Paul Metsa Presents

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Paul Metsa Presents Paul Metsa Presents is a full service entertainment agency. For more information, visit the "Info" tab on this Page or

Gearing up for a great show this morning. Our first guest (by phone) is Ellen Stanley aka Mother Banjo who will be playi...

Gearing up for a great show this morning. Our first guest (by phone) is Ellen Stanley aka Mother Banjo who will be playing the Cedar Lounge in Superior this coming Wednesday. At about 10:30 ,we will be chatting in studio with Zenith City Press founder and author Tony Dierckins about his new book Twin Ports Trains and more. And then for the whole second hour is my old buddy musician Nate Dungan leader of the legendary Trailer Trash ( they will be performing tonight at a house concert) after a great show last night as part of the Silver Bay music in the parks series, and they also rocked the West Theatre here in Duluth on Thursday. He will be performing live on air. So put the coffee on, and roll up the rug if the spirit moves you to dance!

One more time, this time with feeling!

One more time, this time with feeling!

Come on down tonight. Remember, all Health Care Workers get 20% off their entire bill all day and night on Wednesday at ...

Come on down tonight. Remember, all Health Care Workers get 20% off their entire bill all day and night on Wednesday at the Black Water Lounge!

Excited to announce three great guests today on one of the grooviest new radio shows in the Twin Ports. First up, we hav...

Excited to announce three great guests today on one of the grooviest new radio shows in the Twin Ports. First up, we have Professor Peter Rachleff to talk about MN Labor History and focusing on the 1934 Truckers Strike in downtown Minneapolis. Dakota Dave Hull graces us with his memories of the late great Spider John Koerner in the second hour. And to end the show, I chat with Bill Bulinski, the original guitarist for The Electra's. Bill is a great storyteller, and may be the most intelligent rock and roller I've met (he is a card carrying member of MENSA). Tune in today at KDAL 610AM-103.9FM or stream worldwide at

Great show coming up from 10am-Noon today on KDAL 610AM-103.9FM! We have BWCA specialist and author Joe Friedrichs, Silv...

Great show coming up from 10am-Noon today on KDAL 610AM-103.9FM! We have BWCA specialist and author Joe Friedrichs, Silver Bay music promoter Nelson T. French, and MN rock and roll expert MN Mike Chase, and an interview with Papa John Kolstad about his thoughts and memories of the late great Spider John Koerner. Fire up the coffee, and stream live at

Coming in hot today at 10am-Noon with a great line up of guests featuring music by Danny Frank, a remembrance of Spider ...

Coming in hot today at 10am-Noon with a great line up of guests featuring music by Danny Frank, a remembrance of Spider John Koerner with everybody's😘 favorite West Bank fiddler Mary DuShane, and an in depth interview with the leader of the legendary Trashmen Tony Andreason in the second hour. Tune in, in the Twin Ports at 610AM-103.9FM, or stream worldwide at Fire up your coffee cup, tell your friends, and enjoy!

I really enjoyed and was honored to take part in the soulful celebration of Spider John Koerner yesterday at the Cabooze...

I really enjoyed and was honored to take part in the soulful celebration of Spider John Koerner yesterday at the Cabooze on the West Bank. All of the musicians turned in stellar performances assuring us Spider's musical legacy is in good hands. The love and respect in the room from the several hundred in attendance was palpable and brimming with affection. Rambling through the bar, and bumping into to old friends, some I hadn't seen in decades was an absolute joy. You just knew that almost everyone there either had a favorite Spider story to tell or a gig of his they'll always remember.

Bobby Vandell read a special and heartwarming note from Bonnie Raitt that ended, "and remember to leave Johns stool at Palmers Bar open, because you never can tell."

We then ambled down to Palmers Bar where they had a lovely pot luck and dug the jazz and blues of 97 year old Cornbread Harris (another Twin Cities treasure) in suit and tie leading his great 7 piece horn band. A true homecoming of West Bankers, where I came of age musically when I moved to Mpls. in '78.

My set, along with my 25 year partner Sonny Earl included my Whistling Past the Graveyard that I dedicated to Red Nelson (one of original Dinkytown bad asses who booked the 10 O'Clock Scholar back in the day- great seeing him.) Sonny sang Dylan's Tangled Up in Blue as that Iron Ranger learned quite a bit from Spider when he moved to Mpls. and we ended with Hobo's Lullaby, which I dedicated to the Holy Trinity- Spider John Koerner, Dave "Snaker" Ray, and Tony "Little Sun" Glover. John's passing signifies a true end of an era, and my life has been incredibly blessed by witnessing the magic and music those three created over the decades they held forth on the West Bank and elsewhere. And by yesterdays crowd reminded me, I was by far, not the only one. I would love to be a fly on the heavenly wall, to witness that reunion!

