Little Mackenzie (Miss Rigby's boy), enjoying a browse on something other than grass 😘🦘 #aussiemob #landforwildlife #wildlifehabitat #justbrowsing 🍃🦘
Play time with Little Ollie today 🥰😘 #aussielife #wildlifehabitat #wherethewildthingsare ☮️✌️
This is little Barney, one of the wombats on our property suffering from the mange parasite. I have started treating her with medication to kill the parasite. Mange is very stressful for the wombats, makes them itchy, they lose their fur and get thick plaques on their skin, they scratch their itch and sometimes lose skin and get infections. It causes a slow, painful death if left untreated. I encourage you to do some research and find out what you can do to help. #wombats #wombatrescue #wombatmange #rewildyourlife #habitatandhome #aussiemob #habitatcreation 🍃
Alan is teaching one of the young males to box 🥊🦘 #uppercutboxinggym #boxingkangaroo #aussiestyletribe #aussiemob #bnbcabin #habitatandhome #countrystyleaustralia #rainforestwalk #cosycabinstay #cabinintheforest #chillbeats #rewildyourlife #rewildyourself 🍃
ShyGirl and Josefine enjoying a meal with their pouch babies, until the crazy Bush Turkey zoomed in and pecked their tails so he could eat the pellets 😵💫 #natureaddicts #naturestyle #aussiestyletribe #aussiemob #savehabitatsavespecies #savehabitatandspecies #naturalhabitat #bekindtoeverykind #naturehealsthesoul 🍃🇦🇺
Miss Rigby, sunning herself on a windy day, she has her warm winter coat....... I managed to capture just a glimpse of her tiny joey in her pouch, you will see one little paw if you zoom in on the last picture 😍 #HabitatIsEverything #aussiewildlife #mothernatureheals #moneyisnteverything #habitatcreation #protectourplanet #rainforests #RespectNature #bekindalways #theyhavemyheart 💚
Little Miss Rigby, enjoying her happy life 🥰🦘I have seen her little Joey peeping out of her pouch but not quick enough to get a photo yet........ stay tuned ! #wildlifeconservation #aussiewildlife #saveourwildlife #bekindalways #forestcabins #rainforests #aussielife #habitatcreation #mothernatureheals #moneyisnteverything #HabitatIsEverything #RespectNature #protectourplanet
Little Miss Rigby up on the verandah this morning enjoying a muzzle rub 💚🦘@wataganrainforest
Do you think that we should tell young Jack that he's not to be having his siesta on a plant in the garden 🪴??? 🦘 #siestatime💤 #justrestingabit #wildlifefriend #littlejack #wallaby #ourmob #wildlifehabitatgarden #wildlifehabitat #aussielife #restandrecharge #aussiebnb #littlecabininthewoods #cabinstays #cabinstay #cabinintheforest #comeandstayawhile 🍃
Decided to name this rugged new alpha male 'Keith', because he looks like he's been knocked around, but he has a nice personality, just like Keith Richards 👍 #keithrichardsfan #knockaboutbloke #alphamale #benicetoothers #bekindtoallkinds 🍃
Eleanor and her gorgeous bub 🥰🦘 #motherandchild #aussiestyle #aussiemob #aussiewildlife #countrystyleaustralia #lovenature #wildlifehabitat