10大夢幻婚禮教堂👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩(下) [中文版請按下文連結🔗]
If you are waiting for the pandemic to pass and arrange a proper wedding overseas💍, take this time to take a further look at the special wedding chapels throughout 🇯🇵Japan! These beautiful chapels ⛪will definitely brings your wedding more unforgettable memories and fabulous pictures to treasure!
English version:

Many couples are holding their weddings overseas these years, with just a short flight to be there, Japan is one of the most popular choices among all! Japan has different landscapes and culture from north to south, and weddings held in each part of Japan have their own styles. The second part of .....

| English version follows⬇️ | 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Top 10 Dreamy Wedding Chapels in Japan (Part 1)日本10大夢幻婚禮教堂👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩(上) [中文版請按下文連結🔗]...

| English version follows⬇️ | 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Top 10 Dreamy Wedding Chapels in Japan (Part 1)
日本10大夢幻婚禮教堂👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩(上) [中文版請按下文連結🔗]
If you are waiting for the pandemic to pass and arrange a proper wedding overseas💍, take this time to take a further look at the special wedding chapels throughout 🇯🇵Japan! These beautiful chapels ⛪will definitely brings your wedding more unforgettable memories and fabulous pictures to treasure!
English version:

Many couples are holding their weddings overseas these years, with just a short flight to be there, Japan is one of the most popular choices among all! Japan has different landscapes and culture from north to south, and weddings held in each part of Japan have their own styles. The first part of “...

| English version follows⬇️ |中文版請按下文連結🔗 【平民價錢 貴婦享受🫖】2021 曼谷4間必食泰式下午茶自1855年開放對外貿易後,🧁英國的下午茶文化傳入了泰國,經過百多年的演變,泰國人將英式下午茶的精緻華麗...

| English version follows⬇️ |中文版請按下文連結🔗
【平民價錢 貴婦享受🫖】2021 曼谷4間必食泰式下午茶
4 must-try Thai afternoon tea in Bangkok 2021
🫖English afternoon tea culture has been introduced to Thailand since the opening of foreign trade in 1855. After years of evolution, Thais have combined the exquisiteness of English afternoon tea with the local ingredients and tastes of Thailand, transforming it into unique 🇨🇷Thai style English afternoon tea, and it is much more 🤩friendly priced in Thailand.
English version:

Exquisite English afternoon tea may be easily found in luxury hotels around the world, but there is something special about them in Thailand; English afternoon tea culture has been introduced to Thailand since the opening of foreign trade in 1855. After years of evolution, Thais have combined the ex...

| English version follows⬇️ |【🤫偷步開放入場?! 】率先一睹大阪USJ超級任天堂世界全新園區 [中文版請按下文連結🔗] 🎢日本環球影城(USJ)「SUPER NINTENDO WORLD (超級任天堂世界)」園...

| English version follows⬇️ |
【🤫偷步開放入場?! 】率先一睹大阪USJ超級任天堂世界全新園區 [中文版請按下文連結🔗]
🎢日本環球影城(USJ)「SUPER NINTENDO WORLD (超級任天堂世界)」園區由於疫情關係開園日期一拖再拖;不過樂園原來於1月17日起已經以限制入場的方式開放園區予部份遊客率先入場試玩!到底園區內有甚麼遊樂設施、打卡位?🎡 馬上來先睹為快!

🤩Sneak-peak of Osaka USJ Super Nintendo World
While many Mario fans are disappointed about the delay of the opening of 🎢Super Nintendo World in USJ Osaka, the area has actually being pre-opened to a restricted number of visitors since mid-Jan 2021. 🤫Let’s take a sneak-peek before the official opening!
English version:

The “SUPER NINTENDO WORLD” of Universal Studios Japan (USJ) in Osaka was originally scheduled to open before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and the official opening has been delayed several times until further notice due to the global pandemic. While many Mario fans are disappointed about the delay, t...

