the van to my left and asked if she was OK. She asked if I knew who it belonged to as she hadn't written it down. I described the people and thought no more of it. Until later that day, I was informed by Brenda that I couldn't stay Friday night as they were full. So I said we'll I've paid for 5 days but it's all good if you'll have me back when you can. And this, is where it turned.
In response to my comment, was a mildly snappy "you turned up here on Sunday, not Monday"
Being the passive person I am, I shrugged it off and made other arrangements for the Friday.
The following day, after checking my emails, bank statements and call logs. I was satisfied that it was in fact Monday.
So as I saw Brenda later that afternoon, I stated that it was Monday and was half way through saying that she could owe me a day when I return - but I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence. She went from zero to 100 in a heartbeat and was adamant she was right. Got louder and louder, More aggressive and rude. I found proof in several ways, that wasn't enough - she also stated that 'people had been telling her tales' but wouldn't specify on what or whom from, then said that I shouldn't come back.
Then one of the permanent residents got involved, also stating that he saw me arrive on Sunday. I asked him to ask her to check her cctv or ring doorbell, I asked what I'd done to deserve this treatment. I cried hysterically. It was so out of the blue and completely unwarranted. As i knew I was no longer welcome, I began to pack up and called my partner to come and help. He also arrived with me on Monday, but he was also wrong, apparently. As I sobbed and struggled to pack up - the whole site sat on their chairs and watched. Not a peep from any of them. If you saw a young woman, clearly very distressed and being shouted at by an elderly woman, would you step in? Because I know I would.
I reluctantly drove away and admittedly, did use some choice words as I left as I was so incredibly hurt