Honored to be playing the Tribute/Memorial to Spider John Koerner at the Cabooze Bar today. I'll be on sometime around 3...

Honored to be playing the Tribute/Memorial to Spider John Koerner at the Cabooze Bar today. I'll be on sometime around 3:30pm today.
If you are unable to attend the Memorial for Spider (June 23, 2024 at the Cabooze from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm. it will be live streamed at

If I can live my life with the dignity that my father did, I will have done him proud. He never missed a day of work, ne...

If I can live my life with the dignity that my father did, I will have done him proud. He never missed a day of work, never went to work without a suit and tie, and served our City of Virginia as school board member, city councilman, and two terms as mayor. He raised 4 kids, remained friends with his pals since childhood, and rarely raised his voice. After suffering a debilitating injury in 2002, was in a coma for most of that summer, came back to eventually become President of the Cooks Lions Club. And he lived to see his 85th birthday, still blessed with this dark brown head of hair.

He taught us kids that we were, with Finnish blood, instilled with Sisu ("determination beyond all reason") and always told us, "Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve." And his answering machine outgoing message for years was indeed his motto, "Be kind, and make someone happy."

Elder Emil Metsa (12/31/28-/4/17/14) I am proud your first name is my middle name. You continue to provide me inspiration with your memory. And thanks for being such a kind husband to our mother Bess Margaret Paul ((8/25/29-5/23/94) whose maiden name is my first name. Bless you both Paul-Metsa

Really fun show coming up this morning with two musical guests: In the first hour we'll have The Divas, the Iron Range's...

Really fun show coming up this morning with two musical guests: In the first hour we'll have The Divas, the Iron Range's answer to the Andrew Sisters. Brian Matuszak stops by to chat about the fun show coming up with Rubber Chicken Comedy Troupe too. In the second hour we feature NE Minnesotas country rock legends Whiskey River who will be chatting about their upcoming show at the West Theatre and play a couple of songs life. In the Northland tune into KDAL 610AM-103.9FM or stream worldwide at from 10am-Noon CST.

You wanna hear some great music with your morning coffee? Tune in to Stars Over the Prairie radio this morning from 10am...

You wanna hear some great music with your morning coffee? Tune in to Stars Over the Prairie radio this morning from 10am-NoonCST. We have 3 great guests: the first hour features my old running buddy Tim OKeefe and his wife and performing partner Laura Harada who are doing a workshop today, and a show tomorrow at the Sacred Heart Performance Center, and my good friend Charlie Parr who will be playing and chatting starting at 11:05am. So put the coffee on and enjoy the morning.

After the show, I will be performing at Wired Whiskers, the brand new Cat-Coffee-Cafe at 1823 E. Superior Street as part of their Grand Opening, from 2-4pm. Now lets get this all rockin'!

You can stream the show worldwide at

Other than the Wolves, a damn good day for America!

Other than the Wolves, a damn good day for America!

Along Came Spider Pt.2 tonight. In the Twin Cities, stream it at or if you have Comcast, watch on Channel 6...

Along Came Spider Pt.2 tonight. In the Twin Cities, stream it at or if you have Comcast, watch on Channel 6. Enjoy!

Doing a Dylan deep dive, on his birthday weekend, featuring the 4 authors from Dylan In Minnesota, including Ed Newman, ...

Doing a Dylan deep dive, on his birthday weekend, featuring the 4 authors from Dylan In Minnesota, including Ed Newman, Marc Percansky, Matt Steichen, and myself. I also went into my archives and found a great 10 minute interview I did with Leroy Hoikkala, the drummer in Bob's high school band, The Golden Chords. Tune in in the Twin Ports on KDAL 610AM-103.9FM or stream worldwide at The show airs from 10am-Noon today.

Tonight's the Night!

Tonight's the Night!

Spider John Koerner has been a part of my life since I first bought his record Spider Blues in '73 or so. I've got so mu...

Spider John Koerner has been a part of my life since I first bought his record Spider Blues in '73 or so. I've got so much to say about the man including listening to him for 50 years on record, and hundreds of times in person, playing on shows with him, hanging at Palmers Bar, the Deer Lake Boogie, festivals, and bumping into him around town. Right now, I am soaking in the memories to keep from falling over as this one cuts really deep. There were very few people I loved or respected more than Spider- and I will try to get that all together soon. This shot was taken after Tony Glover's memorial at (where else) the Palm Room- 3 generations of Mpls.-West Bank folkies here: Spider, Me, Baby Grant Johnson. There was no one I was more honored to call my friend and hero.

