Sugar Bear Bus

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Sugar Bear Bus Hubby Jim, Great Dane Bobby, our little dog Princess, and myself - Pamela are all traveling in our Skoolie (Old School Bus trurned RV).

We have a YouTube Channel (ck it out and give us a SUBSCRIBE!)

I’ve received so many texts about the new NAR decision and it seems the “word on the streets” is that there’s no longer ...

I’ve received so many texts about the new NAR decision and it seems the “word on the streets” is that there’s no longer a need to pay any commissions.

First, NEVER trust the word on the streets! The masses, media, and hearsay seem to always a take a SNIPPET and twist a whole bunch of other assumptions within it.

Secondly, as my oldest likes to say “More will be revealed”. The snap reactions are never a gauge for me. God is never in a hurry, so reactions with all this emotion definitely lead us all astray from the truth! *DEEP BREATHS!!

I learned long ago (and am still learning) that my value isn’t determined by someone else. Not NAR, not clients, and especially not a party whom I don’t even know!

As an agent, it is my privilege to communicate the value I bring to the transaction on behalf of the client. When they HIRE ME, here’s what I do and here’s the pay I expect REGARDLESS of what is offered anywhere else. Honestly, this has ALWAYS been the case. The law has always stated that we cannot claim “standard pay”. Some agents are willing to get paid 2%, some require 4% or 5%. It is up to the agent and what value they are bringing to the table.

If a client doesn’t see that value, then that client isn’t for me and I’m not for them.

The part I’m most interested in is will the law mandate that buyers MUST HAVE AN AGENT in order to purchase property. 🤔🤔.

There are way too many buyers and sellers that are loosing a lot of money, the transaction goes south, or they are getting “swindled” and they feel helpless because abuse they truly don’t know the law!! An agent is responsible for that knowledge!! Period! They are responsible for knowing the clients rights even within that transaction as it starts to go sideways, and should be able to non-emotionally maneuver through it ON BEHALF OF the buyer or seller.

Knowledge, communication, NC Law, documents, connections, process and so much more are the RESPONSIBILITY of the agent! I as an agent am standing in the gate to protect the client and fully communicate each nuance of the transaction! To explain all options and operate within the law.

Call me! DM me! I’m here to answer your questions. Buying, selling, New Construction (be careful here buyers!!), investments…. I bring experience to the transaction.



Meditation mindset:

“Gods Best, Nothing Less!”

Ultimately, God is in control! And..God lives within us. Why then would we accept less than Gods best for our lives? We too many times settle because of a mindset that states it’s good enough or that’s all i deserve. That’s my past so this is it.

No! God wants you to grow in your walk and friendship with him and within your lives!! Turn it over…allow the One who has your BEST in His sights.


A new thing always asks of me to….

Try, fail, learn, try again, better but still fail, learn, try again, not quite so fail, learn, try again, succeed, still learn, try again, now it comes naturally and so the NEW THING has been assimilated! It is now “me”

What are you holding yourself back from trying? What excuses are you making? What back door 🚪 are you leaving open for the great escape?

I think so many times that I’m walking in my life completely alone. Oh sure, I know lots of people. Many of them are chu...

I think so many times that I’m walking in my life completely alone. Oh sure, I know lots of people. Many of them are churchgoers, believers and people of faith. That doesn’t necessarily mean that my personal life and circumstances are connected to another person; at least that’s how my belief has been.

I’ve been through so much in my life. I can see that the circumstances I’ve lived through both good and horrible, there’s a gold thread that weaved throughout them. This gold thread is God, using my circumstances to grow me as a person, to further his kingdom, and to spread his love and kindness to others right here in front of me. This isn’t an easy to do.

Sometimes it’s hard to put into words the circumstances that are going on. The fear and the worry that I have, which is not of God, can overwhelm and overtake my thoughts and my feelings. When this happens, I can isolate feel very much alone; I am because I’m choosing to be, although I don’t realize it.

We are never alone, but we have choose to reach out. When I have in the past, I haven’t reached out in the most safest of places. When in the middle of a circumstance that’s overwhelming us, it can be difficult to know who is safe and who isn’t. I’ve learned in my life that there’s a big difference between someone who just goes to church, and is simply religious, verses someone who is an actual believer – person that walks, knows, and trusts Jesus (who was God in human form). The difference between someone who just has rules in their life, and the thought that they are “good“ because they follow the rules that they deem valuable, and someone who actually is a friend to God, who is the creator of all.

