Want to learn how to make Turkish Ravioli?
Sam’s local friend owns one of the BEST Turkish Ravioli restaurants in Cappadocia (seriously, its amazing😍)
Last year, she asked him “Hey, can me and my group help you make Turkish Ravioli?” He gladly accepted and invited us over to his home. When we went over to his family’s, they welcomed us with open arms and were so excited that we were there!
👩🏼🍳They had everything set up: all the dough & meat filling, and the whole family was already sitting around the table, getting to to work (Apparently the whole family helps everyday in the making of all the Turkish Ravioli for the restaurant)!
They taught us the different techniques of folding the meat inside these small dumpling pockets, and we quickly filled up the table with plenty of Turkish Ravioli!
🤤After we made the Turkish Ravioli, the family started cooking up one of the most delicious home cooked meals (seriously it was to die for).
🍳They made us a spread of eggs, bread, freshly cut potatoes, freshly picked chestnuts from their backyard, homemade strawberry & apricot jam, and a few different kinds of cheeses that tasted like heaven!
😂We had no idea they were going to make us this huge meal or else we would have went very light on breakfast before.
It was seriously such a fun afternoon hanging out with the family, and an experience that we will never forget!
Do you enjoy cooking classes when traveling?