Alaska Travel Co-op

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Alaska Travel Co-op When you're stuck on the top-secret standby list, Alaska Travel Co-op gets you an affordable charter

The Dutch Harbor Airport Town Hall was fantastic. We're lucky to have such hard-working folks working to improve this cr...

The Dutch Harbor Airport Town Hall was fantastic. We're lucky to have such hard-working folks working to improve this critical piece of infrastructure.

Basically over the next 10 months, a new long-term vision for the airport will be put together. What does that mean for you? It depends upon how much of a voice you have.

A key takeaway is that if you want the FAA to invest in things like a longer runway you have to show them there is the demand for it.

I think you know where we're going with this... If we band together, we can influence this master plan to our benefit as we would be the primary community constituent for the airport.

You can watch the video recording here.

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) is updating the 2008 Unalaska Airport Master Plan to explore and document a plan for future air service capabilities essential to the Community of Unalaska. The airport offers critical infrastructure used by commercial fishin...

If your curious about the future of DUT, There is a public meeting about the Master plan tonight at 5:30! You can watch ...

If your curious about the future of DUT, There is a public meeting about the Master plan tonight at 5:30!

You can watch it virtually here. Don't have time? we'll watch it for you and let you all know what's in the future for our airport.

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) is updating the 2008 Unalaska Airport Master Plan to explore and document a plan for future air service capabilities essential to the Community of Unalaska. The airport offers critical infrastructure used by commercial fishin...


Just a reminder that signing up now does not cost a thing. We just want you all in one place so when there is enough of you we can fill planes.

Just imagine the feeling of opening your phone and being able to search for seats on charters like flights on Kayak - Ok it may not look as fancy, but that's how we keep the membership fee so low. You have the power to make this happen.


Alaska Travel Co-op needs a larger membership base so we can keep the cost of travel down by filling planes. I know Alaska Travel Co-op will be good for this community. Please forward this to everyone in your email contact list and ask them to support and join Alaska Travel Co-op. Alaska Travel Co-op cannot happen without the support of everyone who flies to & from Dutch Harbor. Everyone I speak to agrees that Alaska Travel Co-op is a great idea but we are not getting enough members to sign up. Can't fill planes if we don't have a large membership....

Thank you....


Looks like Raven will resume flights to Dutch soon, or not. In any case, there will be fewer options if Alaska Travel Co-op is not here. It costs $125.00 to be a member of one of the companies offering life flights out of Dutch and you're less likely to use one of them that you would be to use Alaska Travel Co-op. There is a much higher likelihood of someone having to use Alaska Travel Co-op when other flight options are booked for weeks in advance.
Please sign up today. Thank you.


We get asked a lot about why you should pay to be in a travel co-op. It's the wrong question. Our small membership fee will bring you more peace of mind, more options, and give you a much bigger say in how you fly to and from Unalaska.

The real question is can you afford to keep leaving things to chance?

Look back over the years. How much work have you missed? How much time with your family and friends did you miss? Time is our most precious and totally finite resource.

If you want to invest in more quality time, in more productivity commit to Alaksa Travel Co-op today. Remember! No membership fees until we've launched. Just so us your interest by creating an account.


We wanted to highlight the thoughtful issues Scott McMurren of Alaska Travelgram brought up in the KUCB piece about ATC.

He's right when he said, “[i] don’t know that they’d get any big breaks, because at the end of the day, you’re still chartering an aircraft to fly to Dutch Harbor, whether it’s $13,000 or $14,000 or $15,000."

On day 1 we can help you find more seats much more easily than before. We can also work to save you a little bit of money by making sure every seat is full - or filled with cargo instead. But remember, it's more expensive to be stuck not working or missing an important meeting, Dr's apt, or family event because it took too long to find a seat.

Time is our most finite resource.

And, "[u]ltimately, [McMurran] said, the community needs a new runway and bigger planes that offer non-stop service to better serve the needs of industry and of the community."

The way to fight for exactly these improvements is to band together. As a group, our needs will draw more attention than one individual person or company ever could. Our clout will provide a clearer and more compelling business case for businesses and or the government when investing in air travel to and from Dutch Harbor, including the co-op itself.

