Whiskey Go-Go

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Whiskey Go-Go An epic motorcycle journey of a lifetime into the unknown wilderness of one's soul.

Had great fun today watching the Ironhorse Rodeo in Red Lodge, Montana. Starting with a former Soecial Forces and Golden...

Had great fun today watching the Ironhorse Rodeo in Red Lodge, Montana. Starting with a former Soecial Forces and Golden Knight bilateral amputee delivering the garrison flag! These guys were riding 'em like they stole 'em! Who says a Harley-Davidson can't perform in the dirt? Gotta Love America!

Rode the Chief Joseph Highway and the Beartooth Pass Highway today.  Had some really challenging weather with heavy rain...

Rode the Chief Joseph Highway and the Beartooth Pass Highway today. Had some really challenging weather with heavy rains mixed in with pea sized hail that made capturing the enormity and grandeur of this gateway to Yellowstone National Park very difficult to depict in photographs. Nevertheless, I submit a few of my lame attempts to do just that here in the Hope that you will still somehow be able to see this spectacular part of creation and be encouraged to one day visit.

Folks if you've never been to the Olympic and Paralympic Museum in Colorado Springs, you MUST go.  The artifacts inside ...

Folks if you've never been to the Olympic and Paralympic Museum in Colorado Springs, you MUST go. The artifacts inside are priceless and the views outside are stunning! So excited shouting USA,USA,USA over here that I forgot to post the incredible purple mountains majesty view from outside the first time posting.

I traveled to Iowa at the beginning of July. The folks there, especially the farmers could use your prayers. The floodin...

I traveled to Iowa at the beginning of July. The folks there, especially the farmers could use your prayers. The flooding was everywhere. In speaking with a local business owner, she said that they had received over 80 inches of rain since the 1st of May! Last year I rode past many fields that had withered and died due to drought. Strange what a difference one year can make.


Day 7 of things that I Love which bring me joy and make me feel truly alive!
Well, it looks like I'll only get to 7 before the New Year.
I Love how God shows up in my life in so many unanticipated ways. He always knows what I need. Many times this happens before I even know that I have a need. Like the time that these crazy Canadian bikers ( Shawn ) insisted that I ride in the Rolling Barrage to raise awareness for PTSD. That began some real healing for me and those guys are my brothers now.
The day that I lost my leg that caused my physical and relationship life to change forever, He sent me a human savior. ( Bruce ) We, too, are brothers now. Though my struggles are real, I have been strengthened.
The countless days on the road that begin with no certain stopping point. Yet, there is always a place for me and more. This has routinely led me to meet some amazing people who go on to be lifelong friends. ( Colette ) This family and many others are now"family" to me. In these exchanges, I get my questions of God answered and my belief renewed. With each detail large or small that He never misses, I grow to trust Him more and more. Though I physically feel great loneliness since Ella departed, I have actually never been alone. This level of Loving care is beyond true comprehension in this life. The best part of all these miracles, great and small, is that I get to share these stories and His Love with countless others. There are so many of these gracious times over the years that it would literally fill a book. So...Thank you to all the folks highlighted here and numerous others that have blessed me in myriad ways!
May y'all have a very Happy New Year!
May your 2024 be blessed beyond measure!


Day 6 of things that I Love which bring me joy and make me feel truly alive!
I Love being immersed in creation. The first time you lay eyes on a mountain so big that it is as if it has given birth to other smaller mountains that adorn its sides, clinging to their "mother" like their lives depend on it, you're jaw will drop in astonishment. To ride beside the buffalo, the bear, the wolf, the fox, the eagle as it hunts, is to be swept away in the currents of the wind, gliding along a path not of your control yet eagerly longing for where this nexus will lead. Set sail from any port and its plethora, unending busyness and you will soon find yourself utterly alone, no land anywhere in sight. Your scream goes unheard but for the random curious whale, shark or barracuda as you look up what seems like a seven story building at the massive swell that your vessel navigates as it shudders under the stress. You're mind races, asking, "how could this be?" Just yesterday you were swimming with giant sea turtles in the inviting and strikingly beautiful azure waters. To bare witness to all this majesty, is to be laid bare. Stripped of all grandiose designs has of one's stature in this world and humbled to just be an infinitesimal,yet critical, part of the magnificence that is God's creation!