The second group of people, the true believers called “the way”, are few. God tells us over and over again that few will make it through the “eye of a needle.” Is it any wonder that we get a little confused? I mean, Christians, true believers, and those who don’t believe in God at all, we all mess it up! we all fall short! I can praise God, talk with him all day, and be short tempered all within the same 24 hours. So how can we really know?

The truth is, overtime, we can see a persons Journey – that gold thread, that’s weaved throughout their life by their actions and words We can see what they claim they believe to be valid. God says that our faith (not seen), is Shown by our “deeds“ or our actions. Overtime we can see these actions in a growth pattern. I call that the gold thread in my life.

Sometimes our gold threads cross. The truth is we don’t always know when we’re being open and vulnerable if that person we’re talking to will have sympathy or empathy and completely understand and be tender. Or, will that person turn that information around and gossip and condemn and use it to make themselves feel more pious than they should. We really don’t know. But God does ask us to reach out. To never stop gathering. To never stop lifting each other up, caring for each other and being vulnerable with each other so that we know where we each have needs.

This is the daring part of life isn’t it, standing at the Cliffside of trusting another person, another human being with the deepest scariest, most truthful parts of ourselves. Learning how to leap over the cliff and trust another person. It’s true, sometimes we fall and really get hurt. But sometimes… Sometimes, we truly connect. And honestly, in that connection is where God is.

Much love, Pamela 

Look 👀 at my sweet Princess deciding what she wants for breakfast!!

Look 👀 at my sweet Princess deciding what she wants for breakfast!!

Day in the life of a Real Estate Agent.  Love 💕 LOVE 💕 L.O.V.E. My “job”.   is not just my job, it’s my passion!  To hel...

Day in the life of a Real Estate Agent. Love 💕 LOVE 💕 L.O.V.E. My “job”. is not just my job, it’s my passion! To help another person who starts out many times as a complete stranger, achieve their goals….it’s thee BEST feeling!! I get to see a person rise above their immediate stress and crest over into a dream fulfilled!! So the only question I have is: “How can I help you?? You want to downsize? Invest? Upgrade your home? Start making passive income on Real Estate? MESSAGE ME!! I can help!! And the best part…I LOVE to help!!

I’ve banked my whole life on this verse.  Growing as a person means to try, to fail TO LEARN and to get up and go after ...

I’ve banked my whole life on this verse. Growing as a person means to try, to fail TO LEARN and to get up and go after it again!

Never stop learning and gaining wisdom! Wisdom comes from both an introspective spirit that’s connected to the Creator (all wisdom) AND learning from those that have been there and failed enough to succeed! Learn from them…but choose wisely! Not all “experts” are created equal!

A year and a half ago i decided to stop the madness of coloring my hair!  I no longer was going to be “Red Fox” and blea...

A year and a half ago i decided to stop the madness of coloring my hair! I no longer was going to be “Red Fox” and bleached it all out, cut it…cut it some more…and ended up with a pixie cut! It’s been 16 mos since finally cutting out all the bleached and so began me growing out my natural, God and stress given color!!

Technically, many of my reds have turned silver! With many more red undertones making the whole thing look blonde!! So i guess my “greying” is identifying as blonde!! Bwhahaha 🤣🤣

The process has changed me in ways i did not see coming!! I feel more confident, capable and quite frankly independent of other peoples opinions then ever! I’m not worried about the treadmill of “staying young looking” and embracing the beauty that is me regardless of age, hair color or whatever else life decides to bring on!!

It was a really tough year! It was hard to go through not knowing how it would turn out! But i can say now that i am on this side of the journey…I am so glad I’ve done this and i don’t regret it one bit!!

I’m a   and I have to diligently be mindful of my safety!  (Guys, you’ll never understand CONSTANTLY looking over your s...

I’m a and I have to diligently be mindful of my safety! (Guys, you’ll never understand CONSTANTLY looking over your shoulder!)

The other day, i was upset and sitting in a parking lot…I left my lights on! Ran my battery down and couldn’t start my car! Uhg!!