New year is all about new beginnings and adventures.May the world be peaceful again and our next journey will be soon!  ...

New year is all about new beginnings and adventures.
May the world be peaceful again and our next journey will be soon!

| English version follows⬇️ | 🍳5 popular breakfast stands in Taipei 2021[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 【🥓早餐控召集】2021 台北人氣早餐店5選去台灣玩要去早餐店吃地道早...

| English version follows⬇️ | 🍳5 popular breakfast stands in Taipei 2021
[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 【🥓早餐控召集】2021 台北人氣早餐店5選
It makes no sense to miss an authentic Taiwanese breakfast when you go to Taiwan! Some famous breakfast stands even draw a long line in the early morning😖 everyday before business hours! If you prefer to sleep a little later during your trip, while not risking yourself to try a regular breakfast stand, you are recommended to try out these 🤤popular breakfast stands in Taipei!
English version:

It makes no sense to miss an authentic Taiwanese breakfast when you go to Taiwan! Speaking of the most renowned breakfast stand in Taipei, it definitely goes to ‘Fuhang Soy Milk’, which draws a long line in the early morning everyday before business hours. But there are definitely more than one ...

| English version follows⬇️ |🗾曼谷文青地圖 2021必去潮區 [中文版請按下文連結🔗]相隔整整一年未能「回鄉」,🇨🇷泰國也出現了不少變化;隨著曼谷本地設計師愈見出色,當地亦湧現了不少年輕一代最愛流連的☕文青區域...

| English version follows⬇️ |🗾曼谷文青地圖 2021必去潮區 [中文版請按下文連結🔗]

🤟🏻Trendiest areas in Bangkok 2021

🗓️It's been a year since we are able to travel, and there are a lot of changes and new trends in the popular travel destinations such as 🇨🇷Bangkok! While there are more and more local designers being noticed, Bangkok is getting more Art & Culture spots to be explored. If you love 🍵stylish cafes, designer goods and taking snapshots, do not miss our latest blog about the 📍trendiest areas in Bangkok in 2021!
English version:

Many travellers are visiting Bangkok for Thai food, local markets, Thai spa and luxury hotels, yet Bangkok has actually much more to offer especially for those who are passionate about art and culture. Luxxzy will introduce you to Bangkok’s art and cultural hotspots this time. Following the guide,...

| English version follows⬇️ | 📍5 weekend getaways around Taipei[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 5個台北輕旅行地點🚙疫情下雖然無法出國旅行,不過在疫情相對穩定的台灣,本地旅遊則成了新趨...

| English version follows⬇️ | 📍5 weekend getaways around Taipei
[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 5個台北輕旅行地點🚙
✈️While overseas travelling has become impossible due to the global pandemic, the Taiwanese are exploring more 🏞️worth-to-go destinations in Taiwan. 🕶️Let's take a look at where do the locals go for holiday in Taipei now!
English version:

While overseas travelling has become impossible due to the global pandemic, the Taiwanese are exploring more worth-to-go destinations in Taiwan. This blog will introduce 5 weekend getaways in Taipei which are less known by international travellers in the past, giving you a new perspective to explore...

| English version follows⬇️ |Japanese Traditions you can experience only during New Year in Japan[中文版請按下文連結🔗]🎈新年限定的日本傳統活...

| English version follows⬇️ |Japanese Traditions you can experience only during New Year in Japan
New Year is the biggest celebration of the year for the Japanese, there are many 🥳traditional events, food and unique shopping experience which can only be found in January! It is also the 🤩biggest bargain time of the year, make sure you won't miss any of these interesting 🎉new year experience if you are traveling Japan in January next time!
English version:

1st January is the official new year celebrated in Japan and there are a lot of special traditions that even tourists can have a taste of during the New Year month in Japan! Do not miss it when you travel to Japan during January next time! New Year Greetings to the god – Hatsumode It […]

新年快樂!Luxxzy祝各位2021年繼續保持健康活力💪🏻;願疫情早日消退,🌎世界早日回復平靜;各國美麗的🏞️風景、🍱美食、熱情的人民💁🏻‍♀️都在等著大家探索喔!🎊Happy New Year 2021 from Luxxzy! Stay...