Day 5 of things that I Love which bring me joy and make me feel truly alive!
I Love challenging myself physically and mentally. This has always been true but has been especially invigorating since losing my leg. In my younger days, it was all about the competition and proving myself to be better than another. If I crushed you, then all the better! This evil drive probably serves a purpose for a gladiator or a soldier. That is a sad but honest reflection of the state of my heart in those days. I still compete since losing my leg but, now, it is all about the heart. I don't win at anything anymore (from a purely narcissistic societal view). I may never finish on a podium. Yet, I win with every agonizing stride and all the painful yard sale wrecks. Because my mind says, "Oh, you can't do that," but my body doesn't listen as I pick myself off the side of the mountain or run through the pain to the next corner, and the next, and the next. Despite giving it my all and gasping for air, these moments are demoralizing. Ultimately, character demands this of us! Since I don't live in a vacuum, many of these feats of futility are witnessed by others. Others who, astoundingly enough, are actually encouraged and motivated to explore their own human fragility to discover their real stength. Ponce de Leon has nothing on these intrepid explorers! The reciprocal energy drives me onward. In the end, the indomitable human spirit rises to unprecedented levels. The elation that I feel leaves me emotional and exhausted. We collectively elevate each other to become more and the devil who would keep us in chains can't stand against that! In fact, I've learned that a one legged dude can actually stand pretty tall, even if he finishes last!


Day 4 of things that I Love which bring me joy and make me feel truly alive! Merry Christmas!
I Love cooking and eating great food. Whether simple or complex, it rejoices in the good gifts that a Loving God provides. The creatures great and small that sacrifice their lives are honored in this act. The fruits, vegetation and spices all elevate the bland to exquisite while acknowledging that all things in proper proportion make a whole greater together than the sum of their parts alone. Ones senses of smell and taste are heightened to seemingly cause a giant smile, a silly frown or a yikes face. How is it that our muscles are controlled in such a way? These moments cause people to come together in ways that most other things cannot begin to approach. When enjoyed with others, no matter the meal, it is always better. As such, so many of these bonding moments cause us to recall people and places that impact our lives dramatically. Each element represents something that points well beyond mere consumption, energy, or the passage of time. It is deeper than the surface depicts (although that artistry is inspiring in its own right) and in that precious time, we can all revel in the glory of gastronomy!


Day 3 of things that I Love which bring me joy and make me feel really alive! Happy Christmas eve eve and Go Bills!
I Love live music. Recorded music is ok too but lacks the real energy, the power, the zeal that sweeps one's very spirit away. As the Army turned me into a globetrotter, I discovered that not only people the world over had essentially the same desires but that some of the music that was made caused a deep emotional response. As such, music has the unique ability to cause this guy at least to get completely transported to another place. In this state, smells, sights, and sounds are all recalled in vivid color. The pain or elation palpable in these moments, magnified to create clarity. Music heals. It has healed my soul on numerous occasions. Music simply transforms one. It magically has the ability to explain the entire universe in a relatively few notes. The cacophony of which alternately having the capability of allowing me to sleep like a baby or conversely drive me to near madness. To be sure, deep pain is present in music too. It leads to rage but is soooo powerful and, strangely, relieving, healing too, at times. In the end, with music there is always only possibility and Hope conveyed. With music Peace is not only possible but present. The devil, try as he might, cannot overcome this. Music expressed is a force for it elevates one to possibility and ultimately, Joy!
I again say, I would Love to continue to hear of the things on your list, too.


Day 2 of things that I Love which bring me joy and make me feel really alive!
I Love the close relationships that have developed over decades with people both near and far. The kinship felt is so natural that even after many months, or even years sometimes, you effortlessly pick back up as though you were born of the same mother. Despite the cultural, socioeconomic or racial barriers that could divide us, these bonds resiliently weather ever storm. It is as if an invisible cable exists between us that, while it strains in agony at the pressures (work, family, politics, religion, etc.) attempting to pull us apart and frays with each illness, death or dastardly deed, never fails. All the forces in the universe aim to divide yet nothing can pull this cable from the massive stump whose roots run deeply into fertile soil grounding it to the earth. Super glue doesn't even bind that tightly. No, these bonds are not to be broken and together we are stronger to overcome any challenges placed along our path!
Would Love to continue to hear of the things on your list, too.


Yesterday, I was asked to make a list of the things that I Love doing. These things should bring me joy and make me feel alive. I feel like this is terrific exercise for young and old alike to refocus their lives on the things that God intends for our lives (and then to live that out fully in 2024). Well, I quickly came up with a list of 10 extraordinary to me things. Since 10 days remain to the year and a fresh start is around the corner, I felt that I would share a different one each day in no particular order until we reach the new year.
Day 1
I Love riding my motorcycle. With each day, when I throw a leg (pun intended)over that steel stead and its heartbeat roars to life, my own heart rate rises in eager anticipation. Then the journey begins anew. In my heightened state, my olfactory senses delight with each loaf of baking bread; my ears strain to hear the bugle of the elk or the raging waters over the rapids; my eyes sparkle with the stunning magnificence and grandeur of the wolf, the fox, the grizzly, the mountain top struggling to touch the sky; and, I am amazed and hunbled all over again at the power and mercy and Love of our God and His creation. My entire body rejoices in elation. The stresses of modern society don't stand a chance against this delight!!!

