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Church of the Holy Mother of God EleusaLocation:  Veljusa, near StrumicaThe Church of the Most Holy Virgin Eleusa is loc...

Church of the Holy Mother of God Eleusa
Location: Veljusa, near Strumica

The Church of the Most Holy Virgin Eleusa is located in the vicinity of the city of Strumica.
The church building dates from the 11th century.
Inside the church, preserved in its original state, is a marble iconostasis, and a fragments of a mosaic floor decorations.
The original architectural design of the church represents the magnificent achievements of the Byzantine sacred architecture and art on Macedonian territory in the Middle Ages.
Following its architectural solution, the church is the only such building from the 11th century in North Macedonia.
The church is grandiose, not by its dimensions, but for the artistry and craftsmanship invested in surpassing all artistic achievements in surrounding churches.

Holy Mother of God Eleusa church - Strumica, Macedonia

Monastery St. GeorgeLocation:  Paralovo (Pelagonija)Saint George Monastery is located in the vicinity of the village Par...

Monastery St. George
Location: Paralovo (Pelagonija)

Saint George Monastery is located in the vicinity of the village Paralovo, in Pelagonia region.
It is believed that a finger from the hand of Saint George is hidden in this monastery.
The monastery is located in beautiful natural surroundings and is famous for the beauty of its lodgings (konaks). During World War I, the nearby village and the monastery were on the front line and were almost completely destroyed.
The monastery’s lodgings were completely destroyed, and the church of St. George suffered serious damage. In the immediate vicinity of the monastery is the tomb of the famous Macedonian fighter Gjorgi Sugarev.
The area surrounding the monastery abounds with beautiful landscapes that present a peaceful refuge from stressful everyday life.

Near the village Paralovo (Паралово) is one of the most beautiful monasteries in this region – St. George (Св. Ѓорѓи), widely known for its mansions.

Church Complex of the Fifteen Holy Hieromartyrs of TiberiopolisLocation:  StrumicaThe Church is devoted to fifteen Chris...

Church Complex of the Fifteen Holy Hieromartyrs of Tiberiopolis
Location: Strumica

The Church is devoted to fifteen Christian martyrs from the 14th century. The complex of churches includes churches from different time periods: pre-Christian, early Christian basilica, cross-church and its subsequent rebuilding. In the cross-church there is the oldest fresco ever found in Macedonia, which depicts the holy Tiberiopolis martyrs.
In the churchyard there was a tree growing above the tombs of the martyrs. The locals revered that tree as sacred.
According to one tradition, an Ottoman dignitary, wanting to prove that the religion of the Christians was empty, decided to cut down the tree, but a great misfortune struck him, and he himself banned cutting the tree.
When archaeological excavations began, the stumps of the tree were damaged and later the dried tree was cut down, but the cult for its holiness continued to live.

The Fifteen Holy Hieromartyrsof Tiberiopolis archeological site is located in the southern part of Strumica.

Monastery Holy Mother of GodLocation:  Kichevo The Kichevo Monastery is located on the mountain of Cican, in the village...

Monastery Holy Mother of God
Location: Kichevo

The Kichevo Monastery is located on the mountain of Cican, in the village of Dolenci.
The Monastery complex was founded in the 14th century. The icons and frescoes were painted by the famous Dicho Zograf.
This monastery is very special in many ways. It is in fact a sacred temple for all believers, whether or not they are Orthodox Christian.
The interior of the church is made this way, as Christians and Muslims are brought together under the same roof and have equal respect for this sacred place.
The section dedicated to Muslim believers does not feature icons and frescoes. Today the monastery of the Holy Mother of God is a women’s monastery.

This convent dedicated to the Immaculate (Prechista) Holy Mother of God (Bogorodica) was founded in 1316 near the city of Kichevo in Western Macedonia.

Monastery of the Holly Archangels Michael and GavrilLocation: Skopje  The Kuchevishte Monastery is an Orthodox Christian...

Monastery of the Holly Archangels Michael and Gavril
Location: Skopje

The Kuchevishte Monastery is an Orthodox Christian monastery complex on the slopes of Skopska Crna Gora, just above the village of Kuchevishte in the vicinity of Skopje. The monastery premises date from the 14th century.
In the 19th century the monastery experienced its revival when it became a theological school center with a rich library and valuable objects of worship. The activities in the monastery were mostly associated with the hieromonk Misail from Tetovo's Kopanica (Kopance).
The monastery hosted monks and other prominent persons from distant places as guests or teachers.
The Kuchevishte Monastery has the only representation of Christ's genealogy in Macedonia from the late Middle Ages, which is also unique in the central-Balkan area.
This genealogy is painted on 25 square meters with a total of 110 scenes and figures, including those of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Plutarch.
The hospice, which was built in the 17th, has a stream flowing through the underground chambers.
The building consists of a ground floor and a spacious loggia floor.

