Aussies in Krakow

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Aussies in Krakow The official & original page for Australians holidaying, living, retired,, studying or working in Krakow and the Malopolska region.

For those travelling in the north, keep an eye out for one of our own 🦘🇦🇺🇵🇱

For those travelling in the north, keep an eye out for one of our own 🦘🇦🇺🇵🇱

W województwie warmińsko-mazurskim biega na wolności kangur. Uciekł z prywatnej posesji 20 października i do tej pory nie udało się go złapać.


📢🗳️Australians living overseas can now apply for a postal vote for the 2023 Voice Referendum. Applications close at 6pm AEDT 11 October.

You can either send your completed postal vote directly back to 🇦🇺 or, if you live in 🇵🇱, you can drop it at the 🇦🇺Embassy in Warsaw.

You can also vote in person at the 🇦🇺 Embassy in Warsaw from 3 to 13 October. Details including opening hours for voting are posted on our website 👉



🇵🇱 🇺🇦👇
Zarząd Zieleni Miejskiej w Krakowie zaprasza wszystkich mieszkańców na wspólne sadzenia lasu🌲🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳.
Kolejny rok z rzędu na wiosnę sadzimy las.
Wszystko w ramach programu zwiększania lesistości, dzięki któremu do 2040 r. w Krakowie ma rosnąć 7 milionów nowych drzew. Tym razem spotykamy się przy ulicy Krzemienieckiej 74
Sadzenie odbędzie się w sobotę, 1 kwietnia, o godz. 10.00, w rejonie Baryczy przy ulicy Krzemienieckiej 74. Wydarzenie jest organizowane przez Zarząd Zieleni Miejskiej wspólnie w Wydawnictwo Karakter.
Takie wydarzenie do doskonała okazja do integracji, zacieśnienia więzi czy wspólnego spędzania wolnego czasu.
W ramach akcji posadzonych zostanie ok. 2 tys. sadzonek klonów, jaworów, buków, dębów i grabów. Uczestnicy proszeni są o założenie tego dnia wygodnego obuwia i komfortowego stroju.
Міське управління зелених насаджень у Кракові запрошує всіх мешканців до спільної посадки лісу.
Вже черговий рік поспіль ми садимо ліс навесні. Усе в рамках програми лісового покриву, завдяки якій до 2040 року у Кракові має вирости 7 мільйонів нових дерев. Цього разу зустрічаємося на вулиці Krzemieniecka, 74
Посадка відбудеться у суботу, 1 квітня, на вул 10.00, в районі Baryczy на вулиці Krzemieniecka, 74. Захід організовано Міським управлінням зелених насаджень спільно з видавництвом «Характер».
Такий захід – чудова нагода інтегруватися, зміцнити зв’язки чи разом провести вільний час.
У рамках акції буде висаджено близько 2000 саджанці кленів, яворів, буків, дубів та грабів. У цей день учасників просять бути в зручному взутті та одязі.
Dziękujemy za tłumaczenie Dasha Chernomorets

Former Krakow student, Sir Pawel Strzelecki, marked Australia's highest point on this day (12 March) in 1840 as Mt Kosci...

Former Krakow student, Sir Pawel Strzelecki, marked Australia's highest point on this day (12 March) in 1840 as Mt Kosciuszko.

Modern Australia (as well as Ireland) has much to be thankful to Strzelecki for just as he has much to be thankful to Charlie Tarra who in the coming days 183 years ago saved Strzelecki's life by guiding him and his travelling team to the safety of Westernport as well as securing them the meat of kangaroos and koalas to survive on during their travels 🐨🦘🇦🇺🇵🇱

Dokładnie 183 lata temu odkrył najwyższy szczyt kontynentalnej Australii - 🏔Górę Kościuszki (Mt. Kosciuszko, 2.228 m n.p.m.). Na zdjęciu prezentujemy pomnik P.E. Strzeleckiego, który znajduje się w Jindabyne w Australii (NSW). Pomnik, którego twórcą jest poznański rzeźbiarz Jerzy Sobociński, został odsłonięty 14.11.1988 r. i wraz z cokołem ma 11 metrów wysokości!😳 Monument usytuowany jest w odległości ok. 40 km od Góry Kościuszki, a wyciągnięta ręka postaci P.E. Strzeleckiego wskazuje jej położenie.
💥 australijska flaga🇦🇺 okrywająca cokół pomnika podczas jego odsłonięcia, jest przechowywana w... Poznaniu!😀 Została przekazana do Izby Pamięci Pawła Edmunda Strzeleckiego w Szkoła Podstawowa nr 53 im. Pawła Edmunda Strzeleckiego w Głuszynie👍
💥 w kapsule czasu umieszczonej w podstawie pomnika, oprócz aktów erekcyjnych (w języku polskim i angielskim) znalazło się miejsce na... przewodnik po Poznaniu i Wielkopolsce!😀
💥 a gdzie można zobaczyć kopię aktu erekcyjnego pomnika? Też w Poznaniu!😃 Przechowywany jest w Domu Polonii na Starym Rynku!