🎊Happy New Year 2021 from Luxxzy!
Stay healthy💪🏻 and positive to fight against the pandemic until the day we are able fly again soon!

| English version follows⬇️ | Five 100yen brands in Japan🛍️🇯🇵日本大創以外的5間100yen店說到100yen店你絕對逛過Daiso,但其實日本除了Daiso外還有多間百元商店品牌...

| English version follows⬇️ | Five 100yen brands in Japan🛍️
說到100yen店你絕對逛過Daiso,但其實日本除了Daiso外還有多間百元商店品牌,每間都有各自的獨家🔥人氣商品,其中一家更有冬日限定的🍠新鮮烤地瓜?! 愛逛100yen店的你絕對不容錯過!

🛍️Daiso is a giant brand for 100yen goods that everyone knows, but there are more 100yen brands in Japan worth checking out with their very own 💖popular 100yen goods. You can even find grilled sweet potatoes🍠 in winter at one of these 100yen shops! Here we are going to introduce to you 5️⃣ other major brands for 100yen goods in Japan!
English version:

百元商店大創(Daiso)是不少到訪日本的遊客花上數小時購物的必到行程。大創的確是日本最大的百元商店品牌,也是 […]

| English version follows⬇️ | Mulled Wine DIY[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 🍷自製聖誕必飲暖心Mulled Wine ☃️冬日裡一杯熱騰騰的mulled wine是歐洲聖誕節的必飲熱酒,雖然現在無法到...

| English version follows⬇️ | Mulled Wine DIY
[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 🍷自製聖誕必飲暖心Mulled Wine
☃️冬日裡一杯熱騰騰的mulled wine是歐洲聖誕節的必飲熱酒,雖然現在無法到國外旅行,在家自製一杯mulled wine也能享受異國的🎄聖誕節氣氛!

🍷Mulled wine is a traditional festive drink in Europe around Christmas time. ☃️While it is not possible to travel and enjoy Christmas in foreign country, we can still enjoy an exotic 🎄Christmas vibe at home with a cup of homemade warm mulled wine in just 3 steps!
English version:【create-an-exotic-christmas-vibe-at-home】mulled-wine-diy-in-just-3-steps/

Mulled wine is a traditional festive drink during winter especially around Christmas. It is common to see mugs of mulled wine being served at Christmas markets in Europe. While it is not possible to travel and enjoy Christmas in foreign country, we can still enjoy an exotic Christmas vibe at home wi...

| English version follows⬇️ | 【Ideas for your X'mas Feast】[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 臨近聖誕佳節,雖然未能去旅行感受異國的聖誕氣氛,用點心思也可以在家營造🥂異國的聖誕氣氛。想準備一頓...

| English version follows⬇️ | 【Ideas for your X'mas Feast】
[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 臨近聖誕佳節,雖然未能去旅行感受異國的聖誕氣氛,用點心思也可以在家營造🥂異國的聖誕氣氛。想準備一頓充滿🎂聖誕氣氛的大餐,不妨參考一下國外的聖誕傳統,看看外國人在聖誕節都吃甚麼?