Tune in to Stars Over the Prairie radio show (Saturday morning, 5/17, 10am-Noon on KDAL 610AM0103.9FM, stream via www.kd...

Tune in to Stars Over the Prairie radio show (Saturday morning, 5/17, 10am-Noon on KDAL 610AM0103.9FM, stream via and continuing our emphasis on Dylan honoring his birthday month (in his birthplace.) Two great guests, and first up is Zane Bail who heads up all things Dylan Day's in town, and then very special guest Terri Thal, author of My Greenwich Village-Dave, Bob, and Me. She managed (and was married to the Mayor of Greenwich Village- Dave Van Ronk) and she was Dylan's first manager when he moved to NYC. We'll see what kind of a house guest young Bob was, and more, including the magic that was indeed Greenwich Village. Terri will be on in the second hour of the show and we are more than delighted to have her!

Our other guests include Zane Bail (prime mover behind the Duluth Dylan Days Celebration) Rose Hoene (longtime Duluth musician) and a great young folk and blues singer Jon Edwards.) I am dedicating todays show to the late great Spider John Koerner, and will play a Koerner, Ray, and Glover song to end the show. May he RIP.

I always knew I'd end up in Duluth (The Zenith City by the Unsalted Sea) but it wasn't exactly easy moving out of Minnea...

I always knew I'd end up in Duluth (The Zenith City by the Unsalted Sea) but it wasn't exactly easy moving out of Minneapolis, my home for 40 years. Loved visiting on trips down from the Iron Range. My mom and dad met here, and all three siblings went to college here. I did my first big show opening up for Taj Mahal at the Norshor Theater in '84 after my first LP Paper Tigers came out, and over the years (first musician at Fitgers Fitger's Brewhouse Brewery and Grille, played the first Bayfront Blues Festival and did that another dozen times, and never had a bad gig here.

So when the stars aligned, I sold my house in Nordeast Mpls. and headed back up North. As a simple twist of fate had it, I ended up renting the first floor of Dylan's childhood home (take what you have gathered from that coincidence) and moved in on July 3, 2021. Since then, I've rekindled old friendships here, and made some great new ones. While at Zimmy's place, I finished two books, Alphabet Jazz-Poetry, Prose, Stories, and Songs, and Blood in the Tracks (The Minnesota Musicians Behind Dylan's Masterpiece) I co-wrote with Duluth native, author, and ace journalist Rick Shefchik. I also contributed to Bob Dylan in Minnesota (and I'll be joining my co-authors at Wussow's Cafe on May 25th while we celebrate Dylan week up here.

I recently celebrated my one year anniversary of my weekly Wednesday residency at the very cool Black Water Lounge. I have also enjoyed working on my new radio show Stars Over the Prairie, airing every Saturday from 10am-Noon on KDAL 610AM0103.9FM and also record my Twin Cities radio show, Wall of Power Radio Hour out of my house. We have been doing reruns of my Wall of Power TV on and need a few more shows (we have close to 8 in the can) to roll out a new season this Fall (thanks to my great producer Andy Watson for keeping that train on the tracks!) Between them all, we probably have over 400 shows combined, which scratches the itch to document history, and showcase my fellow musicians, and "cool people from all walks of life and all 50 states."

And now, I'm putting the band back together, time to strap on my rock and roll shoes. I met a great new bass player Taylor Shykes at a Al Sparhawk show last summer, and he's hooked me up with a great young drummer and we are debuting this Sunday at Mr. D's at 3pm for a benefit for longtime Duluth musician Rose Hoene.

And now (if you are still with me) I am very excited to announce I have been booked to Headline the Duluth 4th of July Fireworks show at Bayfront Park, one of the largest fireworks display in the Upper Midwest where they are expecting over 10,000 people!

All in all, that tells me the Universe is giving me a wink as a great way to celebrate my 3rd anniversary in Tilt Town (almost to the day.) I love this city, my neighborhood, my home, and the opportunity to still make a living banging on the guitar. I made the right move! I will always be a NE MN guy from my head to my toes, and ain't ever leaving God's Country.