‘Cultural Resource Management of Skopska Crna Gora Mountain‘ is a long-term project of HAEMUS introducing this location, both, to the science and the tourism sector. Cultural resources management (CRM) is the terminology unknown to the institutions in the Republic of Macedonia engaged in culture...

Monastery St. LeontijLocation: Vodocha, StrumicaThe Monastery complex Sts. Leontius is located in the village of Vodocha...

Monastery St. Leontij
Location: Vodocha, Strumica

The Monastery complex Sts. Leontius is located in the village of Vodocha at a distance of 4 km from the town of Strumica.
The religious site has three churches (eastern, western and central) with interior frescoes, architectural remains, accompanying buildings and a monastery complex, a dining room, commercial buildings, two baths and a multilevel Christian necropolis.
The Vodoca Monastery is famous after a dreadful event, as a place where 14000 soldiers of Tzar Samuil were blinded, after their defeat in the Battle on Belasica Mountain by the Byzantine Emperor Basil the Second.
Vodocha is considered one of the largest archeological sites of ceramic artifacts in the country.
Over a thousand pottery vessels, elaborate stone decorations of the monastery, several imperial and episcopal seals, crude iron slag and other objects used by bishops and monks have been excavated by archeologists working on the site.
The entire complex had monastic lodgings, a bishop's residence, a large dining room, which has been rearranged and reused several times.
The lodgings have also undergone changes.
The monastery had large estates in fields, vineyards, mills. Monastic life in the monastery lasted until the 14th century, again reviving in 1996 after the enthronement of the current bishop of the Strumica Diocese, Naum.
Since then, the icon painting school and church singing, translation and monastic handiwork have been restored.

Marko’s Monastery Location: Skopje area Marko’s Monastery is located some 20 km south of Skopje, on Kitka Mountain. It i...

Marko’s Monastery
Location: Skopje area

Marko’s Monastery is located some 20 km south of Skopje, on Kitka Mountain.
It is named after Krali Marko (King Marko), a legendary warrior, who sponsored its construction in the 14th century.
It somehow managed to avoid destruction, after the Ottoman rule begun in 1392, when many other churches and monasteries were wiped out.
The large church on site is dedicated to St. Dimitrija.
The place had active monastic life until the 19th century.
It is a popular resort for locals and a good opportunity for visitors to Skopje who get tired of the city buzz.
The monastery konaks (dormitories) have been adapted for hosting tourists. There are 15 rooms available.

Marko monastery - Skopje, Macedonia

Zrze MonasteryLocation:  Prilep, Pelagonia regionAbout 27 kilometers from Prilep, beneath the mountain Dautica, set on a...

Zrze Monastery
Location: Prilep, Pelagonia region

About 27 kilometers from Prilep, beneath the mountain Dautica, set on a high rock is one of the most beautiful Macedonian monasteries - Zrze, a spiritual sanctuary that captivates with its architectural beauty, location, and hospitality of the monastic brotherhood.
Today's monastery complex consists of the church of Holy Transfiguration, the church of St. Peter and Paul, an outer porch on the west side and part of the building on the south side of the church of Holy Transfiguration.
Since 2005, Zrze as a monastery of Upper Pelagonia has been the episcopal seat of Bishop Clement who lives and works here with his monastic brotherhood.
The main monastic activity of the monks is painting religious icons. Their icons are representative gifts for important persons, and the Pelagonitisa icon made by the Zrze Icon Workshop was presented as a gift to Pope Francis on the occasion of Cyril and Methodius' observance in Rome.

Monastery RajchicaLocation: Debar, Southwest regionThe Rajchica Monastery is located at around 15 km from the monastery ...

Monastery Rajchica
Location: Debar, Southwest region

The Rajchica Monastery is located at around 15 km from the monastery of St. Jovan Bigorski, in the vicinity of the city of Debar.
This women's monastery is one of the most beautiful Macedonian monasteries, set in astonishing natural surroundings. It is assumed to have been founded in the early 14th century. Some of the frescoes and icons have been painted by the famous Dicho Zograf.
For 179 years the monastery has been guarding important religious relics - part of the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, and part of the hand of Saint George, which has been in the possession of the monastery since November 2003 and was brought from Mount Athos.
The monastery also possesses preserved parts of the relics of St. John Kukuzel. It is interesting to note that the nuns living in the monastery make “mithras” (the crown, part of the Orthodox bishops' garments) worn by the bishops of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, but also by the bishops of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Romania and the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople.

