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美麗中國-BeautifulChina 美麗中國世世代代!

非物質文化遺產 :景泰藍(Intangible Cultural Heritage  : Cloisonne)景泰藍(Cloisonne)又稱「銅胎掐絲琺瑯」或「琺藍」, 是一種在金屬表面用玻光釉料進行豪華裝飾的琺瑯器工藝品。Cloison...

非物質文化遺產 :景泰藍(Intangible Cultural Heritage : Cloisonne)

景泰藍(Cloisonne)又稱「銅胎掐絲琺瑯」或「琺藍」, 是一種在金屬表面用玻光釉料進行豪華裝飾的琺瑯器工藝品。
Cloisonne, also known as "copper-embedded filigree enamel" or "enamel", is an enamel craft that uses glassy glaze on the metal surface for luxurious decoration.

中國那些著名的關隘:山海關、嘉峪關、劍門關、雁門關、居庸關、娘子關...Those famous passes in China: Shanhaiguan, Jiayuguan, Jianmenguan, Yanmenguan, Juyon...

Those famous passes in China: Shanhaiguan, Jiayuguan, Jianmenguan, Yanmenguan, Juyongguan, Niangziguan...

非物質文化遺產 :糖畫(Intangible Cultural Heritage  : Sugar painting)一種傳統民間小食和藝術,顧名思義,就是以糖做成的畫A traditional folk snack and art. As...

非物質文化遺產 :糖畫(Intangible Cultural Heritage : Sugar painting)

A traditional folk snack and art. As the name suggests, it is a painting made of sugar.

四姑娘山國家重點風景名勝區(Siguniang Mountain National Key Scenic Area)四姑娘山雄偉挺拔,終年積雪,山下綠草如茵,溪流不絕,被世人譽為"東方阿爾卑斯"Mount Siguniang is maje...

四姑娘山國家重點風景名勝區(Siguniang Mountain National Key Scenic Area)

Mount Siguniang is majestic and tall, covered with snow all year round, with green grass and endless streams at its base. It is known as the "Oriental Alps" by the world.

非物質文化遺產 :鐵畫(Intangible Cultural Heritage  : Iron Painting)是用鐵片和鐵絲鍛打焊接成圖畫的一種工藝品,一般塗成黑色或棕紅色It is a handicraft made of iron...

非物質文化遺產 :鐵畫(Intangible Cultural Heritage : Iron Painting)

It is a handicraft made of iron sheets and wires forged and welded into pictures. It is usually painted black or brown-red.

山西省忻州市   五台山(Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province,   Mount Wutai)位居中國四大佛教名山之首,為文殊菩薩的道場Ranked first among the four famous Buddhi...

山西省忻州市 五台山(Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, Mount Wutai)

Ranked first among the four famous Buddhist mountains in China, it is the dojo of Manjushri Bodhisattva.

非物質文化遺產  大利桐寨的苗族織帶Intangible cultural heritage: Miao ribbons in Tongzhai, Dali

非物質文化遺產 大利桐寨的苗族織帶
Intangible cultural heritage: Miao ribbons in Tongzhai, Dali

芙蓉鎮,一座掛在瀑布上的絕美千年古鎮!Furong Town, a beautiful thousand-year-old ancient town hanging on a waterfall!

Furong Town, a beautiful thousand-year-old ancient town hanging on a waterfall!

西安市長安區   古觀音禪寺(Chang'an District, Xi'an,   Ancient Guanyin Temple)古觀音禪寺距今約有1400年歷史。據傳,這棵銀杏樹是當年唐太宗李世民親手栽種The ancient Guan...

西安市長安區 古觀音禪寺(Chang'an District, Xi'an, Ancient Guanyin Temple)

The ancient Guanyin Temple has a history of about 1,400 years. It is said that this ginkgo tree was planted by Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

雨崩村處於偏僻的大山深處,其徒步路線是我國境內的一條史詩級徒步路線,被背包客們譽為「地球上最後一片世外桃源」Yubeng Village is located deep in a remote mountain. Its hiking ro...

Yubeng Village is located deep in a remote mountain. Its hiking route is an epic hiking route in my country and is hailed by backpackers as "the last paradise on earth."