I live by two mantras my dad drilled into me since I was a kid. 1) "Whatever you can conceive, and believe, you can achieve." 2) "Remember to be kind and make someone happy." Those lessons have served me well. Bless you all good people, and thanks for listening! Your buddies, Paul and Blue

Groovy listening on our Stars over the Prairie radio show this morning with musician poet Ross Thorn, 4 Mile Portage, Sh...

Groovy listening on our Stars over the Prairie radio show this morning with musician poet Ross Thorn, 4 Mile Portage, Shawna Weaver talking up Homegrown, Jellybean Johnson and The Jellybean Johnson Experience talking about Prince and the Time, and Minnesotas biggest Dylan fan Matt Steichen to give us his Bobness update. Tune in from 10am-Noon on KDAL 610AM-103.9FM or stream worldwide at Put on the coffee and mellow down easy!

Coming in hot today on the Stars Over the Prairie radio show w/ guests musician and filmmaker Mark Engebretson - "Jay's ...

Coming in hot today on the Stars Over the Prairie radio show w/ guests musician and filmmaker Mark Engebretson - "Jay's Longhor-Let's Make a Scene, and poet-baker Danny Klecko who is bringing the 651 and all things St. Paul vibe to us. The show airs today from 10am-Noon on KDAL 610AM-103.9FM and stream worldwide at We are broadcasting live from the "Zenith City by the Unsalted Sea."

In honor of Record Day, I am performing a Pop Up show at River City Records today at 3pm at 1814 West Superior Street. Happy 420 day to those who celebrate!

Coming in HOT today from 10am-Noon, stream worldwide at w/ guests Rich Shefchik, musician Michael Bram, a...

Coming in HOT today from 10am-Noon, stream worldwide at w/ guests Rich Shefchik, musician Michael Bram, and in studio musician Josie Langhorst.

Peter, Paul, and No Mary. I interviewed Peter Yarrow on last Saturday's Stars Over the Prairie radio show. He couldn't h...

Peter, Paul, and No Mary. I interviewed Peter Yarrow on last Saturday's Stars Over the Prairie radio show. He couldn't have been nicer, and after 30 minutes I could tell he was getting tired. (he's 86!) But I had to ask him about the 1965 Newport Folk Festival tht he MC'd when Dylan went electric. I got another 10 minutes just about that.

I became who I am coming of age in the Folk Scare of the 1960's. My sister Kathy brought home Peter, Paul, and Mary's Album 1700 and I still listen to it. Her and her husband Al were at the Peter Yarrow show last night at the West Theatre in Duluth, and I made it there after my show at the Black Water Lounge just as Peter's first set was starting. It was a great set supplanted by his son on washtub bass.

After a break, he came back for another long set w/ the audience singing along to Stewball (my longtime favorite) Early Morning Rain, Don't Think Twice It's All Right and more. Say want you want about nostalgie, Boomers, or whatever, but when Peter asked the audience to stand, hold hands, and sing along to This Land is Your Land, I was reminded what true folk music is all about. It was a wonderful sense of community for a moment that is so missing in today's modern and troubled world. More of that please. WOODY LIVES!

p.s. He could not have been kinder when I met him after the show, thanked me for the interview, and invited me to stay in touch. I plan on doing just that. :)

If it's Wednesday, you know where I'll be. It's a beautiful day in Duluth outside, and will be great inside as well. And...

If it's Wednesday, you know where I'll be. It's a beautiful day in Duluth outside, and will be great inside as well. And remember, ALL HEALTH CARE WORKERS get 20% of their entire tab every Wednesday at the Black Water Lounge!

Her is the chocolate bunny w/out wrapper we gave away last week on Stars Over the Prairie courtesy of Canelake's Candies...

Her is the chocolate bunny w/out wrapper we gave away last week on Stars Over the Prairie courtesy of Canelake's Candies, the go to candy store on the main street of my hometown of Virginia, MN, and in business for 125 years! We have a great show coming up this Saturday with Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary who is in town at the West Theater on Wednesday, April 10th.

We taped a great chat talking about his history, Greenwich Village folk scene, and when he MC'd the legendary 1965 Newport Folk Festival where Dylan went electric, the inside scoop on that. And I asked what was the ah-ha moment with the three of them same together, coming together as one voice. I could tell you what song that was, but better you hear it from him. The show is on this Saturday from 10am-noon on KDAL 610AM-103.9FM or stream at

Our musical guests are Horseface, riding on down from the Iron Range to rock the studio.

We gave away an almost two foot chocolate bunny yesterday on the Stars Over the Prairie radio show. It was made by Sam C...