The Monastery “St. George the Victorious” (Свети Георгиј Победоносец) is situated two kilometers from Debar in the Rajcica (Рајчица) village, just below the road leading to Mavrovo.…

Lesnovo MonasteryLocation: Probishtip areaLesnovo Monastery is located in the vicinity of the eponymous village in the n...

Lesnovo Monastery
Location: Probishtip area

Lesnovo Monastery is located in the vicinity of the eponymous village in the northeastern part of North Macedonia. The establishment of the monastery is related to the life of the hermit Gavril Lesnovski.
Until the 1940s, the monastery housed the largest library in the Balkans, with a large collection of books and manuscripts collected from the earliest times and the most distant parts, but also works created in the region.
St. Gavril is one of the four hermits, together with St. John Rilski, St. Joachim Osogovski and St. Prohor Pchinski, considered to be the originators of the hermitic monasticism in Macedonia that developed under the influence of Mount Athos and occupied the northern parts of Macedonia.
The hermit Gavril Lesnovski had been praying quietly for more than 30 years in the caves surrounding the monastery, which were created as a result of watermill stone extraction, and some are a natural phenomenon.
The complex consists of a monastery dedicated to St. Gavril Lesnovski and the church dedicated to St. Archangel Michael, a bell tower, a warehouse building and restored sleeping quarters.
The monastery represents a popular site among the locals for religious pilgrimage, picnics and the natural beauties of the northeastern part of the country.

Lesnovo Monastery Lesnovo Monastery was built in the village of Lesnovo, close to Kratovo settlement, in north-eastern Macedonia. The Lesnovo Monastery is like many other medieval monasteries of Macedonia located secluded up a long and imposing mountain road. The Church of the Holy Archangel Gabriel...

St. Naum MonasteryLocation: Ohrid area The traveler who gets to Ohrid must not miss the chance to visit St. Naum. The tr...

St. Naum Monastery
Location: Ohrid area

The traveler who gets to Ohrid must not miss the chance to visit St. Naum. The trip itself is worth it. Some 30 km drive along the gorgeous Ohrid Lake coastline.
The monastery is at a rocky plateau overlooking the lake. A band of peacocks boasting their feathers hop over the rooftops and stroll the compound, amusing the visitors.
The legend is that if you put your ear to the stone grave inside the church, you can hear St. Naum’s heartbeat.
Next to the monastery, amidst lush green, are the wells of the Drim river. It springs up here, flows through the lake, and flows out of it becoming a full river in the town of Struga.
The original monastery was built around the 10th century by St. Naum, a student of Cyril and Methodius, and a known healer and miracle worker in his time, then thorn down over the centuries, and again rebuilt. The present church is from around the 16th century.
Once there, do not forget to get a short boat ride in the small pond of the Drim river wells. It is only then that one truly learns the meaning of the word tranquility.

The Monastery of St. Naum is a magnificently massive complex, located 29 kilometers south of Ohrid, on a plateau close to the Albanian border. It is, without any doubt, one of the most attractive Macedonian tourist destinations. With a wonderful surrounding area, the St. Naum Monastery is a popular....

Name:  Leshok Monastery Location: Village of Leshok, Tetovo area  The Leshok Monastery is located some 8km from Tetovo, ...

Name: Leshok Monastery
Location: Village of Leshok, Tetovo area

The Leshok Monastery is located some 8km from Tetovo, on the slopes of Shara Mountain, at an altitude of 638m, at the top end of the village of Leshok.
Reportedly, the area was a medieval Christian hub with close to 80 churches and monasteries.
At present there are two churches in the site, the Church of the Holy Mother from the 14th century, and the Church of St. Atanasie of more recent origin.
The Church of St. Atanasie was destroyed during the 2001 ethnic conflict and subsequently restored.
The place is widely popular for the fresh mountain air and the beautiful surroundings.
The konaks (monastery dormitories) have been adapted to host tourists.
There is a nice restaurant on the compound, popular among locals.
One of the most beautiful traditional Macedonian folk songs is about the siege on the monastery by Ottoman (Turkish) soldiers in search for komiti (Macedonian guerilla from the 19th –early 20th century). The song says the Turks did not find the komiti so in anger they torched the place. In retaliation, the komiti burned down a mosque.