🎄Christmas is at the corner! Though travelling is not possible at the moment, we can still enjoy exotic Christmas vibes at home with a 🥂scrumptious Christmas meal. Let's take a look at what people have for their Christmas dinner in foreign countries to make up your 🎂Christmas menu for this year!
➡️English version:【ideas-for-your-xmas-feast】traditional-christmas-meals-in-foreign-countries/

Travelling abroad for a white christmas or staying warm in tropical countries was a good idea. While the pandemic is keeping us from travelling, how about having some traditional Christmas meals from foreign countries to create yourself a scrumptious Christmas ‘staycation’? Japan Kentucky Fried ...

| English version follows⬇️ | Osaka New Boom - Spice Curry🥘[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 大阪名物就只有章魚燒同大阪燒? 近年香料咖喱於大阪引發一輪旋風,捨棄日本一直以來的咖喱磚,👨🏽‍...

| English version follows⬇️ | Osaka New Boom - Spice Curry🥘
[中文版請按下文連結🔗] 大阪名物就只有章魚燒同大阪燒? 近年香料咖喱於大阪引發一輪旋風,捨棄日本一直以來的咖喱磚,👨🏽‍🍳仿效印度、尼泊爾等地用上大量新鮮辛香料長時間烹調的🥘咖喱基底,配合日本的高湯文化,結合成獨特的「大阪香料咖喱」🔥於當地引發熱潮!大阪香料咖喱的專門店更是愈開愈多,每間都發揮創意研發獨家口味,如同日本的拉麵店般百花齊放,吸引日本不少咖喱迷到大阪「集郵」朝聖!

Other than Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki, there is a new boom in Osaka's signature food - 🥘Osaka Spice Curry! This newly introduced curry are not cooked with pre-cooked 'curry brick' but using a lot of fresh spices and Japanese broth (dashi), giving a strong punch of spices along with the umami from the broth. 👨🏽‍🍳There are more and more spice curry houses opening in Osaka and each of them owns their secret recipe, attracting curry lovers all over Japan!

😋Get to know more about 'Osaka Spice Curry' and the recommended spice curries in Osaka:

In Japan, Osaka is called the ‘Kitchen of Japan’, talking about the signature food of Osaka, everyone can name a few – Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki, Kushikatsu.. However, all of these are now a bit out of date! In recent years, there is a new boom of ‘spice curry’ in Osaka, and it is now develope...

| English version follows⬇️ | Unlimited Stay in Maldives【比香港租金更低】🌊長居馬爾代夫不是夢 [中文版請按下文連結]相信去過馬爾代夫的朋友都感受過最後一天依依不捨的心情,相比以往短短...

| English version follows⬇️ | Unlimited Stay in Maldives
【比香港租金更低】🌊長居馬爾代夫不是夢 [中文版請按下文連結]
The last day of a Maldives trip is always sad, how about staying there for a year? A resort in Maldives announced a 🤩special offer for staying at their water bungalow for a year at a price even lower than renting a nano apartment in Hong Kong!
While Maldives is one of the very few countries allowing tourists to entry, and the resort provided 📶complimentary WiFi at all guest rooms and public areas for remote working💻, staying in the paradise for good is no longer a dream!
English version:

Anyone who has been to the Maldives understands how sad it is to leave on the last day to go back from paradise to reality! While renting a nano apartment (~200sq ft) on HK Island costs over HKD20,000 (~USD2,580) a month, staying in the paradise Maldives for good seems no longer unreachable!

| English version follows⬇️ | Floating Breakfast Experience in 4 tropical destinations【Floating Breakfast】渡假勝地峇厘島、馬爾代夫、泰...

| English version follows⬇️ | Floating Breakfast Experience in 4 tropical destinations
【Floating Breakfast】渡假勝地峇厘島、馬爾代夫、泰國、越南 🥗漂浮早餐體驗大比拼 [中文版請按下文連結]
近年於IG大熱的Floating Breakfast漂浮早餐在峇厘大行其道,但這奢華有趣的用餐體驗已經傳遍多個渡假勝地🏝️。想找景色最美的?最精緻奢華的?還是性價比最高的漂浮早餐? 🍳Luxxzy為你綜合了多個渡假熱點中提供漂浮早餐的酒店選項,馬上找出最合你心意的目的地和酒店吧!

