********** THE GREAT COMMISSION **********
************ STATE YOUR NEEDS ************
The Great Commission SYN program is an opportunity effort designed to link every Christian together individually, to share in the love of Christ through helping eachother and their communities by praying, giving, sharing, teaching, visiting, and lifting up the broken hearted through blieving, and helping their neighbors responsibly. This program will not require the participants to go out into the community to randomly connect to other people for the sole purpose of developing new church going Christians, but to stimulate the current church going members as a meaningful way to be actively part of the lives of the Christian people already in our communities, and faithful to weekly church programs, for a more fruitful and faithful alignment with God's proposed mission. While the program is especially designed to fill the churches with new memberships, it is essential that the program has an ongiong and sustainable momentum. Therefore it will require that current members of Christian churches join first.
The gospel message of the love and law of Jesus Christ is the only hope for the thirsty soles in most cities of the world. This effort is to transform the cities through the children of God. People are ransformed by following those who set positive examples in doing first what is being preached. People do what you do, not what you say. Therefore all members and regular attendee's of Christian churches will get the membership information from their pastor, who will be encouraged to begin the program ahead of the church members and later equip their members with a membership form and connection package to better understanding how they will play a big part in answering the prayers of others, and likewise getting their prayers answered, and supporting the SYN plan of living out the Great Commission. Once the program is showing positive and promising results, it is then that the program will peak the interest of the general public, as well as many non-believers, and in so doing, there will be new members flowing into and filling our Christian churches locally, and later, abroad also, which is the overall intended goal.
The mission objective is to encourage the participant be accountable for only three people who are current in attending a Christian church. To connect with each accountability member just once each week simply to ask if they are in need of anything. Whatever their need is, they are willing to help to resolve it if at all possible. They will agree to make every effort to comfort them if necessary, and to keep the conversation about the person in need. To build a relationship of faith and of Christian love. If they (the Sponsor) are not able to help with the need of their accountability partners, they are to take notes of their needs and pass them on to others (their up-links) who may be able to resourcefully satisfy the need(s). As the program progresses and needs of Christian church goers are being fulfilled, the general public and non-believers in our communities, whom we strongly value, will be drawn to the answered prayer requests, and join churches in order to be part of the new rapidly growing SYN, Christian faith.
It is an opportunity for each individual to actually be involved in faith building and spiritual growth, through prayer, and showing that they care both for themselves and for others, by sharing the love of Christ in their communities, and in some cases abroad three times every week, by being neighborly to the children of God, and developing a relationship with non-believers through our works, in a lasting and ongoing and sustainable program.
******* THE VISION *******
This method used first by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will work wonders, and will make each person involved to be an evident reflection of Jesus Christ through their works. It will transform the city and Christian members will be flourishing from all over the world. There will be thousands of new members and believers every year, and they will be connected by and through this amazing program. They will be sharing, hearing, and presenting the gospel to current church members and new believers alike. The members are to be encouraged to share what they have asked for, and have received giving glory to Jesus Christ and advertising words of advice through the SYN program.
Pastors are first encouraged to connect, and be responsible for other pastors, and to keep each-other informed of the church membership growth once the congregation is aware of the program, and likewise updating your membership information accordingly, so that the new members are able to connect with the newest to join the local Christian churches. Pastors will want to be responsible for three pastors and/or elders, or with at least one pastor in thier accountability down-link. There will be a list in the church of each pastor, of new potential accountability partners who will expect a responsible caller to help with their needs. There will also be a accountability sign up sheet which will include the persons name, church, pastor, and contact information, and his or her connection preference (e-mail, phone etc.) country they are from, and language preference, as well as male, and female connection request requirements where applicable.
Self Management, Self Development, and Self Awareness programs will be made available in the near future, and books, packets and other Biblical educational material for the purpose of good manners, and respectful conversation. Additional support materials will be given out on some occasions to the learning participants, designed spacifically for increasing church attendance. Social media will be used aslo to expose the churches, and likewise the program as the new connections of participants grow.
(Psalm 107:20-22)" He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their desrtuctions. Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! And let them sacrafice the sacrafices of thanksgiving, and declare His works with rejoicing".
(IsaIah 55:6--7) "Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."
(Acts 13:47) For this is what the Lord hath commanded us: "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth."
I must speak forthrightly, and forcefully in my short but important message. If we understand the severity of God's final judgment, we will want to take God's offer of HOPE seriously, and promptly, go to tell those whom we know. Our short lived, and mercy filled life of suffering is but a foretaste of the comming judgment of our God, in the "Day of the Lord". Which even today is close at hand, even at the doors.
Woven into the Lord's messages of repentance and judgment throughout the Bible, is an affirmation of God's kindness and everlasting blessings. For, He promises unto all who follow Him and keep His laws and commandments that they all will be saved; "whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be delivered." Fortunately for the repented souls, in this judgment and catastraphe, the sum of which will be saved. God's intention is not to destroy, but to heal. However, we all must except His salvation or we will certainly perish right along with the unrepentant. So therefore go, and tell those whom you love today what awaits the unrepentant. Warn them about sin and it's consequences. They may very well repent because of your words, and receive God's forgiveness. What words must be said in order to convence people to wake up, and rid themselves of their complacency, and realize the danger of living apart from God?