Lesok monastery - Tetovo, Macedonia

Monastery St. Joakim Osogovski Location: Area of Kriva Palanka It includes two churches, one from the 13th and the other...

Monastery St. Joakim Osogovski
Location: Area of Kriva Palanka

It includes two churches, one from the 13th and the other from the 18th century.
It is the only monastery in North Macedonia whose exterior church walls feature frescos of demons and Judgment Day motives.
The monastery compound is at an altitude of 830m, surrounded by forest. The area is great for hiking.
There is a nice restaurant with a pleasant view of the mountain.
The place is popular with local from the town of Kriva Palanka during religious festivities.
The monastery konaks have been renovated and turned into a hotel. It is great for spending the night in peace and quiet.

Village of ZrzeLocation:  Near Prilep, Pelagonia regionThe village of Zrze is located on the slopes of Dautica Mountain,...

Village of Zrze
Location: Near Prilep, Pelagonia region

The village of Zrze is located on the slopes of Dautica Mountain, at around 30 km from the city of Prilep.
One of the most beautiful monasteries in the Pelagonia region, the Zrze Monastery is located above the village.
During the summer months the village welcomes large numbers of tourists which come to enjoy the beautiful nature, the numerous rivers and streams passing through and around the village, and to gather medicinal herbs, tea and mushrooms, which are abundant in the area.

Village of VevchaniLocation: Near Struga, Southwest regionThe village of Vevchani is one of the most beautiful Macedonia...

Village of Vevchani
Location: Near Struga, Southwest region

The village of Vevchani is one of the most beautiful Macedonian villages.
Located in the vicinity of Struga, the village is famous for its beautiful architecture and natural springs that pass through it.
For lovers of hiking, attractive destinations are the Jankov Kamen picnic area and glacial Vevchani Lake.
Each year in January, the village hosts the renowned Vevchani Carnival, with visitors from all over the world.
Tourists can stay in authentic private homes / apartments.

The village of Vevcani is a great one site stop for combining multiple unique Macedonian experiences. Vevcani carnival, springs, glacial lakes and more.

Castle by Pchinja RiverLocation: SkopjeThe Castle by the Pchinja River is located 26km from Skopje, along the Skopje-Vel...

Castle by Pchinja River
Location: Skopje

The Castle by the Pchinja River is located 26km from Skopje, along the Skopje-Veles highway. The site is easily accessible from the highway.
Situated on a steep rock above the gorge of the Pchinja river, the castle represented a strategic and defense post for several millennia. The view from the castle, stretching over the Pchinja valley is truly spectacular.
Archaeological excavations have uncovered traces of human settlements going back to 3500 years B.C., when posts like these were erected to protect the locals from invaders coming from the north. The site remained an important defense point up until the 7th century A.D.
A church was erected inside the fortress and had been in use up until the first decades of the 7th century, when the barbaric tribes from north finally conquered it.

The Castle at Pchinja (Пчиња) is located at 26 km southeast of the capital Skopje and the Skopje – Thessaloniki highway.

Locality StranataLocation:     Vasilevo, Southeast regionStranata is an archaeological site near the village of Angelci,...

Locality Stranata
Location: Vasilevo, Southeast region

Stranata is an archaeological site near the village of Angelci, Southeast region.
The site contains the remains of an ancient settlement from the Neolithic and Roman times.
The excavated artifacts include Neolithic pottery, bone and stone objects.

It is a settlement dating from Neolithic and Roman times. During the probe exploration of the site, that was conducted in 1985, it can be said that this archeological site is a great valley district, an area of three acres, built in place that fully meets the needs of the Neolithic lifestyle.

Trebenishta, DebarcaTrebenishta is an ancient necropolis located in the vicinity of the eponymous village, near Ohrid. T...

Trebenishta, Debarca

Trebenishta is an ancient necropolis located in the vicinity of the eponymous village, near Ohrid. T
The necropolis dates from the Iron Age around 7th – 4th centuries B.C.
The most important findings include five golden burial masks, other jewelry and plates. A golden mask is featured on the obverse of the 500 Macedonian denar banknote.
Some of the artefacts are on display in the museum in Ohrid.

