Did you know that this week is North American Invasive Species Awareness Week? Invasive species can be animals, like the South American Nutria, or birds like the European starling, or plants such as English ivy and Bradford pear. Invasive species cause incredible amounts of damage to local ecosystems, destroying the habitats that support native flora and fauna. As a biologist, it pains me to see invasive plants overtaking the local parklands and driving out the native plants that wildlife depends on for food. As a gardener, I am very conscious about not planting perennials or shrubs that can escape cultivation. I try to plant as many native species as possible to do my part to restore my tiny piece of the ecosystem. To see how you can help, visit the North American Invasive Species Management Association website for ideas on how you can become involved. https://naisma.org
NAISMA is a network of professionals that implements management programs to prevent the detrimental impacts of invasive species to North America’s lands and waters.