Sometimes, things happen. Bike broke down at a beautiful little park just north of Champlain, Quebec,  Canada. Look at t...

Sometimes, things happen. Bike broke down at a beautiful little park just north of Champlain, Quebec, Canada. Look at the song that was playing at the time! That's no sh*t, dawg!
(BTW, the dog pic is from this park with the Saint Lawrence Seaway as a backdrop.)
Update... after a 5 1/2 hour wait, Harley Owners Group came thrived with a tow to Premont HD in Quebec City. While I waited, I saw this beautiful moonrise over the Seaway.

While staying in Detroit for the long 4th of July weekend/ week, I stayed in Hamtramck. I found this area to be intrigui...

While staying in Detroit for the long 4th of July weekend/ week, I stayed in Hamtramck. I found this area to be intriguing. It is a town at a crossroads of culture. The older mostly white Eastern European Christians heavily influenced the area for decades. The newer mostly Middle Eastern Moslems have largely brought their values to bare. Added into the mix are the young hipster and art crowds moving in with their very liberal views. For example, it seemed as though there were more gay pride flags flying here than American flags on Independence Day. I saw more women wearing full traditional black hijabs covering their faces than people wearing what would be considered normal street clothes anywhere in America. Yet, the art and individuality / quirkiness of Hamtramck flourished. It was literally everywhere! I was told in speaking with locals that the politics of the area are now being heavily influenced by conservative religious views (but admittedly I was speaking much more with the artsy folks). Either way, many different cultures come together here to make Hamtramck probably the most unique slice of America I've visited. Hopefully, my pictures do this area justice. Oh and one good tip. The owner of House of Wings and Pizza there grew up in Lackawanna. His wings are good and he just started making his own blue cheese which is the best I've ever had!

Today, I intended to post about my adventures in Detroit for the 4th of July. It was pretty awesome! However, after hiki...

Today, I intended to post about my adventures in Detroit for the 4th of July. It was pretty awesome! However, after hiking around Saint Mary's and Saint Joseph's Lakes on the campus of Notre Dame, I feel compelled to share these pictures. The lighting and backdrops were so spectacular that at times, I could hardly believe what I was seeing through my lense. In my opinion, it was stunning! With just the slight ripple that appeared in the water on occasion, it gave an effect that made it feel like I was living in a painting! Still shaking my head in recognition of the grandeur of these moments.

July started out with a Faire day!😉

July started out with a Faire day!😉

Hiked the Chimney Bluffs trail yesterday all the way across the top and most of the beach below. Had to clamber over and...

Hiked the Chimney Bluffs trail yesterday all the way across the top and most of the beach below. Had to clamber over and under countless downed trees along the shoreline only getting wet a couple of times. Overall, I think it was pretty nice with Lake Ontario beckoning just beyond the intense landscape. Ended the day at the the town of Fair Haven where they held an old, old school carnival, chicken dinner by the Lions Club and a lighted boat parade. They do America and Independence Day real justice around these parts.

After being in Florida for a few weeks, it is clear that Florida is for the birds!

After being in Florida for a few weeks, it is clear that Florida is for the birds!

I have reached 200 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

I have reached 200 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

But let's not forget that Daytona Bike Week started because of the bikes.  This year's edition of the Daytona 200 was ep...

But let's not forget that Daytona Bike Week started because of the bikes. This year's edition of the Daytona 200 was epic with a great shootout to end it all. Josh Herrin ended up atop the podium after some heroic hard charging last few laps. He was on a Ducati, which despite its legendary performance, won for just the second time here.

If you like hard rock and get a chance to see Jasmine Cain. Do it! She always kills it!

If you like hard rock and get a chance to see Jasmine Cain. Do it! She always kills it!


Bike Week is always about the people. You never know who you will meet or what you will see. The one thing that you can guarantee is that it will likely illicit a smile, a laugh and a lifetime of memories to share. Daytona 2023 didn't disappoint. Here's a small sampling.

It's a winter wonderland here in Breckenridge... just beautiful.  It's been snowing like this for about 18 hours now wit...

It's a winter wonderland here in Breckenridge... just beautiful. It's been snowing like this for about 18 hours now with 2 1/2 days more before its supposed to stop.

Sometimes you do not need to travel far to see some pretty cool stuff. Last weekend I had a front row seat to a birds ey...