Trebeništa – Trebenishte At the end of the First Worl War, the Bulgarians discovered in occupied South Serbia on Ohrid Lake shore the Archaic necropolis and took and transferred all excavated artifacts and items to the National Museum in Sofia. The discovery of the rich treasures in Trebenista vi...

Heraclea LyncestisLocation: Bitola, Pelagonia regionHeraclea Lyncestis was an ancient town founded by Philip II of Maced...

Heraclea Lyncestis
Location: Bitola, Pelagonia region

Heraclea Lyncestis was an ancient town founded by Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century B.C. The abundance of preserved artefacts and buildings make this one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the Balkans.
Heraclea Lyncestis was an important economic and cultural center. The trading route Via Egnatia which passed directly through the town meant great economic, cultural and infrastructural prosperity for the city during Roman times.
Much of the remains date from the Roman, early Christian and Byzantine periods. One of the most impressive sites is the amphitheater built under the Roman emperor Hadrian.
Being only 2km away from the Bitola city center, Heraclea Lyncestis is easily accessible on foot (15 minutes’ walk), by car, taxi or affordable public transportation. Guiding tours are available; a small museum on the site exhibits some of the artefacts from the site.

Heraclea Lyncestis is an ancient town founded by Philip II of Macedon, during the middle of the 4th century BC. It is currently one of the most visited attractions in Macedonia, narrating the history of the Hellenistic, Roman and early Christian era. Displaying some truly remarkable remains, this ar...

Archaeological site StyberraLocation: Chepigovo, near PrilepThe archaeological site of Styberra is located 16km from the...

Archaeological site Styberra
Location: Chepigovo, near Prilep

The archaeological site of Styberra is located 16km from the town of Prilep. The archaeological site features the remains of an ancient city from the Macedonian-Hellenic period (4 century B.C.).
Archaeological findings on the site include sculptures and portraits, as well as fragments of marble slabs. Relevant findings are exhibited in the local museum in the town of Prilep.
The site also features the largest gymnasium uncovered in North Macedonia. While the archaeological remains speak of a prosperous and important urban center, the life in Styberra abruptly ended in the second half of the 3rd century, most likely violently, due to still unknown reasons.

Archaeological site BargalaLocation: Near Shtip, East regionBargala is an archaeological site of the Byzantine town whic...

Archaeological site Bargala
Location: Near Shtip, East region

Bargala is an archaeological site of the Byzantine town which existed between the 4th and the 6th centuries A.D. The name Bargala is of Thracian origin. The city was important as episcopal seat in the 5th and 6th centuries.
It is located on the slopes of Plackovica Mountain, around 20km from the town of Shtip.
Archaeological excavations have uncovered a basilica, remains of habitation and trade buildings, a bath and a fortification system.
Among the most impressive findings are the basilica floors with polychromatic mosaics featuring ornament sw****ka. Other important findings include a wood-carved plate from the 4th century featuring representations of people and lions and geometric decorations, a unique finding in the Balkans.

Ancient Megalithic Observatory KokinoLocation: Staro Nagoricane, Northeast regionThe archaeological site and megalithic ...

Ancient Megalithic Observatory Kokino
Location: Staro Nagoricane, Northeast region

The archaeological site and megalithic observatory Kokino are located approximately 30km from the town of Kumanovo, close to the Border with Serbia.
The site was discovered in 2001 and has aroused significant domestic and international interest since. Names side by side with ancient observatories like Stonehenge, Abu Simbel, Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu it is one of the sites that is a must-visit when in North Macedonia.
At the site, remnants of a culture flourishing in the period from 19th to 11th centuries B.C (Bronze Age) have been found. A mold for casting bronze axes, a pendant, and numerous ceramic artefacts have been found deposited in cracks of the rocks.
The megalithic observatory consists of two platforms, where special stone markers were discovered. It is assumed that these were used to track the movement of the Sun and Moon on the eastern horizon.
Kokino is accessible by car. Food and accommodation are provided in several nearby tourist complexes.

Archaeological site - Tumba MadzariLocation:  SkopjeTumba Madzari is an archaeological site located in the Skopje suburb...

Archaeological site - Tumba Madzari
Location: Skopje

Tumba Madzari is an archaeological site located in the Skopje suburb of Chento. Excavations started in the 1960s uncovered the remains of a Neolithic settlement, with ruins of 7 buildings, 6 habitats and 1 sanctuary. The settlement experienced its economic prosperity and cultural well-being in the middle Neolithic period (5800-5200 BC).
Fireplaces and large objects of material culture and multiple ceramic objects elaborately decorated were found in the buildings. The artefacts testify the high artistic and aesthetic achievements of the Neolithic man. Numerous archaeological findings are displayed at the Archaeological Museum of North Macedonia.
The most representative finding is the sculpture of the Great Mother, suggesting the existence of the Cult of the Great Mother Goddess.
Today, an open-air museum tells the story of the Neolithic man.