🍳Floating Breakfast from Bali is one of the most popular Instagram trend in recent years, and now this fabulous dining experience can also be found in other tropical destinations🏝️ like Thailand, Maldives and Vietnam! If you are looking for this 🥂once-in-a-lifetime experience with the best view, best food or the best value, do not miss our blog which gathered all the information you need to choose your next travel destination and stay with the perfect floating breakfast experience!
Check this out now:

Imagine waking up in the morning and diving into your private swimming pool for a scrumptious breakfast, floating breakfast is such a luxurious experience you should enjoy once in a lifetime.

| English version follows⬇️ | 7 New hotels in Bangkok 【準備2021再回鄉】曼谷7間全新酒店 [中文版請按下文連結]過去一年雖然旅遊業近乎癱瘓狀態,但曼谷仍有不少新酒店落成,當中人氣的昭...

| English version follows⬇️ | 7 New hotels in Bangkok
【準備2021再回鄉】曼谷7間全新酒店 [中文版請按下文連結]

It's been almost a year since we are banned from travelling, however, there are many new hotels opened in Bangkok in the past year. Two 5-star hotels by the Chao Phraya River were completed, a hotel with Japanese onsen public bath was settled in the 'Japanese area' of Bangkok and many more new accommodation options are available in the popular areas like Sukhumvit. Let's take a look at these new hotels in Bangkok and get ready for your next visit in 2021!
English version:

When was your last time visiting Bangkok? Despite the pandemic has paralised the global tourism for almost an entire year, there are many new hotels opening in 2020. Let’s take a look at what's new in Bangkok for your post-pandemic travel plan!

| English version follows⬇️ | 【SGP - HK Travel Bubble】【一文即懂】新加坡香港旅遊氣泡Travel Bubble懶人包11月22日起香港新加坡正式實施Travel Bubble!想飛新加坡...

| English version follows⬇️ | 【SGP - HK Travel Bubble】
【一文即懂】新加坡香港旅遊氣泡Travel Bubble懶人包
11月22日起香港新加坡正式實施Travel Bubble!想飛新加坡要如何準備? 一文了解所有申請方法及注意事項,來準備飛啦!

What to prepare before travelling to Singapore? Easy summary at a glance
The Travel Bubble between Hong Kong and Singapore is launching on the coming Nov 22, to get to know what and how to prepare for your first post-pandemic trip, click and take a look at our easy summary here below!
English version:【sgp-hk-travel-bubble】what-to-prepare-before-travelling-to-singapore-easy-summary-at-a-glance/

Official launch of the Travel Bubble: 22 Nov 2020 (Sunday) Daily travel quota: 200 people Operated airline: Singapore Airline and Cathay Pacific (Daily flight) Application in prior: 1. Air Travel Pass (ATP) When? 7-30 calendar days before your intended date of entry Application fee: Free of charge H...

| English version follows⬇️ | Best Mango Sticky Rice in Bangkok😋曼谷5間芒果糯米飯小店推介 [中文版請按下文連結]每日中午售清芒果糯米飯? 皇室秘方糯米飯? 皇室貢品芒果? 百...

| English version follows⬇️ | Best Mango Sticky Rice in Bangkok
😋曼谷5間芒果糯米飯小店推介 [中文版請按下文連結]
每日中午售清芒果糯米飯? 皇室秘方糯米飯? 皇室貢品芒果? 百年傳統老店? 曼谷的芒果糯米飯界臥虎藏龍,小小的一碟芒果糯米飯竟然如此講究!👀馬上看看曼谷5間最值得一試的芒果糯米飯小店!