Sometimes you do not need to travel far to see some pretty cool stuff. Last weekend I had a front row seat to a birds eye view of the schooner race entrants. More about that here - https://youtu.be/QN98F0zmDSo and here - https://gcbsr.org/.
Then a nearby sailing friend invited me to a fund raiser for the Impossible Dream catamaran. This is a spectacular sailing vessel that is uniquely designed to allow the entire boat to be manned by wheelchair bound people. More about this is available on their website - https://www.theimpossibledream.org/. The night was calm as the Harvest Moon hung low over the water. The steel drum band with a country twist set the tone as they serenaded the shore line. Everything from Johnny Cash to Bob Seger and Jimmy Buffet set the mood just right as the smoke from the fire gently wafted by and the fireworks later lit up the night sky. The event was fulfilling in many regards. It was made complete by catching up with sailing friends that I hadn't seen in months and celebrating the birthday of the boat's first mate. The pinata getting smashed as young and old got spun around to take their wacks was the stuff of legend where eyes get lost. Only this time, no one actually lost one on this fun filled night.

Made it back to Baltimore last night after 4 months and over 17,000 miles on the road.  I delivered Rocky to Baltimore H...

Made it back to Baltimore last night after 4 months and over 17,000 miles on the road. I delivered Rocky to Baltimore Harley where he'll see an orthopedic surgeon to rebuild his rear end. Could be a few weeks😪 Hope it is sooner rather than later. I did see this pretty amazing balloon launch over the misty morning mountains of West Virginia near Morgantown on my final day out though. That was kind of a magical ending to what was a very difficult final 2 weeks living off my bike. I'll miss the road. Funny... after all that, it's as if the universe is saying. "Your future... yeah, it's up in the air. " I feel more at Peace out there traveling where I don't know what's going to happen from one day to the next. I find it much more difficult dealing with the suffocating masses of a society deep in the throws of decay.
Much more content to post once I get settled back in.

The road to many of the Tour of Honor stops takes one through small town Americana at its best.  It is simultaneously he...

The road to many of the Tour of Honor stops takes one through small town Americana at its best. It is simultaneously heartwarming to witness the gratitude of a nation and heartbreaking to see the scores of lives lost defending our freedoms. If you haven't visited your local monument or memorial to military and First Responders, I encourage you to make that drive and realize that freedom don't come free. An even dozen more visited from Omaha to the Bristol Motor Speedway. One giant Confederate forces Memorial was co-located near this tiny town in far Northwestern Tennessee.


This is how we end the night at Bristol!

The Tour of Honor sites that I visited on the way over to Omaha from Blanding, Utah. Most only get a picture or 2 max bu...

The Tour of Honor sites that I visited on the way over to Omaha from Blanding, Utah. Most only get a picture or 2 max but the Angelfire Vietnam Veterans Memorial will get a bunch. It is spectacular and poignant. If you ever find yourself in the artsy community of Taos, New Mexico make the beautiful 20 miles or so drive up the twisty mountain road to see this.

After hanging out with Austin and his family in Blanding, Utah for a few days, I departed for the Omaha area to visit wi...

After hanging out with Austin and his family in Blanding, Utah for a few days, I departed for the Omaha area to visit with my daughter. The road was as crooked as a snake with colic. Some were dirt but most were paved in some fashion. Up steep mountain passes and down to the valleys; past rivers, lakes, and rock formations, I rode. Seemingly chased around every bend by critters of all variety whether straight cliff dropoffs without guard rails or towering spires of rock greeted me. That is until I arrived into the appropriately named "plains". The warm but comfortable heat of the mountains escalated to a triple digit sauna that was as relentless as the spirit of a gold miner chasing their fame and fortune into the wild of the west. To be sure, regardless of the road, it took me places. Unwittingly, those twists and turns took the 975 miles of the most direct route turned into nearly 1500 miles. Remember, it is not as the Eagle flies but as the Whiskey rides!😉
Along the path most Whiskey travels were 11 Tour of Honor sites, Pueblo ruins, gorgeous sunsets from camp, beautiful rock formations, a spectacular hill climb, and a few encounters that led to God conversations. You could even say that I was a man divided and torn between places!🤣.
Sadly, I will end talking about water. You see it in many of my pix but it is desperately needed out here. A well that worked for many decades went dry this year requiring it to be drilled 200 feet further down to reach the water table. I saw an earthen dam in Colorado with no water behind it. Lake Valecito has signs depicting the fish that can be caught there. Just behind that sign though is a field with cattle grazing. It was a long way to the water which is little more than a pond these days. You see the lack of water in one of my posts pix. Well permits are fought over. Yet people continue to move to this area further straining the limited resources that can no longer sustain the population. Seriously folks... water will lead to fighting in the future. 😪

You could say the last few days have been pretty gnarly and rocked!😉I've been from Moab to Monument Valley exploring sig...

You could say the last few days have been pretty gnarly and rocked!😉
I've been from Moab to Monument Valley exploring sights in between. The canyons, arches, rock formations, and Anasazi ruins have been spectacular! Grateful to Austin Lyman for sharing much of the place he Loves and will never leave as well as his daughter, Collette, and her husband, Paul, for their hospitality. I'll include a few pix with descriptions but there are simply too many stunners to post them all. I also stopped by one more Tour of Honor location on my way into Moab.




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