Can it be included on the event calendar? We welcome and encourage submitting all events and activities happening anywhere throughout the valley but cannot guarantee that your event will be included. Generally speaking, for-profit events are not included complimentary, but we do offer a paid-inclusion option on our website in those cases. Please email us via the form below and we will be happy to
let you know if your event meets our criteria for complimentary inclusion or if a paid inclusion is an option for you/your business.
- What is the purpose of the website []? Our intention behind the website is to have one central communication hub—a way of bringing our community together. It is a place to share and inspire us to gather more, connect more, create more. If you haven’t subscribed already, please take a moment to do so. —You are not just an email address to us!—We want to know who you are and what you are interested in. On the subscription form you will see there is an area “Include a brief bio – Tell us who you are.” This is retained on your subscription file with us and helps us tailor content and communication for you.
- I would like to make a donation. How do I do this? For as little as $3.33/month, you can make a big difference! The McCammon Action Council now offers an easy way for individuals, families and businesses to contribute to our non-profit organization: Become a Patron! See all the details here on our website:
- Is my donation tax deductible? The McCammon Action Council is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. Your donation is most likely tax deductible, however please consult your personal tax advisor to confirm this.
- How can I become a sponsor? If you would like to sponsor a specific event, please contact us via the form at and we will put you in touch with the appropriate person. If you don’t have a specific event in mind, we have sponsorship opportunities to fit your business and budget and we’ll be happy to discuss those options with you. Again, please use the contact form on our website to start a conversation with us! See all FAQ on our website Contact page.