🥣Mango Sticky Rice is a legendary dessert in Thailand, it is not just a dish on the menu but the hero of many small food stalls and shops in Bangkok! 😋There is a shop with Mango Sticky Rice that being sold out everyday by noon, a shop serving Royal quality mangos, a shop making their sticky rice with the Royal recipe and more! 👀Here are 5 mango sticky rice in Bangkok you must try if you are a mango fan!
Check it out now:【top-5】-the-best-mango-sticky-rice-in-bangkok/

The sweet and juicy mango slices, the soft and chewy sticky rice, served along with savory sweet and aromatic coconut milk and crunchy green bean flakes; Mango Sticky Rice is definitely the most popular desserts in Thai cuisines.

| English version follows⬇️ |【Japan Lifts Travel Ban】【❗突發】🇯🇵日本明日起解除香港入境限制!日本外務省於昨夜公佈將於11月1日起解除包括香港、台灣、澳門在內9個國家、地區的入境限制,入...

| English version follows⬇️ |【Japan Lifts Travel Ban】



Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan has announced to lift the travel restriction of 9 countries and districts including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau last night(30/10). The lift will be effective from tomorrow (1/11), PCR test results is no longer required before or upon arrival. 14 days of self-quarantine is required after arrival and public transportation should be avoided. Travellers can only enter Japan through Narita Airport or Kansai airport for now. However, latest visa arrangement is not mentioned in the announcement, travellers may have to wait for further update about visa arrangement.

For inquiry please contact Consulate-general of Japan in Hong Kong:

For detail please visit (Japanese):


| English version follows⬇️ |【💓粉紅控請.坐.低~~】📸泰國芭堤雅3間人氣打卡熱店🇨🇷根據非正式統計顯示,港人於疫後最想去旅行的地方是家鄉泰國。而芭堤雅近年開了不少😍吸晴度極高的cafe和餐廳,除了可以享受陽光...

| English version follows⬇️ |

【💓Pink Manias Waive Your Hands!】📸The Most Beautiful Beachfront Restaurants and Cafes in Pattaya Thailand
Make sure you check out this blog for the most beautiful 🌊beachfront cafes and restaurant in Pattaya if you love PINK💗!! These beachfront cafes and restaurants are too fancy to drive every Instagram lover crazy😍!
Check it out now:

With many fancy cafes and restaurants opened in recent years, Pattaya is getting more attention again from international tourists and Instagram lovers.

| English version follows⬇️ |【馬代全攻略】🐠計劃首次馬爾代夫之旅必讀指南(下) ⚠️Dos & Don'ts價錢牌上的金額加18%才是實際價格?可唔可以自備酒水?自來水唔可以飲?到本地居民島嶼參觀連手也不能牽?...

| English version follows⬇️ |
【馬代全攻略】🐠計劃首次馬爾代夫之旅必讀指南(下) ⚠️Dos & Don'ts
價錢牌上的金額加18%才是實際價格?可唔可以自備酒水?自來水唔可以飲?到本地居民島嶼參觀連手也不能牽? 去馬爾代夫旅行有不少需要注意的事項!這次分享的【馬代全攻略】(下) 將一一為你介紹!
⬇️馬上查看【馬代全攻略】(下): (中文版)
【Maldives 101】🐠Things you should know before your first trip to Maldives! (Part 3)
Every receipt comes with an extra 18% surcharge? Can we bring our own alcohol? Is tap water safe for drinking? There are quite a lot ⚠️Dos & Don'ts you ought to know before taking off!
⬇️Let's take a look at the Part 3 to find out all the answers:

Follow the Dos and Don't and enjoy the miracle time in the Maldives.

| English version follows⬇️ |【馬代全攻略】🐠計劃首次馬爾代夫之旅必讀指南(中)計劃馬爾代夫之旅家定會遇到「Full Board」、「Half Board」等住宿選擇,到底兩者實際包括甚麼,如何選擇最為合適? 🏝...

