Days 55-62: Portugal w/ Em 🇵🇹
My flight from Morocco to Portugal was lovely. For the first time in a while, I kept catching myself taking airplane window photos. 😂 but I loved the views of flying over Morroco and into Lisbon!
Once I made it to Lisbon, I headed out of the airport and towards the bus station so I could meet up with Em to catch our bus to Peniche! Luckily, I made it there with about an hour or so to kill, but Em was running behind. I got us some snacks for our journey as I waited, but soon the time grew closer and closer. With about two minutes until departure, I was about to ask our driver if there were any other busses there for the night, but then appeared Em!
We were both so ecstatic that we actually were able to catch the bus! Once we made it to our little home for the week, we headed out for some late night dinner and had amazinggg nasi gorang!
On our way to dinner, we came across a small hangout place that seemed to have immaculate vibes so we made a pit stop & hung out with the most wholesome people, singing with them, drinking ciders, and checking out all of their crafts that they were selling.
We spent our first full day exploring our little town; Ferrel. That evening, we got the most DELICIOUS dinner. We stopped at a more upscale pizza place and got pizza, sangrias, and this insanely amazing feta cheese appetizer. We didn’t stop talking about that meal for the rest of the trip. 😂
The following day, we went to our neighboring surf town; Baleal. (This was personally my favorite day) we came across an eco market, stopped and looked at each vendor’s unique trinkets, and then walked around some surf shops in the town.
Afterwards, we went to the local beaches nearby and sunbathed. These beaches were so stunning, they kept reminding me of Aus. At one point, we had this small beach completely to ourselves so Em made the joke of going topless. (It’s a European thing) Since it was starting to get warmer out and seemed freeing, we decided to actually do it. 😂 12/10 recommend.
We spent the evening going for a stroll around the town and then we went back to the same bar as before for some dinner.
Every morning, we’d go to a local cafe for breakfast and get a ham, cheese, and egg baguette + coffee (and sometimes a pastry or two to share if we were realllyy hungry) which all came to a total of €8. We noticed that Portugal was roughly half the price as the US when it came to food.
On Sunday, Em & I had a lazy day at our campground since most things were closed, then on Monday we made up for that by doing a long day trip to Ericeira.
We rented a scooter for the day & then headed out for a two hour journey to the surf town of Ericeira. We spent the day exploring the town, going through shops, and snacking.
For our last full day together, we started the morning at the tattoo shop- where I got tattoo #4! Then we headed to Lisbon and spent the day out walking around and taking in the beauty of this lively city. We snacked throughout the day, then Ems lovely parents treated us to a nice Italian dinner since it was out last day together:,) they’re the sweetest.
We spent the evening in, just getting things around for the following morning. Then this morning I headed out to the airport for my journey back to the US:,)
Overall, I really have enjoyed Europe. I can’t say any of the places touched my heart as deeply as some other travels have, but I do enjoy the European lifestyle and the diversity of culture over here. I’ll definitely be back in the future.
Today I am spending the day in Philadelphia on a long layover & I’ll be staying at my first ever US hostel tonight! Wish me luck 😂 But tomorrow I have a flight to Tennessee to stay with my dad for a little while before embarking on my journey back home. 🇺🇸