Hiking the Bright Angel Trail as we celebrate our wedding anniversary.
Aruba is weeping.
Hello Saturday in Montevideo.
Stopped off for a little lunch, market shopping, wine, and Salsa dancing at the local market.
Buenas tardes, Puerto Vallarta!
with #myfavoritetravelpartner
When awesomeness shows up to your party!
Good morning, mon! #happysaturday #waytostarttheday #travelisthenewclub🌏 #seetheworld #iplantravel #packyourbags #getoutofhere #youknowyouwanttogo #jetsetter✈ #travelplannerslife #travelorbust #ochorios #jamaica #thepalacelife #moonpalacejamaica #askmehowtogethere #itbtravels #joinourjourneys
Here's to:
#newrestaurants and #goodgirlfriends
The #ceviche is #delicious, the #PiscoSours are perfect, the #service is fabulous, and the #dessert...#yum
End the meal with
This is how to #uber
w/@kyndalltdouglas @massenburgyvonne
@iamsam218 @acmband