Long story short, the police helped me and they had this little tiny lithium battery 🔋 jumper!! I said “WAIT!! What is that??” They agreed I should have one!! After a friend found one online for me…I ordered it immediately!! Meet “my little friend” Jr!! Now if I have issues, I don’t need to ask anyone!! Tada!!

Just had an emery tooth extraction and bone graph!  Sigh….          HondaCRV

Just had an emery tooth extraction and bone graph! Sigh…. HondaCRV

What do you do when on the road and something happens…poison ivy, eye or ear infection, prescription refill of like in M...

What do you do when on the road and something happens…poison ivy, eye or ear infection, prescription refill of like in MY CASE…

An abscessed tooth!! Yes! I broke my tooth! Don’t ask! Lol. It’s now infected and I’m a long ways away from my Dr!! Never mind that’s ITS THE WEEKEND and nit a dr around that’s open in Sunday!!

There’s this app!! It’s called K Health! I pay so much per month and I can talk to a Dr in an acute need or a primary Dr! I can get my prescriptions filled or whatever!!

So I text a Dr, got my prescription and now Im on my way!!

Cross your fingers this works until i can get to a dentist! 🦷

Key West in a short trip!

Key West in a short trip!

Quick trip down to Key West! The Chickens kill me!! 🤣🤣I’d come back again!!


Hi finally got to go scuba diving and wow what a blast. Saw nurse sharks-6 to 8 feet long. Saw all kinds of beautiful fish coral reef it was so wonderful.

If you’ve never gone or have ever wanted to go I highly highly recommend it. Conquer your fear and just do it I don’t regret it not one bit

I was tired, VETY unsure where to stay the night, no more hotels for me, and was sitting in a potential place when…. I l...

I was tired, VETY unsure where to stay the night, no more hotels for me, and was sitting in a potential place when…. I left my lights in and tan my battery down!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

These awesome police officers helped me out with a hun and sat and talked for a while!! Lol.

I guess i found my safe place to stay! They said others stay here all the time! And we come though about once n hour! Sweet dreams to Princess and I!!

Today…. I will be scuba diving 🤿 on the reef off of Key Largo!! I’m so excited!! And…a bit nervous!! This is a bus key l...

Today…. I will be scuba diving 🤿 on the reef off of Key Largo!! I’m so excited!! And…a bit nervous!! This is a bus key list thing fir me! It’s about conquering a fear! It’s about trusting that God has me and DEEPLY DESIRES me to go, explore, be and give HIM thanks!! He created that reef FOR MY PLEASURE!! Well then, I should go at least see it!! 👀.

We can let our fears over run us! We can stay in our comfort zone and always wonder but never do! We are not meant to JUST do routine! It’s great don’t get me wrong! But we must balance it with allowing ourselves to get UNCOMFORTABLE!! Stepping into the unknown with caution ⚠️ but still stepping!!

I have three professionals going with me!! Lol. (I lucked out!!). I am the only inexperienced diver…. But it’s so awesome how God has worked out this trip!! His timing is what I’m attempting to lean fully into!! Gods got this..therefore IVE got this!!


Deep connection with this present moment and this precious gift given to us by the one who deeply loves us and desires a deep meaningful relationship with us…when we slow down to recognize this moment, this lesson, this growth, this gift, THEN we share it with the One who gave it to us, we get to have a love like we’ve never experienced!!

Loving cRV life!! The Florida beaches are a stunning beauty!!

I have 3 more days before I move into the Honda CR-V and say goodbye to SugarBear! 🥲. She’s been fun!! I’ve so enjoyed t...

I have 3 more days before I move into the Honda CR-V and say goodbye to SugarBear! 🥲. She’s been fun!! I’ve so enjoyed the buildout, the traveling, the incredible people I’ve been able to meet because of this big beautiful bus!! Im looking at my next steps and can’t wait to share this incredible journey with you!! God seems to be working it all out! Stay turned…. Because it definitely has taken a twist plot in my world 🌎 and THATS OK!! I’m looking forward to sharing all that’s going on as it unfolds!


We all go through stuff!! We all have hard times eventually. It’s ok. Allow yourself the space to feel it, get through it, and find gratitude in the moment! Even if it’s for the feelings and that you are exceptionally human!

