🟩 The young Belfast Presbyterian leader of the UnitedIrish rebellion in Ulster was hanged from a makeshift gallows at the junction of High Street & Cornmarket in Belfast 226 years ago in July.🟩 His sister Mary Ann McCracken accompanied her brother ‘Harry’ to his place of execution and refused to leave his side.Mary Ann would later became one of Belfast’s finest & illustrious citizens.▪️Indeed, is it not time to honour ‘Henry Joy’ who would personify the heart & soul of a new #enlightened future thinking Belfast based on the ideals of #equality and #liberty for all…with its proud radical Presbyterian history of religious tolerance and non-sectarianism.💚#Democracy#FaithfulToTheLast#WhoFearsToSpeak(From todays Irish News)(Oil Painting by Michael O’Neill, 2001.)
🟩 The English had put down the #1798 rising with extreme viciousness, brutality and oppression to break the spirit of the Irish nation, that they should never dare to dream of liberty and self-determination again.
They even banned the colour green which was a symbol of the United Irish movement of ‘98.
Irish newspapers had to publish notices stating that for HM subjects to wear green as an emblem of political affection to Irelands independence was prohibited and that to do so would lead to imprisonment, transportation, the rope or the bayonet’
(“For they're hanging men and women for
The wearing of the green”..) #NapperTandy
Then they annexed Ireland to England in a corrupt and undemocratic ‘Act of Union’ via bribery in 1801, so that the Irish would no longer even have a country to fight for again.
In desperation, one young man emerged, he’d contacted the leaders still at large, and planned to fight back in another strike for freedom for his country. Entering into alliance with the Napoleon’s minister #Tallyrand, he planned for another rising…..
🟩 The first republican blow for self determination against this 1801 ‘Act of Union’ with Britain was struck by the young Protestant patriot, the bold Robert Emmet…today in 1803. 💚
#enlightenment #Democracy
(Narration Ronnie Drew)
Belfast's very own radical Presbyterian rebel patriot is hanged.......
Mary Ann McCracken has left us a description of the last few minutes with her beloved brother Henry Joy's life....
'About 5 p.m he was ordered to the place of execution, the old market-house, the ground of which had been given to the town by his great-great-grandfather. I took his arm, and we walked together to the place of execution, where I was told it was the Generals orders I should leave..'
With his death only moments away, Major Fox tried yet again to have Harry McCracken become informer, but once again he refused!...
.... and John Smith, himself only a boy at the time, recalls Harry's :
"....calm, serene countenance, on which the prospect of death seems to shed the radiance of glory.......the brave young fellow stood for a moment beneath the gallows, his eyes following the retreating figure of his devoted sister. He then turned his gaze upon the crowd and seemed as if he would address them.
Hoarse orders were given by the officers, the troops moved about, the people murmured, a horrible confusion ensued and in a minute or so the manly, handsome figure on which the impression of nobility was stamped, was dangling at a ropes end. The body was soon cut down and the only favour extended to it was the freedom from mutilation" {beheading}
Young Henry Joy has no statue or memorial at the sight of his execution on High St....lets change that...join our campaign.
FOUR times Ulster Protestants changed their minds! From my chat with the brilliant @Seanofthesouth - see you at ‘I Can’t Believe it’s Not Ireland’ everywhere in 2024 - tickets at paddycullivan.com.