We gave away an almost two foot chocolate bunny yesterday on the Stars Over the Prairie radio show. It was made by Sam Canelake from Canelakes Candies in my hometown of Virginia, MN- the store has been making candy for 125 years. I had referenced my trip to see Leo Kottke at the Guthrie Theater in 1972, the night I decided to go into music as a profession during the show during a conversation with Brian Matuszak We drove down to Mpls. from the Iron Range with two guys. This fella was one of the guys. He won the bunny with his wife Diane. He is Jake Benson, editor of the Proctor Journal and now a big fan of the show!

I'm also sharing a song of mine for Easter called Judas Sang the Blues- "what losers lost in paradise, passion must excuse, someone must have love him too, when Judas Sang the Blues." It was produced by Bucky Baxter on my '92 record Whistling Past the Graveyard. He is playing beautiful pedal steel behind it, and it also features Prudence Johnson and Gary Rue on background vocals. Happy Easter good people!

Happy to announce this show is Sold Out! But I wanted to post it anyway, 'cause I dig the photo. Looking to see my Twin ...

Happy to announce this show is Sold Out! But I wanted to post it anyway, 'cause I dig the photo. Looking to see my Twin Cities friends who are making the show!

The late great Pinetop Perkins in 2007 or so. I had the good fortune of being the Music Director at Famous Dave's Barbeq...

The late great Pinetop Perkins in 2007 or so. I had the good fortune of being the Music Director at Famous Dave's Barbeque and Blues from 2001-2007. I used to say my job was "giving money to musicians." I played weekly happy hours there too. I made a point of bringing in some true living legends of the Blues over the years, and it was such a golden time as many of them were still on the road. I used to get a kick as many of them were happy to be in "Mindianapolis." They all loved the barbeque as well.

Pinetop is not with us anymore, so he won't be joining me tonight at the Black Water Lounge from 608pm, nor he won't be with Sonny Earl and I this Friday at the 318 Music and Wine Bar in Excelsior (7pm show-only 20 tix left) but we'll be honoring those blues cats in our own estimable way.

BTW, Check out the size of Pinetop's thumb- one of the reasons he tickled the ivories with soul shaking aplomb!

Here's the podcast from the second show of Stars Over the Prairie w/ guests Misha Smith from the soon to be opened Wired...

Here's the podcast from the second show of Stars Over the Prairie w/ guests Misha Smith from the soon to be opened Wired Whiskers Cat Cafe, Louis Kemp (author of Dylan and Me)at 12:34, Dylan fan Matt Steichen. and a full hour interview w/ live music and cool conversation by the great Al Sparhawk of Low starting at 49:09. Enjoy and feel free to share with friends!!

I love history, especially American history. It might have started as a kid sitting at my Grandpa Emil Metsa's Roosevelt...

I love history, especially American history. It might have started as a kid sitting at my Grandpa Emil Metsa's Roosevelt Bar and listen to old timers (probably the age I am now) tell stories. And I love those who have captured history in real time whether it is Dean Benedetti who used to follow Charlie Parker around and tape live shows, John and Alan Lomax, Studs Terkel, and my all time favorite radio host, Leigh Kamman, longtime host of the Jazz Image on MPR.

I enjoy contributing to recording and archiving that history in my own little corner of the world. When people compliment me on my interview style, and ask how I learned it, I simply tell them, "talking to strangers in bars for 50 years." So tonight, some of that is on the air: Mary T. who owns and runs Crooners Lounge in Fridley, on my Wall of Power Radio Hour on from 6pm-7pm on AM 950. Also, the third episode of my tribute to Willie Murphy (lots of music from his Memorial at the Cabooze Bar a few years back) on Wall of Power TV that my ace producer Andy Watson put together (on Comcast 6 in the Twin Cities at 8pm, or stream live on

But today I interviewed Al Sparhawk, spiritual godfather of the modern Twin Ports Music scene. It's a such a pleasure to have him tell his story (and he played two gorgeous songs as well) on my new Stars Over the Prairie radio show on KDAL. We went deep, had fun, and talked about meeting his late wife Mimi Parker, and how they grew musically together through their band Low, songwriting, and more. Truthfully, out of the 400 plus interviews I've done on both radio and television, this is for sure in the Top Ten (and the podcast will be up in a few days.)

It is also such a joy to watch our personal friendship grow. He's got a killer sense of humor as well. As the show was wrapping up he said, "when I met you, truthfully I was a bit scared, you were like a blonde Elvis or something." Cracked us both up, and made my day. I just adore the guy, he's as close to John Lennon as I need to meet, and he's kicking ass right now as well. Long may he run.




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