I’ve received so many texts about the new NAR decision and it seems the “word on the streets” is that there’s no longer a need to pay any commissions.
First, NEVER trust the word on the streets! The masses, media, and hearsay seem to always a take a SNIPPET and twist a whole bunch of other assumptions within it.
Secondly, as my oldest likes to say “More will be revealed”. The snap reactions are never a gauge for me. God is never in a hurry, so reactions with all this emotion definitely lead us all astray from the truth! *DEEP BREATHS!!
I learned long ago (and am still learning) that my value isn’t determined by someone else. Not NAR, not clients, and especially not a party whom I don’t even know!
As an agent, it is my privilege to communicate the value I bring to the transaction on behalf of the client. When they HIRE ME, here’s what I do and here’s the pay I expect REGARDLESS of what is offered anywhere else. Honestly, this has ALWAYS been the case. The law has always stated that we cannot claim “standard pay”. Some agents are willing to get paid 2%, some require 4% or 5%. It is up to the agent and what value they are bringing to the table.
If a client doesn’t see that value, then that client isn’t for me and I’m not for them.
The part I’m most interested in is will the law mandate that buyers MUST HAVE AN AGENT in order to purchase property. 🤔🤔.
There are way too many buyers and sellers that are loosing a lot of money, the transaction goes south, or they are getting “swindled” and they feel helpless because abuse they truly don’t know the law!! An agent is responsible for that knowledge!! Period! They are responsible for knowing the clients rights even within that transaction as it starts to go sideways, and should be able to non-emotionally maneuver through it ON BEHALF OF the buyer or seller.
Knowledge, communication, NC Law, documents, connections, process and so much more are the RESPONSIBILITY of the agent! I as an agent am standing in the gate to protect the client and fully communicate each nuance of the transaction! To explain all options and operate within the law.
Call me! DM me! I’m here to answer your questions. Buying, selling, New Construction (be careful here buyers!!), investments…. I bring experience to the transaction.