Voilà l'histoire de notre dernière écluse avant la Grande Garonne, fleuve vivant, remuant, sujet aux marées, dernière étape avant l'océan !
Ahah ! Vous voila surpris ! On vous y prend à penser "Tiens, voilà encore une énième histoire de Sweety l'escargot, tiens, c'est encore Sweety la tortue" ! Dorénavant, vous nous appellerez Sweety la Fusée. Ou Les Flèches. C'est vous qui voyez !
For people met at sea (but not only) and who are not French speakers, here are the dialogues :
1/ - And finally! We're thrown in at the deep end!
- Goodbye canals!
5/ - Phew, not easy with the current...
- Wait... it's 2pm now?! We're doing an average of 10 knots..?!!
6/ - Tidal currents are so cool!
That's the story of our last lock before the majestic river Garonne, a living, moving river, subject to the tide, the last stop before the ocean!
Ahah! You're surprised! You're caught thinking "Hey, here's yet another story about Sweety the snail, hey, it's Sweety the turtle again"! From now, you'll call us Sweety the Rocket. Or Flash Sweety. It's up to you!