Dzisiaj w Poznaniu odbędą się uroczystości, które organizuje Zespół Szkół Nr 8 w Poznaniu
Program wydarzeń -,10000/miasto-poznan-pamieta-o-pawle-edmundzie-strzeleckim,198589.html?fbclid=IwAR3QrMUeo35XQqrxoeF5izUwTTcO1goxag0INOxr3rnO6PQP_tSikb5BjrE

Fot. Felix Molski. Zdjęcie publikujemy dzięki uprzejmości

Named by Sir Pawel Strzelecki during his expedition across eastern Australia, Mt Koscisuszko was named so for its resemb...

Named by Sir Pawel Strzelecki during his expedition across eastern Australia, Mt Koscisuszko was named so for its resemblance to Krakow's Koscisuszko Mound in 1840. 🗻🇦🇺🇵🇱

To much excitement, a road across the terrain of Mount Kosciuszko to Australia’s highest point was completed in 1908. The Sydney Telegraph enthused: ‘it will shortly be possible to leave Sydney at 9.30 one night, and be up at the top of Kosciusko the next afternoon’.

The summit road became such a tourist magnet over the decades that by the 1960s, summer traffic had created a significant headache. In 1968, the New South Wales Minister for Lands feared that ‘Mount Kosciusko was in danger of becoming a carpark with a stick in the middle which stated that it was Australia’s highest point’. Although only service vehicles are allowed these days, over 100,000 visitors still make the trek by foot each summer, most from either Charlotte Pass or nearby Thredbo.

Learn more about Kosciuszko—and other Australian peaks—in our book ‘Mountains’, in which author Alasdair McGregor traces the natural, geological and social history of our continent’s highest places.

Find it in our bookshop:



Congratulations Łączy nas piłka e Socceroos - the FIFA World Cup dream continues. A great feat to see both teams returning back to the Round of 16.

Australian filmaker, Simon Target, sets out to capture the essence of those diplaced from Ukraine being hosted in Europe...

Australian filmaker, Simon Target, sets out to capture the essence of those diplaced from Ukraine being hosted in Europe in his latest production, & Valentyna. This accounts for two Ukrainian women who have been hosted in Krakow. The documentary also featured at this years Krakow Film Festival.

While news of the horrors of the war in Ukraine drips in regularly, the world rarely hears about what life is like for the refugees who have sought safe haven in countries like Poland. Australian filmmaker Simon Target’s new documentary, ‘Masha & Valentyna’ tells the tale.


From Krakow to Melbourne and beyond, Helena Rubinstein was reknowned for her cosmestics. After immigrating in 1896, she spent time as a shopkeeper for her uncle in regional Victoria before launching the Crème Valaze in Melbourne and opening a shop on Collins Street. This creme was said to have herbs from the Polish Carpathian Mountains.

Leaving her Melbourne business in the hands of her sister, Ceska, Helena moved back to Europe in 1908, firstly to London then Paris, before moving to the USA after the outbreak of WWI. Here, she established a rivalry with Elizabeth Arden and Revlon.

In 1928, Helena sold the American business to Lehman Brothers (we remember them from the GFC) for over $7M and bought it back for less than $1M after the Great Depression. After her death, it was sold to Colgate-Palmolive and then on to L'Oréal.

Helena is the subject of the play, Lip Service, by Australian dramatist John Misto and the Boans – Helena Rubinstein portrait prize is awarded annually in Australia and funded via the Helena Rubinstein Foundation she established in 1953.

Her memoir, My Life for Beauty, was published in 1964, only a year prior her death, and a portrait of Helena is in the National Portrait Gallery collection.

We encourage you to this exhibition at the Żydowskie Muzeum Galicja


Featuring Hugh Jackman, Olivia Newton-John, Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman, Russel Crowe ... and of course Oprah!


Australian race walker Jemima Montag won another race-walking gold, inspired every step of the way by her grandparents, who survived the horrors of the Holocaust’s con...