I am going through it!! Incredible highs going on and some constant lows. I know at my age “this too shall pass” but it doesn’t make it any easier. Tough times hurt. I can be overwhelmed by sadness. Feel all alone. I can difficult to even breathe!!

Through it I’m grateful for my sweet lol dog, Princess. My constant companion who always loves me, even if i only left to ck the generator!! Lol.

We are not just physical beings!! We are Spiritual! We have more emotions, feelings and experiences that drive us then anything else! We crave both certainty AND spontaneity! We deeply desire significance AND deep love and connection! We want to grow as a person AND we crave contribution! These are ALL basic human needs regardless of our backgrounds! Too much leaning into one area throws us into imbalance! It can hurt!! Hurt ourselves or others.

I’ve recently made choices. I knew the consequences of my choices, but after much prayer and thinking, and journaling, I’ve decide to stand alone! (You may have noticed: Bobby and Jim are no longer in the reels). Long term, it’s what’s best. Short term, it hurts like hell!!

I’m giving myself the space I need and reminding myself it’s all part of my journey. That it’s ok. I am still very worthy in Gods eyes! Personally, that’s all that matters-although I still crave love and connection!!

God is supplying.

What ever you may be going through, remember to be kind to yourself!! God lives you!! Imperfections and all!! You are worthy! Keep growing!! Make the hard decisions for yourself! It’ll all be ok in the end!

Love you you AND I love myself!! After all, my Big Brother, Jesus Christ, made the ultimate sacrifice showing us this love honoring us and providing and way home to our Father, the King! YOU are royalty if you accept that knowledge!!


BIG BIG changes coming for !! Stay tuned!

In the meantime, Princess 👑 has the chill and playtime covered!! She helps me to keep it in the moment!!

What do you think 💭 the changes might be?? Guess below!!

We need more encouragement within our lives!  Not only to receive it, but give it generously as well!

We need more encouragement within our lives! Not only to receive it, but give it generously as well!

When living full-time on the road, the two things that stand out the most fit me are:1). It’s a much slower life!  No ne...

When living full-time on the road, the two things that stand out the most fit me are:
1). It’s a much slower life! No need to go crazy getting it done fast, worry about people in front if you going slow, or stressing about slow customer service! Seriously, go ahead of me if it helps ya! My life is way more than at ease now!!

2) the people and stories from the travels mean everything! So many stories behind their why! It’s beautiful to hear, connect, and share REALKY share with others!!

Take time in your life to relax, enjoy and S.L.O.W. It down!! You deserve to experience this very moment!!

Love love live my membership at Planet Fitness!!  This thing has come in handy all over the Country!! Loooong hot shower...

Love love live my membership at Planet Fitness!! This thing has come in handy all over the Country!! Loooong hot showers, no worries about water consumption, full body chair or hydro messages, workouts, stretching, and tanning…all for only $23/mth. HELLO! Message me if you want to join too for only $1 this month!!

Thank you 🙏 Thank you 🙏 Thank you!! All because of you we just hit 1700 followers!! Tell us in the comments what you wan...

Thank you 🙏 Thank you 🙏 Thank you!! All because of you we just hit 1700 followers!! Tell us in the comments what you want to see More of! here’s some others to follow…

Thanks again y’all for getting us this far!!

In case you haven’t met my travel companion, meet Princess!  She’s my little ray of sunshine!  She hates dog parks, moth...

In case you haven’t met my travel companion, meet Princess! She’s my little ray of sunshine! She hates dog parks, mothers and corrals any animal smaller then her, is 10ish years old but also like a puppy, and prefers laps over long walks (i force her to walk with me regularly!!).

Do you have any pets?? Tell me below what and their names!!

I cannot express enough the deep sense of gratitude for our veterans who have served which allows us our freedoms!  Than...

I cannot express enough the deep sense of gratitude for our veterans who have served which allows us our freedoms! Thank you! Truly…Thank you!

Good morning!  What cha up to today?? We leave Michigan tomorrow…it’s coffee time with my Mom!  Man I’m going to miss ha...

Good morning! What cha up to today?? We leave Michigan tomorrow…it’s coffee time with my Mom! Man I’m going to miss hanging out with her!!


Here’s our complete bathroom on the Skoolie…. What cha think?? On a scale of 1-10… how much do you like it!




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