This is the timeless call to Repentance, with the promise of a blessing. Just as the unrepentant people face the tragedy of terrible suffering during the dreadful "Day of the Lord", and plagues yet to come, we likewise will face tragic judgment if we continue to live in sin. But God's grace is available to us all, both now, and in that coming day. But, do not wait, for those who turn to God will enjoy the blessings mentioned in Bible prophecy, but those who wiat too long or refuse, will face destruction. This program is designed to include those who seek God's love through the Great Commission of loving your neighbor and fulfilling the law of God, through the blessed Jesus Christ, our Lord.
The plan is to build a sustainable program that will grow much like a tree by the water rather than an agressively consuming fire in a dry field. While the fire sounds attractive, it might produce many new ministers of God's good works, but it may very well exhaust itself shortly after it starts, but a tree by the water will produce fruit when the time is right, and will continue to produce time after time, and that is the intended goal, that the Great Commandment is carried out of loving our neighbors, sharing our faith in God the Father through Jesus Christ, and of course evangelism which inadvertantly happens through the sharing of love, where we play our part in making desciples and a difference. This is the key to restoring brokenness to people, repentance, and reconciliation and unity to the people and churches around us, starting with the cities and it's people.
******** HOW IT WORKS ********
The system will require a responsible accountability partner of a church to agree to connect with three church members of a Christian denomination at least once every week. Their obligation is to ask the church members in positive conversation to state any needs that they may have that will help their life to be more sustainable and a spiritually fruitful one, and to share their methods on ways to live out the great commission. The connect can be by whatever means that the participents will agree on, as far as on-line or by phone or what have you, to include also language, sexual preference, city, etc. And their weekly connections should be not less than one half hour per connect. There should be methods of connecting and sharing their needs through calls and social media locations used, as well as by other methods of communication. When their needs are met, they are to glorify Jesus Christ by sharing their positive results of the SYN (State Your Needs) program with the general public. This program is designed to create a faithful family oriented relationship with the general public in the cities of the world, and a love based relationship that will inadvertantly help the churches to acquire more attendies and overall growth that is sustainable. The churches should have at least one self development class once a week that will include food and drinks, or at the minimum once per month if they want to grow their membership. The classes are free and will help people to connect and grow. The churchs' name and location that will have the class will be posted on the website and all over the social media sites for maximum exposure as often as it will have a self development class. The accountability partners are encouraged to share the meeting locations even if they are not afiliated with or are attendee's of that particular church or denomination. Love God, and your neighbor as yourself, and glorify Christ. This is the first and most important commandment.
The real Dignity of a man lies not in what he has, but in what he is.
Giving is an act of faith. Faith can be expensive when it comes to money, gifts and the love of giving. Faith impels us to send money to agencies for the relief of people whom we may never actually see. Faith brings us to give money for a building project that we may never personally enjoy. Faith results in financial support of ministries at a level that may cause us to go without things that otherwise might make our own lives more comfortable. Offering and handling of money rather than giving gifts can also indicate a lack of faith. May we take a courageous leap of faith, trusting in God with offerings given from our hearts, of love, mercy, gifts and our wealth to better His kingdom.
O' Lord, give us all hearts of joy and faithful generosity that look far beyond our very own needs, to assist in the needs of others who may be without. We mercifully ask this in Christ Jesus' Holy Name, who selflessly gave His own life for us all.... A-men
There are twelve (12) basic principles that will be used and updated for best connecting results with your new or existing accountability partners. The goal is to help others to experience peace and serenity in their lives and to offer a sense of hope for a more positive and faith filled future to come. To put to rest a feeling of a disfunctional, compulsive, and addictive behaviors that hinder your spiritual growth. The development of this program is designed to help people to apply Biblical principles for the sole purpose of conversion, confession, witnessing, and spiritual restoration for the lost sheep of Christ. To fully restore and develope healthy relationships with people you never knew who mignt need your power of love to give them hope.
When the Holy Spirit moves in your life, life itself takes on a new purpose. Some might find themselves in an intense study of the scriptures and others with an overwhelming feeling of giving or assisting others in need. What ever your calling is it will be a blessing to you when you allow the Spirit to use your vessel to do the will of God the Father. In this program you will have opened a new door in your spiritual walk in Christ. Your spiritual contribution will help many who may feel displaced and broken hearted, and likewise, those who have lost loved ones who are in need of spiritual comfort. You build the lives of the people whom you reach through words of advise and offers of prayer in your conversation(s). Faithful communication is growing forward and sustaining hope for a better future to come for the repentant and faithful in Christ.
How might your gift to the church and/or to others, though it might seem quite modest, bring new spiritual life? In what ways might your gift represent God's call as a way to be the hands and feet of Christ, in your community, and likewise in the world? What is the implication for using our gifts and offerings to bring new life to the church, and to our individual lives as Christians?
Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your Holy Name, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.... A-men
Please kindly share your thoughts, your questions, your concerns for the program, and by all means, do share your recommendations for the proposed plan if you should have any.
May the Grace and Peace of the Father, through Jesus Christ be with you all, both now and forever....
Forever O' Eli
[email protected]
This Program is expected to launch soon, in the near future, stay ready...