Sharing a little production a couple of Aussie lads put together following a call out seeking some insights into the wor...

Sharing a little production a couple of Aussie lads put together following a call out seeking some insights into the work of the Fundacja WOLNO NAM in Krakow. Aiming for it to do the job in helping raise awareness and gain more donations and volunteers.

Hostel Pilsudskiego 13 is a humanitarian project of the Polish Foundation Wolno Nam for Ukrainian refugees, which started in March 2022. We provide Ukrainian...

People travelling to Australia will no longer have to complete a Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) to declare their CO...

People travelling to Australia will no longer have to complete a Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) to declare their COVID-19 vaccination status, following changes to the Biosecurity Act, which come into effect from midnight AEST on Wednesday 6 July 2022.

​People travelling to Australia will no longer have to complete a Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) to declare their COVID-19 vaccination status, following changes to the Biosecurity Act, which come into effect from midnight AEST on Wednesday 6 July 2022.


We are very pleased that after a two-year COVID absence, will be commemorated in Poland at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw at 11.45 am on Monday 25 April 2022. Please be in attendance at 11.35.



Keep your eyes peeled for some youth and women's specific training sessions coming up soon.
We will be welcoming new and old footy friends alike from all regions but this post highlights the influence of Ukrainians on Australia's much-loved game, Australian Rules football.
If you happened to have missed the recent article published on Kraków Expats Directory regarding Australia and Poland's 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations, then you would have also missed some of Krakow's connections to the game too. You can take a look here and catch just some of the rich history between Australia and Poland -


Some 🇦🇺 expats being evacuated from Ukraine. How is the love!? 🇦🇺🇺🇦🦘🦘🦘💙💛


The sporting world lost a couple of sporting legends and record breakers today.

Both former Australian Men's Cricket Team cricketers, Rod 'Iron Gloves' Marsh and the King of Spin, Shane Warne, were taken from us too soon.

Marsh best known for the 'bowled Lillee, caugh Marsh' partnership with fellow West Australian, Dennis Lillee, is also the father of AFLPA CEO, Paul. Warney also has strong ties to the AFL having been a former St Kilda Football Club U/19 player before focussing his sporting efforts on terrorising batsmen around the globe.

Our thoughts are with the Marsh and Warne families at this time and may they share a few beers and stories When The Saints Come Marching In.

We leave some footy and cricket highlights of Warney when he was kitted up for a Saints' Legends match with this then partner, Elizabeth Hurley, watching on ( and his top 10 wickets on Australian soil (


📸: Shane Warne with Hollywood star and fellow Saints' supporter, Eric Bana in the rooms at an AFL match


Australia is working closely with Poland, and other European partners, in support of Ukraine and its people.

In my call with Foreign Minister, Zbigniew Rau, I welcomed Poland’s ongoing commitment to provide shelter to Ukrainians seeking refuge from Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified attack. Australia is working with Poland and other partners to directly support the humanitarian response. We will provide an initial AU$35 million in humanitarian assistance for the people of Ukraine.

Australia will continue to work closely with Poland, and other international partners, to impose a severe cost on Russia for its unjustified and unprovoked attack on Ukraine.

Australia in Poland, Czech Republic and Lithuania Zbigniew Rau Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency


Polska wstrzyma import węgla z Rosji. Premier rozmawiał z Australią.

How can Aussies help those fleeing the invasion in Ukraine? Check below for more.

How can Aussies help those fleeing the invasion in Ukraine? Check below for more.

This publication will be sure to have a few Polish influences that will knock your socks off as well as plenty of well-k...

This publication will be sure to have a few Polish influences that will knock your socks off as well as plenty of well-known ones too.

50 years of diplomatic relations. Here is to the next 50!

50 years of diplomatic relations. Here is to the next 50!

Joint Statement by Prime Ministers Scott Morrison and Mateusz Morawiecki Today marks 50 years since the establishment of full diplomatic relations between Australia and Poland on 20 February 1972. On that day, we affirmed the warm friendship between our nations. Our enduring relationship dates back....

Aussies will have a Minister of the Australian Government in Poland this weekend to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic rel...

Aussies will have a Minister of the Australian Government in Poland this weekend to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations. Congratulations on our two fine nations on reaching this milestone. Here is to sto lat!

More details on Minister Payne’s visit here:

Logo courtesy of:

For those seeking a taste of home, the documentary series, Wild lands of Australia Devil's Island (Dzikie krainy Austral...

For those seeking a taste of home, the documentary series, Wild lands of Australia Devil's Island (Dzikie krainy Australii
Wyspa diabła) is featuring on TVP Historia - Oficjalna strona this afternoon.

