Visit Vincy

Visit Vincy Welcome to Visit Vincy! Follow to learn more about beautiful Saint Vincent and the Grenadines :)

[CULTURE]Nine Mornings is a unique Vincentian festivity associated with the Christmas season.  For the nine mornings bef...


Nine Mornings is a unique Vincentian festivity associated with the Christmas season. For the nine mornings before Christmas, Vincentians wake in the early hours of the morning and partake in a range of activities, among them sea baths, dances (or in local parlance, fetes), bicycle riding and street concerts. If you visit during the Christmas season be sure to join the nine morning festivities of the community nearest to you.

nine morning是與聖誕節相關的獨特的聖文森節日。 在聖誕節前的九個早晨,聖文森人在清晨醒來並參加一系列活動,其中包括海水浴、舞蹈(或用當地的說法,fetes)、騎自行車和街頭音樂會。 如果您在聖誕節期間訪問,請務必參加離您最近的社區的nine morning慶祝活動


[CULTURE]The final day of Carnival (Carnival Tuesday) is marked by the parade of the bands. Masqueraders wear their carn...


The final day of Carnival (Carnival Tuesday) is marked by the parade of the bands. Masqueraders wear their carnival costumes designed by different mas bands. The costume designs are judged and awarded in several categories. Masqueraders parade the streets of Kingstown, the capital city, showing off their costumes to on lookers. This parade becomes a street party and everyone dances into the early morning hours of the next day marking the end of the carnival season.

狂歡節的最後一天(狂歡節星期二)以樂隊遊行為標誌。 化妝舞者穿著由不同的 樂隊設計的狂歡節服裝。服裝設計在幾個類別中進行評判和獎勵。化妝舞者在首都金石城(Kingston)的街道上游行,向旁觀者炫耀他們的服裝。這個遊行變成街頭派對,每個人都會跳舞到第二天的清晨,標誌著嘉年華季節的結束。

[SIGHT SEEING]SVG's La Soufrière volcano rises to over 4,000 feet. It's last eruption was in April of 2021 (over 18000 h...

SVG's La Soufrière volcano rises to over 4,000 feet. It's last eruption was in April of 2021 (over 18000 had to be evacuated). A tour to La Soufrière takes you along the eastern coast of St. Vincent, through banana and coconut plantations to where the foot trail begins. The trail leads you along steep volcanic ridges, filled with bamboo and other tropical trees. The hike is quite the journey so leave early in the morning. The expedition can continue down the west side trail and end 10 or 12 miles on, in Chateaublair on the western side of the island.

SVG(聖文森) 的 La Soufrière 火山上升到 4,000 多英尺。 它的最後一次噴發是在 2021 年 4 月(超過 18000 人不得不撤離)。 La Soufrière 之旅將帶您沿著聖文森特的東海岸,穿過香蕉和椰子種植園,到達徒步小徑的起點。 這條小徑將帶您沿著陡峭的火山山脊前進,火山山脊上種滿了竹子和其他熱帶樹木。 徒步旅行是一段很長的旅程,所以一大早就得離開。 探險隊可以繼續沿著西邊的小徑前進,並在 10 或 12 英里處結束,在該島西側的 Chateaublair。


[CULTURE]  Vincy Mas is upon us! SVG's Carnival, named Vincy Mas, is the country's largest festival. It is a massive cel...

Vincy Mas is upon us! SVG's Carnival, named Vincy Mas, is the country's largest festival. It is a massive celebration in music, dance and design that lasts from June-July, culminating in national holidays Carnival Monday and Carnival Tuesday.


[CULTURE]The Vincentian people have strong boating traditions, especially in the grenadine islands. During the easter we...


The Vincentian people have strong boating traditions, especially in the grenadine islands. During the easter weekend travel to Bequia to witness this. The Bequia Easter Regatta is one of the destination’s premiere events and the southern Caribbean's most popular regatta. Participants gather to enjoy the highly competitive boat racing, with vibrant onshore activities as onlookers cheer on their preferred teams all while relishing the island’s famous hospitality.

文森人有很強的划船傳統,尤其是在格瑞那丁(grenadine)群島。 在復活節週末前往貝基亞(Bequia)島見證這一點。 貝基亞復活節帆船賽是該地的首要活動之一,也是加勒比海南部最受歡迎的帆船賽。 參賽者齊聚一堂,享受競爭激烈的賽艇比賽,以及充滿活力的陸上活動,旁觀者為他們喜歡的球隊加油助威,同時享受島上著名的熱情好客。

[SIGHT SEEING]The Vermont nature trail is an excellent spot for both hiking and nature watching. It starts near the top ...


