My first Magical Journey began at the age of two, in Walt Disney’s original theme park, Disneyland, California. From priceless childhood memories, a Disney Fairytale Wedding and now experiencing Disney through the wondrous eyes of my own children, my travels have taken me to “infinity and beyond.”
As your Travel Advisor & Planner, it is my goal to create the same priceless, joyful memories for y
our family. Some of my services include:
· Creating a daily itinerary tailored to your family, with special tips that will make your vacation extra magical
· Booking your complete Walt Disney World vacation package, including resort, park tickets, dining, special events, spa treatments, VIP experiences and more
· Constant monitoring of your booking for any new promotion that may apply
· Answering any questions before, during and after your vacation
Glass Slipper Concierge is among a select group of travel agencies throughout the United States with the exclusive designation of Authorized Disney Vacation Planner. Glass Slipper Concierge is one of only a few agencies in the country to be a Platinum Level Earmarked Agency. This designation is a tribute to their knowledge of Disney vacation products and the value they add for their clients with their expertise in planning magical Disney vacations. We believe the difference is in the details, and we pride ourselves in going that extra mile to ensure all of them are attended to. If Disney isn't a part of your travel plans, I am delighted to assist with non-Disney travel as well. As a Travel Advisor with a Virtuoso affiliated agency, I have access to the best destinations around the globe. Journeys by Jacqueline is where your travel dreams cross over from imagination and become reality.