Go on and indulge yourself in some of Tasmania’s natural beauty.,wyspa-diabla,52555505

Tasmania powstała wskutek ruchu płyt tektonicznych, kiedy 45 milionów lat temu Australia odłączyła się od Antarktydy, co zakończyło rozpad superkontynentu Gondwany. Ponad jedną trzecią powierzchni wyspy zajmują parki narodowe, wpisane na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO. Stare dolin...

Whilst it wasn’t the Australian Open Women’s Final we were hoping for with Poland’s Iga Świątek knocked out in the semi ...

Whilst it wasn’t the Australian Open Women’s Final we were hoping for with Poland’s Iga Świątek knocked out in the semi final, we did have Australia’s in the Slam Final.

Playing for her third Slam title, to add to wins at ROLAND-GARROS and Wimbledon, Barty is no stranger to major trophies in Australia’s sporting capital, Visit Melbourne.

In 2020, Barty’s team, the Richmond FC (or the Tigers 🐯) played the Geelong Cats in the AFL Grand Final. An honour typically reserved for a past club great, Barty was given the nod to present the holy grail 🏆 should the Tigers be successful. And of course the Tigers’ delivered, outscoring the Cats by five (5) goals in a low scoring match.

Enter Ash with the Premiership Cup which was delivered with that great smile to Tigers captain, Trent Cotchin, and the roads around the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and neighbouring Richmond turned into a sea of ‘yellow and black’ singing one of the great songs of the AFL into the early hours of the morning.

Nearly 18 months on and after an even first set that saw Ash prevail 6-3, her opponent, Danielle Collins - Tennis of the USA, fought back hard and had Barty on the ropes at 5-1 down. Enter the Eye of the Tiger in Ash and fighting back hard to equal the ledger at 6-6, went into a tiebreaker where Barty prevailed taking the final in two sets.

However, the joy didn’t end there for Barty. A great surprise was prepared by the Aus Open’s organisers with the women’s title trophy being presented by Barty’s hero, Evonne Goolagong Cawley. A proud indigenous woman and seven-time Slam champion herself (including four Australian Opens), Goolagong looked on with the proudness of a big sister as she crowned Barty the women’s champion.

Amongst others, she was also greeted by her Australian Captain, Alicia Molik, who is of Polish heritage.

We are sure that we will see a Barty v Swiatek Slam Final in the future (and no doubt Collins too), but for now we congratulate one of Richmond FC’s biggest fans and one of Australia’s current national heroes, Ash Barty, on her Slam win and wish her all the best in completing the set at the US Open Tennis Championships later in the year!

And the key take away for sportspeople the world over from this match, no matter how far behind you are, never give up! 👊


Scott Boland's incredible debut for Australia has earned him plenty of praise - but how do his figures stack up in the Test record books?

Stopped by Stokrotka and spotted this eucalyptus inspired doona cover set. For those missing the comforts of Australia, ...

Stopped by Stokrotka and spotted this eucalyptus inspired doona cover set. For those missing the comforts of Australia, this might be a nice one for home and help with that thing that koalas are masters of.
🍃🐨 😴 💤

In a massive get for the team at AFL Europe, the 2016 AFL Brownlow medallist, Patrick Dangerfield, is locked in for the ...

In a massive get for the team at AFL Europe, the 2016 AFL Brownlow medallist, Patrick Dangerfield, is locked in for the Stars of the Game series on Monday, 13 December at 9.00am (Kraków time).

Dangerfield’s list of accolades in his 275 AFL games (and counting) for the Geelong Cats (2016-current) and Adelaide Football Club (2008-15) are rivalled by few.

He can surf in a suit, hosts his own fishing show and can turn a football game on its head in a heartbeat (as some of our crew who are members of opposing teams can attest to).

Register via the link in the event detailed in the post below where you can lodge questions for the champion about his surfing, fishing, footy or whatever your heart desires then in Monday morning and enjoy his answers over your herbata/kawa and VEGEMITE on toast.

Many would pay a fortune for this privilege and it comes to you free courtesy of good team at AFL Europe.

We are sure that Kraków’s very own Cats fan, Luke, can provide the rest of us with some of his highlights of Dangerfield over the years in the lead up to the event.

💙🤍🏉🏅🏄‍♂️🎣 ☕️🥞

AFL Europe are excited to announce the second edition of our Stars of the Game Breakfast Series with AFL superstar, Patrick Dangerfield.




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