Peace and justice must come
16 May 2022
Welcome back to my story.
I could foresee the destruction of Jerusalem, it was clear that there would be an uprising against the occupying Romans. They were cruel, harsh, and oppressive not unlike what is happening to the Palestinians today. The occupying force is oppressing and crushing their life and denying them their rights and freedom and killing journalists, they are the prophetic voices of truth.
When the Zealots led the uprising they overcame the Romans, but two years later Rome sent an army and again they conquered Palestine and destroyed the temple as I predicted to the people of Jerusalem. If you only knew today what you need to do to have peace, but you cannot see it, I said, your enemies will come to surround and blockade you on all sides and totally destroy you and the people within the walls, not a stone will remain upon a stone as they did not recognize the time when God came to save them, I said. It is similar to what is happening in Ukraine today, buildings being destroyed, violations of human rights, atrocities, multiple murders, and killings of the unarmed people.
The invaders have rejected me and my father and the message that I brought into the world is that all should live in peace respect each other as brothers and sisters and help not hurt, protect not persecute, and care not to curse. Those invading armies will destroy themselves and their nation. There were bands of Zealots and other opposition groups rallying to cause insurrection in my day. They wanted me to be their leader at one point.
I could not join that kind of revolution as I called for a revolution of the heart. I called for a change in the human spirit so that Palestine would be a just nation, respecting dignity and giving equality to all especially the poor and downtrodden. The Pharisees and elders would not accept me and the values I taught. What they wanted was to impose strict religious rules and rituals, on all the people and they rejected the poor and called them outcasts and sinners. They loved money and power, pomp and prestige. My followers are called to a life of service, sacrifice helping others.
The corruption continued, poverty increased and the Zealots blamed the Romans, not the corrupt chief priests and Pharisees, and elders. That was their mistake, the oligarchy in Jerusalem caused greater suffering to the people than the Romans. I called on them to change and have a nation based on respect for rights, freedom, truth, equality, and caring. That is my challenge to all who would lead a nation, to change in mind and heart, repent and be my true followers, and respect and help each other.
I regret that a great church institution arose. It is not what I wanted but small organized New Communities of my followers where the members would be friends, helping each other to a life of dignity and respect, and equality. That is where justice would be available for all. Some day it will come to be. Believe that and it will happen. You must work for peace, and justice and protect the vulnerable children.
Share this with others and let us meet up again. Jesus.