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Village of ShlegovoLocation: Near Kratovo, Northeast regionThe village of Shlegovo is located at the foot of Mount Plavi...

Village of Shlegovo
Location: Near Kratovo, Northeast region

The village of Shlegovo is located at the foot of Mount Plavica, near the towns of Kratovo and Probistip.
Unlike most of the other villages in Kratovo, Shlegovo is a densely populated village with well-designed and large town-style houses due to its proximity to the town and its economic importance.
According to locals the site of Shlegovo has been a mining settlement since Roman times, and the name of the village is associated with the old German Silesians tribe who came here to exploit the rich ore of lead, zinc and precious metals, and especially gold and silver.
Evidence of this are the numerous remains of mining pits located on the mountain of Plavica, which due to the presence of gold is also known among the locals under the name Zlatica (Golden Mountain).
Today, the village is known for its vineyards, from which the famous Kratovo red wine is made.

Village of JancheLocation:  Near DebarThe village is located near the Radika River and near the regional road Debar - Ma...

Village of Janche
Location: Near Debar

The village is located near the Radika River and near the regional road Debar - Mavrovo, 16 kilometers northeast of Debar.
Jance is one of the oldest settlements in the Miyak region.
There is an abundance of natural ad cultural attraction in and near the village: Duff waterfalls, the monastery of St. John Bigorski, the Deer Leap bridge and the glacial Lake Lokuv.
The village is surrounded by beautiful mountains, and visitors can enjoy the wonderful views from the traditional stone houses with wooden frames, earthen walls and wooden thresholds.
Accommodation is provided in villas and a hotel built in a traditional style using only materials available in the vicinity of the village.

Village of RostushaLocation:  Near DebarThe village of Rostusha is located in the vicinity of Debar, surrounded by the b...

Village of Rostusha
Location: Near Debar

The village of Rostusha is located in the vicinity of Debar, surrounded by the beautiful nature in the Mavrovo National Park.
The village is just several kilometers away from the beautiful Saint Jovan Bigorski Monastery.
The breathtaking Duf waterfalls are located at 2km from the village and are accessible by a very easy hiking trail. Climbers can take a climbing tour to Golem Krchin peak (2341m) of Krchin Mountain.
Visitors can taste local delicacies in the village. During the summer months traditional food festivals are organized, where visitors can try organic local produce and the famous Mavrovo pie.

KatlanovoLocation: Near SkopjeLocated at 25km from the capital Skopje, the village of Katlanovo is famous for is hot the...

Location: Near Skopje

Located at 25km from the capital Skopje, the village of Katlanovo is famous for is hot thermal springs.
Katlanovo Spa is one of the most famous spa centers in the country. The thermal waters are recommended for treating many types of rheumatic conditions, conditions of the reproductive organs, conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract, nervous, skin and respiratory conditions.
The thermal springs were extensively used in the past by both the ancient Romans and the Ottomans.
Beautiful sightings, hiking trails, original architecture, churches ensure a truly pleasant experience of Katlanovo Spa as a tourist destination.
Accommodation is provided in the several hotels and apartments in the spa complex and the village.

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Village of BogomilaLocation: Near Veles, Vardar regionThe village is located in the Vardar region, on the banks of the B...

Village of Bogomila
Location: Near Veles, Vardar region

The village is located in the Vardar region, on the banks of the Babuna River.
The village is located 46km from the town of Veles, and 48km from the town of Prilep.
Bogomila is one of the oldest settlements in the area of Babuna and Azot. Its name derives from the famous religious sect and socio-philosophical movement called Bogomilism, which was started by the priest Bogomil as early as the first half of the X century and spread throughout the Balkans and Western Europe.
Apart from the natural beauties surrounding the village, Bogomila is a historically important site. A Roman period bridge that welcomes visitors at the very entrance of the village.
The locals are predominantly engaged in small-scale agriculture and to***co cultivation. From spring to autumn, villagers and other guests in the village harvest berries, medicinal plants and mushrooms. Because the village is surrounded by spacious meadows and forest areas, it has good conditions for beekeeping.
Bogomila is easily accessible by both train and car. Accommodation can be found in the village.


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