Please help if you can and also bring some food if you are coming!
*Urgent message--dog food shortage*
Good morning, friends. We've suffered an unexpected and devastating loss of our donated dog food here at Barb's Dog Rescue.
Through the years, BDR has been the lucky recipient of 6-7 pallets of donated dog food monthly, delivered to our friends at The Why Not Travel Store, where travelers could pick up a bag at a time and bring it to the rescue. These donations represented approximately 70% of our annual dog food supply. The loss of this beautiful gift to our dogs has resulted in an extreme food shortage. We are working diligently to find another dog food manufacturer to partner with, but the process is complex and will take time to secure.
BDR reached out to a small group of supporters to discuss this crisis, and they have come through for us in a BIG way, offering up to $26,000 in matching funds to help get us by. If we can raise $26,000, these stellar humans will match it!
This morning, we're humbly asking for our incredible BDR village to consider a donation toward our goal of $26,000 to help us purchase much needed dog food. Every single dollar will have an impact.
Donations can be made using this link:
(PayPal, debit/credit card, and ACH are all accepted).
If you subscribe to our newsletter, we'll be sending out an email as well.
We are eternally grateful to our BDR family--everything we have, everything we do, is possible because of your support. Thank you.