So if you want to be a part of changing the way we fly to and from Dutch Harbor, commit to ATC today.

It doesn't cost a thing until we launch. And then for the price of a couple cups of coffee a month you can play a part in solving our long term travel woes.

"While the unproven concept is yet to launch..." - Just remember that there was a time when people thought personal comp...

"While the unproven concept is yet to launch..." - Just remember that there was a time when people thought personal computers were "unproven," or even warehouse membership stores.

5 years from now, we'll wonder how we traveled to and from Dutch Harbor without ATC. Why? Because for the first time, you'll have dedicated individuals advocating for your travel needs - using the clout from banding together as a group.

The community of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor has been without reliable air service since a fatal plane crash on the island late last year.  Long before that, however, Unalaskans, fishermen, and other industry workers trying to get to and from the island have faced travel woes from harsh weather to ever-c...

We're going to be your voice when it comes to flying to and from Dutch Harbor. If we band together, we can't be ignored.

We're going to be your voice when it comes to flying to and from Dutch Harbor. If we band together, we can't be ignored.

The community of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor has been without reliable air service since a fatal plane crash on the island late last year. Long before that,

Thanks, KUCB for the chance to talk about what Alaska Travel Co-op is all about: Making flying between Unalaska and Anch...

Thanks, KUCB for the chance to talk about what Alaska Travel Co-op is all about: Making flying between Unalaska and Anchorage more reliable.

Take a Listen!

Two people have had an innovative idea to address the travel concerns of Unalaskans and industry workers: a flight co-op to protect travelers flying

Unless we band together, the travel needs of Dutch Harbor will always be at the mercy of this type of uncertainty. You c...

Unless we band together, the travel needs of Dutch Harbor will always be at the mercy of this type of uncertainty.

You can ignore one person, but not a few thousand. You join ATC to have a say in how you fly to and from Dutch Harbor.

Aviation reporter Colleen Mondor dug into the past of the team behind "New Ravn." What she found is worrying.

In the same spirit of our first principle: Saftey, our second principle is to be 'member obsessed.'What you want and wha...

In the same spirit of our first principle: Saftey, our second principle is to be 'member obsessed.'

What you want and what you need will guide every opportunity we seek. ATC is about solving our members' problems and giving them a say in how they fly to and from Dutch Harbor.

But, safety first! Always.

We're going to be rolling out some fundamental principles of Alaska Travel Co-Op  #1 is safety above all else. It doesn'...

We're going to be rolling out some fundamental principles of Alaska Travel Co-Op

#1 is safety above all else. It doesn't matter if you make flying cheaper or more convenient at the cost of safety.

This is how it’s done.

This is how it’s done.

No mask? No travel. 😷✈️ Starting 8/7, we’re launching a new policy that requires all guests (age 2 and older) wear a cloth face mask or covering while on board, except when briefly eating or drinking. If you’re unable to wear a mask throughout the airport and for the duration of your flight for any reason, you will not be able to fly with us. For those who don't comply with this policy, our flight attendants are empowered to hand over a “yellow card,” which will result in the suspension of future travel on Alaska. Thank you for helping keep everyone safe. Learn more:

Flying between Dutch Harbor and Anchorage is a challenge without a global pandemic. But let's not add to the difficultie...

Flying between Dutch Harbor and Anchorage is a challenge without a global pandemic. But let's not add to the difficulties by flying without a mask.

When ATC launches all members will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing when on a charter we've arranged. All of our partner charter crews and ground agents will be wearing masks as well. - Speed and reliability are not the most important thing when it comes to air travel. Neither is price. Safety is, first and always.

Unalaska helps feed the entire world, work that is unquestionably essential. Our goal at ATC is to make the travel that supports that work as safe as possible, especially during the course of this pandemic.