| English version follows⬇️ |
計劃馬爾代夫之旅家定會遇到「Full Board」、「Half Board」等住宿選擇,到底兩者實際包括甚麼,如何選擇最為合適? 🏝️馬爾代夫有超過150間度假村,哪間鄰近機場?哪間最浪漫?又哪間較有特式?這次分享的【馬代全攻略】(中) 將一一為你介紹!
⬇️馬上查看【馬代全攻略】(中): (中文版)
【Maldives 101】🐠Things you should know before your first trip to Maldives! (Part 2)
When planning a trip to Maldives, there are a few hotel plans you can choose from - 'Full Board', 'Half Board' and even 'All Inclusive', how should you make your choice? 🏝️With over 150 resorts in its boarder, which one is the best accessible from the airport? Which one is the most romantic? Which one is the most special?
⬇️Let's take a look at the Part 2 to find out the answers:【maldives-101】-things-you-should-know-for-first-time-visitors-to-the-maldives-part-2-choices-of-hotel-meal-plan-half-board-full-board-all-inclusive-three-best/

Half board, Full board or All-inclusive? Tips for you to pick your dream accommodation in the Maldives.

| English version follows⬇️ |【馬代全攻略】🐠計劃首次馬爾代夫之旅必讀指南(上)馬爾代夫原來有超過1,000個島?去找nemo要到哪邊?🦈看鯊魚、翻車魚又應去哪?去馬爾代夫動輒過萬元,🧐事前先若不做好資料搜集,可...

| English version follows⬇️ |

【Maldives 101】🐠Things you should know before your first trip to Maldives! (Part 1)
Did you know Maldives has over 1,000 islands within its border? Where should you go if you are looking for Nemo? How about sharks and sunfishes? 🧐It is highly recommended to do a thorough research before planning your first trip to Maldives so as to enjoy the most of the splendid tropical holiday!
The【Maldives 101】travel blog has 3 parts in total, introducing you every valuable travel tips you should know before your trip!

⬇️Let's take a look at the Part 1 for the Overview and Resorts Distribution in 4 regions in Maldive now:

What makes the Maldives a dream paradise for everyone? Understand the Maldives inside out can help you plan your next perfect vacation.




| English version follows⬇️ |【🕵🏻‍♂️Luxxzy 度假村評測】峇里島Ametis Villas純藍別墅 – 終極豪華隱居之所+大自然的懷抱🌿無論是疫後想來一趟Social-distancing Trip,還...

| English version follows⬇️ |
【🕵🏻‍♂️Luxxzy 度假村評測】峇里島Ametis Villas純藍別墅 – 終極豪華隱居之所+大自然的懷抱🌿
無論是疫後想來一趟Social-distancing Trip,還是想計劃和愛侶二人世界💕,私隱度極高的峇里島Ametis Villas純藍別墅都是你的不二之選!為提供一個幽靜放鬆的環境予住客好好充電,度假村只設14棟私人別墅,每棟都完全融入絕美的自然環境之中,面積最小由350平方米起,更設有👙私人游泳池及大型的半戶外的廚房及用餐休憩空間🥂,每間別墅更會獲派一名私人管家安排各種生活需要💁‍♂️,絕對是頂級享受!加上度假村不接待12歲以下兒童,即使離開別墅範圍到餐廳用餐或使用公共設施也不會受到打擾,想靜靜地親親大自然,峇里島Ametis Villas絕對應該放入你疫後之旅的口袋名單!

🔍Luxxzy 度假村評測:

【🕵🏻‍♂️Luxxzy Resort Review】Ametis Villas Bali – The ultimate luxurious hideaway with private villas surrounded by tropical nature landscapes🏞️
If you are planning a post-pandemic social distancing trip or a romantic getaway with your partner👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨, make sure you didn't miss this ultimate hideaway in Bali! This luxurious resort offers only 14 exquisitely crafted deluxe villas, all the villas are generously sized from 350sqm, all feature a 🏊🏻‍♀️large private pool and a spacious semi-outdoor complex for cooking, dining and relaxation🥂, each villa will even be assigned a private butler to serve all the needs during your stay💁‍♂️. The resort only accepts guests over 12 years old, making sure your trip will not be disturbed even when you stepped out of your villa in the restaurant or other common areas. If you fancy a luxury yet secluded trip to enjoy the beautiful nature, be sure to keep Ametis Villas Bali in your pocket list for post-pandemic trips!