中國四大名樓(Four famous buildings in China)湖北武漢的黃鶴樓   湖南岳陽的岳陽樓江西南昌的滕王閣   山西永濟的鸛雀樓Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, HubeiYueyang To...

中國四大名樓(Four famous buildings in China)
湖北武漢的黃鶴樓 湖南岳陽的岳陽樓
江西南昌的滕王閣 山西永濟的鸛雀樓

Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, Hubei
Yueyang Tower in Yueyang, Hunan
Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang, Jiangxi
Stork Tower in Yongji, Shanxi

浙江省嘉善縣   西塘古鎮(Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province,   Xitang Ancient Town)西塘古鎮是江南著名的六個古鎮之一,景區內有著各種保存完好的明清建築群,具有藝術及觀賞性。Xitan...

浙江省嘉善縣 西塘古鎮(Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, Xitang Ancient Town)

Xitang Ancient Town is one of the six famous ancient towns in Jiangnan. There are various well-preserved Ming and Qing architectural complexes in the scenic area, which are artistic and ornamental.

在成都那些隨處可見的大熊貓Giant pandas that can be seen everywhere in Chengdu


Giant pandas that can be seen everywhere in Chengdu

在松花江哈爾濱段江畔,曾是哈爾濱冰雪大世界採冰區域的一片封凍江面,因散布晶瑩的冰塊,被遊客稱為「鑽石海」On the bank of the Harbin section of the Songhua River, there was a ...


On the bank of the Harbin section of the Songhua River, there was a frozen river surface that was once the ice mining area of ​​Harbin Ice and Snow World. It is called the "Diamond Sea" by tourists because of the crystal ice scattered there.

長白山霧凇漂流 (Changbai Mountain Rime Rafting)夏天的漂流體驗過了,冬天的漂流你體驗過嗎?You have experienced rafting in summer, but have you experi...

長白山霧凇漂流 (Changbai Mountain Rime Rafting)

You have experienced rafting in summer, but have you experienced rafting in winter?

福建省福清市   大姆山草場(Fuqing City, Fujian Province,   Damushan Pasture)在這裡可以看到藍天草地,山頂滿是大片的草原連綿幾個山頭,使人心情愉悅。Here you can see the ...

福建省福清市 大姆山草場(Fuqing City, Fujian Province, Damushan Pasture)

Here you can see the blue sky and grassland. The top of the mountain is covered with large grassland and stretches over several hills, which makes people feel happy.

福建省泰寧縣   甘露岩寺(Taining County, Fujian Province,   Ganluyan Temple)只用一條柱支撐的神奇建築,屋頂沒有使用任何片瓦,全部為原木築造A magical building suppo...

福建省泰寧縣 甘露岩寺(Taining County, Fujian Province, Ganluyan Temple)

A magical building supported by only one pillar. The roof does not use any tiles and is all made of logs.

重慶市彭水縣   蚩尤九黎城(Pengshui County, Chongqing City,   Chiyou Jiuli City)以苗族始祖蚩尤文化為主線,集中展示了苗族的傳統文化和建築,充滿了濃郁的苗族風情Taking the cu...

重慶市彭水縣 蚩尤九黎城(Pengshui County, Chongqing City, Chiyou Jiuli City)

Taking the culture of Chi You, the ancestor of the Miao people, as the main line, it focuses on displaying the traditional culture and architecture of the Miao people, and is full of rich Miao customs.

浙江省湖州市   莫干山(Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province,   Mount Mogan)著名的度假休閒旅遊及避暑勝地,山上不僅有茂密的竹林,還有兩百多幢頗有韻味的老別墅A famous holiday, lei...

浙江省湖州市 莫干山(Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Mount Mogan)

A famous holiday, leisure, tourism and summer resort. There are not only dense bamboo forests on the mountain, but also more than 200 charming old villas.

江西省上饒市   李坑村(Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province,   Likeng Village)李坑村是一個以李姓聚居為主的古村落,四面環山、村內都是徽派古建築,油菜花盛開的季節就會有大量的遊客來觀賞Liken...