I just spoke with a group of people who spent 6 hours in Cold Bay yesterday due to some combination of delays. They just about starved while in Cold Bay. Alaska Travel Co-op will get you to/from Dutch Harbor non-stop since fueling is now available for charter flights in Dutch. However, we can't start operations until our memberships are sold. We currently have about 350 members. We need 5,000+ members in order to fill planes and keep the cost/seat down. There will be commercial air service in here again. You can read the news about the Raven/Penn Air certificate and assets. Looks like they will be in service again soon under new operator. That is great news for us in Dutch, but will still need ATC to consolidate passengers when charter flights are necessary. Every time the weather, volcano, or other unknown occurs, the standby list will be long and the expense of hotel, food, rental car, and other miscellaneous expenses in Anchorage will seem small in comparison to the $10.00/month charged by Alaska Travel Co-op. Please send out the message via email and the various social media platforms so Alaska Travel Co-op can start operations. We can't start up without you. Click the link below to sign up now. Thank you.

This is exciting. Dutch Harbor needs and deserves regular commercial service! 👍

This is exciting. Dutch Harbor needs and deserves regular commercial service! 👍

Alaska Seaplanes announced Tuesday it intends to relaunch passenger air service on routes formerly served by RavnAir Group, which declared bankruptcy


Imagine being able to open your phone and see seats you can buy from charter companies well into the future... Then you just tap your way into paying for it.

If that's the future you want to make real, you need to commit! It's free to commit. Membership is $10/month when we launch.

100 more! 300 commitments in a single day. Get ready for easier air travel into Dutch Harbor. But we could never do this...

100 more! 300 commitments in a single day. Get ready for easier air travel into Dutch Harbor. But we could never do this without you!


Like Winter, ATC is coming. More than 200 commitments and counting! Keep them coming...

Glad Unalaska and the rest of The Aleutians are in the clear. Stay safe everyone.

Glad Unalaska and the rest of The Aleutians are in the clear. Stay safe everyone.

Updated 7/22/2020 at 12:30 a.m. The Department of Public Safety says Unalaska is in the clear after a tsunami warning Tuesday night caused Unalaskans to


We're all tired of not having a say in how we fly to Dutch Harbor. Le'ts band together and create a voice that can't be ignored.

Commit to ATC for free today.


We have reduced the membership price to $10.00/month and children under 18 years do not require a membership other than that of parent or guardian. Alaska Travel Co-op needs the support of everyone who flies in/out of Dutch Harbor in order to give us a large enough pool of people to fill planes. Full planes keep the cost/seat down.

We need 5,000 members at a minimum to make this work. Thank you in advance for your support.

Commit for free right now and let us know you're ready to make ATC happen.

We're all watching intently to see what happens to Ravn Alaska. But It's just so frustrating that a french investment ba...

We're all watching intently to see what happens to Ravn Alaska.

But It's just so frustrating that a french investment bank and a bankruptcy judge in Delaware call the shots for our community! Do you think any of these people making choices that affect us from thousands of miles away know anything about Unalaska?

The long term benefit of ATC's membership fee is that we will only answer to our members. We won't ever have to answer to a multinational bank or lower 48 private equity firm.

You'll be our only constituency if you commit to an ATC membership.

Let's make one thing clear. ATC is rooting for daily commercial air service to return to DUT. Our community needs that to thrive. It just has to happen.

Alaska's largest rural airline is scrambling to find a buyer that can keep the company intact as it emerges from bankruptcy, rather than seeing its planes


We've reached 100 likes on FB! That's awesome. Thank you.

But we must keep spreading the ATC story. We have to band together so you never get stuck in Dutch Harbor or Anchorage for days or weeks again.

We appreciate the kind words of support from our friends at MAC Enterprises Inc - They understand that we need to band t...

We appreciate the kind words of support from our friends at MAC Enterprises Inc - They understand that we need to band together to get Alaska Travel Co-Op up and running.

Will you listen to MAC and commit? (Click the Link!)