The Vermont nature trail is an excellent spot for both hiking and nature watching. It starts near the top of Buccament Valley and leads through tropical rain forest where there is a chance of seeing or hearing the rare St. Vincent Parrot (Amazona Guildingii) and the Whistling Warbler both unique to St Vincent and strictly protected nationally and internationally. The island’s dense vegetation, animal species and rivers are on full display to enjoy.
佛蒙特(Vermont)自然小徑是遠足和觀賞自然的絕佳去處。 它從 Buccament 山谷的頂部附近開始,穿過熱帶雨林,在那裡有機會看到或聽到珍貴稀有的聖文森鸚鵡 (Amazona Guildingii) 和口哨鶯,它們都是聖文森特有的,在國內和國際上都受到嚴格保護。 島上茂密的植被、動物種類和河流都盡收眼底,令人賞心悅目。

[Culture]Every year on National Heroes Day (March 14th), the rural community of Fancy comes alive with the Garifuna Cult...


Every year on National Heroes Day (March 14th), the rural community of Fancy comes alive with the Garifuna Cultural and Culinary Festival. The Garifuna, an Afro-Amerindian group, is one of SVG’s indigenous peoples. See recreations of their traditional homes and the paths they travelled. Get a taste of their heritage with various offerings of Cassava bread, Cassava cereal, Madungo, Doukona, Toumalay sauce. This festival is the most delicious way to experience Vincentian culture.

每年的國家英雄日(3 月 14 日),凡西(Fancy) 的農村社區都會因加里富納文化和烹飪節而活躍起來。 加里富納 (Garifuna) 是一個非裔美洲印第安人群體,是 SVG (聖文森及格瑞那丁)的原住民之一。 觀看他們傳統家園的重建和他們走過的道路。 品嚐各種木薯麵包、木薯麥片、Madungo、Doukona 和 Toumalay 醬汁,品嚐他們的傳統。 這個節日是體驗文森特文化最美味的方式。

毎年、ナショナル ヒーローズ デー (3 月 14 日) には、ファンシーの田舎の方のコミュニティでガリフナ文化料理フェスティバルが開催されており、とても賑わっています。 アフリカ系アメリカインディアンのグループであるガリフナは、SVG の先住民族の 1 つです。 彼らの伝統的な家や彼らが通った道を再現したものを是非ご覧ください。 キャッサバ ブレッド、キャッサバ シリアル、マダンゴ、ドゥコナ、トゥーマレー ソースなど、さまざまな料理で伝統を味わってください。 このフェスティバルは、セントヴィンセントの文化を体験できる最も素敵な方法です。

[SIGHT SEEING]Baleine 瀑布是聖文森最好的自然奇觀之一。 單級落下 - 波光粼粼的海水從大約 60 英尺高處墜入岩石環繞的淡水池中,非常適合游泳。 只有乘船才能到達這個美麗的地方,所以在您前往它的途中,請抓住機會參觀島嶼...

Baleine 瀑布是聖文森最好的自然奇觀之一。 單級落下 - 波光粼粼的海水從大約 60 英尺高處墜入岩石環繞的淡水池中,非常適合游泳。 只有乘船才能到達這個美麗的地方,所以在您前往它的途中,請抓住機會參觀島嶼西側的所有沿海社區。

The Falls of Baleine is among St. Vincent’s finest natural wonders. A single stage fall - the sparkling waters plunge about 60 feet into a rock-enclosed fresh pool, perfect for swimming. This beauty is only accessible by boat so take the opportunity to see all the costal communities along the western side of the island as you journey to it.

バレイン滝は、セントビンセント島で最も優れた自然の1 つです。 1 段階の滝 - 輝く水が約 60 フィートの高さから岩に囲まれた自然のプールに飛び込み、泳ぐのにはに最適です。この美しい場所へはボートでのみアクセスできるので、島の西側にある海岸沿いのコミュニティをすべて見て回る機会をお楽しみください。

[CULTURE]你知道嗎:SVG(聖文森和格瑞納丁)是前英國殖民地,該國的官方語言是英語,但是,大多數文森特人在日常生活中不會說英語。 他們說文森特克里奧爾語。 它是一種以英語為基礎的克里奧爾語,混合了歐洲語言(主要是英語、西語和法語)、...