江西省上饒市 李坑村(Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, Likeng Village)

Likeng Village is an ancient village mainly populated by people with the surname Li. It is surrounded by mountains and the village is full of ancient Huizhou buildings. During the season when the rapeseed flowers are in full bloom, a large number of tourists come to watch them.

山東省濰坊市   青州古城(Weifang City, Shandong Province,   Qingzhou Ancient City)是一座具有鮮明地域特色的明清建築風格的古城It is an ancient city with d...

山東省濰坊市 青州古城(Weifang City, Shandong Province, Qingzhou Ancient City)

It is an ancient city with distinctive regional characteristics and Ming and Qing architectural styles.

廣西壯族自治區南寧市   青秀山風景區(Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,   Qingxiu Mountain Scenic Area)是集旅遊觀光、休閒娛樂、文化交流、科研科普...

廣西壯族自治區南寧市 青秀山風景區(Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Qingxiu Mountain Scenic Area)

It is a famous scenic tourist area integrating tourism, leisure and entertainment, cultural exchanges, and scientific research.

廣東省清遠市   南崗千年瑤寨(Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province,   Nangang Millennium Yao Village)是全國規模最大,最古老,最有特色的瑤寨,有着古典的建築民居群落、原始的竹...

廣東省清遠市 南崗千年瑤寨(Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, Nangang Millennium Yao Village)

It is the largest, oldest and most distinctive Yao village in the country, with classical architectural residential complexes, original bamboo water supply system and collective meeting places.

河南省平頂山市   中原大佛(Pingdingshan City, Henan Province,   Central Plains Buddha)是世界上最高的佛教造像It is the tallest Buddhist statue i...

河南省平頂山市 中原大佛(Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, Central Plains Buddha)

It is the tallest Buddhist statue in the world

甘肃省   陽關(Gansu province,   Yang Guan)絲綢之路南路的必經關隘A must-pass on the southern Silk Road

甘肃省 陽關(Gansu province, Yang Guan)

A must-pass on the southern Silk Road

陝西省西安市   華清宮遺址(Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province,   Ruins of Huaqing Palace)是迄今為止發現的唯一唐代高台建築遺址It is the only high platform ar...

陝西省西安市 華清宮遺址(Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, Ruins of Huaqing Palace)

It is the only high platform architectural site from the Tang Dynasty discovered so far.

當帶有大量泥沙泛黃的河水傾瀉入海中時,渾濁的河水與清澈的海水不能迅速融合,故此會在海面形成一道明顯的「黃藍分界線」When the yellowish river water with a large amount of sediment ...

When the yellowish river water with a large amount of sediment pours into the sea, the turbid river water and the clear seawater cannot merge quickly, so an obvious "yellow-blue dividing line" will be formed on the sea surface.

西雙版納   星光夜市(Xishuangbanna,   Starlight Night Market)擁有「中國最美夜市」之稱的星光夜市,能輕鬆體驗到泰國、老撾、越南等當地特色Known as "China's most beautifu...

西雙版納 星光夜市(Xishuangbanna, Starlight Night Market)

Known as "China's most beautiful night market", Starlight Night Market allows you to easily experience local characteristics such as Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam.

甘肅省天水市   麥積山石窟(Tianshui City, Gansu Province,   Maijishan Grottoes)石窟所在的麥積山是一座岩壁陡峭的孤山,登上山崖上的懸空棧道,既可以觀賞佛教藝術,又能欣賞周圍的景色,還能體...

甘肅省天水市 麥積山石窟(Tianshui City, Gansu Province, Maijishan Grottoes)

Maiji Mountain, where the grottoes are located, is an isolated mountain with steep rock walls. Climbing the suspended plank road on the cliff, you can not only appreciate Buddhist art, appreciate the surrounding scenery, but also experience the thrill of the plank road under your feet.

烏素特雅丹地質公園(Wusute (Water) Yadan Geopark)位於青海柴達木盆地的西北部,是少有的一處水上雅丹地貌Located in the northwest of Qaidam Basin in Qinghai, it...

烏素特雅丹地質公園(Wusute (Water) Yadan Geopark)

Located in the northwest of Qaidam Basin in Qinghai, it is a rare Yadan landform on the water.