🔍Luxxzy Resort Review:

Quietly nestling in between rugged tropical surroundings, Ametis Villas Bali is a perfect choice for a romantic, laid-back getaway in Bali. With just 14 private villas, each one of them with its own spacious pool, guests can enjoy a luxurious stay with a home-style concept. You will be assigned a pe...

【浮潛新手地圖】越南必去最美海灘🏝️ | 🔤 English version follows繼上次介紹了泰國布吉和蘇梅必去海灘後,今次介紹對陽光與海灘的愛好者來說較冷門的越南。越南的物價水平較低,但近年卻新建了不少五星級度假村,CP值比不少...

【浮潛新手地圖】越南必去最美海灘🏝️ | 🔤 English version follows

🤿Best snorkelling spots for families and beginners in Vietnam
After introducing to you the best snorkelling spots in Thailand, this time we are going to bring you the best snorkelling spots in Vietnam! Vietnam may not seems to be a 'sun and beach' destination, but the low standard of living and new 🌟5-star luxury resort making it a more popular destination for a valued luxury trip! If you are aiming to chill, check out the coastal cities like Danang and Hoi An, which offer a more laid-back beachfront holiday😌 with rich colonial culture to explore. If you are a nature lover and looking for an ultimate holiday with the sun, sea and sand🐠, Phu Quoc Island is definitely an ideal choice with special visa exemption to foreign travellers who travel directly to Phu Quoc within a 30-day stay.

Thailand is a popular beach holiday destination and there are many snorkelling spots in Phuket and Koh Samui. Check out these beaches which are easily accessible or suitable for beginners and families to enjoy the vibrant marine life!

Check out these snorkeling spots in Vietnam, with only basic swimming skills and simple equipment, even kids can enjoy the vibrant underwater life without fear!

【浮潛新手地圖】布吉及蘇梅島必去最美海灘🏝️ | 🔤 English version follows想探索海底世界親親海洋生物🐠不一定需要潛水牌,其實只要識簡單游水,即使小朋友都可以透過浮潛尋找nemo🧡 布吉及蘇梅島以陽光與海灘聞名,不過...

【浮潛新手地圖】布吉及蘇梅島必去最美海灘🏝️ | 🔤 English version follows
想探索海底世界親親海洋生物🐠不一定需要潛水牌,其實只要識簡單游水,即使小朋友都可以透過浮潛尋找nemo🧡 布吉及蘇梅島以陽光與海灘聞名,不過並非每個海灘都適合新手或小朋友浮潛,想於疫後帶一家大小初嘗浮潛滋味🤿,現在就預先做點功課吧!

🤿Best snorkelling spots for families and beginners in Phuket and Koh Samui
It doesn't necessarily take a diving license to explore the underwater world. Phuket and Koh Samui are best known for their sun and water🌊, and snorkelling is the easiest way to have a taste of it. If you are planning a 🐠'Finding Nemo' trip with your family after the pandemic, make sure you take note of these beautiful beaches🏝️ that are perfect for beginners and kids to snorkel!

Thailand is a popular beach holiday destination and there are many snorkelling spots in Phuket and Koh Samui. Check out these beaches which are easily accessible or suitable for beginners and families to enjoy the vibrant marine life!



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We are a young Hong Kong-based online travel agency, with the passion of introducing more amazing top-rated hotels and resorts to travellers in Asia.

Are you struggling with finding the best hotels for your next vacation? We are here to help!

Our specialists handpick quality hotels (only the good quality ones) to work with, and to negotiate a better package for our users, not just the rate, but also to come along with some complimentary add-ons! Really? Yes, as we and our partners would like to provide the best holistic hospitality experience. We believe, a 5-star hotel stay is never only about a room and a bed to sleep with, but an overall experience that you will remember for your lifetime.

Good things are worth waiting for, and limited.