你知道嗎:SVG(聖文森和格瑞納丁)是前英國殖民地,該國的官方語言是英語,但是,大多數文森特人在日常生活中不會說英語。 他們說文森特克里奧爾語。 它是一種以英語為基礎的克里奧爾語,混合了歐洲語言(主要是英語、西語和法語)、土著 Kalinago/Garifuna 語言,以及隨著跨大西洋奴隸貿易而來的各種中非和西非語言。 沒有標準化的拼寫,但可以使用英文字母拼寫。在評論中留下一些短句,我們會為您翻譯成聖文森特和格林納丁斯使用的一種英語克里奧爾語(Vincentian Creole)

Did you know: SVG was a former British colony and the country's official language is english, however, most Vincentians do not speak English in their day to day life. They speak Vincentian creole. It is an English-based creole language that is a mixture of European languages (Mostly English, Spanish and French), the indigenous Kalinago/Garifuna language, and various central and west African languages that arrived with the Trans atlantic slave trade. There is no standardized spelling but it can be written phonetically using the English alphabet. Leave some phrases in the comments and we'll translate them to Vincentian Creole for you.

ご存知でしたか: SVG はかつてイギリスの植民地であり、国の公用語は英語ですが、ほとんどのビンセント市民は日常生活で英語を話せません。 彼らはヴィンセントのクレオール語を話します。 これは英語ベースのクレオール語であり、ヨーロッパ言語 (主に英語、スペイン語、フランス語)、その地ならではのカリナゴ語/ガリフナ語、および大西洋横断奴隷貿易で到着したさまざまな中央および西アフリカの言語が混在しています。 標準化されたスペルはありませんが、英語のアルファベットを使用して発音を元に書くことができます。コメント欄にいくつかのフレーズを書いてみてください!私たちがクレオール語に翻訳しますよ!

格瑞納丁(Grenadine )群島是 SVG 的最佳特色之一,島上的當地人經常在假期時前往這些島嶼放鬆身心。 那裡擁有一些最美麗的海灘、珊瑚礁和風景,以及令人驚嘆的度假村、餐廳和酒吧,你可以隨時享受這些,因為聖文森該國全年都處於溫暖的熱帶...

格瑞納丁(Grenadine )群島是 SVG 的最佳特色之一,島上的當地人經常在假期時前往這些島嶼放鬆身心。 那裡擁有一些最美麗的海灘、珊瑚礁和風景,以及令人驚嘆的度假村、餐廳和酒吧,你可以隨時享受這些,因為聖文森該國全年都處於溫暖的熱帶氣候中。
有趣的事實:32 個島嶼中只有 8 個有人居住,其中最小的邁羅(Mayreau)島只有 271 名居民

The Grenadine islands are one of SVG's best features with locals from the mainland often travelling to them to relax during vacations. They feature some of the most beautiful beaches, coral reefs and scenery along with amazing resorts, restaurants and bars that you can enjoy at any time because the country experiences a warm tropical climate all year round.
Fun fact: only 8 of the 32 islands are inhabited and the smallest of these, Mayreau, only has 271 residents.

グレナディン諸島は SVG の最高の特徴の 1 つであり、本土からの地元の人々が休暇中にリラックスするためによく訪れます!最も美しいのはビーチ、サンゴ礁、景色、素晴らしいリゾート、レストラン、バーがあり、一年中温暖な熱帯気候のため、いつでも楽しむことができます。
面白いことに32 の島のうち人が住んでいる島は 8 つだけで、その中で最小のメイローには 271 人しか住んでいません!

讓我們一起了解美麗的聖文森(Saint Vincent)和格瑞納丁(Grenadines)(SVG)! 這個加勒比小國被當地人稱為文西 (Vincy),由聖文森特本島和其南面的 32 個格瑞納丁群島組成。 追蹤我們以了解更多關於這個熱帶天堂...

讓我們一起了解美麗的聖文森(Saint Vincent)和格瑞納丁(Grenadines)(SVG)! 這個加勒比小國被當地人稱為文西 (Vincy),由聖文森特本島和其南面的 32 個格瑞納丁群島組成。 追蹤我們以了解更多關於這個熱帶天堂所提供的自然美景、文化和傳統的訊息,你一定會想參觀的 ✨🌴

Get to know beautiful Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) with us! This small Caribbean country, known to locals as Vincy, is made up of mainland Saint Vincent and the chain of 32 grenadine islands south of it. Follow to learn more about the natural beauty, culture, and traditions this tropical paradise has to offer and you'll certainly want to visit ✨🌴





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