Mark Horne here, founder of Alaska Travel Co-op. Many of you are asking, "Why should I sign up for Alaska Travel Co-op?"
For the past 30 years I have been flying in/out of Dutch Harbor. There has never been a solution that worked when the weather or other factors caused flights to cancel for several days on end, even when there were four airlines servicing Dutch Harbor. Think of Alaska Travel Co-op as an insurance policy. Currently there are two air med groups servicing Dutch Harbor. Why would a person sign up for both? Because the cost of one emergency life flight to Anchorage is approaching $100,000.00. It's worth it for me to spend $200.00/year to be a member of both.
Alaska Travel Co-op (ATC) will use the funds taken in from membership fees to pay staff, cover missed charter attempts, develop web based apps and software to make booking flights and traveling in/out of Dutch Harbor a better experience.
ATC will give you options you never had.
ATC will, over time bring down the cost of flying in/out of Dutch Harbor. However, ATC will never become a reality without your support. We need 5,000 members to start. This gives us bargaining power when negotiating charter rates. Discounted charter fees will be passed onto members. We need 5,000+ members so we have enough people flying at any given time to fill charter seats.
I have heard hundreds of you complain over the years that something needs to be done to improve travel in/out of Dutch. ATC will improve travel in/out of Dutch. ATC will also improve over time to become more of what our members will come to expect and rely upon. ATC will be innovative in coming up with new solutions to get you in/out of Dutch Harbor. You have my word that ATC will always strive to deliver the lowest possible travel costs to you.

Mark Horne

Commit $10 tp help Launch ATC here:

Find individual charter seats to and from Dutch Harbor from Anchorage. Never get stuck on the top-secret waitlist again. Don't miss out on work or business opportunities or precious time with friends and family. Become an Alaska Travel Co-op Member today.

Members of the community asked us an important question: "What about my kids?" - Bring them! Your children will be a par...

Members of the community asked us an important question: "What about my kids?" - Bring them!

Your children will be a part of your membership up until their 18th birthday. You only have to pay for their seats.

When it's time to fly, children must travel with their legal guardian who is also an ATC member.


We were thinking about the best way to describe our vision for those who live and work in Dutch Harbor:

We are here to give you a voice, to be your 'lobbyist.' - You know how Congress listens to lobbyists? Well if we band together 5,000 or 10,000 strong, you better believe that you will have a say in how you fly into Dutch Harbor.

Give yourself a voice and commit today.

Find individual charter seats to and from Dutch Harbor from Anchorage. Never get stuck on the top-secret waitlist again. Don't miss out on work or business opportunities or precious time with friends and family. Become an Alaska Travel Co-op Member today.


I forgot to mention, as we grow and reach milestones, the annual membership costs we decrease....
ATC is a community. ATC is your voice. ATC is you.....


This is Mark Horne, founder of Alaska Travel Co-op. To give ATC a powerful voice, we need the support of everyone who travels to Dutch. Our mission is to find the most cost effective means of air transport to & from Dutch Harbor. We are considering charters from Seattle to Dutch, Dutch to Anchorage, Dutch to Akutan, Seattle to Akutan.

You have my word that Alaska Travel Co-op will make travel to Dutch Harbor a better, and more cost effective experience. It won't happen overnight and it won't happen without the support of everyone. There are 10-15,000 persons flying to Dutch Harbor annually and we need all of you to become members to in order for ATC to become successful and have a strong voice.

I'm asking everyone who travels to/from Dutch Harbor to spread the word and become a member so we can make travel in and out of our community stress free and reliable.

Thank you in advance for your full support. Please pledge today.... Please like us and pass this on to everyone who flies in/out of Dutch.... Thank you.

Glimmers of hope in a very challenging year for Dutch Harbor aviation. We're rooting for Alaska Seaplanes in their effor...

Glimmers of hope in a very challenging year for Dutch Harbor aviation. We're rooting for Alaska Seaplanes in their efforts to save Pen Air and Ravn Alaska.

We hope they're able to restart daily non-stop service to Dutch Harbor and that they resume service to all the communities that lost commercial air service.

Plus, we hope as many people as possible will get their jobs back.

Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Alaska Seaplanes tendered an offer to acquire the operating certificate and assets of RavnAir Group's subsidiary Peninsula Airways.



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