PLEASE HELP -Calling All Friends, Families and Contacts! I am bringing attention to a new threat to our local part of Skye and beyond, Telecom Mast installations are being planned to spread out across our stunning and sensitive landscapes! Wildlife such as Golden Eagles, Harriers and lots more will be at further risk from these useless towering monsters, We Need Your HELP to sign and put in an Objection to help protect local and wider populations of these birds.
It has sadly come to the point where I will name and shame anyone who is involved with helping, approving or financing, taking money to ease or aid the application proposed for out local area in Skye, what world do we live in if we push natural history to the side for the sake of modern industrialisation, our greed for material toxic waste is a dead end so wake up, I know I sound angry but this is important to our future generations. if you want to keep seeing Golden Eagles over the hills of Skye then PLEASE SUPPORT US today and STOP the Telcom MASTS and WIND TURBINES !
Go to the HIGHLAND COUNCIL and put your objection to [email protected]