湖北省宜昌市   清江畫廊(Yichang City, Hubei Province,   Qingjiang River Gallery)主要是以江面上乘船遊玩、觀賞兩岸風光為主The main purpose is to take a ...

湖北省宜昌市 清江畫廊(Yichang City, Hubei Province, Qingjiang River Gallery)

The main purpose is to take a boat ride on the river and enjoy the scenery on both sides of the strait.

重慶市渝中區   湖廣會館(Yuzhong District, Chongqing City,   Huguang Guild Hall)目前已知的位於中國城市中心區最大的古會館建築群The largest known ancient gu...

重慶市渝中區 湖廣會館(Yuzhong District, Chongqing City, Huguang Guild Hall)

The largest known ancient guild hall building complex located in the central area of ​​a Chinese city

四川省成都市   安順廊橋(Chengdu, Sichuan Province,   Anshun Covered Bridge)夜色下的安順廊橋Anshun Covered Bridge at night

四川省成都市 安順廊橋(Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Anshun Covered Bridge)

Anshun Covered Bridge at night

陝西省寶雞市   法門寺(Baoji City, Shaanxi Province,   Famen Temple)擁有1700多年歷史,寺內珍藏釋迦牟尼真身佛指舍利With a history of more than 1,700 yea...

陝西省寶雞市 法門寺(Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, Famen Temple)

With a history of more than 1,700 years, the temple houses the relics of Sakyamuni Buddha’s real body and finger.

廣東省大埔縣   花萼樓(Dabu County, Guangdong Province, Hua'e Building)客家土圍樓的典型代表之一One of the typical representatives of Hakka ear...

廣東省大埔縣 花萼樓(Dabu County, Guangdong Province, Hua'e Building)

One of the typical representatives of Hakka earthen buildings

黑龍江省哈爾濱市   冰雪大世界(Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Ice and Snow World)哈爾濱市冬季旅遊的亮點之一,一個以冰雕雪雕景觀為主的主題公園,記得要注意防寒XDDOne of ...

黑龍江省哈爾濱市 冰雪大世界(Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Ice and Snow World)

One of the highlights of winter tourism in Harbin is a theme park featuring ice and snow sculptures. Remember to take precautions against the cold.

江蘇省鎮江市   茅山風景區(Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, Maoshan Scenic Area)有著濃厚的道教文化氛圍,同時整個景區的景色種類眾多,有陡峭的山峰,也有清澈的泉水。It has a s...

江蘇省鎮江市 茅山風景區(Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, Maoshan Scenic Area)

It has a strong Taoist cultural atmosphere, and at the same time, the entire scenic area has many types of scenery, including steep peaks and clear springs.

山東省濰坊市   濰坊世界風箏博物館(Weifang City, Shandong Province, Weifang World Kite Museum)一座以風箏為主題的博物館,是中國第一座風箏專業性博物館A museum with t...

山東省濰坊市 濰坊世界風箏博物館(Weifang City, Shandong Province, Weifang World Kite Museum)

A museum with the theme of kites, it is the first professional kite museum in China

浙江省江山市   廿八都古鎮(Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, Nianbadu Ancient Town)廿八都古鎮始建於北宋時期,有着徽式的馬頭牆、閩式風格土牆與門落、江浙流派屋脊和里廳,是名副其實的...

浙江省江山市 廿八都古鎮(Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, Nianbadu Ancient Town)

Nianbadu Ancient Town was built in the Northern Song Dynasty. It has Hui-style horse head walls, Fujian-style earthen walls and gates, Jiangsu-Zhejiang style roofs and inner halls. It is a veritable museum of ancient architecture.

山東省濟南市    大明湖(Jinan City, Shandong Province, da Ming Lake)大明湖位於濟南市中心偏東北處,是集水域風光、園林景觀、古建築為一體的公園Daming Lake is located nor...

山東省濟南市 大明湖(Jinan City, Shandong Province, da Ming Lake)

Daming Lake is located northeast of Jinan city center. It is a park integrating water scenery, garden landscape and ancient buildings.




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